atl_source_op_type Derived Type

type, public :: atl_source_op_type

Description contains list of elements on which source is active and function pointer to update source


type~~atl_source_op_type~~InheritsGraph type~atl_source_op_type atl_source_op_type type~atl_source_elems_type atl_source_elems_type type~atl_source_op_type->type~atl_source_elems_type elems type~grw_intarray_type grw_intarray_type type~atl_source_elems_type->type~grw_intarray_type posInTotal, idx

Inherited by

type~~atl_source_op_type~~InheritedByGraph type~atl_source_op_type atl_source_op_type type~atl_source_type atl_source_type type~atl_source_type->type~atl_source_op_type method type~atl_cube_container_type atl_cube_container_type type~atl_cube_container_type->type~atl_source_type source type~atl_element_container_type atl_element_container_type type~atl_element_container_type->type~atl_cube_container_type cubes



integer, private :: srcTerm_varPos

Position of this source term variable in the variable system

integer, private :: data_varPos

Position of data variable usally st-fun provided in config file in the varSys

type(atl_source_elems_type), private, allocatable:: elems(:)

Contains levelwise information about the elements affected by the source

logical, private :: isPermanent =.false.

True for permanent sources, active on global domain so no need to initialize source elems array.

real(kind=rk), private, allocatable:: val(:,:,:)

SourceData to be stored for a particular level buffer for evaluated source terms (contribution to the right hand side of the PDE)

procedure(atl_update_source), private, pointer:: updateSrc=> null()

Function to update state with source term