tem_derived_module Module

This module




public subroutine tem_varSys_append_luaVar(luaVar, varSys, st_funList, solverData_evalElem)

subroutine to add the variables from the input lua script to the varsys


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(tem_variable_type), intent(in) :: luaVar(:)

variables defined in the lua file

type(tem_varSys_type), intent(inout) :: varSys

global variable system to which luaVar to be appended

type(tem_st_fun_linkedList_type), intent(inout) :: st_funList

contains spacetime functions of all variables

type(tem_varSys_solverData_evalElem_type), intent(in), optional :: solverData_evalElem

A callback routine to allow the definition of solver specific element evaluation for space-time functions.

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