ply_poly_transformation_module.f90 Source File

This module is used for the projection of QLegendre polynomials from parent to child elements.

Files dependent on this one

sourcefile~~ply_poly_transformation_module.f90~~AfferentGraph sourcefile~ply_poly_transformation_module.f90 ply_poly_transformation_module.f90 sourcefile~ply_sampling_module.f90 ply_sampling_module.f90 sourcefile~ply_sampling_module.f90->sourcefile~ply_poly_transformation_module.f90 sourcefile~ply_sampled_tracking_module.f90 ply_sampled_tracking_module.f90 sourcefile~ply_sampled_tracking_module.f90->sourcefile~ply_sampling_module.f90 sourcefile~sdr_harvesting.f90 sdr_harvesting.f90 sourcefile~sdr_harvesting.f90->sourcefile~ply_sampled_tracking_module.f90 sourcefile~sdr_hvs_config_module.f90 sdr_hvs_config_module.f90 sourcefile~sdr_harvesting.f90->sourcefile~sdr_hvs_config_module.f90 sourcefile~sdr_hvs_config_module.f90->sourcefile~ply_sampled_tracking_module.f90


Source Code

! Copyright (c) 2017 Harald Klimach <>
! Copyright (c) 2017 Daniel Fleischer <>
! Copyright (c) 2017 Peter Vitt <>
! Parts of this file were written by Harald Klimach, Daniel Fleischer and
! Peter Vitt for University of Siegen.
! Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any
! purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
! copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
! **************************************************************************** !
!! This module is used for the projection of QLegendre polynomials from parent
!! to child elements.

module ply_poly_transformation_module
  use env_module,                   only: rk
  use treelmesh_module,             only: treelmesh_type

  implicit none


  ! ************************************************************************ !
  type ply_subsample_type
    !> Is subsampling active
    logical :: isActive = .false.

    !> The current sampling lvl.
    integer :: sampling_lvl

    !> Maximal Level down to which subsampling should be done.
    integer :: caplevel = 20

    !> Minimal subsampling depth:
    integer :: minsub = 0

    !> Maximal subsampling depth:
    integer :: maxsub = 0

    !> Maximum allowed oscillation of the solution.
    !! For adaptive subsampling only.
    real(kind=rk) :: eps_osci

    !> Factor for the reduction of the degrees of freedom in one subsampling
    !! step (per spatial direction).
    real(kind=rk) :: dofReducFactor

    !> Indicator for limitation of total memory consumption
    logical :: adaptiveDofReduction

    !> Absolute upper bound level to refine to.
    integer :: AbsUpperBoundLevel
  end type ply_subsample_type
  ! ************************************************************************ !

  ! ************************************************************************ !
  type ply_array_type
    real(kind=rk),allocatable :: dat(:)
  end type ply_array_type
  ! ************************************************************************ !

  public :: ply_Poly_Transformation
  public :: ply_subsample_type
  public :: ply_array_type


  ! ************************************************************************ !
  !> Projection of polynomial data from parent elements to child elements.
  !! The projection is done by a direct transformation of the modal
  !! coeffiecients to another coordinate system with z=ax+b.
  subroutine ply_Poly_Transformation( subsamp, dofReduction, mesh, meshData,   &
    &                                 varDofs, varComps, ndims, refine_tree,   &
    &                                 new_refine_tree, newMeshData, newVarDofs )
    ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- !
    !> Parameters for the subsampling
    type(ply_subsample_type), intent(in) :: subsamp

    !> Factor for reduction of degrees of freedom.
    real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: dofReduction(:)

    !> The mesh related to meshData.
    type(treelmesh_type), intent(in) :: mesh

    !> The data for subsampling.
    type(ply_array_type), intent(in) :: meshData(:)

    !> The number of degrees of freedom for every variable.
    integer, intent(in) :: varDofs(:)

    !> The number of components for every variable.
    integer, intent(in) :: varComps(:)

    !> Number of dimensions in the polynomial representation.
    integer, intent(in) :: ndims

    !> Logical array that marks elements for refinement
    !! of the previous sampling level.
    logical, intent(in) :: refine_tree(:)

    !> Logical array that marks elements for refinement.
    logical, intent(in) :: new_refine_tree(:)

    !> The subsampled data for new_refine_tree.
    type(ply_array_type), allocatable, intent(out) :: newMeshData(:)

    !> The number of dofs for the subsampled data.
    integer, allocatable, intent(out) :: newVarDofs(:)
    ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- !
    real(kind=rk), allocatable :: workData(:)
    real(kind=rk), allocatable :: newWorkData(:)
    integer :: nVars, nDofs, nComponents, nChildDofs
    integer :: iVar
    ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- !

    nVars = size(varDofs)

    varLoop: do iVar = 1, nVars
      nComponents = varComps(iVar)
      nDofs = vardofs(iVar)

      workData = meshData(iVar)%dat

      if(subsamp%sampling_lvl .eq. subsamp%maxsub) then
        nChildDofs = 1
        nChildDofs = (ceiling(nint(nDofs**(1.0_rk/real(ndims, kind=rk))) &
          &                        * dofReduction(iVar)))**ndims

        if (nChildDofs > nDofs) then
          nChildDofs = nDofs
        elseif (nChildDofs<1) then
          nChildDofs = 1
        end if
      end if

      call ply_subsampleData( mesh             = mesh,             &
        &                     meshData         = workData,         &
        &                     nDofs            = nDofs,            &
        &                     nChildDofs       = nChildDofs,       &
        &                     nComponents      = nComponents,      &
        &                     refine_tree      = refine_tree,      &
        &                     new_refine_tree  = new_refine_tree,  &
        &                     ndims            = ndims,            &
        &                     subsamp          = subsamp,          &
        &                     newMeshData      = newWorkData       )

      newMeshData(iVar)%dat = newWorkData

      newVarDofs(iVar) = nChildDofs


    end do varLoop

  end subroutine ply_Poly_Transformation
  ! ************************************************************************ !

  ! ************************************************************************ !
  subroutine ply_subsampleData( mesh, meshData, nDofs, nChildDofs,         &
    &                           nComponents, refine_tree, new_refine_tree, &
    &                           nDims, subsamp, newMeshData                )
    ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- !
    !> The mesh for the data.
    type(treelmesh_type), intent(in) :: mesh

    !> The data to subsample
    real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: meshData(:)

    !> The number of degrees of freedom.
    integer, intent(in) :: nDofs

    !> The number of degrees of freedom for the child elements.
    integer, intent(in) :: nChildDofs

    !> Number of Components.
    integer, intent(in) :: nComponents

    !> Logical array that marks all elements for refinement for the previous
    !! sampling level.
    logical, intent(in) :: refine_tree(:)

    !> Logical array that marks all elements for refinement for the current
    !! sampling level.
    logical, intent(in) :: new_refine_tree(:)

    !> The number of dimensions in the polynomial representation.
    integer, intent(in) :: nDims

    !> Parameters for subsampling.
    type(ply_subsample_type), intent(in) :: subsamp

    !> The subsampled Data.
    real(kind=rk), allocatable, intent(out) :: newMeshData(:)
    ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- !
    integer :: nChilds, nElems, nElemsToRefine, nElemsNotToRefine
    integer :: nParentElems, childPos, lowElemIndex, upElemIndex
    integer :: iParentElem, iChild, iElem, upChildIndex, lowChildIndex
    integer :: oneDof, noChilds, max_modes
    real(kind=rk), allocatable :: transform_matrix(:,:)
    real(kind=rk), allocatable :: childData(:)
    ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- !
    nChilds = 2**nDims

    max_modes = nint(real(nDofs, kind=rk)**(1.0_rk/real(nDims, kind=rk)))

    ! Get the transformation matrix for the maximal polynomial degree.
    allocate(transform_matrix(max_modes, max_modes))
    call ply_transform_matrix( max_modes = max_modes,       &
      &                        v         = transform_matrix )

    nElems = mesh%nElems
    nElemsToRefine = count(new_refine_tree)
    nElemsNotToRefine = nElems - nElemsToRefine
    nParentElems = size(refine_tree)

    ! Now, we set the correct data for the newMeshData.
    allocate(newMeshData((nElemsToRefine * nChilds * nChildDofs &
      &                  + nElemsNotToRefine) * nComponents))

    newMeshData = 0.0_rk
    upChildIndex = 0
    upElemIndex = 0
    childPos = 0

    if (subsamp%sampling_lvl > 1) then

      elementLoop: do iParentElem=1,nParentElems
        ! Check if the parent cell was already refined...
        if (refine_tree(iParentElem)) then
          ! Parent cell was already refined so it contains data with nDofs
          childLoop: do iChild=1,nChilds
            childPos = childPos + 1
            ! Check if the child elems will be refined...
            if (new_refine_tree(childPos)) then

              ! Child cell will be refined.
              ! Need to project current elem data to new childs
              ! with reduced dofs.
              ! Create lower and upper indices for all data of
              ! iElem in meshData.
              lowElemIndex = upElemIndex + 1
              upElemIndex = (lowElemIndex-1) + nDofs * nComponents

              ! Project these dofs from the coarse element to the
              ! finer elements.
              call ply_projDataToChild(                                  &
                & parentData       = meshData(lowElemIndex:upElemIndex), &
                & nParentDofs      = nDofs,                              &
                & nChildDofs       = nChildDofs,                         &
                & nComponents      = nComponents,                        &
                & nDimensions      = nDims,                              &
                & nChilds          = nChilds,                            &
                & transform_matrix = transform_matrix,                   &
                & childData        = childData                           )

              ! Set the data correctly in newMeshData.
              lowChildIndex = upChildIndex + 1
              upChildIndex = (lowChildIndex-1) + &
                &            nChilds * nChildDofs * nComponents

              newMeshData(lowChildIndex:upChildIndex) = childData
              ! Child cell won't be refined.
              ! Need projecton from current dofs to 1 dof.
              ! Create lower and upper indices for all data of
              ! iElem in meshData.
              lowElemIndex = upElemIndex + 1
              upElemIndex = (lowElemIndex-1) + nDofs * nComponents

              ! Projection from nDofs to oneDof (integral mean valuea).
              oneDof = 1
              noChilds = 1
              call ply_projDataToChild(                                  &
                & parentData       = meshData(lowElemIndex:upElemIndex), &
                & nParentDofs      = oneDof,                             &
                & nChildDofs       = oneDof,                             &
                & nComponents      = nComponents,                        &
                & nDimensions      = nDims,                              &
                & nChilds          = noChilds,                           &
                & transform_matrix = transform_matrix,                   &
                & childData        = childData                           )

              ! Iterate over all childDofs and set the data corectly
              ! in newMeshData.
              lowChildIndex = upChildIndex + 1
              upChildIndex = (lowChildIndex-1) + nComponents

              newMeshData(lowChildIndex:upChildIndex) = childData
            end if
          end do childLoop
          ! Parent cell wasn't refined so it contains data with only one dof.
          ! Simple copying.

          lowElemIndex = upElemIndex + 1
          upElemIndex = (lowElemIndex-1) + nComponents

          childData = meshData(lowElemIndex:upElemIndex)

          lowChildIndex = upChildIndex + 1
          upChildIndex = (lowChildIndex-1) + nComponents

          newMeshData(lowChildIndex:upChildIndex) = childData
          childpos = childpos + 1
        end if
      end do elementLoop
      elemLoop: do iElem=1,nElems
        if (new_refine_tree(iElem)) then
          ! Create lower and upper indices for all data of iElem in meshData.
          lowElemIndex = upElemIndex + 1
          upElemIndex = (lowElemIndex-1) + nDofs * nComponents

          ! Project these dofs from the coarse element to the
          ! finer elements.
          call ply_projDataToChild(                                  &
            & parentData       = meshData(lowElemIndex:upElemIndex), &
            & nParentDofs      = nDofs,                              &
            & nChildDofs       = nChildDofs,                         &
            & nComponents      = nComponents,                        &
            & nDimensions      = nDims,                              &
            & nChilds          = nChilds,                            &
            & transform_matrix = transform_matrix,                   &
            & childData        = childData                           )

          ! Iterate over all childDofs and set the data corectly in newMeshData
          lowChildIndex = upChildIndex + 1
          upChildIndex = (lowChildIndex-1) + nChilds * nChildDofs * nComponents

          newMeshData(lowChildIndex:upChildIndex) = childData
          ! Create lower and upper indices for all data of iElem in meshData.
          lowElemIndex = upElemIndex + 1
          upElemIndex = (lowElemIndex-1) + nDofs * nComponents

          ! Projection from nDofs to oneDof (integral mean value).
          oneDof = 1
          noChilds = 1
          call ply_projDataToChild(                                  &
            & parentData       = meshData(lowElemIndex:upElemIndex), &
            & nParentDofs      = oneDof,                             &
            & nChildDofs       = oneDof,                             &
            & nComponents      = nComponents,                        &
            & nDimensions      = nDims,                              &
            & nChilds          = noChilds,                           &
            & transform_matrix = transform_matrix,                   &
            & childData        = childData                           )

          ! Iterate over all childDofs and set the data corectly in newMeshData
          lowChildIndex = upChildIndex + 1
          upChildIndex = (lowChildIndex-1) + nComponents

          newMeshData(lowChildIndex:upChildIndex) = childData
        end if
      end do elemLoop
    end if


  end subroutine ply_subsampleData
  ! ************************************************************************ !

  ! ************************************************************************ !
  !> Subroutine to project element data from a parent cell to its children.
  subroutine ply_projDataToChild( parentData, nParentDofs, nChildDofs, &
    &                             nComponents, nDimensions, nChilds,   &
    &                             transform_matrix, childData          )
    ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- !
    !> The polynomial data for a single parent element.
    real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: parentData(:)

    !> The number of dofs of the parent element.
    integer, intent(in) :: nParentDofs

    !> The total number of dofs for the child cells.
    integer, intent(in) :: nChildDofs

    !> The number of componentns for the given variable.
    integer, intent(in) :: nComponents

    !> The number of dimensions.
    integer, intent(in) :: nDimensions

    !> The number of child elements.
    integer, intent(in) :: nChilds

    !> The transformation matrix for the linear coordinate transformation.
    real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: transform_matrix(:,:)

    !> The new data representation for all child cell of the parent cell.
    real(kind=rk), allocatable, intent(out) :: childData(:)
    ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- !
    integer :: iDimension, iIndep, iComponent, iMode, jMode
    integer :: nSubElems, nIndeps, lMode, kMode, iChildElem_prev
    integer :: nChildElems_prev, nChildElems_cur
    integer :: child_dofPos, childElem
    integer :: parent_modes, child_modes
    integer :: lower_bound, upper_bound, stride
    real(kind=rk), allocatable :: temp_data(:)
    real(kind=rk), allocatable :: childData_prev(:)
    ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- !
    parent_modes = nint(real(nParentDofs,kind=rk)        &
      &                 **(1/real(nDimensions,kind=rk)))

    child_modes = nint(real(nChildDofs,kind=rk)         &
      &                **(1/real(nDimensions,kind=rk)))


    do iDimension = 1,nDimensions

      if (nChilds > 1) then
        nSubElems = 2
        nChildElems_cur = 2**(iDimension)
        nChildElems_prev = 2**(iDimension-1)
        nChildElems_cur = nChilds
        nChildElems_prev = nChilds
        nSubElems = nChilds
      end if

      stride = child_modes**(iDimension-1) * nComponents

      if (iDimension .eq. 1) then

        nIndeps = parent_modes**(nDimensions-1)

        ! Allocate memory for two childs and set it to zero
        if (iDimension .eq. nDimensions) then
          allocate(childData(nChildElems_cur * child_modes**nDimensions &
            &                * nComponents))
          childData = 0.0_rk
          allocate(childData(nChildElems_cur                   &
            &                  * parent_modes**(nDimensions-1) &
            &                  * child_modes**(nDimensions-2)  &
            &                  * nComponents                   ))
          childData = 0.0_rk
        end if

        ! iSubElem = 1
        do iComponent = 1, nComponents
          do iIndep = 1, nIndeps

            lower_bound = iComponent + (iIndep - 1) * parent_modes * nComponents
            upper_bound = iIndep * parent_modes * nComponents

            temp_data = parentData(lower_bound:upper_bound:stride)

            do iMode = 1, child_modes
                child_dofPos = iComponent                                   &
                  &              + (iMode-1) * nComponents                  &
                  &              + (iIndep - 1) * child_modes * nComponents

              do jMode = iMode, parent_modes

                childData(child_dofpos) = childData(child_dofpos)         &
                  &                         + temp_Data(jMode)            &
                  &                         * transform_matrix(jMode,iMode)

              end do
            end do
          end do
        end do

        if (nSubElems > 1) then
        ! iSubElem = 2
          do iComponent = 1, nComponents
            do iIndep = 1, nIndeps

              lower_bound = iComponent &
                &             + (iIndep - 1) * parent_modes * nComponents
              upper_bound = iIndep * parent_modes * nComponents

              temp_data = parentData(lower_bound:upper_bound:stride)

              do iMode = 1, child_modes
                  child_dofPos = iComponent                                   &
                    &              + (iMode-1) * nComponents                  &
                    &              + (iIndep - 1) * child_modes * nComponents &
                    &              + nComponents                              &
                    &                * child_modes**(nDimensions-2)           &
                    &                * parent_modes**(nDimensions-1)

                do jMode = iMode, parent_modes

                  childData(child_dofpos) = childData(child_dofpos)           &
                    &                         + temp_Data(jMode)              &
                    &                           * transform_matrix(iMode,jMode)

                end do
              end do
            end do
          end do
        end if

      elseif (iDimension .eq. 2) then

        childData_prev = childData

        ! Allocate memory for the four childs in y-direction
        if (iDimension .eq. nDimensions) then
          allocate(childData(nChildElems_cur * child_modes**nDimensions &
            &                * nComponents) )
          childData = 0.0_rk
          allocate(childData(nChildElems_cur                                &
            &                  * parent_modes**(nDimensions-2)              &
            &                  * child_modes**(nDimensions-1) * nComponents))
          childData = 0.0_rk
        end if

        do iChildElem_prev = 1, nChildElems_prev
          ! iSubElem = 1
          childElem = iChildElem_prev
          do iComponent = 1, nComponents
            do kMode = 1, parent_modes
              do lMode = 1, child_modes

                lower_bound = iComponent                                 &
                  & + (lMode-1) * nComponents                            &
                  & + (kMode-1) * child_modes*parent_modes * nComponents &
                  & + (iChildElem_prev-1) * nComponents                  &
                  &   * child_modes**(nDimensions-2)                     &
                  &   * parent_modes**(nDimensions-1)

                upper_bound = kMode * parent_modes * child_modes * nComponents &
                  &             + (iChildElem_prev-1) * nComponents            &
                  &               * child_modes**(nDimensions-2)               &
                  &               * parent_modes**(nDimensions-1)

                temp_data = childData_prev(lower_bound:upper_bound:stride)

                do iMode = 1, child_modes
                    child_dofPos = iComponent                                &
                      &              + (iMode-1) * child_modes * nComponents &
                      &              + (lMode-1) * nComponents               &
                      &              + (kMode-1) * nComponents               &
                      &                * child_modes**2                      &
                      &              + (childElem-1) * nComponents           &
                      &                * child_modes**(nDimensions-1)        &
                      &                * parent_modes**(nDimensions-2)

                  do jMode = iMode, parent_modes

                    childData(child_dofpos) = childData(child_dofpos)         &
                      & + temp_Data(jMode) * transform_matrix(jMode,iMode)

                  end do
                end do
              end do
            end do
          end do

          if (nSubElems > 1) then
            ! iSubElem = 2
            childElem = iChildElem_prev + 2
            do iComponent = 1, nComponents
              do kMode = 1, parent_modes
                do lMode = 1, child_modes

                  lower_bound = iComponent                                 &
                    & + (lMode-1) * nComponents                            &
                    & + (kMode-1) * child_modes*parent_modes * nComponents &
                    & + (iChildElem_prev-1) * nComponents                  &
                    &   * child_modes**(nDimensions-2)                     &
                    &   * parent_modes**(nDimensions-1)

                  upper_bound = kMode * parent_modes * child_modes &
                    &   * nComponents                              &
                    & + (iChildElem_prev-1) * nComponents          &
                    &   * child_modes**(nDimensions-2)             &
                    &   * parent_modes**(nDimensions-1)

                  temp_data = childData_prev(lower_bound:upper_bound:stride)

                  do iMode = 1, child_modes
                      child_dofPos = iComponent                      &
                        & + (iMode-1) * child_modes * nComponents    &
                        & + (lMode-1) * nComponents                  &
                        & + (kMode-1) * nComponents * child_modes**2 &
                        & + (childElem-1) * nComponents              &
                        &   * child_modes**(nDimensions-1)           &
                        &   * parent_modes**(nDimensions-2)

                    do jMode = iMode, parent_modes

                      childData(child_dofpos) = childData(child_dofpos) &
                        & + temp_Data(jMode) * transform_matrix(iMode,jMode)

                    end do
                  end do
                end do
              end do
            end do
          end if
        end do


        childData_prev = childData


        ! Allocate memory for the eight childs in z-direction
        allocate(childData(nChildElems_cur * child_modes**3 &
          &                 * nComponents))
        childData = 0.0_rk

        do iChildElem_prev = 1, nChildElems_prev
          ! iSubElem = 1
          childElem = iChildElem_prev
          do iComponent = 1, nComponents
            iIndep = 0
            do kMode = 1,child_modes
              do lMode = 1,child_modes
                iIndep = iIndep + 1

                lower_bound = iComponent                &
                  & + (iIndep - 1) * nComponents        &
                  & + (iChildElem_prev-1) * nComponents &
                  &   * child_modes**(nDimensions-1)    &
                  &   * parent_modes**(nDimensions-2)

                upper_bound = parent_modes * child_modes**(nDimensions-1) &
                  &   * nComponents                                       &
                  & - (nComponents - iComponent)                          &
                  & + (iChildElem_prev-1) * nComponents                   &
                  &   * child_modes**(nDimensions-1)                      &
                  &   * parent_modes**(nDimensions-2)

                temp_data(:) = childData_prev &
                  &            (lower_bound:upper_bound:stride)

                do iMode = 1, child_modes
                    child_dofPos = iComponent                      &
                      & + (iMode-1) * child_modes**2 * nComponents &
                      & + (lMode - 1) * nComponents                &
                      & + (kMode - 1) * child_modes * nComponents  &
                      & + (childElem - 1) * nComponents            &
                      &   * child_modes**nDimensions

                  do jMode = iMode, parent_modes

                    childData(child_dofpos) = childData(child_dofpos) &
                      & + temp_Data(jMode) * transform_matrix(jMode,iMode)

                  end do
                end do
              end do
            end do
          end do

          if (nSubElems > 1) then
            ! iSubElem = 2
            childElem = iChildElem_prev + 4
            do iComponent = 1, nComponents
              iIndep = 0
              do kMode = 1,child_modes
                do lMode = 1,child_modes
                  iIndep = iIndep + 1

                  lower_bound = iComponent                &
                    & + (iIndep - 1) * nComponents        &
                    & + (iChildElem_prev-1) * nComponents &
                    &   * child_modes**(nDimensions-1)    &
                    &   * parent_modes**(nDimensions-2)

                  upper_bound = parent_modes * child_modes**(nDimensions-1) &
                    &   * nComponents                                       &
                    & - (nComponents - iComponent)                          &
                    & + (iChildElem_prev-1) * nComponents                   &
                    &   * child_modes**(nDimensions-1)                      &
                    &   * parent_modes**(nDimensions-2)

                  temp_data(:) = childData_prev(lower_bound:upper_bound:stride)

                  do iMode = 1, child_modes
                      child_dofPos = iComponent                      &
                        & + (iMode-1) * child_modes**2 * nComponents &
                        & + (lMode - 1) * nComponents                &
                        & + (kMode - 1) * child_modes * nComponents  &
                        & + (childElem - 1) * nComponents            &
                        &   * child_modes**nDimensions

                    do jMode = iMode, parent_modes

                      childData(child_dofpos) = childData(child_dofpos) &
                        & + temp_Data(jMode) * transform_matrix(iMode,jMode)

                    end do
                  end do
                end do
              end do
            end do
          end if
        end do
      end if
    end do


  end subroutine ply_projDataToChild
  ! ************************************************************************ !

  ! ************************************************************************ !
  !> Compute the transformation matrix for a projection to the left and right
  !! half-interval of Legendre polynomials for the given maximal number of
  !! modes.
  !! Note: The transformation matrices to each subinterval are triangular, and
  !!       the diagonal entries are the same. To save memory both matrices are
  !!       stored in a single 2 dimensional array of size
  !!       (max_modes, max_modes).
  !! This matrix only needs to be computed once for a sufficiently high order,
  !! as submatices out of it can by used to perform the transformation for
  !! any lower polynomial degree.
  subroutine ply_transform_matrix(max_modes, v)
    ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- !
    !> The maximal number of modes to compute the transformation for.
    !! The resulting matrix v will be max_modes x max_modes large and can
    !! be used for the transformation of all polynomials with up to this
    !! many modes.
    integer, intent(in) :: max_modes

    !> The transformation matrix.
    !! Upper triangular matrix is created for shifting and lower triangular
    !! for (-1) * shifting.
    !! For the right interval we interpret the first index as row index
    !! and the second as column. For the left interval this is reverted and
    !! we interpret the first index as columns of the matrix.
    real(kind=rk), allocatable, intent(out) :: v(:,:)
    ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- !
    integer :: m, orig
    real(kind=rk) :: shifting, scaling
    ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- !

    ! transformation matrix looks like this:
    ! [1.0  --  --     shift=0.5   ]
    ! | |  0.5  --                 |
    ! | |   |  0.25             ...|
    ! |             0.125          |
    ! | shift=-0.5        0.0625   |
    ! [    :                    ...]

    v = 0.0_rk

    scaling = 0.5_rk
    shifting = 0.5_rk

    ! Set the first two entries of v manually.
    v(1,1) = 1.0_rk
    if (max_modes > 1) then
      v(1,2) = shifting
      v(2,2) = scaling

      if (max_modes > 2) then
        do orig = 3,max_modes
          v(1,orig) = ply_beta(orig-1) * v(1,orig-2)                    &
            &       + ply_alpha(orig-1) * shifting * v(1,orig-1)        &
            &       - scaling * ply_alpha_beta(2,orig-1) * v(2, orig-1)
          do m = 2,orig
            if (m < max_modes) then
              v(m,orig) = ply_beta(orig-1) * v(m,orig-2)                     &
                &       + ply_alpha(orig-1) * shifting * v(m,orig-1)         &
                &       - scaling * ply_alpha_beta(m+1,orig-1)               &
                &                 * v(m+1, orig-1)                           &
                &       + scaling * ply_alpha_frac(m-1,orig-1) * v(m-1,orig-1)
              ! Need to skip one summand for v(max_modes,max_modes).
              v(m,orig) = scaling * ply_alpha_frac(m-1,orig-1) * v(m-1,orig-1)
            end if
          end do
        end do
      end if

      ! Due to the symmetry of the problem (the left subinterval has just
      ! the shifting with a changed sign), we can fill the other half of
      ! the matrix by copying the already computed values accordingly with
      ! a change in sign, as needed (alternatingly).
      do m = 1 , max_modes
        do orig = 1, m-1
          if (mod((m+orig),2) /= 0) then
            v(m, orig) = - v(orig, m)
            v(m, orig) = v(orig, m)
          end if
        end do
      end do
    end if

  end subroutine ply_transform_matrix
  ! ************************************************************************ !

  ! ************************************************************************ !
  !> Coefficients from the recursive formulation of legendre polynomials.
  !! L_n = alpha * x * L_n-1 + beta * L_n-2
  function ply_alpha(mode) result(alpha)
    ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- !
    !> The current mode in the polynomial representation.
    integer, intent(in) :: mode

    !> Alpha coefficient from the recursive formulation of legendre
    !! polynomials.
    real(kind=rk) :: alpha
    ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- !
    if (mode > 0) then
      alpha = real((2 * mode - 1), kind=rk) / real(mode, kind=rk)
      alpha = 0.0
    end if
  end function ply_alpha
  ! ************************************************************************ !

  ! ************************************************************************ !
  !> Coefficients from the recursive formulation of legendre polynomials.
  !! L_n = alpha * x * L_n-1 + beta * L_n-2
  function ply_beta(mode) result(beta)
    ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- !
    !> The current mode in the polynomial representation.
    integer, intent(in) :: mode

    !> Beta coefficient from the recursive formulation of legendre
    !! polynomials.
    real(kind=rk) :: beta
    ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- !
    if (mode > 0) then
      beta = real((1 - mode), kind=rk) / real(mode, kind=rk)
      beta = 0.0
    end if
  end function ply_beta
  ! ************************************************************************ !

  ! ************************************************************************ !
  !> Quotient of two alpha values.
  function ply_alpha_frac(denominator, numerator) result(alpha_frac)
    ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- !
    !> Numerator
    integer, intent(in) :: numerator

    !> Denominator
    integer, intent(in) :: denominator

    !> The quotient of two alpha values.
    real(kind=rk) :: alpha_frac
    ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- !
    if ( denominator > 0 .and. numerator > 0 ) then
      if ( denominator == numerator ) then
        alpha_frac = 1.0_rk
        alpha_frac = real((2*numerator-1)*denominator, kind=rk)  &
          &            / real((2*denominator-1)*numerator, kind=rk)
      end if
      alpha_frac = 0.0_rk
    end if
  end function ply_alpha_frac
  ! ************************************************************************ !

  ! ************************************************************************ !
  !> Prodcut of alpha(numerator) * beta(denominator) / alpha(denominator)
  function ply_alpha_beta(denominator, numerator) result(alpha_beta)
    ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- !
    !> Numerator
    integer, intent(in) :: numerator

    !> Denominator
    integer, intent(in) :: denominator

    !> The product of alpha(n) * beta(d) / alpha(d)
    real(kind=rk) :: alpha_beta
    ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- !
    if (numerator > 0) then
      if ( denominator == numerator ) then
        alpha_beta = real((1-denominator), kind=rk)/ real(denominator, kind=rk)
        alpha_beta = real((2*numerator-1)*(1-denominator), kind=rk) &
        &            / real(numerator*(2*denominator-1), kind=rk)
      end if
      alpha_beta = 0.0_rk
    end if
  end function ply_alpha_beta
  ! ************************************************************************ !

end module ply_poly_transformation_module