atl_timestep_control_type Derived Type

type, public :: atl_timestep_control_type

Datatype to represent the control of timesteps.

Inherited by

type~~atl_timestep_control_type~~InheritedByGraph type~atl_timestep_control_type atl_timestep_control_type type~atl_global_timestep_type atl_global_timestep_type type~atl_global_timestep_type->type~atl_timestep_control_type control type~atl_element_container_type atl_element_container_type type~atl_element_container_type->type~atl_global_timestep_type time



real(kind=rk), private :: cfl

The cfl number that has to be satisfied by the timestep (for the convective part of the equation).

real(kind=rk), private :: cfl_visc

The cfl number that has to be satisfied by the timestep (for the viscous part of the equation).

logical, private :: use_modal_estimate =.false.

Flag to indicate whether to use modal min/max estimations in computation of timestep limitation.

real(kind=rk), private :: fixed_dt

Fixed timestep length

A negative setting indicates that adaptive timesteps via CFL should be used.