Datatype to represent the control of timesteps.
Type | Visibility | Attributes | Name | Initial | |||
real(kind=rk), | private | :: | cfl | The cfl number that has to be satisfied by the timestep (for the convective part of the equation). |
real(kind=rk), | private | :: | cfl_visc | The cfl number that has to be satisfied by the timestep (for the viscous part of the equation). |
logical, | private | :: | use_modal_estimate | = | .false. | Flag to indicate whether to use modal min/max estimations in computation of timestep limitation. |
real(kind=rk), | private | :: | fixed_dt | Fixed timestep length A negative setting indicates that adaptive timesteps via CFL should be used. NoteThis feature is currently implemented in a minimal change kind of approach and still allocates temporary arrays for the timestep computation. Those might still be necessary to compute the dynamic CFL for the fixed dt, but this is currently also not implemented. |