! Copyright (c) 2013-2020 Kannan Masilamani <kannan.masilamani@uni-siegen.de> ! Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Simon Zimny <s.zimny@grs-sim.de> ! Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Jiaxing Qi <jiaxing.qi@uni-siegen.de> ! Copyright (c) 2016 Tobias Schneider <tobias1.schneider@student.uni-siegen.de> ! Copyright (c) 2017 Harald Klimach <harald.klimach@uni-siegen.de> ! Copyright (c) 2020 Peter Vitt <peter.vitt2@uni-siegen.de> ! ! Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ! modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: ! ! 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, ! this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ! ! 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, ! this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation ! and/or other materials provided with the distribution. ! ! THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE UNIVERSITY OF SIEGEN “AS IS” AND ANY EXPRESS ! 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Copyright (c) 2012, 2014-2016 Jiaxing Qi <jiaxing.qi@uni-siegen.de> ! Copyright (c) 2012 Kartik Jain <kartik.jain@uni-siegen.de> ! Copyright (c) 2013-2015, 2019 Kannan Masilamani <kannan.masilamani@uni-siegen.de> ! Copyright (c) 2016 Tobias Schneider <tobias1.schneider@student.uni-siegen.de> ! ! Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ! modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: ! ! 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, ! this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ! ! 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, ! this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation ! and/or other materials provided with the distribution. ! ! THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE UNIVERSITY OF SIEGEN “AS IS” AND ANY EXPRESS ! OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES ! 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This module provides the definition and methods for MSLiquid !! bgk advection relaxation scheme. module mus_MSLiquid_module use iso_c_binding, only: c_f_pointer use env_module, only: rk, long_k, eps use tem_varSys_module, only: tem_varSys_type, tem_varSys_op_type use tem_param_module, only: div1_3, div1_36, div1_8, div3_4h, & & div1_4, div3_8, div3_2, div9_16, div3_16,& & cs2inv, div1_6, cs4inv, cs2, & & t2cs2inv, t2cs4inv, div1_18 use tem_math_module, only: invert_matrix use tem_isNaN_module, only: tem_isNaN use tem_debug_module, only: dbgUnit use tem_spacetime_fun_module, only: tem_spacetime_for use tem_aux_module, only: tem_abort use mus_field_prop_module, only: mus_field_prop_type use mus_scheme_layout_module, only: mus_scheme_layout_type use mus_scheme_type_module, only: mus_scheme_type use mus_param_module, only: mus_param_type use mus_mixture_module, only: mus_mixture_type use mus_eNRTL_module, only: mus_calc_thermFactor, & & mus_calc_MS_DiffMatrix use mus_varSys_module, only: mus_varSys_data_type use mus_derVarPos_module, only: mus_derVarPos_type implicit none private public :: mrt_advRel_MSLiquid_generic public :: mrt_advRel_MSLiquid_generic_WTDF public :: mrt_advRel_d3q19f3_MSLiquid public :: mrt_advRel_d3q19f3_MSLiquid_WTDF public :: bgk_advRel_MSLiquid_generic public :: bgk_advRel_MSLiquid_generic_WTDF public :: bgk_advRel_d3q19f3_MSLiquid public :: bgk_advRel_d3q19f3_MSLiquid_WTDF public :: bgk_forcing_advRel_MSLiquid_generic ! ======================================================================= ! D3Q19 flow model ! ======================================================================= !> Definition of the discrete velocity set integer, parameter :: QQ = 19 !< number of pdf directions integer, parameter :: QQN = 18 !< number of neighbors integer,parameter :: q__W = 1 !< west x- integer,parameter :: q__S = 2 !< south y- integer,parameter :: q__B = 3 !< bottom z- integer,parameter :: q__E = 4 !< east x+ integer,parameter :: q__N = 5 !< north y+ integer,parameter :: q__T = 6 !< top z+ integer,parameter :: q_BS = 7 !< z-,y- integer,parameter :: q_TS = 8 !< z+,y- integer,parameter :: q_BN = 9 !< z-,y+ integer,parameter :: q_TN = 10 !< z+,y+ integer,parameter :: q_BW = 11 !< x-,z- integer,parameter :: q_BE = 12 !< x+,z- integer,parameter :: q_TW = 13 !< x-,z+ integer,parameter :: q_TE = 14 !< x+,z+ integer,parameter :: q_SW = 15 !< y-,x- integer,parameter :: q_NW = 16 !< y+,x- integer,parameter :: q_SE = 17 !< y-,x+ integer,parameter :: q_NE = 18 !< y+,x+ integer,parameter :: q__0 = 19 !< rest density is last integer, parameter :: QQF3 = 57 !< number of pdf directions for 3 species !TG! integer,dimension(QQ,3), parameter :: varPos = & !TG! & reshape(& !TG! & [q__w, q__s, q__b, q__e, q__n, q__t, q_bs, q_ts, q_bn, & !TG! & q_tn, q_bw, q_be, q_tw, q_te, q_sw, q_nw, q_se, q_ne, q__0, & !TG! & q__w+19, q__s+19, q__b+19, q__e+19, q__n+19, q__t+19, & !TG! & q_bs+19, q_ts+19, q_bn+19, q_tn+19, q_bw+19, q_be+19, & !TG! & q_tw+19, q_te+19, q_sw+19, q_nw+19, q_se+19, q_ne+19, q__0+19,& !TG! & q__w+38, q__s+38, q__b+38, q__e+38, q__n+38, q__t+38, & !TG! & q_bs+38, q_ts+38, q_bn+38, q_tn+38, q_bw+38, q_be+38, & !TG! & q_tw+38, q_te+38, q_sw+38, q_nw+38, q_se+38, q_ne+38, q__0+38] & !TG! & ,[QQ,3]) contains ! ****************************************************************************** !> Optimized Advection relaxation routine for the MSLiquid BGK model !! for d3q19 layout with three species. !! !! This routine contains the implementation of semi-implicit lattice boltzmann !! equation using variable transformation based on the paper !! "Multi-species Lattice Boltzmann Model and Practical Examples. Short Course !! material Pietro Asinari PhD." \n !! Refer page: [Multispecies](../page/features/multispecies.html) for more information !! In the variable tranformation steps, we can skip the step 1 and step 3 !! and evaluate only step 2 based on tranformed variable g !! only prerequisite is to compute feq which depends on original f not on g. !! feq is depend on density and velocity. Where density can be computed !! directly from g and velocity computed from linear system of equation !! given in the reference page [Multispecies](../page/features/multispecies.html). !! KM: This is an non-optimized kernel !! !! This subroutine interface must match the abstract interface definition !! [[kernel]] in scheme/[[mus_scheme_type_module]].f90 in order to be callable !! via [[mus_scheme_type:compute]] function pointer. subroutine bgk_advRel_d3q19f3_MSLiquid( fieldProp, inState, outState, & & auxField, neigh, nElems, nSolve, & & level, layout, params, varSys, & & derVarPos ) ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !> Array of field properties (fluid or species) type(mus_field_prop_type), intent(in) :: fieldProp(:) !> variable system definition type(tem_varSys_type), intent(in) :: varSys !> current layout type(mus_scheme_layout_type), intent(in) :: layout !> number of elements in state Array integer, intent(in) :: nElems !> input pdf vector real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: inState(nElems * varSys%nScalars) !> output pdf vector real(kind=rk), intent(out) :: outState(nElems * varSys%nScalars) !> Auxiliary field computed from pre-collision state !! Is updated with correct velocity field for multicomponent models real(kind=rk), intent(inout) :: auxField(nElems * varSys%nAuxScalars) !> connectivity vector integer, intent(in) :: neigh(nElems * layout%fStencil%QQ) !> number of elements solved in kernel integer, intent(in) :: nSolve !> current level integer,intent(in) :: level !> global parameters type(mus_param_type),intent(in) :: params !> position of derived quantities in varsys for all fields type( mus_derVarPos_type ), intent(in) :: derVarPos(:) ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !local variables ! temporary local pdf values real(kind=rk) :: pdfTmp( QQ, 3 ) integer :: iElem, nScalars, iFld type(mus_varSys_data_type), pointer :: fPtr type(mus_scheme_type), pointer :: scheme real(kind=rk), dimension(3) :: rsigma, uxsigma, rsigmaInv, & & uysigma, uzsigma, qxsigma, qysigma, qzsigma, gqxsigma, gqysigma, & & gqzsigma real(kind=rk), dimension(3) :: uxstar, uystar, uzstar real(kind=rk), dimension(3) :: molWeight, molWeight_inv, phi, & & num_dens, moleFrac real(kind=rk) :: usqr(3), totNum_dens_inv, totMass_densInv real(kind=rk) :: velAvg(3) real(kind=rk) :: velQuadTerm_x(3), velQuadTerm_y(3), velQuadTerm_z(3) real(kind=rk) :: omega, omegadiv2, omega_fac, omega_o real(kind=rk), dimension(3,3) :: A, mbb real(kind=rk) :: zfac, yfac, a12_11, a13_11, & & a23fac, a21_11, a31_11, zcoeff real(kind=rk) :: theta_eq, theta_eq_spc, paramB_inv, a11_inv, a22fac_inv real(kind=rk) :: B_12, B_13, B_23 real(kind=rk) :: Bratio_12, Bratio_13, Bratio_23 real(kind=rk) :: mbbEq_12, mbbEq_13, mbbEq_21, mbbEq_23, mbbEq_31, mbbEq_32 real(kind=rk) :: chi12, chi13, chi21, chi23, chi31, chi32 real(kind=rk),dimension(3) :: omegaRho, omegaRho_d, omegaRho_dm, & & omegaRho_o, omegaRho_om, sum1_1, sum2_1, sum3_1, & & sum4_1, sum5_1, sum6_1, sum7_1, sum8_1, sum9_1, sum1_2, sum2_2, sum3_2,& & sum4_2, sum5_2, sum6_2, sum7_2, sum8_2, sum9_2 integer :: dens_pos(3), mom_pos(3,3), elemOff ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! access scheme via 1st variable method data which is a state variable call C_F_POINTER( varSys%method%val(1)%method_Data, fPtr ) scheme => fPtr%solverData%scheme nScalars = varSys%nScalars !molecular weights molWeight = fieldProp(:)%species%molweight molWeight_inv = 1.0_rk/molWeight !molecular weight ratios phi = fieldProp(:)%species%molWeigRatio !omega omega = scheme%mixture%relaxLvl(Level)%omega_diff omega_fac = (1.0_rk/(1.0_rk/omega + 0.5_rk)) omegadiv2 = omega*0.5_rk omega_o = 1.0_rk - omega_fac !free parameter B paramB_inv = 1.0_rk/scheme%mixture%paramB !equilibrium theta theta_eq = scheme%mixture%theta_eq theta_eq_spc = 1.0_rk - theta_eq !resistivities !resistivity coeff are symmetric !B_12 = B_21, B_13=B31, B23=B32 B_12 = fieldProp( 1 )%species%resi_coeff(2) B_13 = fieldProp( 1 )%species%resi_coeff(3) B_23 = fieldProp( 2 )%species%resi_coeff(3) Bratio_12 = B_12*paramB_inv Bratio_13 = B_13*paramB_inv Bratio_23 = B_23*paramB_inv mbbEq_12 = Bratio_12*phi(1) mbbEq_13 = Bratio_13*phi(1) mbbEq_21 = Bratio_12*phi(2) mbbEq_23 = Bratio_23*phi(2) mbbEq_31 = Bratio_13*phi(3) mbbEq_32 = Bratio_23*phi(3) ! factor need to build matrixA to solve LSE ! dummy diagonal entries mbb(1,1) = -1.0_rk mbb(1,2) = mbbEq_21*omegadiv2 mbb(1,3) = mbbEq_31*omegadiv2 mbb(2,1) = mbbEq_12*omegadiv2 mbb(2,2) = -1.0_rk mbb(2,3) = mbbEq_32*omegadiv2 mbb(3,1) = mbbEq_13*omegadiv2 mbb(3,2) = mbbEq_23*omegadiv2 mbb(3,3) = -1.0_rk ! position of density and momentum in auxField array do iFld = 1, scheme%nFields dens_pos(iFld) = varSys%method%val(derVarPos(iFld)%density) & & %auxField_varPos(1) mom_pos(:, iFld) = varSys%method%val(derVarPos(iFld)%momentum) & & %auxField_varPos(1:3) end do nodeloop: do iElem = 1, nSolve !species 1 pdfTmp( Q__W,1 ) = instate(neigh (( q__w-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 1-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q__S,1 ) = instate(neigh (( q__s-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 1-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q__B,1 ) = instate(neigh (( q__b-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 1-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q__E,1 ) = instate(neigh (( q__e-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 1-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q__N,1 ) = instate(neigh (( q__n-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 1-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q__T,1 ) = instate(neigh (( q__t-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 1-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_BS,1 ) = instate(neigh (( q_bs-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 1-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_TS,1 ) = instate(neigh (( q_ts-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 1-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_BN,1 ) = instate(neigh (( q_bn-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 1-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_TN,1 ) = instate(neigh (( q_tn-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 1-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_BW,1 ) = instate(neigh (( q_bw-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 1-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_BE,1 ) = instate(neigh (( q_be-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 1-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_TW,1 ) = instate(neigh (( q_tw-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 1-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_TE,1 ) = instate(neigh (( q_te-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 1-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_SW,1 ) = instate(neigh (( q_sw-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 1-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_NW,1 ) = instate(neigh (( q_nw-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 1-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_SE,1 ) = instate(neigh (( q_se-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 1-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_NE,1 ) = instate(neigh (( q_ne-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 1-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q__0,1 ) = instate(neigh (( q__0-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 1-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) !species 2 pdfTmp( Q__W,2 ) = instate(neigh (( q__w-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 2-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q__S,2 ) = instate(neigh (( q__s-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 2-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q__B,2 ) = instate(neigh (( q__b-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 2-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q__E,2 ) = instate(neigh (( q__e-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 2-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q__N,2 ) = instate(neigh (( q__n-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 2-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q__T,2 ) = instate(neigh (( q__t-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 2-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_BS,2 ) = instate(neigh (( q_bs-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 2-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_TS,2 ) = instate(neigh (( q_ts-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 2-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_BN,2 ) = instate(neigh (( q_bn-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 2-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_TN,2 ) = instate(neigh (( q_tn-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 2-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_BW,2 ) = instate(neigh (( q_bw-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 2-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_BE,2 ) = instate(neigh (( q_be-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 2-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_TW,2 ) = instate(neigh (( q_tw-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 2-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_TE,2 ) = instate(neigh (( q_te-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 2-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_SW,2 ) = instate(neigh (( q_sw-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 2-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_NW,2 ) = instate(neigh (( q_nw-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 2-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_SE,2 ) = instate(neigh (( q_se-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 2-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_NE,2 ) = instate(neigh (( q_ne-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 2-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q__0,2 ) = instate(neigh (( q__0-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 2-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) !species 3 pdfTmp( Q__W,3 ) = instate(neigh (( q__w-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 3-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q__S,3 ) = instate(neigh (( q__s-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 3-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q__B,3 ) = instate(neigh (( q__b-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 3-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q__E,3 ) = instate(neigh (( q__e-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 3-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q__N,3 ) = instate(neigh (( q__n-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 3-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q__T,3 ) = instate(neigh (( q__t-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 3-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_BS,3 ) = instate(neigh (( q_bs-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 3-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_TS,3 ) = instate(neigh (( q_ts-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 3-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_BN,3 ) = instate(neigh (( q_bn-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 3-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_TN,3 ) = instate(neigh (( q_tn-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 3-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_BW,3 ) = instate(neigh (( q_bw-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 3-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_BE,3 ) = instate(neigh (( q_be-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 3-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_TW,3 ) = instate(neigh (( q_tw-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 3-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_TE,3 ) = instate(neigh (( q_te-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 3-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_SW,3 ) = instate(neigh (( q_sw-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 3-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_NW,3 ) = instate(neigh (( q_nw-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 3-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_SE,3 ) = instate(neigh (( q_se-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 3-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_NE,3 ) = instate(neigh (( q_ne-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 3-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q__0,3 ) = instate(neigh (( q__0-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 3-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) ! element offset to access auxField elemOff = (iElem-1)*varSys%nAuxScalars ! get density and momentum from auxField do iFld = 1, 3 ! density rsigma(iFld) = auxField(elemOff + dens_pos(iFld)) ! momentum gqxsigma(iFld) = auxField(elemOff + mom_pos(1, iFld)) gqysigma(iFld) = auxField(elemOff + mom_pos(2, iFld)) gqzsigma(iFld) = auxField(elemOff + mom_pos(3, iFld)) end do !number density num_dens(:) = rsigma(:)*molWeight_inv(:) !total number density totNum_dens_inv = 1.0_rk/(num_dens(1)+num_dens(2)+num_dens(3)) !mole fraction moleFrac(:) = num_dens(:)*totNum_dens_inv !matrix A of the velocity lse A(1,1) = 1.0_rk + moleFrac(2)*mbb(2,1) + moleFrac(3)*mbb(3,1) A(1,2) = - moleFrac(1)*mbb(1,2) A(1,3) = - moleFrac(1)*mbb(1,3) A(2,1) = - moleFrac(2)*mbb(2,1) A(2,2) = 1.0_rk + moleFrac(1)*mbb(1,2) + moleFrac(3)*mbb(3,2) A(2,3) = - moleFrac(2)*mbb(2,3) A(3,1) = - moleFrac(3)*mbb(3,1) A(3,2) = - moleFrac(3)*mbb(3,2) A(3,3) = 1.0_rk + moleFrac(1)*mbb(1,3) + moleFrac(2)*mbb(2,3) a11_inv = 1.0_rk/A(1,1) a13_11 = A(1,3)*a11_inv a12_11 = A(1,2)*a11_inv a31_11 = A(3,1)*a11_inv a21_11 = A(2,1)*a11_inv a23fac = A(2,3) - A(2,1)*a13_11 a22fac_inv = 1.0_rk/(A(2,2) - A(2,1)*a12_11) zfac = (A(3,1)*a12_11 - A(3,2)) * a22fac_inv zcoeff = 1._rk / (a23fac*zfac - A(3,1)*a13_11 + A(3,3)) !x-momentum !species 3 yfac = gqxsigma(2) - gqxsigma(1)*a21_11 qxsigma(3) = (gqxsigma(3) - a31_11*gqxsigma(1) + yfac*zfac)*zcoeff !species 2 qxsigma(2) = (yfac - a23fac*qxsigma(3))*a22fac_inv !species 1 qxsigma(1) = (gqxsigma(1) - A(1,2)*qxsigma(2) - A(1,3)*qxsigma(3))*a11_inv !y-momentum yfac = gqysigma(2) - gqysigma(1)*a21_11 qysigma(3) = (gqysigma(3) - a31_11*gqysigma(1) + yfac*zfac)*zcoeff qysigma(2) = (yfac - a23fac*qysigma(3))*a22fac_inv qysigma(1) = (gqysigma(1) - A(1,2)*qysigma(2) - A(1,3)*qysigma(3))*a11_inv !z-momentum yfac = gqzsigma(2) - gqzsigma(1)*a21_11 qzsigma(3) = (gqzsigma(3) - a31_11*gqzsigma(1) + yfac*zfac)*zcoeff qzsigma(2) = (yfac - a23fac*qzsigma(3))*a22fac_inv qzsigma(1) = (gqzsigma(1) - A(1,2)*qzsigma(2) - A(1,3)*qzsigma(3))*a11_inv ! store momentum of untransformed PDF in auxField do iFld = 1, 3 auxField(elemOff + mom_pos(1, iFld)) = qxsigma(iFld) auxField(elemOff + mom_pos(2, iFld)) = qysigma(iFld) auxField(elemOff + mom_pos(3, iFld)) = qzsigma(iFld) end do rsigmaInv(1) = 1.0_rk/rsigma(1) rsigmaInv(2) = 1.0_rk/rsigma(2) rsigmaInv(3) = 1.0_rk/rsigma(3) uxsigma(1) = qxsigma(1)*rsigmaInv(1) uxsigma(2) = qxsigma(2)*rsigmaInv(2) uxsigma(3) = qxsigma(3)*rsigmaInv(3) uysigma(1) = qysigma(1)*rsigmaInv(1) uysigma(2) = qysigma(2)*rsigmaInv(2) uysigma(3) = qysigma(3)*rsigmaInv(3) uzsigma(1) = qzsigma(1)*rsigmaInv(1) uzsigma(2) = qzsigma(2)*rsigmaInv(2) uzsigma(3) = qzsigma(3)*rsigmaInv(3) !write(dbgUnit,*) 'velocity 1', uxsigma(1), uysigma(1), uzsigma(1) !write(dbgUnit,*) 'velocity 2', uxsigma(2), uysigma(2), uzsigma(2) !write(dbgUnit,*) 'velocity 3', uxsigma(3), uysigma(3), uzsigma(3) !compute equilibrium velocity to compute feq chi12 = mbbEq_12 * moleFrac(2) chi13 = mbbEq_13 * moleFrac(3) chi21 = mbbEq_21 * moleFrac(1) chi23 = mbbEq_23 * moleFrac(3) chi31 = mbbEq_31 * moleFrac(1) chi32 = mbbEq_32 * moleFrac(2) !ux uxstar(1) = uxsigma(1) + chi12*(uxsigma(2)-uxsigma(1)) & & + chi13*(uxsigma(3)-uxsigma(1)) uxstar(2) = uxsigma(2) + chi21*(uxsigma(1)-uxsigma(2)) & & + chi23*(uxsigma(3)-uxsigma(2)) uxstar(3) = uxsigma(3) + chi31*(uxsigma(1)-uxsigma(3)) & & + chi32*(uxsigma(2)-uxsigma(3)) !uy uystar(1) = uysigma(1) + chi12*(uysigma(2)-uysigma(1)) & & + chi13*(uysigma(3)-uysigma(1)) uystar(2) = uysigma(2) + chi21*(uysigma(1)-uysigma(2)) & & + chi23*(uysigma(3)-uysigma(2)) uystar(3) = uysigma(3) + chi31*(uysigma(1)-uysigma(3)) & & + chi32*(uysigma(2)-uysigma(3)) !uz uzstar(1) = uzsigma(1) + chi12*(uzsigma(2)-uzsigma(1)) & & + chi13*(uzsigma(3)-uzsigma(1)) uzstar(2) = uzsigma(2) + chi21*(uzsigma(1)-uzsigma(2)) & & + chi23*(uzsigma(3)-uzsigma(2)) uzstar(3) = uzsigma(3) + chi31*(uzsigma(1)-uzsigma(3)) & & + chi32*(uzsigma(2)-uzsigma(3)) !write(dbgUnit,*) 'eqVel 1', uxstar(1), uystar(1), uzstar(1) !write(dbgUnit,*) 'eqVel 2', uxstar(2), uystar(2), uzstar(2) !write(dbgUnit,*) 'eqVel 3', uxstar(3), uystar(3), uzstar(3) ! total mass density totMass_densInv = 1.0_rk/(rsigma(1)+rsigma(2)+rsigma(3)) ! mass averaged mixture velocity three components velAvg(1) = ( rsigma(1) * uxsigma(1) & & + rsigma(2) * uxsigma(2) & & + rsigma(3) * uxsigma(3) ) * totMass_densInv * theta_eq velAvg(2) = ( rsigma(1) * uysigma(1) & & + rsigma(2) * uysigma(2) & & + rsigma(3) * uysigma(3) ) * totMass_densInv * theta_eq velAvg(3) = ( rsigma(1) * uzsigma(1) & & + rsigma(2) * uzsigma(2) & & + rsigma(3) * uzsigma(3) ) * totMass_densInv * theta_eq ! velocity in quadratic term of equilibrium velQuadTerm_x(1) = velAvg(1) + theta_eq_spc*uxstar(1) velQuadTerm_y(1) = velAvg(2) + theta_eq_spc*uystar(1) velQuadTerm_z(1) = velAvg(3) + theta_eq_spc*uzstar(1) !compute equilibrium and do collision usqr(1) = (velQuadTerm_x(1) * velQuadTerm_x(1) & & + velQuadTerm_y(1) * velQuadTerm_y(1) & & + velQuadTerm_z(1) * velQuadTerm_z(1)) * t2cs2inv omegaRho(:) = rsigma(:)*omega_fac omegaRho_d(:) = omegaRho(:) * div1_4 ! species 1 ! equilibrium at rest outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q__0+( 1-1)* qq ) = & & omega_o*pdfTmp(Q__0,1) + & & div1_3 * omegaRho(1) * (( 3._rk - 2._rk * phi(1)) - usqr(1) ) omegaRho_dm(1) = omegaRho(1) * (phi(1) - usqr(1)) * div1_18 !directional velocity factor sum1_1(1) = omegaRho_d(1) * uxstar(1) * div3_4h sum1_2(1) = omegaRho_d(1) * velQuadTerm_x(1)**2 + omegaRho_dm(1) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q__w+( 1-1)* qq ) & & = omega_o * pdfTmp(Q__W,1) - sum1_1(1) + sum1_2(1) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q__e+( 1-1)* qq ) & & = omega_o * pdfTmp(Q__E,1) + sum1_1(1) + sum1_2(1) sum2_1(1) = omegaRho_d(1) * uystar(1) * div3_4h sum2_2(1) = omegaRho_d(1) * velQuadTerm_y(1)**2 + omegaRho_dm(1) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q__s+( 1-1)* qq ) & & = omega_o * pdfTmp(Q__S,1) - sum2_1(1) + sum2_2(1) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q__n+( 1-1)* qq ) & & = omega_o * pdfTmp(Q__N,1) + sum2_1(1) + sum2_2(1) sum3_1(1) = omegaRho_d(1) * uzstar(1) * div3_4h sum3_2(1) = omegaRho_d(1) * velQuadTerm_z(1)**2 + omegaRho_dm(1) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q__b+( 1-1)* qq ) & & = omega_o * pdfTmp(Q__B,1) - sum3_1(1) + sum3_2(1) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q__t+( 1-1)* qq ) & & = omega_o * pdfTmp(Q__T,1) + sum3_1(1) + sum3_2(1) !top north / bottom south omegaRho_o(1) = omegaRho_d(1) * 0.5_rk omegaRho_om(1) = omegaRho_dm(1) * 0.5_rk sum4_1(1) = omegaRho_o(1) * ( uystar(1) + uzstar(1) ) *div3_4h sum4_2(1) = omegaRho_o(1) * ( velQuadTerm_y(1) + velQuadTerm_z(1) )**2 & & + omegaRho_om(1) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q_bs+( 1-1)* qq ) = & & omega_o*pdfTmp(Q_BS,1) - sum4_1(1) + sum4_2(1) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q_tn+( 1-1)* qq ) = & & omega_o*pdfTmp(Q_TN,1) + sum4_1(1) + sum4_2(1) !top south / bottom north sum5_1(1) = omegaRho_o(1) * ( -uystar(1) + uzstar(1) ) *div3_4h sum5_2(1) = omegaRho_o(1) * ( -velQuadTerm_y(1) + velQuadTerm_z(1) )**2& & + omegaRho_om(1) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q_bn+( 1-1)* qq ) = & & omega_o*pdfTmp(Q_BN,1) - sum5_1(1) + sum5_2(1) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q_ts+( 1-1)* qq ) = & & omega_o*pdfTmp(Q_TS,1) + sum5_1(1) + sum5_2(1) !top east / bottom west sum6_1(1) = omegaRho_o(1) * ( uxstar(1) + uzstar(1) ) *div3_4h sum6_2(1) = omegaRho_o(1) * ( velQuadTerm_x(1) + velQuadTerm_z(1) )**2 & & + omegaRho_om(1) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q_bw+( 1-1)* qq ) = & & omega_o*pdfTmp(Q_BW,1) - sum6_1(1) + sum6_2(1) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q_te+( 1-1)* qq ) = & & omega_o*pdfTmp(Q_TE,1) + sum6_1(1) + sum6_2(1) !top west / bottom east sum7_1(1) = omegaRho_o(1) * ( -uxstar(1) + uzstar(1) ) *div3_4h sum7_2(1) = omegaRho_o(1) * ( -velQuadTerm_x(1) + velQuadTerm_z(1) )**2& & + omegaRho_om(1) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q_be+( 1-1)* qq ) = & & omega_o*pdfTmp(Q_BE,1) - sum7_1(1) + sum7_2(1) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q_tw+( 1-1)* qq ) = & & omega_o*pdfTmp(Q_TW,1) + sum7_1(1) + sum7_2(1) !north east / south west sum8_1(1) = omegaRho_o(1) * ( uxstar(1) + uystar(1) ) *div3_4h sum8_2(1) = omegaRho_o(1) * ( velQuadTerm_x(1) + velQuadTerm_y(1) )**2 & & + omegaRho_om(1) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q_sw+( 1-1)* qq ) = & & omega_o*pdfTmp(Q_SW,1) - sum8_1(1) + sum8_2(1) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q_ne+( 1-1)* qq ) = & & omega_o*pdfTmp(Q_NE,1) + sum8_1(1) + sum8_2(1) !north west / south east sum9_1(1) = omegaRho_o(1) * ( -uxstar(1) + uystar(1) ) *div3_4h sum9_2(1) = omegaRho_o(1) * ( -velQuadTerm_x(1) + velQuadTerm_y(1) )**2& & + omegaRho_om(1) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q_se+( 1-1)* qq ) = & & omega_o*pdfTmp(Q_SE,1) - sum9_1(1) + sum9_2(1) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q_nw+( 1-1)* qq ) = & & omega_o*pdfTmp(Q_NW,1) + sum9_1(1) + sum9_2(1) ! species 2 ! velocity in quadratic term of equilibrium velQuadTerm_x(2) = velAvg(1) + theta_eq_spc*uxstar(2) velQuadTerm_y(2) = velAvg(2) + theta_eq_spc*uystar(2) velQuadTerm_z(2) = velAvg(3) + theta_eq_spc*uzstar(2) usqr(2) = (velQuadTerm_x(2) * velQuadTerm_x(2) & & + velQuadTerm_y(2) * velQuadTerm_y(2) & & + velQuadTerm_z(2) * velQuadTerm_z(2)) * t2cs2inv outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q__0+( 2-1)* qq ) = & & omega_o*pdfTmp(Q__0,2) + & & div1_3 * omegaRho(2) * (( 3._rk - 2._rk * phi(2)) - usqr(2) ) omegaRho_dm(2) = omegaRho(2) * (phi(2) - usqr(2)) * div1_18 !directional velocity factor sum1_1(2) = omegaRho_d(2) * uxstar(2) * div3_4h sum1_2(2) = omegaRho_d(2) * velQuadTerm_x(2)**2 + omegaRho_dm(2) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q__w+( 2-1)* qq ) & & = omega_o * pdfTmp(Q__W,2) - sum1_1(2) + sum1_2(2) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q__e+( 2-1)* qq ) & & = omega_o * pdfTmp(Q__E,2) + sum1_1(2) + sum1_2(2) sum2_1(2) = omegaRho_d(2) * uystar(2) * div3_4h sum2_2(2) = omegaRho_d(2) * velQuadTerm_y(2)**2 + omegaRho_dm(2) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q__s+( 2-1)* qq ) & & = omega_o * pdfTmp(Q__S,2) - sum2_1(2) + sum2_2(2) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q__n+( 2-1)* qq ) & & = omega_o * pdfTmp(Q__N,2) + sum2_1(2) + sum2_2(2) sum3_1(2) = omegaRho_d(2) * uzstar(2) * div3_4h sum3_2(2) = omegaRho_d(2) * velQuadTerm_z(2)**2 + omegaRho_dm(2) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q__b+( 2-1)* qq ) & & = omega_o * pdfTmp(Q__B,2) - sum3_1(2) + sum3_2(2) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q__t+( 2-1)* qq ) & & = omega_o * pdfTmp(Q__T,2) + sum3_1(2) + sum3_2(2) !top north / bottom south omegaRho_o(2) = omegaRho_d(2) * 0.5_rk omegaRho_om(2) = omegaRho_dm(2) * 0.5_rk sum4_1(2) = omegaRho_o(2) * ( uystar(2) + uzstar(2) ) *div3_4h sum4_2(2) = omegaRho_o(2) * ( velQuadTerm_y(2) + velQuadTerm_z(2) )**2 & & + omegaRho_om(2) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q_bs+( 2-1)* qq ) = & & omega_o*pdfTmp(Q_BS,2) - sum4_1(2) + sum4_2(2) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q_tn+( 2-1)* qq ) = & & omega_o*pdfTmp(Q_TN,2) + sum4_1(2) + sum4_2(2) !top south / bottom north sum5_1(2) = omegaRho_o(2) * ( -uystar(2) + uzstar(2) ) *div3_4h sum5_2(2) = omegaRho_o(2) * ( -velQuadTerm_y(2) + velQuadTerm_z(2) )**2& & + omegaRho_om(2) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q_bn+( 2-1)* qq ) = & & omega_o*pdfTmp(Q_BN,2) - sum5_1(2) + sum5_2(2) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q_ts+( 2-1)* qq ) = & & omega_o*pdfTmp(Q_TS,2) + sum5_1(2) + sum5_2(2) !top east / bottom west sum6_1(2) = omegaRho_o(2) * ( uxstar(2) + uzstar(2) ) *div3_4h sum6_2(2) = omegaRho_o(2) * ( velQuadTerm_x(2) + velQuadTerm_z(2) )**2 & & + omegaRho_om(2) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q_bw+( 2-1)* qq ) = & & omega_o*pdfTmp(Q_BW,2) - sum6_1(2) + sum6_2(2) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q_te+( 2-1)* qq ) = & & omega_o*pdfTmp(Q_TE,2) + sum6_1(2) + sum6_2(2) !top west / bottom east sum7_1(2) = omegaRho_o(2) * ( -uxstar(2) + uzstar(2) ) *div3_4h sum7_2(2) = omegaRho_o(2) * ( -velQuadTerm_x(2) + velQuadTerm_z(2) )**2& & + omegaRho_om(2) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q_be+( 2-1)* qq ) = & & omega_o*pdfTmp(Q_BE,2) - sum7_1(2) + sum7_2(2) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q_tw+( 2-1)* qq ) = & & omega_o*pdfTmp(Q_TW,2) + sum7_1(2) + sum7_2(2) !north east / south west sum8_1(2) = omegaRho_o(2) * ( uxstar(2) + uystar(2) ) *div3_4h sum8_2(2) = omegaRho_o(2) * ( velQuadTerm_x(2) + velQuadTerm_y(2) )**2 & & + omegaRho_om(2) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q_sw+( 2-1)* qq ) = & & omega_o*pdfTmp(Q_SW,2) - sum8_1(2) + sum8_2(2) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q_ne+( 2-1)* qq ) = & & omega_o*pdfTmp(Q_NE,2) + sum8_1(2) + sum8_2(2) !north west / south east sum9_1(2) = omegaRho_o(2) * ( -uxstar(2) + uystar(2) ) *div3_4h sum9_2(2) = omegaRho_o(2) * ( -velQuadTerm_x(2) + velQuadTerm_y(2) )**2& & + omegaRho_om(2) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q_se+( 2-1)* qq ) = & & omega_o*pdfTmp(Q_SE,2) - sum9_1(2) + sum9_2(2) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q_nw+( 2-1)* qq ) = & & omega_o*pdfTmp(Q_NW,2) + sum9_1(2) + sum9_2(2) ! species 3 ! velocity in quadratic term of equilibrium velQuadTerm_x(3) = velAvg(1) + theta_eq_spc*uxstar(3) velQuadTerm_y(3) = velAvg(2) + theta_eq_spc*uystar(3) velQuadTerm_z(3) = velAvg(3) + theta_eq_spc*uzstar(3) usqr(3) = (velQuadTerm_x(3) * velQuadTerm_x(3) & & + velQuadTerm_y(3) * velQuadTerm_y(3) & & + velQuadTerm_z(3) * velQuadTerm_z(3)) * t2cs2inv outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q__0+( 3-1)* qq ) = & & omega_o*pdfTmp(Q__0,3) + & & div1_3 * omegaRho(3) * (( 3._rk - 2._rk * phi(3)) - usqr(3) ) omegaRho_dm(3) = omegaRho(3) * (phi(3) - usqr(3)) * div1_18 !directional velocity factor sum1_1(3) = omegaRho_d(3) * uxstar(3) * div3_4h sum1_2(3) = omegaRho_d(3) * velQuadTerm_x(3)**2 + omegaRho_dm(3) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q__w+( 3-1)* qq ) & & = omega_o * pdfTmp(Q__W,3) - sum1_1(3) + sum1_2(3) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q__e+( 3-1)* qq ) & & = omega_o * pdfTmp(Q__E,3) + sum1_1(3) + sum1_2(3) sum2_1(3) = omegaRho_d(3) * uystar(3) * div3_4h sum2_2(3) = omegaRho_d(3) * velQuadTerm_y(3)**2 + omegaRho_dm(3) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q__s+( 3-1)* qq ) & & = omega_o * pdfTmp(Q__S,3) - sum2_1(3) + sum2_2(3) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q__n+( 3-1)* qq ) & & = omega_o * pdfTmp(Q__N,3) + sum2_1(3) + sum2_2(3) sum3_1(3) = omegaRho_d(3) * uzstar(3) * div3_4h sum3_2(3) = omegaRho_d(3) * velQuadTerm_z(3)**2 + omegaRho_dm(3) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q__b+( 3-1)* qq ) & & = omega_o * pdfTmp(Q__B,3) - sum3_1(3) + sum3_2(3) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q__t+( 3-1)* qq ) & & = omega_o * pdfTmp(Q__T,3) + sum3_1(3) + sum3_2(3) !top north / bottom south omegaRho_o(3) = omegaRho_d(3) * 0.5_rk omegaRho_om(3) = omegaRho_dm(3) * 0.5_rk sum4_1(3) = omegaRho_o(3) * ( uystar(3) + uzstar(3) ) *div3_4h sum4_2(3) = omegaRho_o(3) * ( velQuadTerm_y(3) + velQuadTerm_z(3) )**2 & & + omegaRho_om(3) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q_bs+( 3-1)* qq ) = & & omega_o*pdfTmp(Q_BS,3) - sum4_1(3) + sum4_2(3) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q_tn+( 3-1)* qq ) = & & omega_o*pdfTmp(Q_TN,3) + sum4_1(3) + sum4_2(3) !top south / bottom north sum5_1(3) = omegaRho_o(3) * ( -uystar(3) + uzstar(3) ) *div3_4h sum5_2(3) = omegaRho_o(3) * ( -velQuadTerm_y(3) + velQuadTerm_z(3) )**2& & + omegaRho_om(3) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q_bn+( 3-1)* qq ) = & & omega_o*pdfTmp(Q_BN,3) - sum5_1(3) + sum5_2(3) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q_ts+( 3-1)* qq ) = & & omega_o*pdfTmp(Q_TS,3) + sum5_1(3) + sum5_2(3) !top east / bottom west sum6_1(3) = omegaRho_o(3) * ( uxstar(3) + uzstar(3) ) *div3_4h sum6_2(3) = omegaRho_o(3) * ( velQuadTerm_x(3) + velQuadTerm_z(3) )**2 & & + omegaRho_om(3) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q_bw+( 3-1)* qq ) = & & omega_o*pdfTmp(Q_BW,3) - sum6_1(3) + sum6_2(3) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q_te+( 3-1)* qq ) = & & omega_o*pdfTmp(Q_TE,3) + sum6_1(3) + sum6_2(3) !top west / bottom east sum7_1(3) = omegaRho_o(3) * ( -uxstar(3) + uzstar(3) ) *div3_4h sum7_2(3) = omegaRho_o(3) * ( -velQuadTerm_x(3) + velQuadTerm_z(3) )**2& & + omegaRho_om(3) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q_be+( 3-1)* qq ) = & & omega_o*pdfTmp(Q_BE,3) - sum7_1(3) + sum7_2(3) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q_tw+( 3-1)* qq ) = & & omega_o*pdfTmp(Q_TW,3) + sum7_1(3) + sum7_2(3) !north east / south west sum8_1(3) = omegaRho_o(3) * ( uxstar(3) + uystar(3) ) *div3_4h sum8_2(3) = omegaRho_o(3) * ( velQuadTerm_x(3) + velQuadTerm_y(3) )**2 & & + omegaRho_om(3) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q_sw+( 3-1)* qq ) = & & omega_o*pdfTmp(Q_SW,3) - sum8_1(3) + sum8_2(3) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q_ne+( 3-1)* qq ) = & & omega_o*pdfTmp(Q_NE,3) + sum8_1(3) + sum8_2(3) !north west / south east sum9_1(3) = omegaRho_o(3) * ( -uxstar(3) + uystar(3) ) *div3_4h sum9_2(3) = omegaRho_o(3) * ( -velQuadTerm_x(3) + velQuadTerm_y(3) )**2& & + omegaRho_om(3) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q_se+( 3-1)* qq ) = & & omega_o*pdfTmp(Q_SE,3) - sum9_1(3) + sum9_2(3) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q_nw+( 3-1)* qq ) = & & omega_o*pdfTmp(Q_NW,3) + sum9_1(3) + sum9_2(3) end do nodeloop end subroutine bgk_advRel_d3q19f3_MSLiquid ! ****************************************************************************** ! ****************************************************************************** !> Unoptimized Advection relaxation routine for the multispecies BGK model !! !! This routine contains the implementation based on the paper !! "A Lattice Boltzmann Scheme for liquid mixtures - Part II: Discretization !! and Numerics, Jens Zudrop, Sabine Roller, Pietro Asinari. "\n !! !! This subroutine interface must match the abstract interface definition !! [[kernel]] in scheme/[[mus_scheme_type_module]].f90 in order to be callable !! via [[mus_scheme_type:compute]] function pointer. subroutine bgk_advRel_MSLiquid_generic( fieldProp, inState, outState, & & auxField, neigh, nElems, nSolve, & & level, layout, params, varSys, & & derVarPos ) ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !> Array of field properties (fluid or species) type(mus_field_prop_type), intent(in) :: fieldProp(:) !> variable system definition type(tem_varSys_type), intent(in) :: varSys !> current layout type(mus_scheme_layout_type), intent(in) :: layout !> number of elements in state Array integer, intent(in) :: nElems !> input pdf vector real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: inState(nElems * varSys%nScalars) !> output pdf vector real(kind=rk), intent(out) :: outState(nElems * varSys%nScalars) !> Auxiliary field computed from pre-collision state !! Is updated with correct velocity field for multicomponent models real(kind=rk), intent(inout) :: auxField(nElems * varSys%nAuxScalars) !> connectivity vector integer, intent(in) :: neigh(nElems * layout%fStencil%QQ) !> number of elements solved in kernel integer, intent(in) :: nSolve !> current level integer,intent(in) :: level !> global parameters type(mus_param_type),intent(in) :: params !> position of derived quantities in varsys for all fields type( mus_derVarPos_type ), intent(in) :: derVarPos(:) ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !local variables real(kind=rk) :: pdfTmp(varSys%nScalars) !< temporary local pdf values integer :: iElem, iField, iField_2, nFields, iDir, QQ, nScalars type(mus_varSys_data_type), pointer :: fPtr type(mus_scheme_type), pointer :: scheme integer :: vPos(layout%fStencil%QQ) integer, dimension(varSys%nStateVars) :: stateVarMap real(kind=rk), dimension(varSys%nStateVars) :: mass_dens, num_dens real(kind=rk), dimension(varSys%nStateVars) :: moleFrac real(kind=rk), dimension(3, varSys%nStateVars) & & :: first_moments, velocity, eqVel real(kind=rk), dimension(varSys%nStateVars) :: molWeight, phi real(kind=rk) :: totNum_dens, usqr, ucx, feq real(kind=rk) :: velAvg(3), velNew(3), ucxQuadTerm, theta_eq, totMassDens real(kind=rk) :: omega, omega_new, paramB real(kind=rk), dimension(varSys%nStateVars, varSys%nStateVars) & & :: matA, invA, resi_coeff integer :: elemOff integer :: dens_pos(varSys%nStateVars) integer :: mom_pos(3, varSys%nStateVars) real(kind=rk) :: wRestInv, sRest(varSys%nStateVars) ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! access scheme via 1st variable method data which is a state variable call C_F_POINTER( varSys%method%val(1)%method_Data, fPtr ) scheme => fPtr%solverData%scheme QQ = layout%fStencil%QQ nFields = scheme%nFields nScalars = varSys%nScalars !molecular weights molWeight = fieldProp(:)%species%molweight !molecular weight ratios phi = fieldProp(:)%species%molWeigRatio !s_0^k - species weight for rest position wRestInv = 1.0_rk / layout%weight(layout%fStencil%restPosition) do iField = 1, nFields sRest(iField) = wRestInv + (1.0_rk - wRestInv) * phi(iField) end do !resistivities do iField = 1, nFields resi_coeff(iField,:) = fieldProp( iField )%species%resi_coeff enddo omega = scheme%mixture%relaxLvl(Level)%omega_diff omega_new = (1.0_rk/(1.0_rk/omega + 0.5_rk)) paramB = scheme%mixture%paramB !equilibrium theta theta_eq = scheme%mixture%theta_eq stateVarMap = scheme%stateVarMap%varPos%val(:) ! position of density and momentum in auxField array do iField = 1, nFields dens_pos(iField) = varSys%method%val(derVarPos(iField)%density) & & %auxField_varPos(1) mom_pos(:, iField) = varSys%method%val(derVarPos(iField)%momentum) & & %auxField_varPos(1:3) end do nodeloop: do iElem = 1, nSolve mass_dens = 0._rk first_moments = 0.0_rk velocity = 0.0_rk eqVel = 0.0_rk pdfTmp = 0._rk ! element offset for auxField elemOff = (iElem-1)*varSys%nAuxScalars do iField = 1, nFields vPos = varSys%method%val( stateVarMap(iField) )%state_varPos ! compute field density and first moments do iDir = 1, layout%fStencil%QQ !store all field pdf in single element to local array pdfTmp pdfTmp( vPos(iDir) ) = instate( & & neigh((idir-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( ifield-1)* qq+ nscalars*0 ) enddo !field density mass_dens( iField ) = auxField(elemOff + dens_pos(iField)) !field momentum (rho*u) first_moments( 1, iField ) = auxField(elemOff + mom_pos(1, iField)) first_moments( 2, iField ) = auxField(elemOff + mom_pos(2, iField)) first_moments( 3, iField ) = auxField(elemOff + mom_pos(3, iField)) enddo !total mass density totmassDens = sum(mass_dens) ! solve linear system of equation for actual moments ! number density of all species num_dens(:) = mass_dens(:)/molWeight(:) !total number density totNum_dens = sum(num_dens(:)) !mole fraction moleFrac(:) = num_dens(:)/totNum_dens matA = 0.0_rk !build up matrix to solver LSE for actual velocity do iField = 1, nFields !set diagonal part matA(iField, iField) = 1.0_rk do iField_2 = 1, nFields matA(iField, iField) = matA(iField, iField) + omega * 0.5_rk & & * resi_coeff(iField, iField_2) * phi(iField) & & * moleFrac(iField_2) / paramB end do !set non-diagonal part do iField_2 = 1, nFields matA(iField, iField_2) = matA(iField, iField_2) - omega * 0.5_rk & & * resi_coeff(iField, iField_2) * phi(iField_2)& & * moleFrac(iField) / paramB end do end do ! invert matrix invA = invert_matrix( matA ) !actual momentum of all species velocity(1, :) = matmul( invA, first_moments(1,:) ) velocity(2, :) = matmul( invA, first_moments(2,:) ) velocity(3, :) = matmul( invA, first_moments(3,:) ) ! store momentum of untransformed PDF in auxField do iField = 1, nFields auxField(elemOff + mom_pos(1, iField)) = velocity(1, iField) auxField(elemOff + mom_pos(2, iField)) = velocity(2, iField) auxField(elemOff + mom_pos(3, iField)) = velocity(3, iField) end do ! convert momentum to velocity velocity(1, :) = velocity(1, :) / mass_dens(:) velocity(2, :) = velocity(2, :) / mass_dens(:) velocity(3, :) = velocity(3, :) / mass_dens(:) ! compute equilibrim velocity do iField = 1, nFields eqVel( :, iField ) = velocity( :, iField ) do iField_2 = 1, nFields eqVel( :, iField ) = eqVel( :, iField ) & & + resi_coeff( iField, iField_2 ) * phi(iField) & & * moleFrac(iField_2) & & * (velocity(:, iField_2) - velocity(:,iField)) & & / paramB end do end do !compute mass averaged mixture velocity velAvg(1) = dot_product( mass_dens, velocity(1,:) )/totmassDens velAvg(2) = dot_product( mass_dens, velocity(2,:) )/totmassDens velAvg(3) = dot_product( mass_dens, velocity(3,:) )/totmassDens !compute equilibrium and do collision do iField = 1, nFields vPos = varSys%method%val( stateVarMap(iField) )%state_varPos !KM: TGV testcase velNew = theta_eq*velAvg + (1.0_rk - theta_eq)*eqVel(:, iField) !usqr = eqVel(1, iField) * eqVel(1, iField) & ! & + eqVel(2, iField) * eqVel(2, iField) & ! & + eqVel(3, iField) * eqVel(3, iField) usqr = dot_product( velNew, velNew ) usqr = usqr * t2cs2inv do iDir = 1, QQ ucx = dble( layout%fStencil%cxDir( 1, iDir ))*eqVel(1, iField) & & + dble( layout%fStencil%cxDir( 2, iDir ))*eqVel(2, iField) & & + dble( layout%fStencil%cxDir( 3, iDir ))*eqVel(3, iField) ucxQuadTerm = dot_product( & & dble(layout%fStencil%cxDir(:, iDir)), velNew ) !feq = layout%weight(iDir) * mass_dens(iField) * ( phi(iField) & ! & + ucx * cs2inv + ucx * ucx * t2cs4inv - usqr ) feq = layout%weight(iDir) * mass_dens(iField) * ( phi(iField) & & + ucx * cs2inv + ucxQuadTerm * ucxQuadTerm * t2cs4inv - usqr ) if ( iDir == layout%fStencil%restPosition ) then ! equilibrium at rest feq = layout%weight(iDir) * mass_dens(iField) * ( sRest(iField) & & - usqr ) end if outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+idir+( ifield-1)* qq ) & & = pdfTmp(vPos(iDir)) + omega_new * ( feq - pdfTmp(vPos(iDir)) ) enddo !iDir enddo !iField enddo nodeloop end subroutine bgk_advRel_MSLiquid_generic ! ****************************************************************************** ! ****************************************************************************** !> Unoptimized Advection relaxation routine for the multispecies BGK model !! with external forcing term !! !! This routine contains the implementation based on the paper !! "A Lattice Boltzmann Scheme for liquid mixtures - Part II: Discretization !! and Numerics, Jens Zudrop, Sabine Roller, Pietro Asinari. "\n !! !! This subroutine interface must match the abstract interface definition !! [[kernel]] in scheme/[[mus_scheme_type_module]].f90 in order to be callable !! via [[mus_scheme_type:compute]] function pointer. subroutine bgk_forcing_advRel_MSLiquid_generic( fieldProp, inState, & & outState, auxField, & & neigh, nElems, nSolve, & & level, layout, params, & & varSys, derVarPos ) ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !> Array of field properties (fluid or species) type(mus_field_prop_type), intent(in) :: fieldProp(:) !> variable system definition type(tem_varSys_type), intent(in) :: varSys !> current layout type(mus_scheme_layout_type), intent(in) :: layout !> number of elements in state Array integer, intent(in) :: nElems !> input pdf vector real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: inState(nElems * varSys%nScalars) !> output pdf vector real(kind=rk), intent(out) :: outState(nElems * varSys%nScalars) !> Auxiliary field computed from pre-collision state !! Is updated with correct velocity field for multicomponent models real(kind=rk), intent(inout) :: auxField(nElems * varSys%nAuxScalars) !> connectivity vector integer, intent(in) :: neigh(nElems * layout%fStencil%QQ) !> number of elements solved in kernel integer, intent(in) :: nSolve !> current level integer,intent(in) :: level !> global parameters type(mus_param_type),intent(in) :: params !> position of derived quantities in varsys for all fields type( mus_derVarPos_type ), intent(in) :: derVarPos(:) ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !local variables real(kind=rk) :: pdfTmp( varSys%nScalars ) !< temporary local pdf values integer :: iElem, iField, iField_2, nFields, iDir, QQ, nScalars integer :: vPos( layout%fStencil%QQ ) type(mus_varSys_data_type), pointer :: fPtr type(mus_scheme_type), pointer :: scheme integer, dimension(varSys%nStateVars) :: stateVarMap real(kind=rk), dimension(varSys%nStateVars) :: mass_dens, num_dens real(kind=rk), dimension(varSys%nStateVars) :: moleFrac, massFrac real(kind=rk), dimension(3, varSys%nStateVars) & & :: first_moments, velocity, eqVel, mixForce, diffForce, totForce real(kind=rk), dimension(varSys%nStateVars) :: molWeight, phi, & & chargeNr real(kind=rk) :: totNum_dens, totMass_dens, usqr, ucx, feq real(kind=rk) :: omega, omega_new, paramB, minMolWeight real(kind=rk), dimension(varSys%nStateVars, varSys%nStateVars) & & :: matA, invA, resi_coeff real(kind=rk) :: forceTerm !real(kind=rk), dimension(nSolve-1):: forceState real(kind=rk) :: velAvg(3), velNew(3), ucxQuadTerm, theta_eq, diffForce_fac real(kind=rk) :: chargeTerm(varSys%nStateVars), charge_dens integer :: dens_pos(varSys%nStateVars) integer :: mom_pos(3, varSys%nStateVars) integer :: elemOff real(kind=rk) :: wRestInv, sRest(varSys%nStateVars) ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ !write(dbgUnit(1),*) 'In BGK forcing ', params%general%simControl%now%iter ! initialize forceState !forceState = -1.0_rk ! access scheme via 1st variable method data which is a state variable call C_F_POINTER( varSys%method%val(1)%method_Data, fPtr ) scheme => fPtr%solverData%scheme QQ = layout%fStencil%QQ nFields = scheme%nFields nScalars = varSys%nScalars !molecular weights molWeight = fieldProp(:)%species%molweight minMolWeight = minval(molWeight) !write(dbgUnit(1),*) 'molWeight ', molWeight !write(dbgUnit(1),*) 'minMolWeight ', minMolWeight !specific charge of ionic species chargeNr = fieldProp(:)%species%chargeNr !molecular weight ratios phi = fieldProp(:)%species%molWeigRatio !s_0^k - species weight for rest position wRestInv = 1.0_rk / layout%weight(layout%fStencil%restPosition) do iField = 1, nFields sRest(iField) = wRestInv + (1.0_rk - wRestInv) * phi(iField) end do !resistivities do iField = 1, nFields resi_coeff(iField,:) = fieldProp( iField )%species%resi_coeff enddo !write(dbgUnit(1),*) 'gasCosnt ', mixture%gasConst_R_LB !write(dbgUnit(1),*) 'temp ', mixture%temp0LB !write(dbgUnit(1),*) 'molDens0 ', mixture%moleDens0LB omega = scheme%mixture%relaxLvl(Level)%omega_diff omega_new = (1.0_rk/(1.0_rk/omega + 0.5_rk)) paramB = scheme%mixture%paramB !equilibrium theta theta_eq = scheme%mixture%theta_eq stateVarMap = scheme%stateVarMap%varPos%val(:) diffForce_fac = minMolWeight / (scheme%mixture%gasConst_R_LB & & * scheme%mixture%temp0LB) ! position of density and velocity in auxField array do iField = 1, nFields dens_pos(iField) = varSys%method%val(derVarPos(iField)%density) & & %auxField_varPos(1) mom_pos(:, iField) = varSys%method%val(derVarPos(iField)%momentum) & & %auxField_varPos(1:3) end do ! loop over elements nodeloop: do iElem = 1, nSolve !write(dbgUnit(1),*) 'iElem ', iElem mass_dens = 0._rk first_moments = 0.0_rk velocity = 0.0_rk eqVel = 0.0_rk pdfTmp = 0._rk ! element offset to access auxField elemOff = (iElem-1)*varSys%nAuxScalars do iField = 1, nFields vPos = varSys%method%val( stateVarMap(iField) )%state_varPos ! compute field density and first moments do iDir = 1, QQ !store all field pdf in single element to local array pdfTmp pdfTmp( vPos(iDir) ) = instate( & & neigh((idir-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( ifield-1)* qq+ nscalars*0 ) enddo !field density mass_dens( iField ) = auxField(elemOff + dens_pos(iField)) !field momentum (rho*u) first_moments( 1, iField ) = auxField(elemOff + mom_pos(1, iField)) first_moments( 2, iField ) = auxField(elemOff + mom_pos(2, iField)) first_moments( 3, iField ) = auxField(elemOff + mom_pos(3, iField)) enddo !total mass density totmass_Dens = sum(mass_dens) !mass fraction massFrac(:) = mass_dens(:)/totMass_dens ! solve linear system of equation for actual moments ! number density of all species num_dens(:) = mass_dens(:)/molWeight(:) !write(dbgUnit(1),*) 'mass_dens ', mass_dens !write(dbgUnit(1),*) 'num_dens ', num_dens !total number density totNum_dens = sum(num_dens(:)) !mole fraction moleFrac(:) = num_dens(:)/totNum_dens ! compute external forcing term ! d^m_k = w_m*c_m*( n0*min_a(m_a)*F_k + (1/cs2)*(rho_k*g) ) ! forcing term in the mixture for momentum equation ! mixForce = 1/cs2 * rho_k * g !write(dbgUnit(1),*) ' mixForce ' do iField = 1, nFields mixForce(:,iField) = cs2inv * mass_dens(iField) & & * scheme%mixture%gravityField(:) !write(dbgUnit(1),*) mixForce(:, iField) end do ! diffusive forcing term in the Maxwell-Stefan equations ! F_k = 1/(nRT) rho_k (z_k Faraday/m_k E) ! - y_k/(nRT) sum_l(rho_l z_l Faraday/m_l E) ! charge density do iField = 1, nFields chargeTerm(iField) = num_dens(iField) * chargeNr(iField) & & * scheme%mixture%faradayLB end do charge_dens = sum(chargeTerm) ! diffusive force on each species ! diffForce = (rho_k z_k /m_k - y_k sum_l rho_l z_l /m_l ) Faraday * E diffForce = 0.0_rk !write(dbgUnit(1),*) 'Diffusive force on species' do iField = 1, nFields diffForce(:, iField) = ( chargeTerm(iField) - massFrac(iField) & & * charge_dens ) * diffForce_fac & & * scheme%mixture%electricField(:) !write(dbgUnit(1),*) diffForce(:,iField) end do ! total force in forcing term do iField = 1, nFields totForce(:, iField) = diffForce(:, iField) + mixForce(:, iField) end do !write(dbgUnit(1),*) 'totForce ', totForce ! Add F/2 to first_moment to recover second-order force ! Multiply totForce with cs2 since mixForce is divided by cs2 ! and diffForce is divided by RT so totForce must be multiplied by ! cs2 to get unit for body_force N/m^3 do iField = 1, nFields first_moments(:, iField) = first_moments(:, iField) & & + cs2 * totForce(:, iField) * 0.5_rk end do matA = 0.0_rk !build up matrix to solver LSE for actual velocity do iField = 1, nFields !set diagonal part matA(iField, iField) = 1.0_rk do iField_2 = 1, nFields matA(iField, iField) = matA(iField, iField) + omega * 0.5_rk & & * resi_coeff(iField, iField_2) * phi(iField) & & * moleFrac(iField_2) / paramB end do !set non-diagonal part do iField_2 = 1, nFields matA(iField, iField_2) = matA(iField, iField_2) - omega * 0.5_rk & & * resi_coeff(iField, iField_2) * phi(iField_2)& & * moleFrac(iField) / paramB end do end do ! invert matrix invA = invert_matrix( matA ) ! actual velocity of all species velocity(1, :) = matmul( invA, first_moments(1,:) ) velocity(2, :) = matmul( invA, first_moments(2,:) ) velocity(3, :) = matmul( invA, first_moments(3,:) ) ! store momentum of untransformed PDF in auxField do iField = 1, nFields auxField(elemOff + mom_pos(1, iField)) = velocity(1, iField) auxField(elemOff + mom_pos(2, iField)) = velocity(2, iField) auxField(elemOff + mom_pos(3, iField)) = velocity(3, iField) end do ! convert momentum to velocity velocity(1, :) = velocity(1, :) / mass_dens(:) velocity(2, :) = velocity(2, :) / mass_dens(:) velocity(3, :) = velocity(3, :) / mass_dens(:) ! compute equilibrim velocity do iField = 1, nFields eqVel( :, iField ) = velocity( :, iField ) do iField_2 = 1, nFields eqVel( :, iField ) = eqVel( :, iField ) & & + resi_coeff( iField, iField_2 ) * phi(iField) & & * moleFrac(iField_2) & & * (velocity(:, iField_2) - velocity(:,iField)) & & / paramB end do end do !compute mass averaged mixture velocity velAvg(1) = dot_product( mass_dens, velocity(1,:) ) / totmass_Dens velAvg(2) = dot_product( mass_dens, velocity(2,:) ) / totmass_Dens velAvg(3) = dot_product( mass_dens, velocity(3,:) ) / totmass_Dens !compute equilibrium and do collision do iField = 1, nFields vPos = varSys%method%val( stateVarMap(iField) )%state_varPos !KM: TGV testcase velNew = theta_eq*velAvg + (1.0_rk - theta_eq)*eqVel(:, iField) !usqr = eqVel(1, iField) * eqVel(1, iField) & ! & + eqVel(2, iField) * eqVel(2, iField) & ! & + eqVel(3, iField) * eqVel(3, iField) usqr = dot_product( velNew, velNew ) usqr = usqr * t2cs2inv do iDir = 1, layout%fStencil%QQ !forcing terms forceTerm = & & dble( layout%fStencil%cxDir( 1, iDir ))*totForce(1, iField) & & + dble( layout%fStencil%cxDir( 2, iDir ))*totForce(2, iField) & & + dble( layout%fStencil%cxDir( 3, iDir ))*totForce(3, iField) ucx = dble( layout%fStencil%cxDir( 1, iDir ))*eqVel(1, iField) & & + dble( layout%fStencil%cxDir( 2, iDir ))*eqVel(2, iField) & & + dble( layout%fStencil%cxDir( 3, iDir ))*eqVel(3, iField) ucxQuadTerm = dble( layout%fStencil%cxDir( 1, iDir ))*velNew(1) & & + dble( layout%fStencil%cxDir( 2, iDir ))*velNew(2) & & + dble( layout%fStencil%cxDir( 3, iDir ))*velNew(3) feq = layout%weight(iDir) * mass_dens(iField) * ( phi(iField) & & + ucx * cs2inv + ucxQuadTerm * ucxQuadTerm * t2cs4inv - usqr ) if ( iDir == layout%fStencil%restPosition ) then ! equilibrium at rest feq = layout%weight(iDir) * mass_dens(iField) * ( sRest(iField) & & - usqr ) end if outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+idir+( ifield-1)* qq ) & & = pdfTmp(vPos(iDir)) + omega_new * ( feq - pdfTmp(vPos(iDir)) ) & ! forcing term & + layout%weight(iDir) * forceTerm enddo !iDir enddo !iField enddo nodeloop !write(dbgUnit(1),*) end subroutine bgk_forcing_advRel_MSLiquid_generic ! ****************************************************************************** ! ****************************************************************************** !> Unoptimized Advection relaxation routine for the multispecies BGK model !! !! This routine contains the implementation based on the paper !! "A Lattice Boltzmann Scheme for liquid mixtures - Part II: Discretization !! and Numerics, Jens Zudrop, Sabine Roller, Pietro Asinari. "\n !! MRT paper !! "Lattice Boltzmann liquid mixture modeling for electrodialytic engineering !! applications - J. Zudrop, K. Masilamani, S. Roller and P. Asinari"\n !! !! This subroutine interface must match the abstract interface definition !! [[kernel]] in scheme/[[mus_scheme_type_module]].f90 in order to be callable !! via [[mus_scheme_type:compute]] function pointer. subroutine mrt_advRel_MSLiquid_generic( fieldProp, inState, outState, & & auxField, neigh, nElems, nSolve, & & level, layout, params, varSys, & & derVarPos ) ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !> Array of field properties (fluid or species) type(mus_field_prop_type), intent(in) :: fieldProp(:) !> variable system definition type(tem_varSys_type), intent(in) :: varSys !> current layout type(mus_scheme_layout_type), intent(in) :: layout !> number of elements in state Array integer, intent(in) :: nElems !> input pdf vector real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: inState(nElems * varSys%nScalars) !> output pdf vector real(kind=rk), intent(out) :: outState(nElems * varSys%nScalars) !> Auxiliary field computed from pre-collision state !! Is updated with correct velocity field for multicomponent models real(kind=rk), intent(inout) :: auxField(nElems * varSys%nAuxScalars) !> connectivity vector integer, intent(in) :: neigh(nElems * layout%fStencil%QQ) !> number of elements solved in kernel integer, intent(in) :: nSolve !> current level integer,intent(in) :: level !> global parameters type(mus_param_type),intent(in) :: params !> position of derived quantities in varsys for all fields type( mus_derVarPos_type ), intent(in) :: derVarPos(:) ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !local variables real(kind=rk) :: pdfTmp( varSys%nScalars ) !< temporary local pdf values integer :: iElem, iField, iField_2, nFields, iDir, QQ, nScalars integer :: vPos( layout%fStencil%QQ ) type(mus_varSys_data_type), pointer :: fPtr type(mus_scheme_type), pointer :: scheme integer, dimension(varSys%nStateVars) :: stateVarMap, dens_pos integer :: mom_pos(3, varSys%nStateVars) real(kind=rk), dimension(varSys%nStateVars) :: mass_dens, num_dens, & & moleFrac, molWeight, phi real(kind=rk), dimension(3, varSys%nStateVars) :: first_moments, & & velocity, eqVel real(kind=rk) :: totNum_dens, usqr, ucx, feq real(kind=rk) :: omega, omega_new, paramB, theta_eq real(kind=rk) :: velAvg(3), velNew(3), ucxQuadTerm, totMassDens real(kind=rk) :: omegaMoments(layout%fStencil%QQ,layout%fStencil%QQ) real(kind=rk) :: fneq(layout%fStencil%QQ), fneq_om(layout%fStencil%QQ) real(kind=rk), dimension(varSys%nStateVars, varSys%nStateVars) :: matA, & & invA, resi_coeff integer :: elemOff real(kind=rk) :: wRestInv, sRest(varSys%nStateVars) ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! access scheme via 1st variable method data which is a state variable call C_F_POINTER( varSys%method%val(1)%method_Data, fPtr ) scheme => fPtr%solverData%scheme QQ = layout%fStencil%QQ nFields = scheme%nFields nScalars = varSys%nScalars !molecular weights molWeight = fieldProp(:)%species%molweight !molecular weight ratios phi = fieldProp(:)%species%molWeigRatio !s_0^k - species weight for rest position wRestInv = 1.0_rk / layout%weight(layout%fStencil%restPosition) do iField = 1, nFields sRest(iField) = wRestInv + (1.0_rk - wRestInv) * phi(iField) end do !resistivities do iField = 1, nFields resi_coeff(iField,:) = fieldProp( iField )%species%resi_coeff enddo omega = scheme%mixture%relaxLvl(level)%omega_diff ! write(*,*) 'omega ', omega omega_new = (1.0_rk/(1.0_rk/omega + 0.5_rk)) ! write(*,*) 'omega_new ', omega_new paramB = scheme%mixture%paramB !equilibrium theta theta_eq = scheme%mixture%theta_eq ! write(*,*) 'paramB ', paramB stateVarMap = scheme%stateVarMap%varPos%val(:) ! write(dbgUnit,*) 'B 1', resi_coeff(1,:) ! write(dbgUnit,*) 'B 2', resi_coeff(2,:) ! write(dbgUnit,*) 'B 3', resi_coeff(3,:) ! position of density and momentum in auxField array do iField = 1, nFields dens_pos(iField) = varSys%method%val(derVarPos(iField)%density) & & %auxField_varPos(1) mom_pos(:, iField) = varSys%method%val(derVarPos(iField)%momentum) & & %auxField_varPos(1:3) end do !write(dbgUnit(1),*)'time ', params%general%simControl%now%iter nodeloop: do iElem = 1, nSolve !write(dbgUnit(1),*) 'iElem', iElem mass_dens = 0._rk first_moments = 0.0_rk velocity = 0.0_rk eqVel = 0.0_rk pdfTmp = 0._rk ! element offset for auxField elemOff = (iElem-1)*varSys%nAuxScalars do iField = 1, nFields vPos = varSys%method%val( stateVarMap(iField) )%state_varPos ! compute field density and first moments do iDir = 1, layout%fStencil%QQ !store all field pdf in single element to local array pdfTmp pdfTmp( vPos(iDir) ) = instate( & & neigh((idir-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( ifield-1)* qq+ nscalars*0 ) enddo !field density mass_dens( iField ) = auxField(elemOff + dens_pos(iField)) !field momentum (rho*u) first_moments( 1, iField ) = auxField(elemOff + mom_pos(1, iField)) first_moments( 2, iField ) = auxField(elemOff + mom_pos(2, iField)) first_moments( 3, iField ) = auxField(elemOff + mom_pos(3, iField)) enddo !total mass density totmassDens = sum(mass_dens) ! solve linear system of equation for actual moments ! number density of all species num_dens(:) = mass_dens(:)/molWeight(:) !total number density totNum_dens = sum(num_dens(:)) !mole fraction moleFrac(:) = num_dens(:)/totNum_dens matA = 0.0_rk !build up matrix to solver LSE for actual velocity do iField = 1, nFields !set diagonal part matA(iField, iField) = 1.0_rk do iField_2 = 1, nFields matA(iField, iField) = matA(iField, iField) + omega * 0.5_rk & & * resi_coeff(iField, iField_2) * phi(iField) & & * moleFrac(iField_2) / paramB end do !set non-diagonal part do iField_2 = 1, nFields matA(iField, iField_2) = matA(iField, iField_2) - omega * 0.5_rk & & * resi_coeff(iField, iField_2) * phi(iField_2)& & * moleFrac(iField) / paramB end do end do ! invert matrix invA = invert_matrix( matA ) ! actual velocity of all species velocity(1, :) = matmul( invA, first_moments(1,:) ) velocity(2, :) = matmul( invA, first_moments(2,:) ) velocity(3, :) = matmul( invA, first_moments(3,:) ) ! store momentum of untransformed PDF in auxField do iField = 1, nFields auxField(elemOff + mom_pos(1, iField)) = velocity(1, iField) auxField(elemOff + mom_pos(2, iField)) = velocity(2, iField) auxField(elemOff + mom_pos(3, iField)) = velocity(3, iField) end do ! convert momentum to velocity velocity(1, :) = velocity(1, :) / mass_dens(:) velocity(2, :) = velocity(2, :) / mass_dens(:) velocity(3, :) = velocity(3, :) / mass_dens(:) ! compute equilibrim velocity do iField = 1, nFields eqVel( :, iField ) = velocity( :, iField ) do iField_2 = 1, nFields eqVel( :, iField ) = eqVel( :, iField ) & & + resi_coeff( iField, iField_2 ) * phi(iField) & & * moleFrac(iField_2) & & * (velocity(:, iField_2) - velocity(:,iField)) & & / paramB end do end do !compute mass averaged mixture velocity velAvg(1) = dot_product( mass_dens, velocity(1,:) )/totmassDens velAvg(2) = dot_product( mass_dens, velocity(2,:) )/totmassDens velAvg(3) = dot_product( mass_dens, velocity(3,:) )/totmassDens !compute equilibrium and do collision do iField = 1, nFields !omega moments = (M^-1 RelaxMat M)*(I+(M^-1 RelMat M)/2)^-1 omegaMoments = fieldProp( iField )%species%mrt( level )%omegaMoments vPos = varSys%method%val( stateVarMap(iField) )%state_varPos !KM: TGV testcase velNew = theta_eq*velAvg + (1.0_rk - theta_eq)*eqVel(:, iField) !usqr = eqVel(1, iField) * eqVel(1, iField) & ! & + eqVel(2, iField) * eqVel(2, iField) & ! & + eqVel(3, iField) * eqVel(3, iField) usqr = dot_product( velNew, velNew ) usqr = usqr * t2cs2inv do iDir = 1, layout%fStencil%QQ ucx = dble( layout%fStencil%cxDir( 1, iDir ))*eqVel(1, iField) & & + dble( layout%fStencil%cxDir( 2, iDir ))*eqVel(2, iField) & & + dble( layout%fStencil%cxDir( 3, iDir ))*eqVel(3, iField) ucxQuadTerm = dot_product( & & dble(layout%fStencil%cxDir(:, iDir)), velNew ) feq = layout%weight(iDir) * mass_dens(iField) * ( phi(iField) & & + ucx * cs2inv + ucxQuadTerm * ucxQuadTerm * t2cs4inv - usqr ) if ( iDir == layout%fStencil%restPosition ) then ! equilibrium at rest feq = layout%weight(iDir) * mass_dens(iField) * ( sRest(iField) & & - usqr ) end if fneq(iDir) = ( feq - pdfTmp( vPos(iDir) ) ) enddo !iDir !write(dbgUnit(1),*) 'omegaMoments ', omegaMoments !write(dbgUnit(1),*) 'before fnEq ', fnEq fneq_om = matmul( omegaMoments, fneq ) !do iDir = 1, layout%fStencil%QQ ! write(dbgUnit(1),*) 'iDir ', iDir, fnEq(iDir), fnEq_om(iDir) !end do do iDir = 1, layout%fStencil%QQ outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+idir+( ifield-1)* qq ) & & = pdfTmp( vPos(iDir) ) + fneq_om( iDir ) ! if (tem_isnan( outstate( ( varsys%nscalars-1)*neigh + vpos(idir)+( ielem-1)* nelems)) then ! write(*,*) 'found nan', iElem, iField enddo !iDir !write(dbgUnit(1),*) 'outpdf', outstate(vPos(:)) enddo !iField enddo nodeloop end subroutine mrt_advRel_MSLiquid_generic ! ****************************************************************************** ! ****************************************************************************** !> Optimized Advection relaxation routine for the multispecies mrt model !! for d3q19 with 3 species !! !! This routine contains the implementation based on the paper !! "A Lattice Boltzmann Scheme for liquid mixtures - Part II: Discretization !! and Numerics, Jens Zudrop, Sabine Roller, Pietro Asinari. "\n !! MRT paper !! "Lattice Boltzmann liquid mixture modeling for electrodialytic engineering !! applications - J. Zudrop, K. Masilamani, S. Roller and P. Asinari"\n !! !! This subroutine interface must match the abstract interface definition !! [[kernel]] in scheme/[[mus_scheme_type_module]].f90 in order to be callable !! via [[mus_scheme_type:compute]] function pointer. subroutine mrt_advRel_d3q19f3_MSLiquid( fieldProp, inState, outState, & & auxField, neigh, nElems, nSolve, & & level, layout, params, varSys, & & derVarPos ) ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !> Array of field properties (fluid or species) type(mus_field_prop_type), intent(in) :: fieldProp(:) !> variable system definition type(tem_varSys_type), intent(in) :: varSys !> current layout type(mus_scheme_layout_type), intent(in) :: layout !> number of elements in state Array integer, intent(in) :: nElems !> input pdf vector real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: inState(nElems * varSys%nScalars) !> output pdf vector real(kind=rk), intent(out) :: outState(nElems * varSys%nScalars) !> Auxiliary field computed from pre-collision state !! Is updated with correct velocity field for multicomponent models real(kind=rk), intent(inout) :: auxField(nElems * varSys%nAuxScalars) !> connectivity vector integer, intent(in) :: neigh(nElems * layout%fStencil%QQ) !> number of elements solved in kernel integer, intent(in) :: nSolve !> current level integer,intent(in) :: level !> global parameters type(mus_param_type),intent(in) :: params !> position of derived quantities in varsys for all fields type( mus_derVarPos_type ), intent(in) :: derVarPos(:) ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !local variables ! temporary local pdf values real(kind=rk) :: pdfTmp( QQ, 3 ) integer :: iElem, iField, nScalars type(mus_varSys_data_type), pointer :: fPtr type(mus_scheme_type), pointer :: scheme real(kind=rk), dimension(3) :: rsigma, uxsigma, & & uysigma, uzsigma, qxsigma, qysigma, qzsigma, gqxsigma, gqysigma, & & gqzsigma real(kind=rk), dimension(3) :: uxstar, uystar, uzstar real(kind=rk), dimension(3) :: molWeight, molWeight_inv, phi, & & num_dens, moleFrac real(kind=rk) :: usqr, totNum_dens_inv, totMass_dens real(kind=rk) :: velAvg_x, velAvg_y, velAvg_z real(kind=rk) :: velQuadTerm_x, velQuadTerm_y, velQuadTerm_z real(kind=rk) :: omega, omegadiv2, omega_fac, omega_o real(kind=rk), dimension(3,3) :: A, mbb real(kind=rk) :: zfac, yfac, a12_11, a13_11, & & a23fac, a21_11, a31_11, zcoeff real(kind=rk) :: theta_eq, theta_eq_spc, paramB_inv, a11_inv, a22fac_inv real(kind=rk) :: B_12, B_13, B_23 real(kind=rk) :: Bratio_12, Bratio_13, Bratio_23 real(kind=rk) :: mbbEq_12, mbbEq_13, mbbEq_21, mbbEq_23, mbbEq_31, mbbEq_32 real(kind=rk) :: chi12, chi13, chi21, chi23, chi31, chi32 real(kind=rk) :: rho_d, rho_dm, rho_o, rho_om, sum1_1, sum2_1, sum3_1, & & sum4_1, sum5_1, sum6_1, sum7_1, sum8_1, sum9_1, sum1_2, sum2_2, sum3_2,& & sum4_2, sum5_2, sum6_2, sum7_2, sum8_2, sum9_2 real(kind=rk) :: omegaMoments(QQ,QQ,3) real(kind=rk) :: fneq(QQ), fneq_om(QQ) integer :: dens_pos(3), mom_pos(3,3), elemOff ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! access scheme via 1st variable method data which is a state variable call C_F_POINTER( varSys%method%val(1)%method_Data, fPtr ) scheme => fPtr%solverData%scheme nScalars = varSys%nScalars !nFields = scheme%nFields !molecular weights molWeight = fieldProp(:)%species%molweight molWeight_inv = 1.0_rk/molWeight !molecular weight ratios phi = fieldProp(:)%species%molWeigRatio !omega moments = (M^-1 RelaxMat M)*(I+(M^-1 RelMat M)/2)^-1 omegaMoments(:,:,1) = fieldProp(1)%species%mrt( level )%omegaMoments omegaMoments(:,:,2) = fieldProp(2)%species%mrt( level )%omegaMoments omegaMoments(:,:,3) = fieldProp(3)%species%mrt( level )%omegaMoments !omega omega = scheme%mixture%relaxLvl(Level)%omega_diff omega_fac = (1.0_rk/(1.0_rk/omega + 0.5_rk)) omegadiv2 = omega*0.5_rk omega_o = 1.0_rk - omega_fac !free parameter B paramB_inv = 1.0_rk/scheme%mixture%paramB !equilibrium theta theta_eq = scheme%mixture%theta_eq theta_eq_spc = 1.0_rk - theta_eq !resistivities !resistivity coeff are symmetric !B_12 = B_21, B_13=B31, B23=B32 B_12 = fieldProp( 1 )%species%resi_coeff(2) B_13 = fieldProp( 1 )%species%resi_coeff(3) B_23 = fieldProp( 2 )%species%resi_coeff(3) Bratio_12 = B_12*paramB_inv Bratio_13 = B_13*paramB_inv Bratio_23 = B_23*paramB_inv mbbEq_12 = Bratio_12*phi(1) mbbEq_13 = Bratio_13*phi(1) mbbEq_21 = Bratio_12*phi(2) mbbEq_23 = Bratio_23*phi(2) mbbEq_31 = Bratio_13*phi(3) mbbEq_32 = Bratio_23*phi(3) ! factor need to build matrixA to solve LSE ! dummy diagonal entries mbb(1,1) = -1.0_rk mbb(1,2) = mbbEq_21*omegadiv2 mbb(1,3) = mbbEq_31*omegadiv2 mbb(2,1) = mbbEq_12*omegadiv2 mbb(2,2) = -1.0_rk mbb(2,3) = mbbEq_32*omegadiv2 mbb(3,1) = mbbEq_13*omegadiv2 mbb(3,2) = mbbEq_23*omegadiv2 mbb(3,3) = -1.0_rk ! position of density and momentum in auxField array do iField = 1, 3 dens_pos(iField) = varSys%method%val(derVarPos(iField)%density) & & %auxField_varPos(1) mom_pos(:, iField) = varSys%method%val(derVarPos(iField)%momentum) & & %auxField_varPos(1:3) end do nodeloop: do iElem = 1, nSolve !species 1 pdfTmp( Q__W,1 ) = instate(neigh (( q__w-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 1-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q__S,1 ) = instate(neigh (( q__s-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 1-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q__B,1 ) = instate(neigh (( q__b-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 1-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q__E,1 ) = instate(neigh (( q__e-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 1-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q__N,1 ) = instate(neigh (( q__n-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 1-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q__T,1 ) = instate(neigh (( q__t-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 1-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_BS,1 ) = instate(neigh (( q_bs-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 1-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_TS,1 ) = instate(neigh (( q_ts-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 1-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_BN,1 ) = instate(neigh (( q_bn-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 1-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_TN,1 ) = instate(neigh (( q_tn-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 1-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_BW,1 ) = instate(neigh (( q_bw-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 1-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_BE,1 ) = instate(neigh (( q_be-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 1-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_TW,1 ) = instate(neigh (( q_tw-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 1-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_TE,1 ) = instate(neigh (( q_te-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 1-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_SW,1 ) = instate(neigh (( q_sw-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 1-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_NW,1 ) = instate(neigh (( q_nw-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 1-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_SE,1 ) = instate(neigh (( q_se-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 1-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_NE,1 ) = instate(neigh (( q_ne-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 1-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q__0,1 ) = instate(neigh (( q__0-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 1-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) !species 2 pdfTmp( Q__W,2 ) = instate(neigh (( q__w-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 2-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q__S,2 ) = instate(neigh (( q__s-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 2-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q__B,2 ) = instate(neigh (( q__b-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 2-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q__E,2 ) = instate(neigh (( q__e-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 2-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q__N,2 ) = instate(neigh (( q__n-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 2-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q__T,2 ) = instate(neigh (( q__t-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 2-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_BS,2 ) = instate(neigh (( q_bs-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 2-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_TS,2 ) = instate(neigh (( q_ts-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 2-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_BN,2 ) = instate(neigh (( q_bn-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 2-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_TN,2 ) = instate(neigh (( q_tn-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 2-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_BW,2 ) = instate(neigh (( q_bw-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 2-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_BE,2 ) = instate(neigh (( q_be-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 2-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_TW,2 ) = instate(neigh (( q_tw-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 2-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_TE,2 ) = instate(neigh (( q_te-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 2-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_SW,2 ) = instate(neigh (( q_sw-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 2-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_NW,2 ) = instate(neigh (( q_nw-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 2-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_SE,2 ) = instate(neigh (( q_se-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 2-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_NE,2 ) = instate(neigh (( q_ne-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 2-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q__0,2 ) = instate(neigh (( q__0-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 2-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) !species 3 pdfTmp( Q__W,3 ) = instate(neigh (( q__w-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 3-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q__S,3 ) = instate(neigh (( q__s-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 3-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q__B,3 ) = instate(neigh (( q__b-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 3-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q__E,3 ) = instate(neigh (( q__e-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 3-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q__N,3 ) = instate(neigh (( q__n-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 3-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q__T,3 ) = instate(neigh (( q__t-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 3-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_BS,3 ) = instate(neigh (( q_bs-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 3-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_TS,3 ) = instate(neigh (( q_ts-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 3-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_BN,3 ) = instate(neigh (( q_bn-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 3-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_TN,3 ) = instate(neigh (( q_tn-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 3-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_BW,3 ) = instate(neigh (( q_bw-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 3-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_BE,3 ) = instate(neigh (( q_be-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 3-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_TW,3 ) = instate(neigh (( q_tw-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 3-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_TE,3 ) = instate(neigh (( q_te-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 3-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_SW,3 ) = instate(neigh (( q_sw-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 3-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_NW,3 ) = instate(neigh (( q_nw-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 3-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_SE,3 ) = instate(neigh (( q_se-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 3-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_NE,3 ) = instate(neigh (( q_ne-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 3-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q__0,3 ) = instate(neigh (( q__0-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 3-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) ! element offset to access auxField elemOff = (iElem-1)*varSys%nAuxScalars ! get density and momentum from auxField do iField = 1, 3 ! density rsigma(iField) = auxField(elemOff + dens_pos(iField)) ! momentum gqxsigma(iField) = auxField(elemOff + mom_pos(1, iField)) gqysigma(iField) = auxField(elemOff + mom_pos(2, iField)) gqzsigma(iField) = auxField(elemOff + mom_pos(3, iField)) end do !number density num_dens(:) = rsigma(:)*molWeight_inv(:) !total number density totNum_dens_inv = 1.0_rk/sum(num_dens(:)) !mole fraction moleFrac(:) = num_dens(:)*totNum_dens_inv !matrix A of the velocity lse A(1,1) = 1.0_rk + moleFrac(2)*mbb(2,1) + moleFrac(3)*mbb(3,1) A(1,2) = - moleFrac(1)*mbb(1,2) A(1,3) = - moleFrac(1)*mbb(1,3) A(2,1) = - moleFrac(2)*mbb(2,1) A(2,2) = 1.0_rk + moleFrac(1)*mbb(1,2) + moleFrac(3)*mbb(3,2) A(2,3) = - moleFrac(2)*mbb(2,3) A(3,1) = - moleFrac(3)*mbb(3,1) A(3,2) = - moleFrac(3)*mbb(3,2) A(3,3) = 1.0_rk + moleFrac(1)*mbb(1,3) + moleFrac(2)*mbb(2,3) a11_inv = 1.0_rk/A(1,1) a13_11 = A(1,3)*a11_inv a12_11 = A(1,2)*a11_inv a31_11 = A(3,1)*a11_inv a21_11 = A(2,1)*a11_inv a23fac = A(2,3) - A(2,1)*a13_11 a22fac_inv = 1.0_rk/(A(2,2) - A(2,1)*a12_11) zfac = (A(3,1)*a12_11 - A(3,2)) * a22fac_inv zcoeff = 1._rk / (a23fac*zfac - A(3,1)*a13_11 + A(3,3)) !x-momentum !species 3 yfac = gqxsigma(2) - gqxsigma(1)*a21_11 qxsigma(3) = (gqxsigma(3) - a31_11*gqxsigma(1) + yfac*zfac)*zcoeff !species 2 qxsigma(2) = (yfac - a23fac*qxsigma(3))*a22fac_inv !species 1 qxsigma(1) = (gqxsigma(1) - A(1,2)*qxsigma(2) - A(1,3)*qxsigma(3))*a11_inv !y-momentum yfac = gqysigma(2) - gqysigma(1)*a21_11 qysigma(3) = (gqysigma(3) - a31_11*gqysigma(1) + yfac*zfac)*zcoeff qysigma(2) = (yfac - a23fac*qysigma(3))*a22fac_inv qysigma(1) = (gqysigma(1) - A(1,2)*qysigma(2) - A(1,3)*qysigma(3))*a11_inv !z-momentum yfac = gqzsigma(2) - gqzsigma(1)*a21_11 qzsigma(3) = (gqzsigma(3) - a31_11*gqzsigma(1) + yfac*zfac)*zcoeff qzsigma(2) = (yfac - a23fac*qzsigma(3))*a22fac_inv qzsigma(1) = (gqzsigma(1) - A(1,2)*qzsigma(2) - A(1,3)*qzsigma(3))*a11_inv ! store momentum of untransformed PDF in auxField do iField = 1, 3 auxField(elemOff + mom_pos(1, iField)) = qxsigma(iField) auxField(elemOff + mom_pos(2, iField)) = qysigma(iField) auxField(elemOff + mom_pos(3, iField)) = qzsigma(iField) end do ! species velocity uxsigma = qxsigma/rsigma uysigma = qysigma/rsigma uzsigma = qzsigma/rsigma !compute equilibrium velocity to compute feq chi12 = mbbEq_12 * moleFrac(2) chi13 = mbbEq_13 * moleFrac(3) chi21 = mbbEq_21 * moleFrac(1) chi23 = mbbEq_23 * moleFrac(3) chi31 = mbbEq_31 * moleFrac(1) chi32 = mbbEq_32 * moleFrac(2) !ux uxstar(1) = uxsigma(1) + chi12*(uxsigma(2)-uxsigma(1)) & & + chi13*(uxsigma(3)-uxsigma(1)) uxstar(2) = uxsigma(2) + chi21*(uxsigma(1)-uxsigma(2)) & & + chi23*(uxsigma(3)-uxsigma(2)) uxstar(3) = uxsigma(3) + chi31*(uxsigma(1)-uxsigma(3)) & & + chi32*(uxsigma(2)-uxsigma(3)) !uy uystar(1) = uysigma(1) + chi12*(uysigma(2)-uysigma(1)) & & + chi13*(uysigma(3)-uysigma(1)) uystar(2) = uysigma(2) + chi21*(uysigma(1)-uysigma(2)) & & + chi23*(uysigma(3)-uysigma(2)) uystar(3) = uysigma(3) + chi31*(uysigma(1)-uysigma(3)) & & + chi32*(uysigma(2)-uysigma(3)) !uz uzstar(1) = uzsigma(1) + chi12*(uzsigma(2)-uzsigma(1)) & & + chi13*(uzsigma(3)-uzsigma(1)) uzstar(2) = uzsigma(2) + chi21*(uzsigma(1)-uzsigma(2)) & & + chi23*(uzsigma(3)-uzsigma(2)) uzstar(3) = uzsigma(3) + chi31*(uzsigma(1)-uzsigma(3)) & & + chi32*(uzsigma(2)-uzsigma(3)) ! total mass density totMass_dens = sum(rsigma) ! mass averaged mixture velocity velAvg_x = dot_product( rsigma, uxsigma ) / totMass_dens velAvg_y = dot_product( rsigma, uysigma ) / totMass_dens velAvg_z = dot_product( rsigma, uzsigma ) / totMass_dens !compute equilibrium and do collision do iField = 1, 3!nFields ! \todo KM: Bug remove omega factor from equilibrium rho_d = rsigma(iField) * div1_4 velQuadTerm_x = theta_eq*velAvg_x + theta_eq_spc*uxstar(iField) velQuadTerm_y = theta_eq*velAvg_y + theta_eq_spc*uystar(iField) velQuadTerm_z = theta_eq*velAvg_z + theta_eq_spc*uzstar(iField) usqr = (velQuadTerm_x * velQuadTerm_x & & + velQuadTerm_y * velQuadTerm_y & & + velQuadTerm_z * velQuadTerm_z) * t2cs2inv ! at rest fneq(Q__0) = div1_3 * rsigma(iField) * (( 3._rk - 2._rk * phi(iField)) & & - usqr ) - pdfTmp(Q__0, iField) rho_dm = rsigma(iField) * (phi(iField) - usqr) * div1_18 !directional velocity factor sum1_1 = rho_d * uxstar(iField) * div3_4h sum1_2 = rho_d * velQuadTerm_x**2 + rho_dm fneq(Q__W) = -sum1_1 + sum1_2 - pdfTmp(Q__W,iField) fneq(Q__E) = sum1_1 + sum1_2 - pdfTmp(Q__E,iField) sum2_1 = rho_d * uystar(iField) * div3_4h sum2_2 = rho_d * velQuadTerm_y**2 + rho_dm fneq(Q__S) = -sum2_1 + sum2_2 - pdfTmp(Q__S,iField) fneq(Q__N) = sum2_1 + sum2_2 - pdfTmp(Q__N,iField) sum3_1 = rho_d * uzstar(iField) * div3_4h sum3_2 = rho_d * velQuadTerm_z**2 + rho_dm fneq(Q__B) = -sum3_1 + sum3_2 - pdfTmp(Q__B,iField) fneq(Q__T) = sum3_1 + sum3_2 - pdfTmp(Q__T,iField) rho_o = rho_d * 0.5_rk rho_om = rho_dm * 0.5_rk !top north / bottom south sum4_1 = rho_o * ( uystar(iField) + uzstar(iField) ) *div3_4h sum4_2 = rho_o * ( velQuadTerm_y + velQuadTerm_z )**2 & & + rho_om fneq(Q_BS) = -sum4_1 + sum4_2 - pdfTmp(Q_BS,iField) fneq(Q_TN) = sum4_1 + sum4_2 - pdfTmp(Q_TN,iField) !top south / bottom north sum5_1 = rho_o * ( -uystar(iField) + uzstar(iField) ) *div3_4h sum5_2 = rho_o * ( -velQuadTerm_y + velQuadTerm_z )**2& & + rho_om fneq(Q_BN) = -sum5_1 + sum5_2 - pdfTmp(Q_BN,iField) fneq(Q_TS) = sum5_1 + sum5_2 - pdfTmp(Q_TS,iField) !top east / bottom west sum6_1 = rho_o * ( uxstar(iField) + uzstar(iField) ) *div3_4h sum6_2 = rho_o * ( velQuadTerm_x + velQuadTerm_z )**2 & & + rho_om fneq(Q_BW) = -sum6_1 + sum6_2 - pdfTmp(Q_BW,iField) fneq(Q_TE) = sum6_1 + sum6_2 - pdfTmp(Q_TE,iField) !top west / bottom east sum7_1 = rho_o * ( -uxstar(iField) + uzstar(iField) ) *div3_4h sum7_2 = rho_o * ( -velQuadTerm_x + velQuadTerm_z )**2& & + rho_om fneq(Q_BE) = -sum7_1 + sum7_2 - pdfTmp(Q_BE,iField) fneq(Q_TW) = sum7_1 + sum7_2 - pdfTmp(Q_TW,iField) !north east / south west sum8_1 = rho_o * ( uxstar(iField) + uystar(iField) ) *div3_4h sum8_2 = rho_o * ( velQuadTerm_x + velQuadTerm_y )**2 & & + rho_om fneq(Q_SW) = -sum8_1 + sum8_2 - pdfTmp(Q_SW,iField) fneq(Q_NE) = sum8_1 + sum8_2 - pdfTmp(Q_NE,iField) !north west / south east sum9_1 = rho_o * ( -uxstar(iField) + uystar(iField) ) *div3_4h sum9_2 = rho_o * ( -velQuadTerm_x + velQuadTerm_y )**2& & + rho_om fneq(Q_SE) = -sum9_1 + sum9_2 - pdfTmp(Q_SE,iField) fneq(Q_NW) = sum9_1 + sum9_2 - pdfTmp(Q_NW,iField) ! omega * fNonEq fneq_om = matmul( omegaMoments(:,:, iField), fneq ) !outstate outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q__0+( ifield-1)* qq ) = & & pdfTmp( Q__0, iField ) + fneq_om( Q__0 ) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q__w+( ifield-1)* qq ) = & & pdfTmp( Q__W, iField ) + fneq_om( Q__W ) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q__e+( ifield-1)* qq ) = & & pdfTmp( Q__E, iField ) + fneq_om( Q__E ) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q__s+( ifield-1)* qq ) = & & pdfTmp( Q__S, iField ) + fneq_om( Q__S ) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q__n+( ifield-1)* qq ) = & & pdfTmp( Q__N, iField ) + fneq_om( Q__N ) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q__b+( ifield-1)* qq ) = & & pdfTmp( Q__B, iField ) + fneq_om( Q__B ) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q__t+( ifield-1)* qq ) = & & pdfTmp( Q__T, iField ) + fneq_om( Q__T ) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q_bs+( ifield-1)* qq ) = & & pdfTmp( Q_BS, iField ) + fneq_om( Q_BS ) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q_tn+( ifield-1)* qq ) = & & pdfTmp( Q_TN, iField ) + fneq_om( Q_TN ) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q_bn+( ifield-1)* qq ) = & & pdfTmp( Q_BN, iField ) + fneq_om( Q_BN ) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q_ts+( ifield-1)* qq ) = & & pdfTmp( Q_TS, iField ) + fneq_om( Q_TS ) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q_bw+( ifield-1)* qq ) = & & pdfTmp( Q_BW, iField ) + fneq_om( Q_BW ) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q_te+( ifield-1)* qq ) = & & pdfTmp( Q_TE, iField ) + fneq_om( Q_TE ) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q_be+( ifield-1)* qq ) = & & pdfTmp( Q_BE, iField ) + fneq_om( Q_BE ) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q_tw+( ifield-1)* qq ) = & & pdfTmp( Q_TW, iField ) + fneq_om( Q_TW ) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q_sw+( ifield-1)* qq ) = & & pdfTmp( Q_SW, iField ) + fneq_om( Q_SW ) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q_ne+( ifield-1)* qq ) = & & pdfTmp( Q_NE, iField ) + fneq_om( Q_NE ) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q_se+( ifield-1)* qq ) = & & pdfTmp( Q_SE, iField ) + fneq_om( Q_SE ) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q_nw+( ifield-1)* qq ) = & & pdfTmp( Q_NW, iField ) + fneq_om( Q_NW ) enddo !iField enddo nodeloop end subroutine mrt_advRel_d3q19f3_MSLiquid ! ****************************************************************************** ! ! ****************************************************************************** !> Semi-optimized Advection relaxation routine for the MSLiquid BGK model !! for d3q19 layout with three species with thermodynamic factor. !! !! This routine contains the implementation of semi-implicit lattice boltzmann !! equation using variable transformation based on the paper !! "Multi-species Lattice Boltzmann Model and Practical Examples. Short Course !! material Pietro Asinari PhD." \n !! Refer page: [Multispecies](../page/features/multispecies.html) for more information !! In the variable tranformation steps, we can skip the step 1 and step 3 !! and evaluate only step 2 based on tranformed variable g !! only prerequisite is to compute feq which depends on original f not on g. !! feq is depend on density and velocity. Where density can be computed !! directly from g and velocity computed from linear system of equation !! given in the reference page [Multispecies](../page/features/multispecies.html). !! KM: This is an non-optimized kernel !! !! This subroutine interface must match the abstract interface definition !! [[kernel]] in scheme/[[mus_scheme_type_module]].f90 in order to be callable !! via [[mus_scheme_type:compute]] function pointer. subroutine bgk_advRel_d3q19f3_MSLiquid_WTDF( fieldProp, inState, outState, & & auxField, neigh, nElems, & & nSolve, level, layout, params, & & varSys, derVarPos ) ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !> Array of field properties (fluid or species) type(mus_field_prop_type), intent(in) :: fieldProp(:) !> variable system definition type(tem_varSys_type), intent(in) :: varSys !> current layout type(mus_scheme_layout_type), intent(in) :: layout !> number of elements in state Array integer, intent(in) :: nElems !> input pdf vector real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: inState(nElems * varSys%nScalars) !> output pdf vector real(kind=rk), intent(out) :: outState(nElems * varSys%nScalars) !> Auxiliary field computed from pre-collision state !! Is updated with correct velocity field for multicomponent models real(kind=rk), intent(inout) :: auxField(nElems * varSys%nAuxScalars) !> connectivity vector integer, intent(in) :: neigh(nElems * layout%fStencil%QQ) !> number of elements solved in kernel integer, intent(in) :: nSolve !> current level integer,intent(in) :: level !> global parameters type(mus_param_type),intent(in) :: params !> position of derived quantities in varsys for all fields type( mus_derVarPos_type ), intent(in) :: derVarPos(:) ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !local variables ! temporary local pdf values real(kind=rk) :: pdfTmp( QQ, 3 ) integer :: iElem, nScalars, iField, iField_2, iField_3 type(mus_varSys_data_type), pointer :: fPtr type(mus_scheme_type), pointer :: scheme real(kind=rk), dimension(3) :: rsigma, & & uxsigma, uysigma, uzsigma, & & qxsigma, qysigma, qzsigma, & & gqxsigma, gqysigma, gqzsigma real(kind=rk), dimension(3) :: uxstar, uystar, uzstar real(kind=rk), dimension(3) :: molWeight, molWeight_inv, phi, & & num_dens, moleFrac real(kind=rk) :: usqr(3), totNum_dens_inv, totMass_densInv real(kind=rk) :: velAvg(3) real(kind=rk) :: velQuadTerm_x(3), velQuadTerm_y(3), velQuadTerm_z(3) real(kind=rk) :: omega, omegadiv2, omega_fac, omega_o real(kind=rk) :: theta_eq, theta_eq_spc, paramB_inv real(kind=rk) :: B_12, B_13, B_23 real(kind=rk) :: Bratio_12, Bratio_13, Bratio_23 real(kind=rk) :: mbbEq_12, mbbEq_13, mbbEq_21, mbbEq_23, mbbEq_31, mbbEq_32 real(kind=rk) :: chi12, chi13, chi21, chi23, chi31, chi32 real(kind=rk), dimension(3) :: omegaRho, omegaRho_d, omegaRho_dm, & & omegaRho_o, omegaRho_om, & & sum1_1, sum2_1, sum3_1, sum4_1, sum5_1, & & sum6_1, sum7_1, sum8_1, sum9_1, & & sum1_2, sum2_2, sum3_2, sum4_2, sum5_2, & & sum6_2, sum7_2, sum8_2, sum9_2 integer :: dens_pos(3), mom_pos(3,3), elemOff real(kind=rk), dimension(3, 3) :: matA, invA, resi_coeff, diff_coeff, & & thermodynamic_fac, inv_thermodyn_fac real(kind=rk) :: temp, press, phy_moleDens_fac ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! access scheme via 1st variable method data which is a state variable call C_F_POINTER( varSys%method%val(1)%method_Data, fPtr ) scheme => fPtr%solverData%scheme nScalars = varSys%nScalars !KM \todo check moleDens for multilevel phy_moleDens_fac = params%physics%moleDens0 !molecular weights molWeight = fieldProp(:)%species%molweight molWeight_inv = 1.0_rk/molWeight !molecular weight ratios phi = fieldProp(:)%species%molWeigRatio !omega omega = scheme%mixture%relaxLvl(Level)%omega_diff omega_fac = (1.0_rk/(1.0_rk/omega + 0.5_rk)) omegadiv2 = omega*0.5_rk omega_o = 1.0_rk - omega_fac !free parameter B paramB_inv = 1.0_rk/scheme%mixture%paramB !equilibrium theta theta_eq = scheme%mixture%theta_eq theta_eq_spc = 1.0_rk - theta_eq ! temperature temp = scheme%mixture%temp0 ! atmospheric pressure press = scheme%mixture%atm_press !resistivities !resistivity coeff are symmetric !B_12 = B_21, B_13=B31, B23=B32 B_12 = fieldProp( 1 )%species%resi_coeff(2) B_13 = fieldProp( 1 )%species%resi_coeff(3) B_23 = fieldProp( 2 )%species%resi_coeff(3) Bratio_12 = B_12*paramB_inv Bratio_13 = B_13*paramB_inv Bratio_23 = B_23*paramB_inv mbbEq_12 = Bratio_12*phi(1) mbbEq_13 = Bratio_13*phi(1) mbbEq_21 = Bratio_12*phi(2) mbbEq_23 = Bratio_23*phi(2) mbbEq_31 = Bratio_13*phi(3) mbbEq_32 = Bratio_23*phi(3) ! position of density and momentum in auxField array do iField = 1, scheme%nFields dens_pos(iField) = varSys%method%val(derVarPos(iField)%density) & & %auxField_varPos(1) mom_pos(:, iField) = varSys%method%val(derVarPos(iField)%momentum) & & %auxField_varPos(1:3) end do nodeloop: do iElem = 1, nSolve !species 1 pdfTmp( Q__W,1 ) = instate(neigh (( q__w-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 1-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q__S,1 ) = instate(neigh (( q__s-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 1-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q__B,1 ) = instate(neigh (( q__b-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 1-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q__E,1 ) = instate(neigh (( q__e-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 1-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q__N,1 ) = instate(neigh (( q__n-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 1-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q__T,1 ) = instate(neigh (( q__t-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 1-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_BS,1 ) = instate(neigh (( q_bs-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 1-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_TS,1 ) = instate(neigh (( q_ts-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 1-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_BN,1 ) = instate(neigh (( q_bn-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 1-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_TN,1 ) = instate(neigh (( q_tn-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 1-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_BW,1 ) = instate(neigh (( q_bw-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 1-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_BE,1 ) = instate(neigh (( q_be-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 1-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_TW,1 ) = instate(neigh (( q_tw-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 1-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_TE,1 ) = instate(neigh (( q_te-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 1-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_SW,1 ) = instate(neigh (( q_sw-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 1-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_NW,1 ) = instate(neigh (( q_nw-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 1-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_SE,1 ) = instate(neigh (( q_se-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 1-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_NE,1 ) = instate(neigh (( q_ne-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 1-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q__0,1 ) = instate(neigh (( q__0-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 1-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) !species 2 pdfTmp( Q__W,2 ) = instate(neigh (( q__w-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 2-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q__S,2 ) = instate(neigh (( q__s-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 2-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q__B,2 ) = instate(neigh (( q__b-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 2-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q__E,2 ) = instate(neigh (( q__e-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 2-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q__N,2 ) = instate(neigh (( q__n-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 2-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q__T,2 ) = instate(neigh (( q__t-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 2-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_BS,2 ) = instate(neigh (( q_bs-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 2-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_TS,2 ) = instate(neigh (( q_ts-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 2-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_BN,2 ) = instate(neigh (( q_bn-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 2-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_TN,2 ) = instate(neigh (( q_tn-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 2-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_BW,2 ) = instate(neigh (( q_bw-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 2-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_BE,2 ) = instate(neigh (( q_be-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 2-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_TW,2 ) = instate(neigh (( q_tw-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 2-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_TE,2 ) = instate(neigh (( q_te-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 2-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_SW,2 ) = instate(neigh (( q_sw-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 2-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_NW,2 ) = instate(neigh (( q_nw-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 2-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_SE,2 ) = instate(neigh (( q_se-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 2-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_NE,2 ) = instate(neigh (( q_ne-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 2-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q__0,2 ) = instate(neigh (( q__0-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 2-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) !species 3 pdfTmp( Q__W,3 ) = instate(neigh (( q__w-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 3-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q__S,3 ) = instate(neigh (( q__s-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 3-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q__B,3 ) = instate(neigh (( q__b-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 3-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q__E,3 ) = instate(neigh (( q__e-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 3-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q__N,3 ) = instate(neigh (( q__n-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 3-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q__T,3 ) = instate(neigh (( q__t-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 3-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_BS,3 ) = instate(neigh (( q_bs-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 3-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_TS,3 ) = instate(neigh (( q_ts-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 3-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_BN,3 ) = instate(neigh (( q_bn-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 3-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_TN,3 ) = instate(neigh (( q_tn-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 3-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_BW,3 ) = instate(neigh (( q_bw-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 3-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_BE,3 ) = instate(neigh (( q_be-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 3-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_TW,3 ) = instate(neigh (( q_tw-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 3-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_TE,3 ) = instate(neigh (( q_te-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 3-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_SW,3 ) = instate(neigh (( q_sw-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 3-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_NW,3 ) = instate(neigh (( q_nw-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 3-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_SE,3 ) = instate(neigh (( q_se-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 3-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_NE,3 ) = instate(neigh (( q_ne-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 3-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q__0,3 ) = instate(neigh (( q__0-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 3-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) ! element offset to access auxField elemOff = (iElem-1)*varSys%nAuxScalars ! get density and momentum from auxField do iField = 1, 3 ! density rsigma(iField) = auxField(elemOff + dens_pos(iField)) ! momentum gqxsigma(iField) = auxField(elemOff + mom_pos(1, iField)) gqysigma(iField) = auxField(elemOff + mom_pos(2, iField)) gqzsigma(iField) = auxField(elemOff + mom_pos(3, iField)) end do !number density num_dens(:) = rsigma(:)*molWeight_inv(:) !total number density totNum_dens_inv = 1.0_rk/(num_dens(1)+num_dens(2)+num_dens(3)) !mole fraction moleFrac(:) = num_dens(:)*totNum_dens_inv ! MS-Diff coeff matrix from C++ code call mus_calc_MS_DiffMatrix( 3, temp, press, num_dens*phy_moleDens_fac, & & diff_coeff ) ! Convert to lattice unit resi_coeff = params%physics%fac(level)%diffusivity/diff_coeff ! Thermodynamic factor from C++ code call mus_calc_thermFactor( 3, temp, press, moleFrac, thermodynamic_fac ) inv_thermodyn_fac = invert_matrix( thermodynamic_fac ) matA = 0.0_rk !build up matrix to solver LSE for actual velocity do iField = 1, 3 !set diagonal part matA(iField, iField) = 1.0_rk do iField_2 = 1, 3 do iField_3 = 1, 3 matA(iField, iField_2) = matA(iField, iField_2) + omega * 0.5_rk & & * inv_thermodyn_fac(iField, iField_2) & & * resi_coeff(iField_2, iField_3) & & * phi(iField_2) * moleFrac(iField_3) & & * paramB_inv end do end do !set non-diagonal part do iField_2 = 1, 3 do iField_3 = 1, 3 matA(iField, iField_3) = matA(iField, iField_3) - omega * 0.5_rk & & * inv_thermodyn_fac(iField, iField_2) & & * resi_coeff(iField_2, iField_3) & & * phi(iField_3) * moleFrac(iField_2) & & * paramB_inv end do end do end do ! invert matrix invA = invert_matrix( matA ) !actual momentum of all species qxsigma(1:3) = matmul( invA, gqxsigma(1:3) ) qysigma(1:3) = matmul( invA, gqysigma(1:3) ) qzsigma(1:3) = matmul( invA, gqzsigma(1:3) ) ! store momentum of untransformed PDF in auxField do iField = 1, 3 auxField(elemOff + mom_pos(1, iField)) = qxsigma(iField) auxField(elemOff + mom_pos(2, iField)) = qysigma(iField) auxField(elemOff + mom_pos(3, iField)) = qzsigma(iField) end do ! species velocity uxsigma = qxsigma/rsigma uysigma = qysigma/rsigma uzsigma = qzsigma/rsigma !write(dbgUnit,*) 'velocity 1', uxsigma(1), uysigma(1), uzsigma(1) !write(dbgUnit,*) 'velocity 2', uxsigma(2), uysigma(2), uzsigma(2) !write(dbgUnit,*) 'velocity 3', uxsigma(3), uysigma(3), uzsigma(3) !compute equilibrium velocity to compute feq chi12 = mbbEq_12 * moleFrac(2) chi13 = mbbEq_13 * moleFrac(3) chi21 = mbbEq_21 * moleFrac(1) chi23 = mbbEq_23 * moleFrac(3) chi31 = mbbEq_31 * moleFrac(1) chi32 = mbbEq_32 * moleFrac(2) !ux uxstar(1) = uxsigma(1) + chi12*(uxsigma(2)-uxsigma(1)) & & + chi13*(uxsigma(3)-uxsigma(1)) uxstar(2) = uxsigma(2) + chi21*(uxsigma(1)-uxsigma(2)) & & + chi23*(uxsigma(3)-uxsigma(2)) uxstar(3) = uxsigma(3) + chi31*(uxsigma(1)-uxsigma(3)) & & + chi32*(uxsigma(2)-uxsigma(3)) !uy uystar(1) = uysigma(1) + chi12*(uysigma(2)-uysigma(1)) & & + chi13*(uysigma(3)-uysigma(1)) uystar(2) = uysigma(2) + chi21*(uysigma(1)-uysigma(2)) & & + chi23*(uysigma(3)-uysigma(2)) uystar(3) = uysigma(3) + chi31*(uysigma(1)-uysigma(3)) & & + chi32*(uysigma(2)-uysigma(3)) !uz uzstar(1) = uzsigma(1) + chi12*(uzsigma(2)-uzsigma(1)) & & + chi13*(uzsigma(3)-uzsigma(1)) uzstar(2) = uzsigma(2) + chi21*(uzsigma(1)-uzsigma(2)) & & + chi23*(uzsigma(3)-uzsigma(2)) uzstar(3) = uzsigma(3) + chi31*(uzsigma(1)-uzsigma(3)) & & + chi32*(uzsigma(2)-uzsigma(3)) !write(dbgUnit,*) 'eqVel 1', uxstar(1), uystar(1), uzstar(1) !write(dbgUnit,*) 'eqVel 2', uxstar(2), uystar(2), uzstar(2) !write(dbgUnit,*) 'eqVel 3', uxstar(3), uystar(3), uzstar(3) ! total mass density totMass_densInv = 1.0_rk/(rsigma(1)+rsigma(2)+rsigma(3)) ! mass averaged mixture velocity three components velAvg(1) = ( rsigma(1) * uxsigma(1) & & + rsigma(2) * uxsigma(2) & & + rsigma(3) * uxsigma(3) ) * totMass_densInv * theta_eq velAvg(2) = ( rsigma(1) * uysigma(1) & & + rsigma(2) * uysigma(2) & & + rsigma(3) * uysigma(3) ) * totMass_densInv * theta_eq velAvg(3) = ( rsigma(1) * uzsigma(1) & & + rsigma(2) * uzsigma(2) & & + rsigma(3) * uzsigma(3) ) * totMass_densInv * theta_eq ! velocity in quadratic term of equilibrium velQuadTerm_x(1) = velAvg(1) + theta_eq_spc*uxstar(1) velQuadTerm_y(1) = velAvg(2) + theta_eq_spc*uystar(1) velQuadTerm_z(1) = velAvg(3) + theta_eq_spc*uzstar(1) !compute equilibrium and do collision usqr(1) = (velQuadTerm_x(1) * velQuadTerm_x(1) & & + velQuadTerm_y(1) * velQuadTerm_y(1) & & + velQuadTerm_z(1) * velQuadTerm_z(1)) * t2cs2inv omegaRho(:) = rsigma(:)*omega_fac omegaRho_d(:) = omegaRho(:) * div1_4 ! species 1 ! equilibrium at rest outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q__0+( 1-1)* qq ) = & & omega_o*pdfTmp(Q__0,1) + & & div1_3 * omegaRho(1) * (( 3._rk - 2._rk * phi(1)) - usqr(1) ) omegaRho_dm(1) = omegaRho(1) * (phi(1) - usqr(1)) * div1_18 !directional velocity factor sum1_1(1) = omegaRho_d(1) * uxstar(1) * div3_4h sum1_2(1) = omegaRho_d(1) * velQuadTerm_x(1)**2 + omegaRho_dm(1) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q__w+( 1-1)* qq ) & & = omega_o * pdfTmp(Q__W,1) - sum1_1(1) + sum1_2(1) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q__e+( 1-1)* qq ) & & = omega_o * pdfTmp(Q__E,1) + sum1_1(1) + sum1_2(1) sum2_1(1) = omegaRho_d(1) * uystar(1) * div3_4h sum2_2(1) = omegaRho_d(1) * velQuadTerm_y(1)**2 + omegaRho_dm(1) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q__s+( 1-1)* qq ) & & = omega_o * pdfTmp(Q__S,1) - sum2_1(1) + sum2_2(1) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q__n+( 1-1)* qq ) & & = omega_o * pdfTmp(Q__N,1) + sum2_1(1) + sum2_2(1) sum3_1(1) = omegaRho_d(1) * uzstar(1) * div3_4h sum3_2(1) = omegaRho_d(1) * velQuadTerm_z(1)**2 + omegaRho_dm(1) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q__b+( 1-1)* qq ) & & = omega_o * pdfTmp(Q__B,1) - sum3_1(1) + sum3_2(1) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q__t+( 1-1)* qq ) & & = omega_o * pdfTmp(Q__T,1) + sum3_1(1) + sum3_2(1) !top north / bottom south omegaRho_o(1) = omegaRho_d(1) * 0.5_rk omegaRho_om(1) = omegaRho_dm(1) * 0.5_rk sum4_1(1) = omegaRho_o(1) * ( uystar(1) + uzstar(1) ) *div3_4h sum4_2(1) = omegaRho_o(1) * ( velQuadTerm_y(1) + velQuadTerm_z(1) )**2 & & + omegaRho_om(1) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q_bs+( 1-1)* qq ) = & & omega_o*pdfTmp(Q_BS,1) - sum4_1(1) + sum4_2(1) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q_tn+( 1-1)* qq ) = & & omega_o*pdfTmp(Q_TN,1) + sum4_1(1) + sum4_2(1) !top south / bottom north sum5_1(1) = omegaRho_o(1) * ( -uystar(1) + uzstar(1) ) *div3_4h sum5_2(1) = omegaRho_o(1) * ( -velQuadTerm_y(1) + velQuadTerm_z(1) )**2& & + omegaRho_om(1) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q_bn+( 1-1)* qq ) = & & omega_o*pdfTmp(Q_BN,1) - sum5_1(1) + sum5_2(1) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q_ts+( 1-1)* qq ) = & & omega_o*pdfTmp(Q_TS,1) + sum5_1(1) + sum5_2(1) !top east / bottom west sum6_1(1) = omegaRho_o(1) * ( uxstar(1) + uzstar(1) ) *div3_4h sum6_2(1) = omegaRho_o(1) * ( velQuadTerm_x(1) + velQuadTerm_z(1) )**2 & & + omegaRho_om(1) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q_bw+( 1-1)* qq ) = & & omega_o*pdfTmp(Q_BW,1) - sum6_1(1) + sum6_2(1) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q_te+( 1-1)* qq ) = & & omega_o*pdfTmp(Q_TE,1) + sum6_1(1) + sum6_2(1) !top west / bottom east sum7_1(1) = omegaRho_o(1) * ( -uxstar(1) + uzstar(1) ) *div3_4h sum7_2(1) = omegaRho_o(1) * ( -velQuadTerm_x(1) + velQuadTerm_z(1) )**2& & + omegaRho_om(1) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q_be+( 1-1)* qq ) = & & omega_o*pdfTmp(Q_BE,1) - sum7_1(1) + sum7_2(1) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q_tw+( 1-1)* qq ) = & & omega_o*pdfTmp(Q_TW,1) + sum7_1(1) + sum7_2(1) !north east / south west sum8_1(1) = omegaRho_o(1) * ( uxstar(1) + uystar(1) ) *div3_4h sum8_2(1) = omegaRho_o(1) * ( velQuadTerm_x(1) + velQuadTerm_y(1) )**2 & & + omegaRho_om(1) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q_sw+( 1-1)* qq ) = & & omega_o*pdfTmp(Q_SW,1) - sum8_1(1) + sum8_2(1) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q_ne+( 1-1)* qq ) = & & omega_o*pdfTmp(Q_NE,1) + sum8_1(1) + sum8_2(1) !north west / south east sum9_1(1) = omegaRho_o(1) * ( -uxstar(1) + uystar(1) ) *div3_4h sum9_2(1) = omegaRho_o(1) * ( -velQuadTerm_x(1) + velQuadTerm_y(1) )**2& & + omegaRho_om(1) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q_se+( 1-1)* qq ) = & & omega_o*pdfTmp(Q_SE,1) - sum9_1(1) + sum9_2(1) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q_nw+( 1-1)* qq ) = & & omega_o*pdfTmp(Q_NW,1) + sum9_1(1) + sum9_2(1) ! species 2 ! velocity in quadratic term of equilibrium velQuadTerm_x(2) = velAvg(1) + theta_eq_spc*uxstar(2) velQuadTerm_y(2) = velAvg(2) + theta_eq_spc*uystar(2) velQuadTerm_z(2) = velAvg(3) + theta_eq_spc*uzstar(2) usqr(2) = (velQuadTerm_x(2) * velQuadTerm_x(2) & & + velQuadTerm_y(2) * velQuadTerm_y(2) & & + velQuadTerm_z(2) * velQuadTerm_z(2)) * t2cs2inv outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q__0+( 2-1)* qq ) = & & omega_o*pdfTmp(Q__0,2) + & & div1_3 * omegaRho(2) * (( 3._rk - 2._rk * phi(2)) - usqr(2) ) omegaRho_dm(2) = omegaRho(2) * (phi(2) - usqr(2)) * div1_18 !directional velocity factor sum1_1(2) = omegaRho_d(2) * uxstar(2) * div3_4h sum1_2(2) = omegaRho_d(2) * velQuadTerm_x(2)**2 + omegaRho_dm(2) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q__w+( 2-1)* qq ) & & = omega_o * pdfTmp(Q__W,2) - sum1_1(2) + sum1_2(2) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q__e+( 2-1)* qq ) & & = omega_o * pdfTmp(Q__E,2) + sum1_1(2) + sum1_2(2) sum2_1(2) = omegaRho_d(2) * uystar(2) * div3_4h sum2_2(2) = omegaRho_d(2) * velQuadTerm_y(2)**2 + omegaRho_dm(2) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q__s+( 2-1)* qq ) & & = omega_o * pdfTmp(Q__S,2) - sum2_1(2) + sum2_2(2) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q__n+( 2-1)* qq ) & & = omega_o * pdfTmp(Q__N,2) + sum2_1(2) + sum2_2(2) sum3_1(2) = omegaRho_d(2) * uzstar(2) * div3_4h sum3_2(2) = omegaRho_d(2) * velQuadTerm_z(2)**2 + omegaRho_dm(2) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q__b+( 2-1)* qq ) & & = omega_o * pdfTmp(Q__B,2) - sum3_1(2) + sum3_2(2) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q__t+( 2-1)* qq ) & & = omega_o * pdfTmp(Q__T,2) + sum3_1(2) + sum3_2(2) !top north / bottom south omegaRho_o(2) = omegaRho_d(2) * 0.5_rk omegaRho_om(2) = omegaRho_dm(2) * 0.5_rk sum4_1(2) = omegaRho_o(2) * ( uystar(2) + uzstar(2) ) *div3_4h sum4_2(2) = omegaRho_o(2) * ( velQuadTerm_y(2) + velQuadTerm_z(2) )**2 & & + omegaRho_om(2) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q_bs+( 2-1)* qq ) = & & omega_o*pdfTmp(Q_BS,2) - sum4_1(2) + sum4_2(2) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q_tn+( 2-1)* qq ) = & & omega_o*pdfTmp(Q_TN,2) + sum4_1(2) + sum4_2(2) !top south / bottom north sum5_1(2) = omegaRho_o(2) * ( -uystar(2) + uzstar(2) ) *div3_4h sum5_2(2) = omegaRho_o(2) * ( -velQuadTerm_y(2) + velQuadTerm_z(2) )**2& & + omegaRho_om(2) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q_bn+( 2-1)* qq ) = & & omega_o*pdfTmp(Q_BN,2) - sum5_1(2) + sum5_2(2) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q_ts+( 2-1)* qq ) = & & omega_o*pdfTmp(Q_TS,2) + sum5_1(2) + sum5_2(2) !top east / bottom west sum6_1(2) = omegaRho_o(2) * ( uxstar(2) + uzstar(2) ) *div3_4h sum6_2(2) = omegaRho_o(2) * ( velQuadTerm_x(2) + velQuadTerm_z(2) )**2 & & + omegaRho_om(2) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q_bw+( 2-1)* qq ) = & & omega_o*pdfTmp(Q_BW,2) - sum6_1(2) + sum6_2(2) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q_te+( 2-1)* qq ) = & & omega_o*pdfTmp(Q_TE,2) + sum6_1(2) + sum6_2(2) !top west / bottom east sum7_1(2) = omegaRho_o(2) * ( -uxstar(2) + uzstar(2) ) *div3_4h sum7_2(2) = omegaRho_o(2) * ( -velQuadTerm_x(2) + velQuadTerm_z(2) )**2& & + omegaRho_om(2) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q_be+( 2-1)* qq ) = & & omega_o*pdfTmp(Q_BE,2) - sum7_1(2) + sum7_2(2) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q_tw+( 2-1)* qq ) = & & omega_o*pdfTmp(Q_TW,2) + sum7_1(2) + sum7_2(2) !north east / south west sum8_1(2) = omegaRho_o(2) * ( uxstar(2) + uystar(2) ) *div3_4h sum8_2(2) = omegaRho_o(2) * ( velQuadTerm_x(2) + velQuadTerm_y(2) )**2 & & + omegaRho_om(2) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q_sw+( 2-1)* qq ) = & & omega_o*pdfTmp(Q_SW,2) - sum8_1(2) + sum8_2(2) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q_ne+( 2-1)* qq ) = & & omega_o*pdfTmp(Q_NE,2) + sum8_1(2) + sum8_2(2) !north west / south east sum9_1(2) = omegaRho_o(2) * ( -uxstar(2) + uystar(2) ) *div3_4h sum9_2(2) = omegaRho_o(2) * ( -velQuadTerm_x(2) + velQuadTerm_y(2) )**2& & + omegaRho_om(2) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q_se+( 2-1)* qq ) = & & omega_o*pdfTmp(Q_SE,2) - sum9_1(2) + sum9_2(2) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q_nw+( 2-1)* qq ) = & & omega_o*pdfTmp(Q_NW,2) + sum9_1(2) + sum9_2(2) ! species 3 ! velocity in quadratic term of equilibrium velQuadTerm_x(3) = velAvg(1) + theta_eq_spc*uxstar(3) velQuadTerm_y(3) = velAvg(2) + theta_eq_spc*uystar(3) velQuadTerm_z(3) = velAvg(3) + theta_eq_spc*uzstar(3) usqr(3) = (velQuadTerm_x(3) * velQuadTerm_x(3) & & + velQuadTerm_y(3) * velQuadTerm_y(3) & & + velQuadTerm_z(3) * velQuadTerm_z(3)) * t2cs2inv outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q__0+( 3-1)* qq ) = & & omega_o*pdfTmp(Q__0,3) + & & div1_3 * omegaRho(3) * (( 3._rk - 2._rk * phi(3)) - usqr(3) ) omegaRho_dm(3) = omegaRho(3) * (phi(3) - usqr(3)) * div1_18 !directional velocity factor sum1_1(3) = omegaRho_d(3) * uxstar(3) * div3_4h sum1_2(3) = omegaRho_d(3) * velQuadTerm_x(3)**2 + omegaRho_dm(3) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q__w+( 3-1)* qq ) & & = omega_o * pdfTmp(Q__W,3) - sum1_1(3) + sum1_2(3) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q__e+( 3-1)* qq ) & & = omega_o * pdfTmp(Q__E,3) + sum1_1(3) + sum1_2(3) sum2_1(3) = omegaRho_d(3) * uystar(3) * div3_4h sum2_2(3) = omegaRho_d(3) * velQuadTerm_y(3)**2 + omegaRho_dm(3) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q__s+( 3-1)* qq ) & & = omega_o * pdfTmp(Q__S,3) - sum2_1(3) + sum2_2(3) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q__n+( 3-1)* qq ) & & = omega_o * pdfTmp(Q__N,3) + sum2_1(3) + sum2_2(3) sum3_1(3) = omegaRho_d(3) * uzstar(3) * div3_4h sum3_2(3) = omegaRho_d(3) * velQuadTerm_z(3)**2 + omegaRho_dm(3) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q__b+( 3-1)* qq ) & & = omega_o * pdfTmp(Q__B,3) - sum3_1(3) + sum3_2(3) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q__t+( 3-1)* qq ) & & = omega_o * pdfTmp(Q__T,3) + sum3_1(3) + sum3_2(3) !top north / bottom south omegaRho_o(3) = omegaRho_d(3) * 0.5_rk omegaRho_om(3) = omegaRho_dm(3) * 0.5_rk sum4_1(3) = omegaRho_o(3) * ( uystar(3) + uzstar(3) ) *div3_4h sum4_2(3) = omegaRho_o(3) * ( velQuadTerm_y(3) + velQuadTerm_z(3) )**2 & & + omegaRho_om(3) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q_bs+( 3-1)* qq ) = & & omega_o*pdfTmp(Q_BS,3) - sum4_1(3) + sum4_2(3) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q_tn+( 3-1)* qq ) = & & omega_o*pdfTmp(Q_TN,3) + sum4_1(3) + sum4_2(3) !top south / bottom north sum5_1(3) = omegaRho_o(3) * ( -uystar(3) + uzstar(3) ) *div3_4h sum5_2(3) = omegaRho_o(3) * ( -velQuadTerm_y(3) + velQuadTerm_z(3) )**2& & + omegaRho_om(3) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q_bn+( 3-1)* qq ) = & & omega_o*pdfTmp(Q_BN,3) - sum5_1(3) + sum5_2(3) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q_ts+( 3-1)* qq ) = & & omega_o*pdfTmp(Q_TS,3) + sum5_1(3) + sum5_2(3) !top east / bottom west sum6_1(3) = omegaRho_o(3) * ( uxstar(3) + uzstar(3) ) *div3_4h sum6_2(3) = omegaRho_o(3) * ( velQuadTerm_x(3) + velQuadTerm_z(3) )**2 & & + omegaRho_om(3) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q_bw+( 3-1)* qq ) = & & omega_o*pdfTmp(Q_BW,3) - sum6_1(3) + sum6_2(3) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q_te+( 3-1)* qq ) = & & omega_o*pdfTmp(Q_TE,3) + sum6_1(3) + sum6_2(3) !top west / bottom east sum7_1(3) = omegaRho_o(3) * ( -uxstar(3) + uzstar(3) ) *div3_4h sum7_2(3) = omegaRho_o(3) * ( -velQuadTerm_x(3) + velQuadTerm_z(3) )**2& & + omegaRho_om(3) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q_be+( 3-1)* qq ) = & & omega_o*pdfTmp(Q_BE,3) - sum7_1(3) + sum7_2(3) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q_tw+( 3-1)* qq ) = & & omega_o*pdfTmp(Q_TW,3) + sum7_1(3) + sum7_2(3) !north east / south west sum8_1(3) = omegaRho_o(3) * ( uxstar(3) + uystar(3) ) *div3_4h sum8_2(3) = omegaRho_o(3) * ( velQuadTerm_x(3) + velQuadTerm_y(3) )**2 & & + omegaRho_om(3) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q_sw+( 3-1)* qq ) = & & omega_o*pdfTmp(Q_SW,3) - sum8_1(3) + sum8_2(3) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q_ne+( 3-1)* qq ) = & & omega_o*pdfTmp(Q_NE,3) + sum8_1(3) + sum8_2(3) !north west / south east sum9_1(3) = omegaRho_o(3) * ( -uxstar(3) + uystar(3) ) *div3_4h sum9_2(3) = omegaRho_o(3) * ( -velQuadTerm_x(3) + velQuadTerm_y(3) )**2& & + omegaRho_om(3) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q_se+( 3-1)* qq ) = & & omega_o*pdfTmp(Q_SE,3) - sum9_1(3) + sum9_2(3) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q_nw+( 3-1)* qq ) = & & omega_o*pdfTmp(Q_NW,3) + sum9_1(3) + sum9_2(3) end do nodeloop end subroutine bgk_advRel_d3q19f3_MSLiquid_WTDF ! ****************************************************************************** ! ****************************************************************************** !> Optimized Advection relaxation routine for the multispecies mrt model !! for d3q19 with 3 species with thermodynamic factor !! !! This routine contains the implementation based on the paper !! "A Lattice Boltzmann Scheme for liquid mixtures - Part II: Discretization !! and Numerics, Jens Zudrop, Sabine Roller, Pietro Asinari. "\n !! MRT paper !! "Lattice Boltzmann liquid mixture modeling for electrodialytic engineering !! applications - J. Zudrop, K. Masilamani, S. Roller and P. Asinari"\n !! !! This subroutine interface must match the abstract interface definition !! [[kernel]] in scheme/[[mus_scheme_type_module]].f90 in order to be callable !! via [[mus_scheme_type:compute]] function pointer. subroutine mrt_advRel_d3q19f3_MSLiquid_WTDF( fieldProp, inState, outState, & & auxField, neigh, nElems, & & nSolve, level, layout, params, & & varSys, derVarPos ) ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !> Array of field properties (fluid or species) type(mus_field_prop_type), intent(in) :: fieldProp(:) !> variable system definition type(tem_varSys_type), intent(in) :: varSys !> current layout type(mus_scheme_layout_type), intent(in) :: layout !> number of elements in state Array integer, intent(in) :: nElems !> input pdf vector real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: inState(nElems * varSys%nScalars) !> output pdf vector real(kind=rk), intent(out) :: outState(nElems * varSys%nScalars) !> Auxiliary field computed from pre-collision state !! Is updated with correct velocity field for multicomponent models real(kind=rk), intent(inout) :: auxField(nElems * varSys%nAuxScalars) !> connectivity vector integer, intent(in) :: neigh(nElems * layout%fStencil%QQ) !> number of elements solved in kernel integer, intent(in) :: nSolve !> current level integer,intent(in) :: level !> global parameters type(mus_param_type),intent(in) :: params !> position of derived quantities in varsys for all fields type( mus_derVarPos_type ), intent(in) :: derVarPos(:) ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !local variables ! temporary local pdf values real(kind=rk) :: pdfTmp( QQ, 3 ) integer :: iElem, iField, nScalars, iField_2, iField_3 type(mus_varSys_data_type), pointer :: fPtr type(mus_scheme_type), pointer :: scheme real(kind=rk), dimension(3) :: rsigma, uxsigma, & & uysigma, uzsigma, qxsigma, qysigma, qzsigma, gqxsigma, gqysigma, & & gqzsigma real(kind=rk), dimension(3) :: uxstar, uystar, uzstar real(kind=rk), dimension(3) :: molWeight, molWeight_inv, phi, & & num_dens, moleFrac real(kind=rk) :: usqr, totNum_dens_inv, totMass_dens real(kind=rk) :: velAvg_x, velAvg_y, velAvg_z real(kind=rk) :: velQuadTerm_x, velQuadTerm_y, velQuadTerm_z real(kind=rk) :: omega, omegadiv2, omega_fac, omega_o real(kind=rk) :: theta_eq, theta_eq_spc, paramB_inv real(kind=rk) :: B_12, B_13, B_23 real(kind=rk) :: Bratio_12, Bratio_13, Bratio_23 real(kind=rk) :: mbbEq_12, mbbEq_13, mbbEq_21, mbbEq_23, mbbEq_31, mbbEq_32 real(kind=rk) :: chi12, chi13, chi21, chi23, chi31, chi32 real(kind=rk) :: rho_d, rho_dm, rho_o, rho_om, sum1_1, sum2_1, sum3_1, & & sum4_1, sum5_1, sum6_1, sum7_1, sum8_1, sum9_1, sum1_2, sum2_2, sum3_2,& & sum4_2, sum5_2, sum6_2, sum7_2, sum8_2, sum9_2 real(kind=rk) :: omegaMoments(QQ,QQ,3) real(kind=rk) :: fneq(QQ), fneq_om(QQ) integer :: dens_pos(3), mom_pos(3,3), elemOff real(kind=rk), dimension(3, 3) :: matA, invA, resi_coeff, diff_coeff, & & thermodynamic_fac, inv_thermodyn_fac real(kind=rk) :: temp, press, phy_moleDens_fac ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! access scheme via 1st variable method data which is a state variable call C_F_POINTER( varSys%method%val(1)%method_Data, fPtr ) scheme => fPtr%solverData%scheme nScalars = varSys%nScalars !KM \todo check moleDens for multilevel phy_moleDens_fac = params%physics%moleDens0 !nFields = scheme%nFields !molecular weights molWeight = fieldProp(:)%species%molweight molWeight_inv = 1.0_rk/molWeight !molecular weight ratios phi = fieldProp(:)%species%molWeigRatio !omega moments = (M^-1 RelaxMat M)*(I+(M^-1 RelMat M)/2)^-1 omegaMoments(:,:,1) = fieldProp(1)%species%mrt( level )%omegaMoments omegaMoments(:,:,2) = fieldProp(2)%species%mrt( level )%omegaMoments omegaMoments(:,:,3) = fieldProp(3)%species%mrt( level )%omegaMoments !omega omega = scheme%mixture%relaxLvl(Level)%omega_diff omega_fac = (1.0_rk/(1.0_rk/omega + 0.5_rk)) omegadiv2 = omega*0.5_rk omega_o = 1.0_rk - omega_fac !free parameter B paramB_inv = 1.0_rk/scheme%mixture%paramB !equilibrium theta theta_eq = scheme%mixture%theta_eq theta_eq_spc = 1.0_rk - theta_eq ! temperature temp = scheme%mixture%temp0 ! atmospheric pressure press = scheme%mixture%atm_press !resistivities !resistivity coeff are symmetric !B_12 = B_21, B_13=B31, B23=B32 B_12 = fieldProp( 1 )%species%resi_coeff(2) B_13 = fieldProp( 1 )%species%resi_coeff(3) B_23 = fieldProp( 2 )%species%resi_coeff(3) Bratio_12 = B_12*paramB_inv Bratio_13 = B_13*paramB_inv Bratio_23 = B_23*paramB_inv mbbEq_12 = Bratio_12*phi(1) mbbEq_13 = Bratio_13*phi(1) mbbEq_21 = Bratio_12*phi(2) mbbEq_23 = Bratio_23*phi(2) mbbEq_31 = Bratio_13*phi(3) mbbEq_32 = Bratio_23*phi(3) ! position of density and momentum in auxField array do iField = 1, 3 dens_pos(iField) = varSys%method%val(derVarPos(iField)%density) & & %auxField_varPos(1) mom_pos(:, iField) = varSys%method%val(derVarPos(iField)%momentum) & & %auxField_varPos(1:3) end do nodeloop: do iElem = 1, nSolve !species 1 pdfTmp( Q__W,1 ) = instate(neigh (( q__w-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 1-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q__S,1 ) = instate(neigh (( q__s-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 1-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q__B,1 ) = instate(neigh (( q__b-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 1-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q__E,1 ) = instate(neigh (( q__e-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 1-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q__N,1 ) = instate(neigh (( q__n-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 1-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q__T,1 ) = instate(neigh (( q__t-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 1-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_BS,1 ) = instate(neigh (( q_bs-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 1-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_TS,1 ) = instate(neigh (( q_ts-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 1-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_BN,1 ) = instate(neigh (( q_bn-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 1-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_TN,1 ) = instate(neigh (( q_tn-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 1-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_BW,1 ) = instate(neigh (( q_bw-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 1-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_BE,1 ) = instate(neigh (( q_be-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 1-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_TW,1 ) = instate(neigh (( q_tw-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 1-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_TE,1 ) = instate(neigh (( q_te-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 1-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_SW,1 ) = instate(neigh (( q_sw-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 1-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_NW,1 ) = instate(neigh (( q_nw-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 1-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_SE,1 ) = instate(neigh (( q_se-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 1-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_NE,1 ) = instate(neigh (( q_ne-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 1-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q__0,1 ) = instate(neigh (( q__0-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 1-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) !species 2 pdfTmp( Q__W,2 ) = instate(neigh (( q__w-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 2-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q__S,2 ) = instate(neigh (( q__s-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 2-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q__B,2 ) = instate(neigh (( q__b-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 2-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q__E,2 ) = instate(neigh (( q__e-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 2-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q__N,2 ) = instate(neigh (( q__n-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 2-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q__T,2 ) = instate(neigh (( q__t-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 2-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_BS,2 ) = instate(neigh (( q_bs-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 2-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_TS,2 ) = instate(neigh (( q_ts-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 2-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_BN,2 ) = instate(neigh (( q_bn-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 2-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_TN,2 ) = instate(neigh (( q_tn-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 2-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_BW,2 ) = instate(neigh (( q_bw-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 2-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_BE,2 ) = instate(neigh (( q_be-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 2-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_TW,2 ) = instate(neigh (( q_tw-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 2-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_TE,2 ) = instate(neigh (( q_te-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 2-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_SW,2 ) = instate(neigh (( q_sw-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 2-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_NW,2 ) = instate(neigh (( q_nw-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 2-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_SE,2 ) = instate(neigh (( q_se-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 2-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_NE,2 ) = instate(neigh (( q_ne-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 2-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q__0,2 ) = instate(neigh (( q__0-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 2-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) !species 3 pdfTmp( Q__W,3 ) = instate(neigh (( q__w-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 3-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q__S,3 ) = instate(neigh (( q__s-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 3-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q__B,3 ) = instate(neigh (( q__b-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 3-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q__E,3 ) = instate(neigh (( q__e-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 3-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q__N,3 ) = instate(neigh (( q__n-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 3-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q__T,3 ) = instate(neigh (( q__t-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 3-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_BS,3 ) = instate(neigh (( q_bs-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 3-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_TS,3 ) = instate(neigh (( q_ts-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 3-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_BN,3 ) = instate(neigh (( q_bn-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 3-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_TN,3 ) = instate(neigh (( q_tn-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 3-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_BW,3 ) = instate(neigh (( q_bw-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 3-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_BE,3 ) = instate(neigh (( q_be-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 3-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_TW,3 ) = instate(neigh (( q_tw-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 3-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_TE,3 ) = instate(neigh (( q_te-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 3-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_SW,3 ) = instate(neigh (( q_sw-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 3-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_NW,3 ) = instate(neigh (( q_nw-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 3-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_SE,3 ) = instate(neigh (( q_se-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 3-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q_NE,3 ) = instate(neigh (( q_ne-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 3-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) pdfTmp( Q__0,3 ) = instate(neigh (( q__0-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( 3-1)* qq+ nscalars*0) ! element offset to access auxField elemOff = (iElem-1)*varSys%nAuxScalars ! get density and momentum from auxField do iField = 1, 3 ! density rsigma(iField) = auxField(elemOff + dens_pos(iField)) ! momentum gqxsigma(iField) = auxField(elemOff + mom_pos(1, iField)) gqysigma(iField) = auxField(elemOff + mom_pos(2, iField)) gqzsigma(iField) = auxField(elemOff + mom_pos(3, iField)) end do !number density num_dens(:) = rsigma(:)*molWeight_inv(:) !total number density totNum_dens_inv = 1.0_rk/sum(num_dens(:)) !mole fraction moleFrac(:) = num_dens(:)*totNum_dens_inv ! MS-Diff coeff matrix from C++ code call mus_calc_MS_DiffMatrix( 3, temp, press, num_dens*phy_moleDens_fac, & & diff_coeff ) ! Convert to lattice unit resi_coeff = params%physics%fac(level)%diffusivity/diff_coeff ! Thermodynamic factor from C++ code call mus_calc_thermFactor( 3, temp, press, moleFrac, & & thermodynamic_fac ) inv_thermodyn_fac = invert_matrix( thermodynamic_fac ) matA = 0.0_rk !build up matrix to solver LSE for actual velocity do iField = 1, 3 !set diagonal part matA(iField, iField) = 1.0_rk do iField_2 = 1, 3 do iField_3 = 1, 3 matA(iField, iField_2) = matA(iField, iField_2) + omega * 0.5_rk & & * inv_thermodyn_fac(iField, iField_2) & & * resi_coeff(iField_2, iField_3) & & * phi(iField_2) * moleFrac(iField_3) & & * paramB_inv end do end do !set non-diagonal part do iField_2 = 1, 3 do iField_3 = 1, 3 matA(iField, iField_3) = matA(iField, iField_3) - omega * 0.5_rk & & * inv_thermodyn_fac(iField, iField_2) & & * resi_coeff(iField_2, iField_3) & & * phi(iField_3) * moleFrac(iField_2) & & * paramB_inv end do end do end do ! invert matrix invA = invert_matrix( matA ) !actual momentum of all species qxsigma(1:3) = matmul( invA, gqxsigma(1:3) ) qysigma(1:3) = matmul( invA, gqysigma(1:3) ) qzsigma(1:3) = matmul( invA, gqzsigma(1:3) ) ! store momentum of untransformed PDF in auxField do iField = 1, 3 auxField(elemOff + mom_pos(1, iField)) = qxsigma(iField) auxField(elemOff + mom_pos(2, iField)) = qysigma(iField) auxField(elemOff + mom_pos(3, iField)) = qzsigma(iField) end do ! species velocity uxsigma = qxsigma/rsigma uysigma = qysigma/rsigma uzsigma = qzsigma/rsigma !compute equilibrium velocity to compute feq chi12 = mbbEq_12 * moleFrac(2) chi13 = mbbEq_13 * moleFrac(3) chi21 = mbbEq_21 * moleFrac(1) chi23 = mbbEq_23 * moleFrac(3) chi31 = mbbEq_31 * moleFrac(1) chi32 = mbbEq_32 * moleFrac(2) !ux uxstar(1) = uxsigma(1) + chi12*(uxsigma(2)-uxsigma(1)) & & + chi13*(uxsigma(3)-uxsigma(1)) uxstar(2) = uxsigma(2) + chi21*(uxsigma(1)-uxsigma(2)) & & + chi23*(uxsigma(3)-uxsigma(2)) uxstar(3) = uxsigma(3) + chi31*(uxsigma(1)-uxsigma(3)) & & + chi32*(uxsigma(2)-uxsigma(3)) !uy uystar(1) = uysigma(1) + chi12*(uysigma(2)-uysigma(1)) & & + chi13*(uysigma(3)-uysigma(1)) uystar(2) = uysigma(2) + chi21*(uysigma(1)-uysigma(2)) & & + chi23*(uysigma(3)-uysigma(2)) uystar(3) = uysigma(3) + chi31*(uysigma(1)-uysigma(3)) & & + chi32*(uysigma(2)-uysigma(3)) !uz uzstar(1) = uzsigma(1) + chi12*(uzsigma(2)-uzsigma(1)) & & + chi13*(uzsigma(3)-uzsigma(1)) uzstar(2) = uzsigma(2) + chi21*(uzsigma(1)-uzsigma(2)) & & + chi23*(uzsigma(3)-uzsigma(2)) uzstar(3) = uzsigma(3) + chi31*(uzsigma(1)-uzsigma(3)) & & + chi32*(uzsigma(2)-uzsigma(3)) ! total mass density totMass_dens = sum(rsigma) ! mass averaged mixture velocity velAvg_x = dot_product( rsigma, uxsigma ) / totMass_dens velAvg_y = dot_product( rsigma, uysigma ) / totMass_dens velAvg_z = dot_product( rsigma, uzsigma ) / totMass_dens !compute equilibrium and do collision do iField = 1, 3!nFields ! \todo KM: Bug remove omega factor from equilibrium rho_d = rsigma(iField) * div1_4 velQuadTerm_x = theta_eq*velAvg_x + theta_eq_spc*uxstar(iField) velQuadTerm_y = theta_eq*velAvg_y + theta_eq_spc*uystar(iField) velQuadTerm_z = theta_eq*velAvg_z + theta_eq_spc*uzstar(iField) usqr = (velQuadTerm_x * velQuadTerm_x & & + velQuadTerm_y * velQuadTerm_y & & + velQuadTerm_z * velQuadTerm_z) * t2cs2inv ! at rest fneq(Q__0) = div1_3 * rsigma(iField) * (( 3._rk - 2._rk * phi(iField)) & & - usqr ) - pdfTmp(Q__0, iField) rho_dm = rsigma(iField) * (phi(iField) - usqr) * div1_18 !directional velocity factor sum1_1 = rho_d * uxstar(iField) * div3_4h sum1_2 = rho_d * velQuadTerm_x**2 + rho_dm fneq(Q__W) = -sum1_1 + sum1_2 - pdfTmp(Q__W,iField) fneq(Q__E) = sum1_1 + sum1_2 - pdfTmp(Q__E,iField) sum2_1 = rho_d * uystar(iField) * div3_4h sum2_2 = rho_d * velQuadTerm_y**2 + rho_dm fneq(Q__S) = -sum2_1 + sum2_2 - pdfTmp(Q__S,iField) fneq(Q__N) = sum2_1 + sum2_2 - pdfTmp(Q__N,iField) sum3_1 = rho_d * uzstar(iField) * div3_4h sum3_2 = rho_d * velQuadTerm_z**2 + rho_dm fneq(Q__B) = -sum3_1 + sum3_2 - pdfTmp(Q__B,iField) fneq(Q__T) = sum3_1 + sum3_2 - pdfTmp(Q__T,iField) rho_o = rho_d * 0.5_rk rho_om = rho_dm * 0.5_rk !top north / bottom south sum4_1 = rho_o * ( uystar(iField) + uzstar(iField) ) *div3_4h sum4_2 = rho_o * ( velQuadTerm_y + velQuadTerm_z )**2 & & + rho_om fneq(Q_BS) = -sum4_1 + sum4_2 - pdfTmp(Q_BS,iField) fneq(Q_TN) = sum4_1 + sum4_2 - pdfTmp(Q_TN,iField) !top south / bottom north sum5_1 = rho_o * ( -uystar(iField) + uzstar(iField) ) *div3_4h sum5_2 = rho_o * ( -velQuadTerm_y + velQuadTerm_z )**2& & + rho_om fneq(Q_BN) = -sum5_1 + sum5_2 - pdfTmp(Q_BN,iField) fneq(Q_TS) = sum5_1 + sum5_2 - pdfTmp(Q_TS,iField) !top east / bottom west sum6_1 = rho_o * ( uxstar(iField) + uzstar(iField) ) *div3_4h sum6_2 = rho_o * ( velQuadTerm_x + velQuadTerm_z )**2 & & + rho_om fneq(Q_BW) = -sum6_1 + sum6_2 - pdfTmp(Q_BW,iField) fneq(Q_TE) = sum6_1 + sum6_2 - pdfTmp(Q_TE,iField) !top west / bottom east sum7_1 = rho_o * ( -uxstar(iField) + uzstar(iField) ) *div3_4h sum7_2 = rho_o * ( -velQuadTerm_x + velQuadTerm_z )**2& & + rho_om fneq(Q_BE) = -sum7_1 + sum7_2 - pdfTmp(Q_BE,iField) fneq(Q_TW) = sum7_1 + sum7_2 - pdfTmp(Q_TW,iField) !north east / south west sum8_1 = rho_o * ( uxstar(iField) + uystar(iField) ) *div3_4h sum8_2 = rho_o * ( velQuadTerm_x + velQuadTerm_y )**2 & & + rho_om fneq(Q_SW) = -sum8_1 + sum8_2 - pdfTmp(Q_SW,iField) fneq(Q_NE) = sum8_1 + sum8_2 - pdfTmp(Q_NE,iField) !north west / south east sum9_1 = rho_o * ( -uxstar(iField) + uystar(iField) ) *div3_4h sum9_2 = rho_o * ( -velQuadTerm_x + velQuadTerm_y )**2& & + rho_om fneq(Q_SE) = -sum9_1 + sum9_2 - pdfTmp(Q_SE,iField) fneq(Q_NW) = sum9_1 + sum9_2 - pdfTmp(Q_NW,iField) ! omega * fNonEq fneq_om = matmul( omegaMoments(:,:, iField), fneq ) !outstate outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q__0+( ifield-1)* qq ) = & & pdfTmp( Q__0, iField ) + fneq_om( Q__0 ) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q__w+( ifield-1)* qq ) = & & pdfTmp( Q__W, iField ) + fneq_om( Q__W ) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q__e+( ifield-1)* qq ) = & & pdfTmp( Q__E, iField ) + fneq_om( Q__E ) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q__s+( ifield-1)* qq ) = & & pdfTmp( Q__S, iField ) + fneq_om( Q__S ) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q__n+( ifield-1)* qq ) = & & pdfTmp( Q__N, iField ) + fneq_om( Q__N ) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q__b+( ifield-1)* qq ) = & & pdfTmp( Q__B, iField ) + fneq_om( Q__B ) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q__t+( ifield-1)* qq ) = & & pdfTmp( Q__T, iField ) + fneq_om( Q__T ) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q_bs+( ifield-1)* qq ) = & & pdfTmp( Q_BS, iField ) + fneq_om( Q_BS ) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q_tn+( ifield-1)* qq ) = & & pdfTmp( Q_TN, iField ) + fneq_om( Q_TN ) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q_bn+( ifield-1)* qq ) = & & pdfTmp( Q_BN, iField ) + fneq_om( Q_BN ) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q_ts+( ifield-1)* qq ) = & & pdfTmp( Q_TS, iField ) + fneq_om( Q_TS ) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q_bw+( ifield-1)* qq ) = & & pdfTmp( Q_BW, iField ) + fneq_om( Q_BW ) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q_te+( ifield-1)* qq ) = & & pdfTmp( Q_TE, iField ) + fneq_om( Q_TE ) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q_be+( ifield-1)* qq ) = & & pdfTmp( Q_BE, iField ) + fneq_om( Q_BE ) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q_tw+( ifield-1)* qq ) = & & pdfTmp( Q_TW, iField ) + fneq_om( Q_TW ) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q_sw+( ifield-1)* qq ) = & & pdfTmp( Q_SW, iField ) + fneq_om( Q_SW ) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q_ne+( ifield-1)* qq ) = & & pdfTmp( Q_NE, iField ) + fneq_om( Q_NE ) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q_se+( ifield-1)* qq ) = & & pdfTmp( Q_SE, iField ) + fneq_om( Q_SE ) outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+ q_nw+( ifield-1)* qq ) = & & pdfTmp( Q_NW, iField ) + fneq_om( Q_NW ) enddo !iField enddo nodeloop end subroutine mrt_advRel_d3q19f3_MSLiquid_WTDF ! ****************************************************************************** ! ! ****************************************************************************** !> Unoptimized Advection relaxation routine for the multispecies BGK model !! with thermodynamic factors in Maxwell-Stefan formulation !! !! This subroutine interface must match the abstract interface definition !! [[kernel]] in scheme/[[mus_scheme_type_module]].f90 in order to be callable !! via [[mus_scheme_type:compute]] function pointer. subroutine mrt_advRel_MSLiquid_generic_WTDF( fieldProp, inState, outState, & & auxField, neigh, nElems, & & nSolve, level, layout, params, & & varSys, derVarPos ) ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !> Array of field properties (fluid or species) type(mus_field_prop_type), intent(in) :: fieldProp(:) !> variable system definition type(tem_varSys_type), intent(in) :: varSys !> current layout type(mus_scheme_layout_type), intent(in) :: layout !> number of elements in state Array integer, intent(in) :: nElems !> input pdf vector real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: inState(nElems * varSys%nScalars) !> output pdf vector real(kind=rk), intent(out) :: outState(nElems * varSys%nScalars) !> Auxiliary field computed from pre-collision state !! Is updated with correct velocity field for multicomponent models real(kind=rk), intent(inout) :: auxField(nElems * varSys%nAuxScalars) !> connectivity vector integer, intent(in) :: neigh(nElems * layout%fStencil%QQ) !> number of elements solved in kernel integer, intent(in) :: nSolve !> current level integer,intent(in) :: level !> global parameters type(mus_param_type),intent(in) :: params !> position of derived quantities in varsys for all fields type( mus_derVarPos_type ), intent(in) :: derVarPos(:) ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !local variables real(kind=rk) :: pdfTmp( varSys%nScalars ) !< temporary local pdf values integer :: iElem, iField, iField_2, iField_3, nFields, iDir, QQ, nScalars integer :: vPos( layout%fStencil%QQ ) type(mus_varSys_data_type), pointer :: fPtr type(mus_scheme_type), pointer :: scheme integer, dimension(varSys%nStateVars) :: stateVarMap, dens_pos integer :: mom_pos(3, varSys%nStateVars) real(kind=rk), dimension(varSys%nStateVars) :: mass_dens, num_dens, & & moleFrac, molWeight, phi real(kind=rk), dimension(3, varSys%nStateVars) :: first_moments, & & velocity, eqVel real(kind=rk) :: totNum_dens, usqr, ucx, feq real(kind=rk) :: omega, omega_new, paramB, theta_eq real(kind=rk) :: velAvg(3), velNew(3), ucxQuadTerm, totMassDens real(kind=rk) :: omegaMoments(layout%fStencil%QQ,layout%fStencil%QQ) real(kind=rk) :: fneq(layout%fStencil%QQ), fneq_om(layout%fStencil%QQ) real(kind=rk), dimension(varSys%nStateVars, varSys%nStateVars) :: matA, & & invA, resi_coeff, thermodynamic_fac, inv_thermodyn_fac, diff_coeff real(kind=rk) :: temp, press, moleDens0, phy_moleDens_fac integer :: elemOff real(kind=rk) :: wRestInv, sRest(varSys%nStateVars) ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! access scheme via 1st variable method data which is a state variable call C_F_POINTER( varSys%method%val(1)%method_Data, fPtr ) scheme => fPtr%solverData%scheme QQ = layout%fStencil%QQ nFields = scheme%nFields nScalars = varSys%nScalars ! constant mixture number density moleDens0 = scheme%mixture%moleDens0 !KM \todo check moleDens for multilevel phy_moleDens_fac = params%physics%moleDens0 !molecular weights molWeight = fieldProp(:)%species%molweight !molecular weight ratios phi = fieldProp(:)%species%molWeigRatio !s_0^k - species weight for rest position wRestInv = 1.0_rk / layout%weight(layout%fStencil%restPosition) do iField = 1, nFields sRest(iField) = wRestInv + (1.0_rk - wRestInv) * phi(iField) end do !resistivities do iField = 1, nFields resi_coeff(iField,:) = fieldProp( iField )%species%resi_coeff enddo omega = scheme%mixture%relaxLvl(level)%omega_diff omega_new = (1.0_rk/(1.0_rk/omega + 0.5_rk)) paramB = scheme%mixture%paramB !equilibrium theta theta_eq = scheme%mixture%theta_eq ! temperature temp = scheme%mixture%temp0 ! atmospheric pressure press = scheme%mixture%atm_press stateVarMap = scheme%stateVarMap%varPos%val(:) ! compute thermodynamic factor from matthias c-code for each element thermodynamic_fac = 0.0_rk do iField = 1, nFields thermodynamic_fac(iField, iField) = 1.0_rk end do ! position of density and momentum in auxField array do iField = 1, nFields dens_pos(iField) = varSys%method%val(derVarPos(iField)%density) & & %auxField_varPos(1) mom_pos(:, iField) = varSys%method%val(derVarPos(iField)%momentum) & & %auxField_varPos(1:3) end do nodeloop: do iElem = 1, nSolve mass_dens = 0._rk first_moments = 0.0_rk velocity = 0.0_rk eqVel = 0.0_rk pdfTmp = 0._rk ! element offset to access auxField elemOff = (iElem-1)*varSys%nAuxScalars do iField = 1, nFields vPos = varSys%method%val( stateVarMap(iField) )%state_varPos ! compute field density and first moments do iDir = 1, QQ !store all field pdf in single element to local array pdfTmp pdfTmp( vPos(iDir) ) = & & instate( neigh (( idir-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( ifield-1)* qq+ varsys%nscalars*0 ) enddo !field density mass_dens( iField ) = auxField(elemOff + dens_pos(iField)) !field momentum (rho*u) first_moments( 1, iField ) = auxField(elemOff + mom_pos(1, iField)) first_moments( 2, iField ) = auxField(elemOff + mom_pos(2, iField)) first_moments( 3, iField ) = auxField(elemOff + mom_pos(3, iField)) enddo !total mass density totmassDens = sum(mass_dens) ! solve linear system of equation for actual moments ! number density of all species num_dens(:) = mass_dens(:)/molWeight(:) !total number density totNum_dens = sum(num_dens(:)) !mole fraction moleFrac(:) = num_dens(:)/totNum_dens ! MS-Diff coeff matrix from C++ code call mus_calc_MS_DiffMatrix( nFields, temp, press, & & num_dens*phy_moleDens_fac, diff_coeff ) ! Convert to lattice unit resi_coeff = params%physics%fac(level)%diffusivity/diff_coeff ! Thermodynamic factor from C++ code call mus_calc_thermFactor( nFields, temp, press, moleFrac, & & thermodynamic_fac ) inv_thermodyn_fac = invert_matrix( thermodynamic_fac ) matA = 0.0_rk !build up matrix to solver LSE for actual velocity do iField = 1, nFields !set diagonal part matA(iField, iField) = 1.0_rk do iField_2 = 1, nFields do iField_3 = 1, nFields matA(iField, iField_2) = matA(iField, iField_2) + omega * 0.5_rk & & * inv_thermodyn_fac(iField, iField_2) & & * resi_coeff(iField_2, iField_3) & & * phi(iField_2) * moleFrac(iField_3) & & / paramB end do end do !set non-diagonal part do iField_2 = 1, nFields do iField_3 = 1, nFields matA(iField, iField_3) = matA(iField, iField_3) - omega * 0.5_rk & & * inv_thermodyn_fac(iField, iField_2) & & * resi_coeff(iField_2, iField_3) & & * phi(iField_3) * moleFrac(iField_2) & & / paramB end do end do end do ! invert matrix invA = invert_matrix( matA ) !actual momentum of all species velocity(1, :) = matmul( invA, first_moments(1,:) ) velocity(2, :) = matmul( invA, first_moments(2,:) ) velocity(3, :) = matmul( invA, first_moments(3,:) ) ! store momentum of untransformed PDF in auxField do iField = 1, nFields auxField(elemOff + mom_pos(1, iField)) = velocity(1, iField) auxField(elemOff + mom_pos(2, iField)) = velocity(2, iField) auxField(elemOff + mom_pos(3, iField)) = velocity(3, iField) end do ! convert momentum to velocity velocity(1, :) = velocity(1, :) / mass_dens(:) velocity(2, :) = velocity(2, :) / mass_dens(:) velocity(3, :) = velocity(3, :) / mass_dens(:) ! compute equilibrium velocity do iField = 1, nFields eqVel( :, iField ) = mass_dens(iField)*velocity( :, iField ) do iField_2 = 1, nFields do iField_3 = 1, nFields eqVel( :, iField ) = eqVel( :, iField ) & & + inv_thermodyn_fac(iField, iField_2) & & * mass_dens(iField_2) & & * resi_coeff( iField_2, iField_3 ) * phi(iField_2)& & * moleFrac(iField_3) & & * (velocity(:, iField_3) - velocity(:,iField_2)) & & / paramB end do end do end do !compute mass averaged mixture velocity velAvg(1) = dot_product( mass_dens, velocity(1,:) )/totmassDens velAvg(2) = dot_product( mass_dens, velocity(2,:) )/totmassDens velAvg(3) = dot_product( mass_dens, velocity(3,:) )/totmassDens !compute equilibrium and do collision do iField = 1, nFields !omega moments = (M^-1 RelaxMat M)*(I+(M^-1 RelMat M)/2)^-1 omegaMoments = fieldProp( iField )%species%mrt( level )%omegaMoments vPos = varSys%method%val( stateVarMap(iField) )%state_varPos !KM: TGV testcase velNew = theta_eq*velAvg & & + (1.0_rk - theta_eq)*eqVel(:, iField) / mass_dens(iField) !usqr = eqVel(1, iField) * eqVel(1, iField) & ! & + eqVel(2, iField) * eqVel(2, iField) & ! & + eqVel(3, iField) * eqVel(3, iField) usqr = dot_product( velNew, velNew ) * t2cs2inv do iDir = 1, QQ ucx = dble( layout%fStencil%cxDir( 1, iDir ))*eqVel(1, iField) & & + dble( layout%fStencil%cxDir( 2, iDir ))*eqVel(2, iField) & & + dble( layout%fStencil%cxDir( 3, iDir ))*eqVel(3, iField) ucxQuadTerm = dot_product( & & dble(layout%fStencil%cxDir(:, iDir)), velNew ) feq = layout%weight(iDir) * ( mass_dens(iField) * ( phi(iField) & & + ucxQuadTerm * ucxQuadTerm * t2cs4inv - usqr ) + ucx * cs2inv ) if ( iDir == layout%fStencil%restPosition ) then ! equilibrium at rest feq = layout%weight(iDir) * mass_dens(iField) * ( sRest(iField) & & - usqr ) end if fneq(iDir) = ( feq - pdfTmp( vPos(iDir) ) ) enddo !iDir fneq_om = matmul( omegaMoments, fneq ) do iDir = 1, layout%fStencil%QQ outstate( & & ( ielem-1)* varsys%nscalars+ idir+( ifield-1)* qq ) = & & pdfTmp( vPos(iDir) ) + fneq_om( iDir ) enddo !iDir enddo !iField enddo nodeloop end subroutine mrt_advRel_MSLiquid_generic_WTDF ! ****************************************************************************** ! ****************************************************************************** !> Unoptimized Advection relaxation routine for the multispecies BGK model !! with thermodynamic factors in Maxwell-Stefan formulation !! !! This routine contains the implementation based on the paper !! "A Lattice Boltzmann Scheme for liquid mixtures - Part II: Discretization !! and Numerics, Jens Zudrop, Sabine Roller, Pietro Asinari. "\n !! !! This subroutine interface must match the abstract interface definition !! [[kernel]] in scheme/[[mus_scheme_type_module]].f90 in order to be callable !! via [[mus_scheme_type:compute]] function pointer. subroutine bgk_advRel_MSLiquid_generic_WTDF( fieldProp, inState, outState, & & auxField, neigh, nElems, & & nSolve, level, layout, params, & & varSys, derVarPos ) ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !> Array of field properties (fluid or species) type(mus_field_prop_type), intent(in) :: fieldProp(:) !> variable system definition type(tem_varSys_type), intent(in) :: varSys !> current layout type(mus_scheme_layout_type), intent(in) :: layout !> number of elements in state Array integer, intent(in) :: nElems !> input pdf vector real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: inState(nElems * varSys%nScalars) !> output pdf vector real(kind=rk), intent(out) :: outState(nElems * varSys%nScalars) !> Auxiliary field computed from pre-collision state !! Is updated with correct velocity field for multicomponent models real(kind=rk), intent(inout) :: auxField(nElems * varSys%nAuxScalars) !> connectivity vector integer, intent(in) :: neigh(nElems * layout%fStencil%QQ) !> number of elements solved in kernel integer, intent(in) :: nSolve !> current level integer,intent(in) :: level !> global parameters type(mus_param_type),intent(in) :: params !> position of derived quantities in varsys for all fields type( mus_derVarPos_type ), intent(in) :: derVarPos(:) ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !local variables real(kind=rk) :: pdfTmp( varSys%nScalars ) !< temporary local pdf values integer :: iElem, iField, iField_2, iField_3, nFields, iDir, QQ, nScalars integer :: vPos( layout%fStencil%QQ ) type(mus_varSys_data_type), pointer :: fPtr type(mus_scheme_type), pointer :: scheme integer, dimension(varSys%nStateVars) :: stateVarMap, dens_pos integer :: mom_pos(3, varSys%nStateVars) real(kind=rk), dimension(varSys%nStateVars) :: mass_dens, num_dens, & & moleFrac, molWeight, phi real(kind=rk), dimension(3, varSys%nStateVars) :: first_moments, & & velocity, eqVel real(kind=rk) :: totNum_dens, usqr, ucx, feq real(kind=rk) :: velAvg(3), velQuad(3), ucxQuadTerm, theta_eq, totMassDens real(kind=rk) :: omega, omega_new, paramB real(kind=rk), dimension(varSys%nStateVars, varSys%nStateVars) :: matA, & & invA, resi_coeff, thermodynamic_fac, inv_thermodyn_fac, diff_coeff real(kind=rk) :: temp, press, moleDens0, phy_moleDens_fac integer :: elemOff real(kind=rk) :: wRestInv, sRest(varSys%nStateVars) ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! access scheme via 1st variable method data which is a state variable call C_F_POINTER( varSys%method%val(1)%method_Data, fPtr ) scheme => fPtr%solverData%scheme QQ = layout%fStencil%QQ nFields = scheme%nFields nScalars = varSys%nScalars ! constant mixture number density moleDens0 = scheme%mixture%moleDens0 !KM \todo check moleDens for multilevel phy_moleDens_fac = params%physics%moleDens0 !molecular weights molWeight = fieldProp(:)%species%molweight !molecular weight ratios phi = fieldProp(:)%species%molWeigRatio !s_0^k - species weight for rest position wRestInv = 1.0_rk / layout%weight(layout%fStencil%restPosition) do iField = 1, nFields sRest(iField) = wRestInv + (1.0_rk - wRestInv) * phi(iField) end do !resistivities do iField = 1, nFields resi_coeff(iField,:) = fieldProp( iField )%species%resi_coeff enddo omega = scheme%mixture%relaxLvl(Level)%omega_diff ! write(*,*) 'omega ', omega omega_new = (1.0_rk/(1.0_rk/omega + 0.5_rk)) ! write(*,*) 'omega_new ', omega_new paramB = scheme%mixture%paramB !equilibrium theta theta_eq = scheme%mixture%theta_eq ! temperature temp = scheme%mixture%temp0 ! atmospheric pressure press = scheme%mixture%atm_press !write(*,*) 'resi_coeff LB', real(resi_coeff) !write(*,*) 'temp ', temp, ' press ', press ! initialize thermodynamic factor and activity coeff ! compute thermodynamic factor from matthias c-code for each element thermodynamic_fac = 0.0_rk do iField = 1, nFields thermodynamic_fac(iField, iField) = 1.0_rk end do ! write(*,*) 'paramB ', paramB stateVarMap = scheme%stateVarMap%varPos%val(:) ! position of density and momentum in auxField array do iField = 1, nFields dens_pos(iField) = varSys%method%val(derVarPos(iField)%density) & & %auxField_varPos(1) mom_pos(:, iField) = varSys%method%val(derVarPos(iField)%momentum) & & %auxField_varPos(1:3) end do nodeloop: do iElem = 1, nSolve mass_dens = 0._rk first_moments = 0.0_rk velocity = 0.0_rk eqVel = 0.0_rk pdfTmp = 0._rk ! element offset to access auxField elemOff = (iElem-1)*varSys%nAuxScalars do iField = 1, nFields vPos = varSys%method%val( stateVarMap(iField) )%state_varPos ! compute field density and first moments do iDir = 1, layout%fStencil%QQ !store all field pdf in single element to local array pdfTmp pdfTmp( vPos(iDir) ) = instate( & & neigh((idir-1)* nelems+ ielem)+( ifield-1)* qq+ nscalars*0 ) enddo !field density mass_dens( iField ) = auxField(elemOff + dens_pos(iField)) !field momentum (rho*u) first_moments( 1, iField ) = auxField(elemOff + mom_pos(1, iField)) first_moments( 2, iField ) = auxField(elemOff + mom_pos(2, iField)) first_moments( 3, iField ) = auxField(elemOff + mom_pos(3, iField)) enddo !total mass density totmassDens = sum(mass_dens) ! solve linear system of equation for actual moments ! number density of all species num_dens(:) = mass_dens(:)/molWeight(:) !total number density totNum_dens = sum(num_dens(:)) !mole fraction moleFrac(:) = num_dens(:)/totNum_dens ! MS-Diff coeff matrix from C++ code call mus_calc_MS_DiffMatrix( nFields, temp, press, & & num_dens*phy_moleDens_fac, diff_coeff ) ! Convert to lattice unit resi_coeff = params%physics%fac(level)%diffusivity/diff_coeff ! Thermodynamic factor from C++ code call mus_calc_thermFactor( nFields, temp, press, moleFrac, & & thermodynamic_fac ) inv_thermodyn_fac = invert_matrix( thermodynamic_fac ) matA = 0.0_rk !build up matrix to solver LSE for actual velocity do iField = 1, nFields !set diagonal part matA(iField, iField) = 1.0_rk do iField_2 = 1, nFields do iField_3 = 1, nFields matA(iField, iField_2) = matA(iField, iField_2) + omega * 0.5_rk & & * inv_thermodyn_fac(iField, iField_2) & & * resi_coeff(iField_2, iField_3) & & * phi(iField_2) * moleFrac(iField_3) & & / paramB end do end do !set non-diagonal part do iField_2 = 1, nFields do iField_3 = 1, nFields matA(iField, iField_3) = matA(iField, iField_3) - omega * 0.5_rk & & * inv_thermodyn_fac(iField, iField_2) & & * resi_coeff(iField_2, iField_3) & & * phi(iField_3) * moleFrac(iField_2) & & / paramB end do end do end do ! invert matrix invA = invert_matrix( matA ) !actual momentum of all species velocity(1, :) = matmul( invA, first_moments(1,:) ) velocity(2, :) = matmul( invA, first_moments(2,:) ) velocity(3, :) = matmul( invA, first_moments(3,:) ) ! store momentum of untransformed PDF in auxField do iField = 1, nFields auxField(elemOff + mom_pos(1, iField)) = velocity(1, iField) auxField(elemOff + mom_pos(2, iField)) = velocity(2, iField) auxField(elemOff + mom_pos(3, iField)) = velocity(3, iField) end do ! convert momentum to velocity velocity(1, :) = velocity(1, :) / mass_dens(:) velocity(2, :) = velocity(2, :) / mass_dens(:) velocity(3, :) = velocity(3, :) / mass_dens(:) ! compute equilibrim velocity do iField = 1, nFields eqVel( :, iField ) = mass_dens(iField)*velocity( :, iField ) do iField_2 = 1, nFields do iField_3 = 1, nFields eqVel( :, iField ) = eqVel( :, iField ) & & + inv_thermodyn_fac(iField, iField_2) & & * mass_dens(iField_2) & & * resi_coeff( iField_2, iField_3 ) * phi(iField_2)& & * moleFrac(iField_3) & & * (velocity(:, iField_3) - velocity(:,iField_2)) & & / paramB end do end do end do !compute mass averaged mixture velocity velAvg(1) = dot_product( mass_dens, velocity(1,:) )/totmassDens velAvg(2) = dot_product( mass_dens, velocity(2,:) )/totmassDens velAvg(3) = dot_product( mass_dens, velocity(3,:) )/totmassDens !compute equilibrium and do collision do iField = 1, nFields vPos = varSys%method%val( stateVarMap(iField) )%state_varPos !KM: TGV testcase velQuad = theta_eq*velAvg & & + (1.0_rk - theta_eq) * eqVel(:, iField) / mass_dens(iField) usqr = dot_product( velQuad, velQuad ) * t2cs2inv !write(dbgUnit(1),*) 'omega_new ', omega_new do iDir = 1, layout%fStencil%QQ ucx = dot_product( & & dble(layout%fStencil%cxDir(:, iDir)), eqVel(:, iField) ) ucxQuadTerm = dot_product( & & dble(layout%fStencil%cxDir(:, iDir)), velQuad ) !feq = layout%weight(iDir) * mass_dens(iField) * ( phi(iField) & ! & + ucx * cs2inv + ucx * ucx * t2cs4inv - usqr ) feq = layout%weight(iDir) * ( mass_dens(iField) * ( phi(iField) & & + ucxQuadTerm * ucxQuadTerm * t2cs4inv - usqr ) + ucx * cs2inv ) if ( iDir == layout%fStencil%restPosition ) then ! equilibrium at rest feq = layout%weight(iDir) * mass_dens(iField) * ( sRest(iField) & & - usqr ) end if outstate( ( ielem-1)* nscalars+idir+( ifield-1)* qq ) & & = pdfTmp(vPos(iDir)) + omega_new * ( feq - pdfTmp(vPos(iDir)) ) enddo !iDir enddo !iField enddo nodeloop end subroutine bgk_advRel_MSLiquid_generic_WTDF ! ****************************************************************************** end module mus_MSLiquid_module