mus_addSrcToAuxField_poisson Subroutine

public subroutine mus_addSrcToAuxField_poisson(fun, auxField, iLevel, time, varSys, phyConvFac, derVarPos)

This routine add source term with charge density in the Poisson equation to the potential. Refer to Appendix in PhD Thesis of K. Masilamani "Coupled Simulation Framework to Simulate Electrodialysis Process for Seawater Desalination"


class(mus_source_op_type), intent(inout) :: fun

Description of method to update source

real(kind=rk), intent(inout) :: auxField(:)

output auxField array

integer, intent(in) :: iLevel

current level

type(tem_time_type), intent(in) :: time

current timing information

type(tem_varSys_type), intent(in) :: varSys

variable system definition

type(mus_convertFac_type), intent(in) :: phyConvFac

Physics conversion factor for current level

type(mus_derVarPos_type), intent(in) :: derVarPos(:)

position of derived quantities in varsys



integer, private :: iElem
integer, private :: nElems
real(kind=rk), private :: rhs(fun%elemLvl(iLevel)%nElems)
real(kind=rk), private :: rhs_Fac
type(mus_varSys_data_type), private, pointer:: fPtr