Datatype containing all information on the scheme.
The mus_scheme_type contains of all information that are needed to run a simulation (including informations on the: fluid, boundary conditions, levelDescriptor, state vector, layout, diffusion info, tracking).
Type | Visibility | Attributes | Name | Initial | |||
type(mus_interpolation_type), | private | :: | intp | Interpolation description for each scheme to do its own interpolation |
type(mus_mixture_type), | private | :: | mixture | contains mixture information for multispecies |
type(mus_nernstPlanck_type), | private | :: | nernstPlanck | ||||
integer, | private | :: | nFields | = | 0 | number of fields in the current scheme |
type(mus_field_type), | private, | allocatable | :: | field(:) | array of field type for each field |
type(glob_boundary_type), | private, | allocatable | :: | globBC(:) | array of boundary types contains elems of each boundary |
type(mus_source_type), | private | :: | globSrc | global source applied to all fields |
type(tem_possible_variable_type), | private | :: | poss_srcVar | possible source variables depends on scheme kind |
type(mus_transport_var_type), | private | :: | transVar | transport variables |
type(tem_possible_variable_type), | private | :: | poss_transVar | possible transport variables depends on scheme kind This variables might be used in compute kernel |
type(mus_scheme_header_type), | private | :: | header | identifier of the scheme |
type(tem_levelDesc_type), | private, | allocatable | :: | levelDesc(:) | |||
type(pdf_data_type), | private, | allocatable | :: | pdf(:) | pdf_data_types for every level size: minLevel:maxLevel |
type(array2D_type), | private, | allocatable | :: | state(:) | Data vector containing the pdf state allocated in routine: mus_construct size: minLevel:maxLevel |
type(mus_scheme_layout_type), | private | :: | layout | the scheme representation used in this scheme |
procedure(kernel), | private, | pointer, nopass | :: | compute | => | null() | function pointer to compute kernel |
type(tem_tracking_type), | private | :: | track | Contains trackingControl, config and instances |
type(tem_varMap_type), | private | :: | redTransVarMap | Position of reduction transient variable in varSys |
type(mus_derVarPos_type), | private, | allocatable | :: | derVarPos(:) | store position of derived variable each field and total field in the global system |
type(tem_varSys_type), | private | :: | varSys | global variable system definition |
type(tem_variable_type), | private, | allocatable | :: | luaVar(:) | Variables defined in the lua file |
type(tem_varMap_type), | private | :: | stateVarMap | state variable position in the global varSys |
type(tem_st_fun_linkedList_type), | private | :: | st_funList | contains spacetime functions defined for lua variables |
logical, | private | :: | readVarIsPdf | Used in mus_harvesting to check whether variables loaded from restart file has pdf variable |
type(mus_auxFieldVar_type), | private, | allocatable | :: | auxField(:) | stores auxField variable values and function pointer to compute auxiliary field Size: minlevel:maxLevel |
type(mus_gradData_type), | private, | allocatable | :: | gradData(:) | Contains direct neighbor position in the state and finite difference coefficients to compute gradient |
procedure(mus_proc_calcAuxField), | private, | pointer, nopass | :: | calcAuxField | => | null() | Function pointer to evaluate auxilary variable |
type(mus_Grad_type), | private | :: | Grad | Contains the different pointers to calculate the gradients |