mus_d3q27_module Module

Routines and parameter definitions for the standard D3Q27 model


Used by

  • module~~mus_d3q27_module~~UsedByGraph module~mus_d3q27_module mus_d3q27_module module~mus_initfluid_module mus_initFluid_module module~mus_initfluid_module->module~mus_d3q27_module module~mus_initfluidincomp_module mus_initFluidIncomp_module module~mus_initfluidincomp_module->module~mus_d3q27_module module~mus_flow_module mus_flow_module module~mus_flow_module->module~mus_initfluid_module module~mus_flow_module->module~mus_initfluidincomp_module module~mus_dynloadbal_module mus_dynLoadBal_module module~mus_dynloadbal_module->module~mus_flow_module program~mus_harvesting mus_harvesting program~mus_harvesting->module~mus_flow_module module~mus_program_module mus_program_module module~mus_program_module->module~mus_flow_module module~mus_program_module->module~mus_dynloadbal_module program~musubi musubi program~musubi->module~mus_program_module



integer, private, parameter:: QQ =27
integer, private, parameter:: q000 =27


public pure function mus_intp_getPdfs_D3Q27(state, Neigh, elem, nScalars, nSize) result(f)

This function returns pdfs from state


real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: state(:)

State vector

integer, intent(in) :: Neigh(:)
integer, intent(in) :: elem

element position in state array

integer, intent(in) :: nScalars

number of scalars in state vector

integer, intent(in) :: nSize

Size of state vector

Return Value real(kind=rk)(-1:1,-1:1,-1:1)



public subroutine bgk_improved_advRel_d3q27(fieldProp, inState, outState, auxField, neigh, nElems, nSolve, level, layout, params, varSys, derVarPos)

Improved BGK model (with Galilean correction term) taken from Martin Geier cumulent paper 2015 Geier, M., Schönherr, M., Pasquali, A., & Krafczyk, M. (2015). The cumulant lattice Boltzmann equation in three dimensions : Theory and validation. Computers and Mathematics with Applications.

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type(mus_field_prop_type), intent(in) :: fieldProp(:)

Array of field properties (fluid or species)

real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: inState(nElems*varSys%nScalars)

input pdf vector

real(kind=rk), intent(out) :: outState(nElems*varSys%nScalars)

output pdf vector

real(kind=rk), intent(inout) :: auxField(nElems*varSys%nAuxScalars)

Auxiliary field computed from pre-collision state Is updated with correct velocity field for multicomponent models

integer, intent(in) :: neigh(nElems*layout%fStencil%QQ)

connectivity vector

integer, intent(in) :: nElems

number of elements in state Array

integer, intent(in) :: nSolve

number of elements solved in kernel

integer, intent(in) :: level

current level

type(mus_scheme_layout_type), intent(in) :: layout

current layout

type(mus_param_type), intent(in) :: params

global parameters

type(tem_varSys_type), intent(in) :: varSys

variable system definition

type(mus_derVarPos_type), intent(in) :: derVarPos(:)

position of derived quantities in varsys for all fields

public subroutine bgk_advRel_d3q27(fieldProp, inState, outState, auxField, neigh, nElems, nSolve, level, layout, params, varSys, derVarPos)

Advection relaxation routine for the D3Q27 model with BGK with standard equilibrium function

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type(mus_field_prop_type), intent(in) :: fieldProp(:)

Array of field properties (fluid or species)

real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: inState(nElems*varSys%nScalars)

input pdf vector

real(kind=rk), intent(out) :: outState(nElems*varSys%nScalars)

output pdf vector

real(kind=rk), intent(inout) :: auxField(nElems*varSys%nAuxScalars)

Auxiliary field computed from pre-collision state Is updated with correct velocity field for multicomponent models

integer, intent(in) :: neigh(nElems*layout%fStencil%QQ)

connectivity vector

integer, intent(in) :: nElems

number of elements in state Array

integer, intent(in) :: nSolve

number of elements solved in kernel

integer, intent(in) :: level

current level

type(mus_scheme_layout_type), intent(in) :: layout

current layout

type(mus_param_type), intent(in) :: params

global parameters

type(tem_varSys_type), intent(in) :: varSys

variable system definition

type(mus_derVarPos_type), intent(in) :: derVarPos(:)

position of derived quantities in varsys for all fields

public subroutine bgk_advRel_d3q27_incomp(fieldProp, inState, outState, auxField, neigh, nElems, nSolve, level, layout, params, varSys, derVarPos)

Advection relaxation routine for the D3Q27 model with BGK with standard equilibrium function for incompressible model

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type(mus_field_prop_type), intent(in) :: fieldProp(:)

Array of field properties (fluid or species)

real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: inState(nElems*varSys%nScalars)

input pdf vector

real(kind=rk), intent(out) :: outState(nElems*varSys%nScalars)

output pdf vector

real(kind=rk), intent(inout) :: auxField(nElems*varSys%nAuxScalars)

Auxiliary field computed from pre-collision state Is updated with correct velocity field for multicomponent models

integer, intent(in) :: neigh(nElems*layout%fStencil%QQ)

connectivity vector

integer, intent(in) :: nElems

number of elements in state Array

integer, intent(in) :: nSolve

number of elements solved in kernel

integer, intent(in) :: level

current level

type(mus_scheme_layout_type), intent(in) :: layout

current layout

type(mus_param_type), intent(in) :: params

global parameters

type(tem_varSys_type), intent(in) :: varSys

variable system definition

type(mus_derVarPos_type), intent(in) :: derVarPos(:)

position of derived quantities in varsys for all fields

public subroutine trt_advRel_d3q27(fieldProp, inState, outState, auxField, neigh, nElems, nSolve, level, layout, params, varSys, derVarPos)

No comment yet!

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type(mus_field_prop_type), intent(in) :: fieldProp(:)

Array of field properties (fluid or species)

real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: inState(nElems*varSys%nScalars)

input pdf vector

real(kind=rk), intent(out) :: outState(nElems*varSys%nScalars)

output pdf vector

real(kind=rk), intent(inout) :: auxField(nElems*varSys%nAuxScalars)

Auxiliary field computed from pre-collision state Is updated with correct velocity field for multicomponent models

integer, intent(in) :: neigh(nElems*layout%fStencil%QQ)

connectivity vector

integer, intent(in) :: nElems

number of elements in state Array

integer, intent(in) :: nSolve

number of elements solved in kernel

integer, intent(in) :: level

current level

type(mus_scheme_layout_type), intent(in) :: layout

current layout

type(mus_param_type), intent(in) :: params

global parameters

type(tem_varSys_type), intent(in) :: varSys

variable system definition

type(mus_derVarPos_type), intent(in) :: derVarPos(:)

position of derived quantities in varsys for all fields

public pure subroutine f_f_eq_regularized_2nd_ord_d3q27(weight, rho, u_x, u_y, u_z, feq, f1, a12xx, a12yy, a12zz, a12xy, a12xz, a12yz)


real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: weight(QQ)

weights of the stencil

real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: rho

density, velocity components

real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: u_x
real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: u_y
real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: u_z
real(kind=rk), intent(out) :: feq(QQ)

equilibrium pdf and full pdf

real(kind=rk), intent(out) :: f1(QQ)
real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: a12xx

coefficients of f1: a12xx, a12yy, a12xy, etc ...

real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: a12yy

coefficients of f1: a12xx, a12yy, a12xy, etc ...

real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: a12zz

coefficients of f1: a12xx, a12yy, a12xy, etc ...

real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: a12xy

coefficients of f1: a12xx, a12yy, a12xy, etc ...

real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: a12xz

coefficients of f1: a12xx, a12yy, a12xy, etc ...

real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: a12yz

coefficients of f1: a12xx, a12yy, a12xy, etc ...

public pure subroutine f_f_eq_regularized_4th_ord_d3q27(weight, rho, u_x, u_y, u_z, feq, f1, a12xx, a12yy, a12zz, a12xy, a12xz, a12yz)


real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: weight(QQ)

weights of the stencil

real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: rho

density, velocity components

real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: u_x
real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: u_y
real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: u_z
real(kind=rk), intent(out) :: feq(QQ)

equilibrium pdf and full pdf

real(kind=rk), intent(out) :: f1(QQ)
real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: a12xx

coefficients of f1: a12xx, a12yy, a12xy, etc ...

real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: a12yy

coefficients of f1: a12xx, a12yy, a12xy, etc ...

real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: a12zz

coefficients of f1: a12xx, a12yy, a12xy, etc ...

real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: a12xy

coefficients of f1: a12xx, a12yy, a12xy, etc ...

real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: a12xz

coefficients of f1: a12xx, a12yy, a12xy, etc ...

real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: a12yz

coefficients of f1: a12xx, a12yy, a12xy, etc ...

public subroutine bgk_Regularized_d3q27(fieldProp, inState, outState, auxField, neigh, nElems, nSolve, level, layout, params, varSys, derVarPos)

Regularized relaxation routine for the D3Q19 and 27 model with BGK. This subroutine interface must match the abstract interface definition kernel in scheme/mus_scheme_type_module.f90 in order to be callable via compute function pointer. works for both d3q19 and d3q27


type(mus_field_prop_type), intent(in) :: fieldProp(:)

Array of field properties (fluid or species)

real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: inState(nElems*varSys%nScalars)

input pdf vector

real(kind=rk), intent(out) :: outState(nElems*varSys%nScalars)

output pdf vector

real(kind=rk), intent(inout) :: auxField(nElems*varSys%nAuxScalars)

Auxiliary field computed from pre-collision state Is updated with correct velocity field for multicomponent models

integer, intent(in) :: neigh(nElems*layout%fStencil%QQ)

connectivity vector

integer, intent(in) :: nElems

number of elements in state Array

integer, intent(in) :: nSolve

number of elements solved in kernel

integer, intent(in) :: level

current level

type(mus_scheme_layout_type), intent(in) :: layout

current layout

type(mus_param_type), intent(in) :: params

global parameters

type(tem_varSys_type), intent(in) :: varSys

variable system definition

type(mus_derVarPos_type), intent(in) :: derVarPos(:)

position of derived quantities in varsys for all fields

public subroutine bgk_RecursiveRegularized_d3q27(fieldProp, inState, outState, auxField, neigh, nElems, nSolve, level, layout, params, varSys, derVarPos)

Recursive Regularized relaxation routine for the D3Q27 This subroutine interface must match the abstract interface definition kernel in scheme/mus_scheme_type_module.f90 in order to be callable via compute function pointer.


type(mus_field_prop_type), intent(in) :: fieldProp(:)

Array of field properties (fluid or species)

real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: inState(nElems*varSys%nScalars)

input pdf vector

real(kind=rk), intent(out) :: outState(nElems*varSys%nScalars)

output pdf vector

real(kind=rk), intent(inout) :: auxField(nElems*varSys%nAuxScalars)

Auxiliary field computed from pre-collision state Is updated with correct velocity field for multicomponent models

integer, intent(in) :: neigh(nElems*layout%fStencil%QQ)

connectivity vector

integer, intent(in) :: nElems

number of elements in state Array

integer, intent(in) :: nSolve

number of elements solved in kernel

integer, intent(in) :: level

current level

type(mus_scheme_layout_type), intent(in) :: layout

current layout

type(mus_param_type), intent(in) :: params

global parameters

type(tem_varSys_type), intent(in) :: varSys

variable system definition

type(mus_derVarPos_type), intent(in) :: derVarPos(:)

position of derived quantities in varsys for all fields

public subroutine bgk_ProjectedRecursiveRegularized_d3q27(fieldProp, inState, outState, auxField, neigh, nElems, nSolve, level, layout, params, varSys, derVarPos)

Projected Recursive Regularized relaxation routine for the D3Q27 This subroutine interface must match the abstract interface definition kernel in scheme/mus_scheme_type_module.f90 in order to be callable via compute function pointer.

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type(mus_field_prop_type), intent(in) :: fieldProp(:)

Array of field properties (fluid or species)

real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: inState(nElems*varSys%nScalars)

input pdf vector

real(kind=rk), intent(out) :: outState(nElems*varSys%nScalars)

output pdf vector

real(kind=rk), intent(inout) :: auxField(nElems*varSys%nAuxScalars)

Auxiliary field computed from pre-collision state Is updated with correct velocity field for multicomponent models

integer, intent(in) :: neigh(nElems*layout%fStencil%QQ)

connectivity vector

integer, intent(in) :: nElems

number of elements in state Array

integer, intent(in) :: nSolve

number of elements solved in kernel

integer, intent(in) :: level

current level

type(mus_scheme_layout_type), intent(in) :: layout

current layout

type(mus_param_type), intent(in) :: params

global parameters

type(tem_varSys_type), intent(in) :: varSys

variable system definition

type(mus_derVarPos_type), intent(in) :: derVarPos(:)

position of derived quantities in varsys for all fields

public subroutine bgk_HybridRecursiveRegularized_d3q27(fieldProp, inState, outState, auxField, neigh, nElems, nSolve, level, layout, params, varSys, derVarPos)

Projected Recursive Regularized relaxation routine for the D3Q19 This subroutine interface must match the abstract interface definition kernel in scheme/mus_scheme_type_module.f90 in order to be callable via compute function pointer. works for both d3q19 and d3q27

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type(mus_field_prop_type), intent(in) :: fieldProp(:)

Array of field properties (fluid or species)

real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: inState(nElems*varSys%nScalars)

input pdf vector

real(kind=rk), intent(out) :: outState(nElems*varSys%nScalars)

output pdf vector

real(kind=rk), intent(inout) :: auxField(nElems*varSys%nAuxScalars)

Auxiliary field computed from pre-collision state Is updated with correct velocity field for multicomponent models

integer, intent(in) :: neigh(nElems*layout%fStencil%QQ)

connectivity vector

integer, intent(in) :: nElems

number of elements in state Array

integer, intent(in) :: nSolve

number of elements solved in kernel

integer, intent(in) :: level

current level

type(mus_scheme_layout_type), intent(in) :: layout

current layout

type(mus_param_type), intent(in) :: params

global parameters

type(tem_varSys_type), intent(in) :: varSys

variable system definition

type(mus_derVarPos_type), intent(in) :: derVarPos(:)

position of derived quantities in varsys for all fields

public subroutine bgk_DualRelaxationTime_RR_d3q27(fieldProp, inState, outState, auxField, neigh, nElems, nSolve, level, layout, params, varSys, derVarPos)

Recursive Regularized relaxation routine for the D3Q27 This subroutine interface must match the abstract interface definition kernel in scheme/mus_scheme_type_module.f90 in order to be callable via compute function pointer.


type(mus_field_prop_type), intent(in) :: fieldProp(:)

Array of field properties (fluid or species)

real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: inState(nElems*varSys%nScalars)

input pdf vector

real(kind=rk), intent(out) :: outState(nElems*varSys%nScalars)

output pdf vector

real(kind=rk), intent(inout) :: auxField(nElems*varSys%nAuxScalars)

Auxiliary field computed from pre-collision state Is updated with correct velocity field for multicomponent models

integer, intent(in) :: neigh(nElems*layout%fStencil%QQ)

connectivity vector

integer, intent(in) :: nElems

number of elements in state Array

integer, intent(in) :: nSolve

number of elements solved in kernel

integer, intent(in) :: level

current level

type(mus_scheme_layout_type), intent(in) :: layout

current layout

type(mus_param_type), intent(in) :: params

global parameters

type(tem_varSys_type), intent(in) :: varSys

variable system definition

type(mus_derVarPos_type), intent(in) :: derVarPos(:)

position of derived quantities in varsys for all fields