Type | Location | Extends | Description |
capsule_array_type | ply_sampling_module | None | Required to make use of c_loc and accessing an array. |
dyn_attributearray_type | sdr_attribute_module | None | dynamic array (da) type for type(sdr_attribute_type) |
dyn_projectionarray_type | ply_dynarray_project_module | None | dynamic array (da) type for type(ply_prj_init_type) |
grw_boxarray_type | sdr_box_module | None | growing array type for type(sdr_box_type) |
grw_distancerefinearray_type | sdr_attribute_module | None | growing array type for type(sdr_distancerefine_type) |
grw_grwintarray_type | sdr_node_module | None | growing array type for type(grw_intarray_type) |
grw_intersectobjposarray_type | sdr_node_module | None | growing array type for type(sdr_intersectobjpos_type) |
grw_periplanearray_type | sdr_periodic_module | None | growing array type for type(sdr_periodicplane_type) |
grw_spacerinterwovenarray_type | sdr_spacer_module | None | growing array type for type(sdr_spacerinterwoven_type) |
grw_spatialobjarray_type | sdr_spatialObj_module | None | growing array type for type(sdr_spatialobj_type) |
levelValues_type | sdr_protoTree_module | None | Auxilary data type to provide data on the current level iteration. |
ply_array_type | ply_LegPolyProjection_module | None | |
ply_array_type | ply_poly_transformation_module | None | |
ply_coldata_type | ply_polyBaseExc_module | None | Information for a set of local rows in the current block |
ply_faceNodes_type | ply_nodes_module | None | Datatype to represent facewise nodes |
ply_filter_element_type | ply_filter_element_module | None | Paramaters describing the filtering to apply to elemental polynomial data. |
ply_fpt_header_type | ply_fpt_header_module | None | Type for the fpt header, stores all information needed to initialize the fpt method later on |
ply_fxt_header_type | ply_fxt_header_module | None | Fxt projection header type, consisting of the node header which give information about the type and number of points for the projection |
ply_fxt_type | ply_fxt_module | None | |
ply_l2p_header_type | ply_l2p_header_module | None | l2p projection header type, consisting of the node header which give information about the type and number of points for the projection |
ply_l2p_type | ply_l2p_module | None | Storage of the transformation matrices for the L2 projection method to convert between modal and nodal values. |
ply_lagrange_type | ply_lagrange_module | None | |
ply_legFpt_type | ply_legFpt_module | None | Datatype for parameters of the FPT used for 1d, 2d and 3d. |
ply_matrixExpCoeff_type | ply_polyBaseExc_module | None | Expansion coefficients for a certain submatrix. |
ply_matrixExpCoeffOddEven_type | ply_polyBaseExc_module | None | Expansion coefficients for a certain submatrix. |
ply_modg_basis_type | ply_modg_basis_module | None | Datatype to represent the polynomial basis functions of the modg scheme. |
ply_modg_covolume_type | ply_modg_basis_module | None | Projection coefficients for covolume filtering. |
ply_modg_refine_type | ply_modg_basis_module | None | \brief Coefficients for the projections of the elemental basis functions from coarser to finer elements and vice versa. |
ply_nodes_header_type | ply_nodes_header_module | None | |
ply_poly_project_type | ply_poly_project_module | None | Projection definition. |
ply_prj_body_type | ply_poly_project_module | None | Additional data, required for the projection. |
ply_prj_header_type | ply_prj_header_module | None | Configurable projection settings. |
ply_prj_init_type | ply_dynarray_project_module | None | Projection definition. |
ply_ProjCoeff_type | ply_LegPolyProjection_module | None | Datatype storing the coefficients arising for the projection of solutions on a parent cell to its children during the subsampling routines. |
ply_rowdata_type | ply_polyBaseExc_module | None | Sparse data for information of a column in a sub matrix |
ply_sampled_tracking_type | ply_sampled_tracking_module | None | |
ply_sampling_adaptive_type | ply_sampling_adaptive_module | None | Configuration of the adaptive sampling. |
ply_sampling_type | ply_sampling_module | None | This is the data type providing the definitions for the sampling. |
ply_sampling_var_type | ply_sampling_varsys_module | None | Small helping type to allow arrays of arrays for the variable data. |
ply_sub_vec | ply_polyBaseExc_module | None | |
ply_submatrix_type | ply_polyBaseExc_module | None | Sparse data for information of a row in a sub matrix. |
ply_subres_colvar_type | ply_subresolution_module | None | Self contained description of color data to be used for method data. |
ply_subresolution_type | ply_subresolution_module | None | |
ply_subsample_type | ply_LegPolyProjection_module | None | |
ply_subsample_type | ply_poly_transformation_module | None | |
ply_subvector_type | ply_polyBaseExc_module | None | Sparse data for a subvector |
ply_trafo_params_type | ply_polyBaseExc_module | None | |
realarray_type | ply_sampling_adaptive_module | None | Small helping type to allow arrays of arrays for the variable data. |
sampled_method_data_type | ply_sampling_adaptive_module | None | A container for the method data to hold the data in a scalar pointer for the C-pointer conversion. |
sdr_attribute_type | sdr_attribute_module | None | This data type describes type of attribute |
sdr_attrList_type | sdr_attribute_module | None | |
sdr_box_type | sdr_box_module | None | This type contains origin and vec of box in each direction |
sdr_confHead_type | sdr_config_module | None | This type contains basic information loaded from the config file. |
sdr_cube_type | sdr_cube_module | None | An auxilary data type to describe a cube. |
sdr_deformation_type | sdr_transformation_module | None | Data type defines geometry scale and rotation |
sdr_distanceRefine_type | sdr_attribute_module | None | This data type contains info for distance refinement defined in config file for each boundary attribute. |
sdr_geometry_type | sdr_geometry_module | None | Geometric description of the space to mesh. |
sdr_hvs_colvar_ptr_type | sdr_hvs_props_module | None | Auxilary data type to allow an array of pointers to colvar objects. |
sdr_hvs_config_type | sdr_hvs_config_module | None | This datatype describes the various settings to load from the configuration file. |
sdr_hvs_props_type | sdr_hvs_props_module | None | Datatype to collect the various properties of the mesh. |
sdr_intersectObjPos_type | sdr_node_module | None | This data type describes first and last intersected object of a node in growing array of intersected_objects. |
sdr_node_type | sdr_node_module | None | This data type describes a node in the tree to be created. |
sdr_PeriodicPlane_type | sdr_periodic_module | None | type contains Periodic plane information |
sdr_protoData_type | sdr_protoData_module | None | |
sdr_protoTree_type | sdr_protoTree_module | None | The protoTree is used to describe the preliminary tree, before it is actually extended to the full information of the mesh. |
sdr_spacer_type | sdr_spacer_module | None | This type provides information to create spacer geometry |
sdr_spacerInterwoven_type | sdr_spacer_module | None | This type provides information to create each interwoven spacer filament |
sdr_spatialObj_type | sdr_spatialObj_module | None | This data type describes a geometric object generically. |
sdr_subres_fills_type | sdr_subres_fills_module | None | Definition of values to use for colors in polynomial representations. |
sdr_subresolution_type | sdr_subresolution_module | None | Settings for the resolution below mesh elements. |
sdr_temData_type | sdr_proto2treelm_module | None | Data type contains final fluid info dumped into mesh file |
sdr_transformation_type | sdr_transformation_module | None | Data type defines geometry transformation |
sdr_translation_type | sdr_transformation_module | None | Data type defines geometry translation |
spacer_filament_type | sdr_spacer_module | None | This type provides spacer length and width information |
vdata_type | ply_sampling_module | None | Private data type to describe variables with varying polynomial representation from element to element for each variable. |