ply_modg_basis_module.f90 Source File

This file depends on

sourcefile~~ply_modg_basis_module.f90~~EfferentGraph sourcefile~ply_modg_basis_module.f90 ply_modg_basis_module.f90 sourcefile~ply_dof_module.f90 ply_dof_module.f90 sourcefile~ply_modg_basis_module.f90->sourcefile~ply_dof_module.f90 sourcefile~ply_space_integration_module.f90 ply_space_integration_module.f90 sourcefile~ply_modg_basis_module.f90->sourcefile~ply_space_integration_module.f90

Files dependent on this one

sourcefile~~ply_modg_basis_module.f90~~AfferentGraph sourcefile~ply_modg_basis_module.f90 ply_modg_basis_module.f90 sourcefile~ply_l2p_module.f90 ply_l2p_module.f90 sourcefile~ply_l2p_module.f90->sourcefile~ply_modg_basis_module.f90 sourcefile~ply_sampling_module.f90 ply_sampling_module.f90 sourcefile~ply_sampling_module.f90->sourcefile~ply_modg_basis_module.f90 sourcefile~ply_sampling_adaptive_module.f90 ply_sampling_adaptive_module.f90 sourcefile~ply_sampling_module.f90->sourcefile~ply_sampling_adaptive_module.f90 sourcefile~ply_split_element_module.f90 ply_split_element_module.f90 sourcefile~ply_split_element_module.f90->sourcefile~ply_modg_basis_module.f90 sourcefile~ply_sampling_adaptive_module.f90->sourcefile~ply_split_element_module.f90 sourcefile~ply_sampled_tracking_module.f90 ply_sampled_tracking_module.f90 sourcefile~ply_sampled_tracking_module.f90->sourcefile~ply_sampling_module.f90 sourcefile~ply_poly_project_module.f90 ply_poly_project_module.f90 sourcefile~ply_poly_project_module.f90->sourcefile~ply_l2p_module.f90 sourcefile~sdr_harvesting.f90 sdr_harvesting.f90 sourcefile~sdr_harvesting.f90->sourcefile~ply_sampled_tracking_module.f90 sourcefile~sdr_hvs_config_module.f90 sdr_hvs_config_module.f90 sourcefile~sdr_harvesting.f90->sourcefile~sdr_hvs_config_module.f90 sourcefile~sdr_hvs_config_module.f90->sourcefile~ply_sampled_tracking_module.f90 sourcefile~sdr_proto2treelm_module.f90 sdr_proto2treelm_module.f90 sourcefile~sdr_proto2treelm_module.f90->sourcefile~ply_poly_project_module.f90 sourcefile~ply_oversample_module.f90 ply_oversample_module.f90 sourcefile~sdr_proto2treelm_module.f90->sourcefile~ply_oversample_module.f90 sourcefile~ply_oversample_module.f90->sourcefile~ply_poly_project_module.f90 sourcefile~seeder.f90 seeder.f90 sourcefile~seeder.f90->sourcefile~sdr_proto2treelm_module.f90


Source Code

! Copyright (c) 2012, 2014 Jens Zudrop <>
! Copyright (c) 2012-2016, 2018 Harald Klimach <>
! Copyright (c) 2012 Jan Hueckelheim <>
! Copyright (c) 2013 Melven Zoellner <>
! Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Verena Krupp <>
! Copyright (c) 2014, 2016-2018, 2020 Peter Vitt <>
! Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Nikhil Anand <>
! Copyright (c) 2016 Tobias Girresser <>
! Copyright (c) 2017 Daniel PetrĂ³ <>
! Parts of this file were written by Jens Zudrop, Jan Hueckelheim, Melven
! Zoellner and Harald Klimach for German Research School for Simulation
! Sciences GmbH.
! Parts of this file were written by Harald Klimach, Verena Krupp, Peter Vitt,
! Nikhil Anand, Daniel PetrĂ³ and Tobias Girresser for University of Siegen.
! Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any
! purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
! copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
! **************************************************************************** !
! Copyright (c) 2014,2016-2017 Peter Vitt <>
! Copyright (c) 2014 Harald Klimach <>
! Parts of this file were written by Peter Vitt and Harald Klimach for
! University of Siegen.
! Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any
! purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
! copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
! **************************************************************************** !
! Return the position of a given ansatz function combination in the
! linearized list of modal coefficients for Q-Tensor product polynomials.
! You must provide
! * Ansatzfunction index in x direction. Index starts with 1.
! * Ansatzfunction index in y direction. Index starts with 1.
! * Ansatzfunction index in z direction. Index starts with 1.
! * The maximal polynomial degree per spatial direction.
! * The variable to store the position of the modal coefficient in the list of
!   modal coefficients in.

! Return the position of a given ansatz function combination in the
! linearized list of modal coefficients for Q-Tensor product polynomials.
! You must provide
! * Ansatzfunction index in x direction. Index starts with 1.
! * Ansatzfunction index in y direction. Index starts with 1.
! * The maximal polynomial degree per spatial direction.
! * The variable to store the position of the modal coefficient in the list of
!   modal coefficients in.

! Return the position of a given ansatz function combination in the
! linearized list of modal coefficients for Q-Tensor product polynomials.
! You must provide
! * Ansatzfunction index in x direction. Index starts with 1.
! * The variable to store the position of the modal coefficient in the list of
!   modal coefficients in.

! Return the position of a given ansatz function combination in the
! linearized list of modal coefficients for P-Tensor product polynomials.
! You must provide
! * Ansatzfunction index in x direction. Index starts with 1.
! * Ansatzfunction index in y direction. Index starts with 1.
! * Ansatzfunction index in z direction. Index starts with 1.
! * The maximal polynomial degree per spatial direction.
! * The variable to store the position of the modal coefficient in the list of
!   modal coefficients in.

! Return the position of a given ansatz function combination in the
! linearized list of modal coefficients for P-Tensor product polynomials.
! You must provide
! * Ansatzfunction index in x direction. Index starts with 1.
! * Ansatzfunction index in y direction. Index starts with 1.
! * The maximal polynomial degree per spatial direction.
! * The variable to store the position of the modal coefficient in the list of
!   modal coefficients in.

! Return the position of a given ansatz function combination in the
! linearized list of modal coefficients for P-Tensor product polynomials.
! You must provide
! * Ansatzfunction index in x direction. Index starts with 1.
! * The variable to store the position of the modal coefficient in the list of
!   modal coefficients in.

! Return the number of degrees of freedom for Q polynomial space
! Your must provide:
! * The maximal polynomial degree per spatial direction
! * The variable to store the number of degrees of freedom for a Q tensor
!   product polynomial

! Return the number of degrees of freedom for broken polynomial space
! Your must provide:
! * The maximal polynomial degree per spatial direction (for P Tensor product
!   polynomials this assumed to be the same for each spatial direction).
! * The variable to store the number of degrees of freedom for a P tensor
!   product polynomial

! Return the number of degrees of freedom for Q polynomial space
! You must provide:
! * The maximal polynomial degree per spatial direction
! * The variable to store the number of degrees of freedom for a Q tensor
!   product polynomial

! Return the number of degrees of freedom for broken polynomial space
! You must provide:
! * The maximal polynomial degree per spatial direction (for P Tensor product
!   polynomials this assumed to be the same for each spatial direction).
! * A variable to store the number of degrees of freedom for a P tensor product
!   polynomial

! Return the number of degrees of freedom for Q polynomial space
! You must provide:
! * The maximal polynomial degree per spatial direction
! * The variable to store the number of degrees of freedom for a Q tensor
!   product polynomial

! Return the number of degrees of freedom for broken polynomial space
! You must provide:
! * The maximal polynomial degree per spatial direction (for P Tensor product
!   polynomials this assumed to be the same for each spatial direction).
! * The variable to store the number of degrees of freedom for a P tensor
!   product polynomial

! The x, y and z ansatz degrees are turned into the degrees of the next
! ansatz function in the layered P list
! You must provide:
! * Ansatz function index in x direction. First ansatz function has index 1.
! * Ansatz function index in y direction. First ansatz function has index 1.
! * Ansatz function index in z direction. First ansatz function has index 1.

! The x and y ansatz degrees are turned into the degrees of the next
! ansatz function in the layered P list
! You must provide:
! * Ansatz function index in x direction. First ansatz function has index 1.
! * Ansatz function index in y direction. First ansatz function has index 1.

! The x ansatz degree is turned into the degree of the next
! ansatz function in the layered P list
! You must provide:
! * Ansatz function index in x direction. First ansatz function has index 1.

! The x, y and z ansatz degrees are turned into the degrees of the next
! ansatz function in the linearized Q tensor
! You must provide:
! * Ansatz function index in x direction. First ansatz function has index 1.
! * Ansatz function index in y direction. First ansatz function has index 1.
! * Ansatz function index in z direction. First ansatz function has index 1.
! * Maximal polynomial degree

! The x and y ansatz degrees are turned into the degrees of the next
! ansatz function in the linearized Q tensor
! You must provide:
! * Ansatz function index in x direction. First ansatz function has index 1.
! * Ansatz function index in y direction. First ansatz function has index 1.
! * Maximal polynomial degree

! The x ansatz degree is turned into the degree of the next
! ansatz function in the linearized Q tensor
! You must provide:
! * Ansatz function index in x direction. First ansatz function has index 1.
!> Routines and datatypes related to the modal basis functions of the
!! modal discontinuous Galerkin scheme.
!! \author{Jens Zudrop}
module ply_modg_basis_module
  use env_module,                   only: rk

  use ply_dof_module,               only: Q_space, P_space
  use ply_space_integration_module, only: ply_gaussLegPoints

  implicit none


  !> \brief Coefficients for the projections of the elemental basis functions
  !! from coarser to finer elements and vice versa.
  !! The MODG scheme is defined with Legendre polynomials (ansatz functions)
  !! and modified Legendre polynomials (test functions). Because of our
  !! dimension-by-dimension approach we can consider 1D elements without loss
  !! of generalty. \n
  !! For MODG scheme the reference element is always \f$ [-1,+1] \f$ . In case
  !! of non-conforming element refinement we have the follwing faces overlying
  !! in the 3D case: \n
  !! \n
  !!      faces of refined                       face of non-refined
  !!          cube                                      cube
  !! ------------------------                 ------------------------
  !! |          |           |                 |                      |
  !! |    3     |     4     |                 |                      |
  !! |          |           |                 |                      |
  !! ------------------------   <---------->  |          5           |
  !! |          |           |                 |                      |
  !! |    1     |     2     |                 |                      |
  !! |          |           |                 |                      |
  !! ------------------------                 ------------------------
  !! \n
  !! To enable flux calculations and projections between the two element sizes
  !! we have to tansfer polynomial functions from one element size to another
  !! one. \n
  !! Therefore we have two tasks: \n
  !! 1. Restrict polynomial functions on 5 to each of the fine element 1 to 4.
  !!    The restriction has to deliver a polynomial approximation on 1 to 4
  !!    in terms of fine element's ansatz functions. \n
  !! 2. Approximate polynomial functions on 1 to 4 by a L2-projection on 5.
  !!    Again the approximation on 5 has to be delivered in terms of ansatz
  !!    functions defined on 5. \n
  !! Without loss of generaltiy we can restrict ourself to the following 1D
  !! situation: \n
  !!                                                             \n
  !!                                                             \n
  !!        Coarse face's ref. element                           \n
  !!  f(x)                                                       \n
  !!   |   -------                                               \n
  !!   | /         \         /                                   \n
  !!   |/           \       /                                    \n
  !!   |             \     /                                     \n
  !!   |              -----                                      \n
  !!   |----------------------|------------->                    \n
  !!  -1                      +1             x                   \n
  !!                                                             \n
  !!             /|\          |                                  \n
  !!              |           |                                  \n
  !!     L2 proj. |           | L2 proj.                         \n
  !!     (approx) |           | (exact)                          \n
  !!              |          \|/                                 \n
  !!                                                             \n
  !!         Fine face's ref. element                            \n
  !!  f(x)                  f(x)                                 \n
  !!   |   -------            |                                  \n
  !!   | /                    |\         /                       \n
  !!   |/                     | \       /                        \n
  !!   |                      |  \     /                         \n
  !!   |                      |   -----                          \n
  !!   |----------|-->        |-----------|-->                   \n
  !!  -1          0  x        0           +1  x                  \n
  !! \n
  !! This datatype stores all the coefficients to calculate the necessary
  !! L2 projections to transfer polynomial functions between coarser and
  !! finer elements (, faces and volumes).
  type ply_modg_refine_type

    !! 1st dim: standard anzatz function [-1,1]
    !! 2nd dim: shifted anzatz function
    !! 3rd dim: shifting for coarse basis function
    !!          1: 1/2x|y|z - 1/2
    !!          2: 1/2x|y|z + 1/2
    real(kind=rk), allocatable :: anz_anzShift(:,:,:)

  end type ply_modg_refine_type

  !> Projection coefficients for covolume filtering.
  type ply_modg_covolume_type

    !! 1st dim: standard anzatz function [-1,1]
    !! 2nd dim: shifted anzatz function
    !! 3rd dim: shifting for coarse basis function
    !!          1: 1/2x|y|z - 1/2
    !!          2: 1/2x|y|z + 1/2
    real(kind=rk), allocatable :: anz_anzShift(:,:,:)

  end type ply_modg_covolume_type

  !> Datatype to represent the polynomial basis functions of the modg scheme.
  type ply_modg_basis_type

    !> Projections of ansatz functions of a finer element to a coarser element
    !! and vice versa. These coefficients are required for non-conforming element
    !! refinement in the MODG scheme.
    type(ply_modg_refine_type) :: refineBaseCoeff

    !> Projections of ansatz functions to covolume grid and vice versa.
    !! These coefficients are required for covolume stabilizations.
    type(ply_modg_covolume_type) :: covolumeBaseCoeff

  end type ply_modg_basis_type

  public :: ply_init_modg_multilevelCoeffs,                                  &
    &       ply_evalLegendreTensPoly,                                        &
    &       ply_scalProdLeg, ply_scalProdDualLeg,                            &
    &       ply_scalProdDualLegDiff, ply_scalProdDualLeg_vec,                &
    &       ply_modg_refine_type, ply_modg_covolume_type,                    &
    &       ply_faceValLeftBndAns, ply_faceValLeftBndTest,                   &
    &       ply_faceValRightBndTest, ply_faceValLeftBndTestGrad,             &
    &       ply_faceValRightBndTestGrad, ply_faceValLeftBndgradTest,         &
    &       ply_faceValRightBndgradTest, ply_faceValLeftBndTestGrad_vec,     &
    &       ply_faceValRightBndTestGrad_vec, ply_faceValLeftBndgradTest_vec, &
    &       ply_faceValRightBndgradTest_vec, ply_faceValLeftBndAns_vec,      &
    &       ply_faceValLeftBndTest_vec, ply_faceValRightBndTest_vec,         &
    &       ply_faceValLeftBndDiffAns, ply_faceValRightBndDiffAns,           &
    &       ply_modg_basis_type, ply_legendre_1D,                            &
    &       ply_init_modg_covolumeCoeffs, ply_integrateLeg


  ! ************************************************************************ !
  !> Integral of combination of all anzatz functions for
  !! projection onto finer element
  subroutine ply_init_modg_covolumeCoeffs( nPoints, nFunc, integral )
    ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- !
    ! The number of quadrature points to be used
    integer, intent(in) :: nPoints
    ! number of anzatz and test functions
    integer, intent(in) :: nFunc
    ! integration results
    type(ply_modg_covolume_type), intent(out) :: integral
    ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- !
    ! Gaussian points array
    real(kind=rk), allocatable  :: GaussPoints(:)
    real(kind=rk), allocatable  :: GaussPoints_left(:)
    real(kind=rk), allocatable  :: GaussPoints_right(:)
    !! points and weights for gauss-legendre quadrature
    real(kind=rk) :: tempLeft(nPoints), tempRight(nPoints)
    real(kind=rk) :: sumLeft, sumRight
    !! Gaussian weights
    real(kind=rk), allocatable  :: w(:)
    !! legendre polynomila values left on [-1;0]
    real(kind=rk) :: legendre_left(nFunc, nPoints)
    real(kind=rk) :: legendre_left_shifted(nFunc, nPoints)
    !! legendre polynomila values right on [0;+1]
    real(kind=rk) :: legendre_right(nFunc, nPoints)
    real(kind=rk) :: legendre_right_shifted(nFunc, nPoints)
    integer :: iFunc, jFunc
    ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- !


    ! get GL points and weights on reference element [-1;+1]
    call ply_gaussLegPoints(x1    = -1.0_rk,     &
      &         x2    = 1.0_rk,                  &
      &         x     = GaussPoints,             &
      &         w     = w,                       &
      &         nIntP = nPoints                  )

    ! shift the gauss points to
    ! ... the left integral domain, i.e. [-1;0]
    GaussPoints_left = ( (0.0_rk + 1.0_rk ) / 2.0_rk) * GaussPoints &
      & + ( ( 0.0_rk - 1.0_rk ) / ( 2.0_rk ) )
    ! ... the right integral domain, i.e. [0;+1]
    GaussPoints_right = ( ( 1.0_rk - 0.0_rk ) / ( 2.0_rk ) ) * GaussPoints &
      & + ( ( 1.0_rk + 0.0_rk ) / ( 2.0_rk ) )

    ! Scale the weights for integration over domains of length 1.0
    w(:) = w(:) * 0.5_rk

    deallocate( GaussPoints )

    ! Calculate values of Legendre polynomials
    ! ... on [-1;0]
    legendre_left = ply_legendre_1D(GaussPoints_left, nFunc-1)
    ! ... on [0;+1]
    legendre_right = ply_legendre_1D(GaussPoints_right, nFunc-1)

    ! Calculate values of shifted Legendre polynomials
    ! ... for [-1;0]
    legendre_left_shifted = ply_legendre_1D(GaussPoints_left+1.0_rk, nFunc-1)
    ! ... for [0;+1]
    legendre_right_shifted = ply_legendre_1D(GaussPoints_right-1.0_rk, nFunc-1)

    allocate( integral%anz_anzShift(1:nFunc, 1:nFunc, 2))

    !loop over anzatz functions
    do jFunc = 1, nFunc
      do iFunc = 1, nFunc

        ! ansatz-ansatz with left shift integral (on [-1;0])
        tempLeft = legendre_left(iFunc, :)             &
          &          * legendre_left_shifted(jFunc, :) &
          &          * w(:)
        sumLeft = sum(tempLeft)
        integral%anz_anzShift(iFunc, jFunc, 1) = &
          & sumLeft / ply_scalProdLeg(iFunc)

        ! ansatz-ansatz with right shift integral (on [0;+1])
        tempRight = legendre_right(iFunc, :)             &
          &           * legendre_right_shifted(jFunc, :) &
          &           * w(:)
        sumRight = sum(tempRight)
        integral%anz_anzShift(iFunc, jFunc, 2) = &
          & sumRight / ply_scalProdLeg(iFunc)

      end do
    end do

  end subroutine ply_init_modg_covolumeCoeffs
  ! ************************************************************************ !

  ! ************************************************************************ !
  !> Integral of combination of all anzatz functions for
  !! projection onto finer element
  subroutine ply_init_modg_multilevelCoeffs( nPoints, nFunc, integral )
    ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- !
    ! integration results
    type(ply_modg_refine_type), intent(out) :: integral
    ! number of anzatz and test functions
    integer, intent(in) :: nFunc
    integer, intent(in) :: nPoints
    ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- !
    ! Gaussian points array
    real(kind=rk), allocatable  :: GaussPoints(:)
    !! points and weights for gauss-legendre quadrature
    real(kind=rk) :: tempLeft(nPoints), tempRight(nPoints)
    real(kind=rk) :: sumLeft, sumRight
    !! Gaussian weights
    real(kind=rk), allocatable :: w(:)
    !! legendre polynomial values [-1,1]
    real(kind=rk) :: legendre_standard(nFunc, nPoints)
    !! legendre polynomila values left shift
    real(kind=rk) :: legendre_left(nFunc, nPoints)
    !! legendre polynomila values right shift
    real(kind=rk) :: legendre_right(nFunc, nPoints)
    integer :: iFunc, jFunc
    ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- !


    ! get GL points and weights
    call ply_gaussLegPoints( x1    = -1.0_rk,     &
      &                      x2    = 1.0_rk,      &
      &                      x     = GaussPoints, &
      &                      w     = w,           &
      &                      nIntP = nPoints      )

    ! Calculate values of legendre polynomials
    legendre_standard = ply_legendre_1D(GaussPoints, nFunc-1)
    legendre_left = ply_legendre_1D(GaussPoints/2.0_rk-1.0_rk/2.0_rk, nFunc-1)
    legendre_right = ply_legendre_1D(GaussPoints/2.0_rk+1.0_rk/2.0_rk, nFunc-1)
    allocate( integral%anz_anzShift(1:nFunc, 1:nFunc, 2))

    !loop over anzatz functions
    do jFunc = 1, nFunc
      do iFunc = 1, nFunc
        !left shift

        ! anzatz-anzatz with left shift integral
        tempLeft = legendre_standard(iFunc, :) * legendre_left(jFunc, :) * w(:)
        sumLeft = sum(tempLeft)
        integral%anz_anzShift(iFunc, jFunc, 1) = sumLeft

        ! anzatz-anzatz with right shift integral
        tempRight = legendre_standard(iFunc, :)  &
          &           * legendre_right(jFunc, :) &
          &           * w(:)
        sumRight = sum(tempRight)
        integral%anz_anzShift(iFunc, jFunc, 2) = sumRight

      end do
    end do

  end subroutine ply_init_modg_multilevelCoeffs
  ! ************************************************************************ !

  ! ************************************************************************ !
  !> Integrate the integrand function in Legendre basis, and represent the
  !! integral again in the Legendre basis up to the maximal degree.
  !! The maximal degree needs to be one higher than the maximal degree of the
  !! integrand in order to fully represent the integral, otherwise the result
  !! is truncated and only an approximation up to maxdegree is obtained.
  !! The integral needs to have a length of maxdegree+1.
  !! maxdegree needs to be non-negative. Thus, integral needs to be an array
  !! with a length of at least 1!
  !! Implemented property of Legendre Polynomials:
  !! L_i(x) = 1/(2*i + 1) * d/dx [ L_{i+1}(x) - L_{i-1}(x) ]
  pure function ply_integrateLeg( integrand, maxdegree ) result(integral)
    ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- !
    !> Coefficients of the function to integrate in Legendre basis.
    real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: integrand(:)

    !> Maximal polynomial degree for the integral, should be larger than the
    !! degree of the integrand
    integer, intent(in) :: maxdegree

    !> Legendre coefficients of the resulting integral.
    real(kind=rk) :: integral(maxdegree+1)
    ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- !
    integer :: nOrigModes
    integer :: minModes
    integer :: iMode
    ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- !

    nOrigModes = size(integrand)
    minModes = min(nOrigModes-1, maxdegree+1)

    if (nOrigModes >= 2) then
      integral(1) = -1.0_rk/3.0_rk * integrand(2)
      integral(1) = 0.0_rk
    end if

    do iMode=2,minModes
      integral(iMode) = integrand(iMode-1)/real(2*iMode-3, kind=rk) &
        &               - integrand(iMode+1)/real(2*iMode+1, kind=rk)
    end do

    do iMode=max(nOrigModes,2),min(maxDegree+1,nOrigModes+1)
      integral(iMode) = integrand(iMode-1)/real(2*iMode-3, kind=rk)
    end do

    do iMode=nOrigModes+2,maxDegree+1
      integral(iMode) = 0.0_rk
    end do

  end function ply_integrateLeg
  ! ************************************************************************ !

  ! ************************************************************************ !
  !> Evaluate all 1D Legendre polynomials at a given set
  !! of points up to the given degree.
  pure function ply_legendre_1D( points, degree ) result(one_dim_eval)
    ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- !
    !> 1D points to evaluate.
    real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: points(:)
    !> Degree up to which to evaluate the polynomials
    integer,intent(in) ::degree
    !> Resulting vector of all mode values at all points
    real(kind=rk) :: one_dim_eval(degree+1, size(points))
    ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- !
    integer :: iDegree
    real(kind=rk) :: n_q
    ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- !

    !> init the first two Legendre polynomials.
    !! ... the first Legendre polynomial is 1
    one_dim_eval(1, :) = 1

    if (degree > 0) then
      !! ... the second Legendre polynomial is x
      one_dim_eval(2, :) = points(:)

      do iDegree = 2, degree
        n_q = 1.0_rk / real(iDegree , kind=rk)
        !> Recursive polynomial evaluation:
        !! \f$ n L_{n}(x)= (2n - 1) x L_{n-1}(x) - (n-1)L_{n-2}(x) \f$
        one_dim_eval(iDegree + 1,:)                  &
          &  = n_q * ( ( 2 * iDegree - 1 )           &
          &              * points(:)                 &
          &              * one_dim_eval(iDegree,:)   &
          &            - ( iDegree - 1 )             &
          &              * one_dim_eval(iDegree-1,:) &
          &          )
      end do
    end if
  end function ply_legendre_1D
  ! ************************************************************************ !

  ! ************************************************************************ !
  !> Evaluate three-dimensional tensor product Legendre polynomials
  !! (not-normalized) at a given set of coordinates.
  subroutine ply_evalLegendreTensPoly( coords, nCoords, maxPolyDegree, &
    &                                  basisType, polyVal              )
    ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- !
    !> Array of coordinates (on the reference element) to evaluate the tensor
    !! product polynomials at. First dimension is nCoord, second is 3 for x,y,z
    !! component.
    real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: coords(:,:)

    !> The number of coordinates to evaluate the polynomials at.
    integer, intent(in) :: nCoords

    !> The maximum polynomail degree of the MODG scheme.
    integer, intent(in) :: maxPolyDegree
    integer, intent(in) :: basisType

    !> The polynomial values. First dimension is the number of tensor product
    !! polynomials and the second dimension is the number of points, i.e.
    !! nCoords.
    real(kind=rk), allocatable, intent(out) :: polyVal(:,:)
    ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- !
    real(kind=rk), allocatable :: polyValX(:,:), polyValY(:,:), polyValZ(:,:)
    integer :: iAnsX, iAnsY, iAnsZ, iAns, ansPos, ansPosMax
    real(kind=rk) :: n_q
    ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- !

    ! allocate the output array
    select case(basisType)
        allocate( polyVal( (maxPolyDegree+1)**3 ,nCoords) )
        allocate( polyVal((maxPolydegree+1) * (maxPolydegree+2) &
          &         * ( maxPolydegree+3) / 6, &
          &       nCoords ) )
    end select

    allocate( polyValX( (maxPolyDegree+1) ,nCoords) )
    allocate( polyValY( (maxPolyDegree+1) ,nCoords) )
    allocate( polyValZ( (maxPolyDegree+1) ,nCoords) )

    ! Evaluate the Legendre polynomials per direction:
    ! ... first Legendere polynmoial is constant
    polyValX(1,:) = 1.0_rk
    polyValY(1,:) = 1.0_rk
    polyValZ(1,:) = 1.0_rk

    if(maxPolyDegree > 0) then
      ! ... second Legendere polynmoial is identity
      polyValX(2,:) = coords(:,1)
      polyValY(2,:) = coords(:,2)
      polyValZ(2,:) = coords(:,3)
      ! ... higher order polynomials are build recursively
      do iAns = 3, maxPolyDegree+1
        n_q = 1.0_rk / real(iAns-1,kind=rk)
        ! x recursion
        polyValX(iAns,:) = ( ( 2 * ( iAns - 1 ) - 1 ) &
          &                    * coords(:,1)          &
          &                    * polyValX(iAns-1,:)   &
          &                  - ( ( iAns - 1 ) - 1 )   &
          &                    * polyValX(iAns-2,:) ) &
          &                  * n_q
        ! y recursion
        polyValY(iAns,:) = ( ( 2 * ( iAns - 1 ) - 1 ) &
          &                    * coords(:,2)          &
          &                    * polyValY(iAns-1,:)   &
          &                  - ( ( iAns - 1 ) - 1 )   &
          &                    * polyValY(iAns-2,:) ) &
          &                  * n_q
        ! z recursion
        polyValZ(iAns,:) = ( ( 2 * ( iAns - 1 ) - 1 ) &
          &                    * coords(:,3)          &
          &                    * polyValZ(iAns-1,:)   &
          &                 - ( ( iAns - 1 ) - 1 )    &
          &                   * polyValZ(iAns-2,:) )  &
          &                 *n_q
      end do
    end if

    ! Now, build the complete point value.
    select case(basisType)
        do iAnsX = 1, maxPolyDegree+1
          do iAnsY = 1, maxPolyDegree+1
            do iAnsZ = 1, maxPolyDegree+1
              ! get the position of this ansatz function combination.
  anspos = iansx                                      &
    &      + ( ( iansy-1)                             &
    &      + (iansz-1)*(maxpolydegree+1))*(maxpolydegree+1)
              polyVal(ansPos, :) = polyValX(iAnsX,:)     &
                &                    * polyValY(iAnsY,:) &
                &                    * polyValZ(iAnsZ,:)
            end do
          end do
        end do
        iAnsX = 1
        iAnsY = 1
        iAnsZ = 1
  ansposmax = (((maxpolydegree) + 1) &
    &   * ((maxpolydegree) + 2) &
    &   * ((maxpolydegree) + 3)) &
    & / 6
        do ansPos = 1, ansPosMax
          polyVal(ansPos, :) = polyValX(iAnsX,:)     &
            &                    * polyValY(iAnsY,:) &
            &                    * polyValZ(iAnsZ,:)
  ! - ansatz indices are arranged in layers. within each layer, the total
  !   degree remains constant.
  ! - within each layer, we have blocks. within a block, ansfuncz is
  !   constant, y counts up and x accordingly down.
  ! - within each block, we have items. each item represents one particular
  !   combination of ansfuncx, -y, and -z degrees.

  if (iansx .ne. 1) then
    ! next item
    iansx = iansx - 1
    iansy = iansy + 1
  elseif (iansy .ne. 1) then
    ! next block
    iansx = iansy - 1
    iansy = 1
    iansz = iansz + 1
    ! next layer
    iansx = iansz + 1
    iansy = 1
    iansz = 1
  end if
        end do
    end select

  end subroutine ply_evalLegendreTensPoly
  ! ************************************************************************ !

  ! ************************************************************************ !
  !> Returns the value of the non-normalized differentiated Legendre polynomial
  !! at the right boundary of the reference element, i.e. at +1.
  pure function ply_faceValRightBndDiffAns( ansFunc ) result(val)
    ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- !
    !> The ansatz function index, first ansatz function has index 1.
    integer, intent(in) :: ansFunc
    !> The function value.
    real(kind=rk) :: val
    ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- !

    val = ansFunc * ( ansFunc + 1 ) * 0.5_rk

  end function ply_faceValRightBndDiffAns
  ! ************************************************************************ !

  ! ************************************************************************ !
  !> Returns the value of the non-normalized Legendre polynomial at the left
  !! boundary of the reference element, i.e. at -1.
  pure function ply_faceValLeftBndAns( ansFunc ) result(val)
    ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- !
    !> The ansatz function index, first ansatz function has index 1.
    integer, intent(in) :: ansFunc
    !> The function value.
    real(kind=rk) :: val
    ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- !

    val = ( -1.0_rk )**( ansFunc - 1 )

  end function ply_faceValLeftBndAns
  ! ************************************************************************ !

  ! ************************************************************************ !
  !> Returns the value of the non-normalized Legendre polynomial at the left
  !! boundary of the reference element, i.e. at -1.
  function ply_faceValLeftBndAns_vec( mPD ) result(val)
    ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- !
    !> The ansatz function index, first ansatz function has index 1.
    integer, intent(in) :: mPD
    integer :: ansFunc
    !> The function value.
    real(kind=rk),allocatable :: val(:)
    ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- !

    do ansFunc=1, mPD
      val(ansFunc) = ( -1.0_rk )**( ansFunc - 1 )
    end do
  end function ply_faceValLeftBndAns_vec
  ! ************************************************************************ !

  ! ************************************************************************ !
  !> Returns the value of the non-normalized differentiated Legendre polynomial
  !! at the leftboundary of the reference element, i.e. at -1.
  pure function ply_faceValLeftBndDiffAns( ansFunc ) result(val)
    ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- !
    !> The ansatz function index, first ansatz function has index 1.
    integer, intent(in) :: ansFunc
    !> The function value.
    real(kind=rk) :: val
    ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- !

    if (ansFunc ==1) then
      val = 0.0_rk
      val = ansFunc * ( ansFunc + 1 ) * 0.5_rk * ( ( -1.0_rk )**( ansFunc ) )

  end function ply_faceValLeftBndDiffAns
  ! ************************************************************************ !

  ! ************************************************************************ !
  !> Returns the value of the dual Legendre polynomial at the right
  !! boundary of the reference element, i.e. at +1.
  pure function ply_faceValRightBndTest( testFunc ) result(val)
    ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- !
    !> The ansatz function index, first test function has index 1.
    integer, intent(in) :: testFunc
    !> The function value.
    real(kind=rk) :: val
    ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- !

    if(testFunc < 3) then
      val = 1.0_rk
      val = 0.0_rk
    end if

  end function ply_faceValRightBndTest
  ! ************************************************************************ !

! ************************************************************************ !
  !> Returns the value of the dual Legendre polynomial at the right
  !! boundary of the reference element, i.e. at +1. Vectorized Version.
  function ply_faceValRightBndTest_vec( mPD ) result(val)
    ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- !
    !> The ansatz function index, first test function has index 1.
    integer, intent(in) :: mPD
    integer :: testFunc
    !> The function value.
    real(kind=rk),allocatable :: val(:)
    ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- !

    do testFunc = 1, mPD
      if(testFunc < 3) then
        val(testFunc) = 1.0_rk
        val(testFunc) = 0.0_rk
      end if
    end do
  end function ply_faceValRightBndTest_vec
  ! ************************************************************************ !

  ! ************************************************************************ !
  !> Returns the value of the gradient of dual Legendre polynomial at the right
  !! boundary of the reference element, i.e. at +1.
  pure function ply_faceValRightBndgradTest( testFunc ) result(val)
    ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- !
    !> The ansatz function index, first test function has index 1.
    integer, intent(in) :: testFunc
    !> The function value.
    real(kind=rk) :: val
    ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- !

    if(testFunc == 1) then
      val = 0.0_rk
      val = ( testFunc - 2 ) * 2 + 1.0_rk
    end if

  end function ply_faceValRightBndgradTest
  ! ************************************************************************ !

  ! ************************************************************************ !
  !> Returns the value of the gradient of dual Legendre polynomial at the right
  !! boundary of the reference element, i.e. at +1. Vectorized version.
  function ply_faceValRightBndgradTest_vec( mPD ) result(val)
    ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- !
    !> The ansatz function index, first test function has index 1.
    integer, intent(in) :: mPD
    integer :: testFunc
    !> The function value.
    real(kind=rk),allocatable :: val(:)
    ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- !

    do testFunc = 1, mPD
      if(testFunc == 1) then
        val(testFunc) = 0.0_rk
        val(testFunc) = ( testFunc - 2 ) * 2 + 1.0_rk
      end if
    end do
  end function ply_faceValRightBndgradTest_vec
  ! ************************************************************************ !

  ! ************************************************************************ !
  !> Returns the value of the dual Legendre polynomial at the left
  !! boundary of the reference element, i.e. at -1.
  pure function ply_faceValLeftBndTest( testFunc ) result(val)
    ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- !
    !> The ansatz function index, first test function has index 1.
    integer, intent(in) :: testFunc
    !> The function value.
    real(kind=rk) :: val
    ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- !

    if(testFunc == 1) then
      val = 1.0_rk
    elseif(testFunc == 2) then
      val = -1.0_rk
      val = 0.0_rk
    end if

  end function ply_faceValLeftBndTest
  ! ************************************************************************ !

! ************************************************************************ !
  !> Returns the value of the dual Legendre polynomial at the left
  !! boundary of the reference element, i.e. at -1.Vectorized version.
  function ply_faceValLeftBndTest_vec( mPD ) result(val)
    ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- !
    !> The ansatz function index, first test function has index 1.
    integer, intent(in) :: mPD
    integer :: testFunc
    !> The function value.
    real(kind=rk),allocatable :: val(:)
    ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- !

    do testFunc = 1, mPD
      if(testFunc == 1) then
        val(testFunc) = 1.0_rk
      elseif(testFunc == 2) then
        val(testFunc) = -1.0_rk
        val(testFunc) = 0.0_rk
      end if
    end do
  end function ply_faceValLeftBndTest_vec
  ! ************************************************************************ !

  ! ************************************************************************ !
  !> Returns the value of the gradient of the dual Legendre polynomial at the
  !! left boundary of the reference element, i.e. at -1.
  pure function ply_faceValLeftBndgradTest( testFunc ) result(val)
    ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- !
    !> The ansatz function index, first test function has index 1.
    integer, intent(in) :: testFunc
    !> The function value.
    real(kind=rk) :: val
    ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- !

    if(testFunc == 1) then
      val = 0.0_rk
      val = ( 2.0_rk * ( testFunc - 2 ) + 1.0_rk ) * ( -1 )**testFunc
    end if

  end function ply_faceValLeftBndgradTest
  ! ************************************************************************ !

 ! ************************************************************************ !
  !> Returns the value of the gradient of the dual Legendre polynomial at the
  !! left boundary of the reference element, i.e. at -1.
  function ply_faceValLeftBndgradTest_vec( mPD ) result(val)
    ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- !
    !> The ansatz function index, first test function has index 1.
    integer, intent(in) :: mPD
    integer :: testFunc
    !> The function value.
    real(kind=rk),allocatable :: val(:)
    ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- !

    do testFunc = 1, mPD
      if(testFunc == 1) then
        val(testFunc) = 0.0_rk
        val(testFunc) = ( 2.0_rk * ( testFunc - 2 ) + 1.0_rk ) * ( -1 )**testFunc
      end if
    end do

  end function ply_faceValLeftBndgradTest_vec
  ! ************************************************************************ !

  ! ************************************************************************ !
  !> Returns the value of the derivaitve of the dual Legendre polynomial at the
  !! left boundary of the reference element, i.e. at -1.
  pure function ply_faceValLeftBndTestGrad( testFunc ) result(val)
    ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- !
    !> The ansatz function index, first test function has index 1.
    integer, intent(in) :: testFunc
    !> The function value.
    real(kind=rk) :: val
    ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- !

    if(testFunc==1) then
      val = 0.0_rk
      val = (-1.0_rk)**(testFunc)
    end if

  end function ply_faceValLeftBndTestGrad
  ! ************************************************************************ !

! ************************************************************************ !
  !> Returns the value of the derivaitve of the dual Legendre polynomial at the
  !! left boundary of the reference element, i.e. at -1.Vectorized version.
  function ply_faceValLeftBndTestGrad_vec( mPD ) result(val)
    ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- !
    !> The ansatz function index, first test function has index 1.
    integer, intent(in) :: mPD
    integer :: testFunc
    !> The function value.
    real(kind=rk),allocatable :: val(:)
    ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- !

    do testFunc = 1, mPD
      if(testFunc==1) then
        val(testFunc) = 0.0_rk
        val(testFunc) = (-1.0_rk)**(testFunc)
      end if
    end do

  end function ply_faceValLeftBndTestGrad_vec
  ! ************************************************************************ !

  ! ************************************************************************ !
  !> Returns the value of the derivaitve of the dual Legendre polynomial at the right
  !! boundary of the reference element, i.e. at +1.
  pure function ply_faceValRightBndTestGrad( testFunc ) result(val)
    ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- !
    !> The ansatz function index, first test function has index 1.
    integer, intent(in) :: testFunc
    !> The function value.
    real(kind=rk) :: val
    ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- !

    if(testFunc==1) then
      val = 0.0_rk
      val = 1.0_rk
    end if

  end function ply_faceValRightBndTestGrad
  ! ************************************************************************ !

! ************************************************************************ !
  !> Returns the value of the derivaitve of the dual Legendre polynomial at the right
  !! boundary of the reference element, i.e. at +1.vectoized version.
  function ply_faceValRightBndTestGrad_vec( mPD ) result(val)
    ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- !
    !> The ansatz function index, first test function has index 1.
    integer, intent(in) :: mPD
    integer :: testFunc
    !> The function value.
    real(kind=rk),allocatable :: val(:)
    ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- !

    do testFunc = 1, mPD
      if(testFunc==1) then
        val(testFunc) = 0.0_rk
        val(testFunc) = 1.0_rk
      end if
    end do

  end function ply_faceValRightBndTestGrad_vec
  ! ************************************************************************ !

  ! ************************************************************************ !
  !> Function to calculate the L2 scalar product of a Legendre polynomial
  !! with itself on the reference element [-1,+1].
  pure function ply_scalProdLeg( ansFunc ) result(scalProd)
    ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- !
    !> The Legendre polynomial to calculate the scalar product for.
    !! The first Legendre polynomial has index 1.
    integer, intent(in) :: ansFunc
    !> The scalar product on the refenece element [-1,+1].
    real(kind=rk) :: scalProd
    ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- !

    scalProd = 2.0 / ( 2.0_rk * ansFunc - 1.0_rk )

  end function ply_scalProdLeg
  ! ************************************************************************ !

  ! ************************************************************************ !
  !> Function to calculate the scalar product between a Legendre polynomial
  !! (ansatz function) and a dual Legendre polynomial (test function) on the
  !! reference element [-1;+1].
  pure function ply_scalProdDualLeg( ansFunc, testFunc ) result(scalProd)
    ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- !
    !> The ansatz function index, there first ansatz function has index 1.
    integer, intent(in) :: ansFunc
    !> The test function index, there first test function has index 1.
    integer, intent(in) :: testFunc
    !> The scalar product of the two functions.
    real(kind=rk) :: scalProd
    ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- !

    if( ansFunc == testFunc ) then
      scalProd = 2.0_rk / ( 2.0_rk * testFunc - 1.0_rk )
    elseif( ansFunc == testFunc - 2 ) then
      scalProd = ( -2.0_rk ) / ( 2.0_rk * ansFunc - 1.0_rk )
      scalProd = 0.0_rk
    end if

  end function ply_scalProdDualLeg
  ! ************************************************************************ !

  ! ************************************************************************ !
  !> Function to calculate the scalar product between a Legendre polynomial
  !! (ansatz function) and a differentiated dual Legendre polynomial (test
  !! function) on the reference element [-1;+1].
  pure function ply_scalProdDualLegDiff( ansFunc, testFunc ) result(scalProd)
    ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- !
    !> The ansatz function index, there first ansatz function has index 1.
    integer, intent(in) :: ansFunc
    !> The test function index, there first test function has index 1.
    integer, intent(in) :: testFunc
    !> The scalar product of the two functions.
    real(kind=rk) :: scalProd
    ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- !

    if(ansFunc == testFunc-1) then
      scalProd = 2.0_rk
      scalProd = 0.0_rk
    end if

  end function ply_scalProdDualLegDiff
  ! ************************************************************************ !

  ! ************************************************************************ !
  !> Vectorized Function to calculate the scalar product between a Legendre polynomial
  !! (ansatz function) and a dual Legendre polynomial (test function) on the
  !! reference element [-1;+1] and
  !! to calculate the scalar product between a Legendre polynomial
  !! (ansatz function) and a differentiated dual Legendre polynomial (test
  !! function) on the reference element [-1;+1].
  function ply_scalProdDualLeg_vec( ansFunc, testFunc, mPd) result(scalProd)
  ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------!
    !> maxPolyDegree
    integer, intent(in) :: mPd
    !> The ansatz function index, there first ansatz function has index 1.
    integer, intent(in) :: ansFunc
    !> The test function index, there first test function has index 1.
    integer, intent(in) :: testFunc
    !> The scalar product of the two functions.
    real(kind=rk) :: scalProd(mPd+1)
    integer :: iTest

    do iTest = 1, mPd+1
     if( ansFunc == testFunc ) then
       scalProd(iTest) = 2.0_rk / ( 2.0_rk * iTest - 1.0_rk )
     elseif( ansFunc == testFunc - 2 ) then
       scalProd(iTest) = ( -2.0_rk ) / ( 2.0_rk * (iTest-2) - 1.0_rk )
     elseif(ansFunc == testFunc-1) then
       scalProd(iTest) = 2.0_rk
       scalProd(iTest) = 0.0_rk
     end if
   end do

  end function ply_scalProdDualLeg_vec

end module ply_modg_basis_module