tem_dyn_array_module Module

Module to provide smart growing data structures.

The dynamic arrays provided by this module are capable of handling lists of values, which might need to grow over time. Removal of entries is not possible directly. A ranking list for the indices is maintained to fast lookups of given values by a binary search. This allows for the efficient handling of lists with unique entries. The complete module might be put into a CoCo Text template, to create new modules of this object for different types. For now, two different templates are used for the declaration part and the implementation part.


  • module~~tem_dyn_array_module~~UsesGraph module~tem_dyn_array_module tem_dyn_array_module module~env_module env_module module~tem_dyn_array_module->module~env_module module~aotus_module aotus_module module~env_module->module~aotus_module module~flu_binding flu_binding module~env_module->module~flu_binding iso_fortran_env iso_fortran_env module~env_module->iso_fortran_env mpi mpi module~env_module->mpi

Used by



public interface init

initialize the dynamic array

  • public subroutine init_da_long(me, length)

    initialization of a dynamic array

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    type(dyn_longarray_type), intent(out) :: me
    integer, intent(in), optional :: length

public interface destroy

destroy the dynamic array

public interface append

append a value to the dynamic array and return its position.

  • public subroutine append_da_long(me, val, length, pos, wasadded)

    appending a value to the dynamic array

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    type(dyn_longarray_type) :: me
    integer(kind=long_k), intent(in) :: val
    integer, intent(in), optional :: length

    optional length to expand the array

    integer, intent(out), optional :: pos

    position in the array, if the value is found

    logical, intent(out), optional :: wasadded

    flag to indicate, if val was newly added

  • public subroutine append_da_veclong(me, val, length, pos, wasadded)

    appending a sorted list of values to the dynamic array

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    type(dyn_longarray_type) :: me
    integer(kind=long_k), intent(in) :: val(:)
    integer, intent(in), optional :: length

    optional length to expand the array

    integer, intent(out), optional :: pos(:)

    position in the array, the values are found at.

    logical, intent(out), optional :: wasadded(:)

    flag to indicate, if val was newly added

public interface truncate

truncate the array, meaning cut off the trailing empty entries

  • public subroutine truncate_da_long(me)

    truncate the array after the last valid entry and hence cut off the empty trailing empty entries


    type(dyn_longarray_type) :: me

public interface empty

empty the array, reset nvals to be 0

  • public subroutine empty_da_long(me)

    empty all contents of the array without changing the size or status of any array


    type(dyn_longarray_type) :: me

public interface sorttruncate

fix the dynamic array, meaning: store the array in the sorted order and cut off the trailing empty entries

public interface expand

increase the size of the container for the array.

  • public subroutine expand_da_long(me, increment, length)

    expanding the dynamic array

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    type(dyn_longarray_type) :: me
    integer, optional :: increment
    integer, intent(in), optional :: length

    optional length to expand the array

public interface positionofval

return the position of a given value in the array val, which is what you usually want to know. it is the index of a given value

  • public function posofval_long(me, val, nextifnotfound, lower, upper) result(pos)

    the actual position of a given value in the dynamic array

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    type(dyn_longarray_type), intent(in) :: me
    integer(kind=long_k), intent(in) :: val
    logical, intent(in), optional :: nextifnotfound

    flag to indicate, if the position of the next entry in the sorted list should be returned instead, if val is not found.

    integer, intent(in), optional :: lower
    integer, intent(in), optional :: upper

    Return Value integer

public interface sortedposofval

return the position of a given value in the list 'sorted'. this is mainly for internal usage. the sorted list is only a pointer list to the actual values thus, in order to get the index of a given value, you need to look up the entry in the sorted list. this is done by the positionofval routine

  • public function sortposofval_long(me, val, nextifnotfound, lower, upper) result(pos)

    return the sorted position of a value in the given dynamic array

    Read more…


    type(dyn_longarray_type), intent(in) :: me
    integer(kind=long_k), intent(in) :: val
    logical, intent(in), optional :: nextifnotfound

    flag to indicate, if the next entry in the list should be returned, if the searched one is not found.

    integer, intent(in), optional :: lower
    integer, intent(in), optional :: upper

    Return Value integer

public interface init

initialize the dynamic array

  • public subroutine init_da_int(me, length)

    initialization of a dynamic array

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    type(dyn_intarray_type), intent(out) :: me
    integer, intent(in), optional :: length

public interface destroy

destroy the dynamic array

public interface append

append a value to the dynamic array and return its position.

  • public subroutine append_da_int(me, val, length, pos, wasadded)

    appending a value to the dynamic array

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    type(dyn_intarray_type) :: me
    integer, intent(in) :: val
    integer, intent(in), optional :: length

    optional length to expand the array

    integer, intent(out), optional :: pos

    position in the array, if the value is found

    logical, intent(out), optional :: wasadded

    flag to indicate, if val was newly added

  • public subroutine append_da_vecint(me, val, length, pos, wasadded)

    appending a sorted list of values to the dynamic array

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    type(dyn_intarray_type) :: me
    integer, intent(in) :: val(:)
    integer, intent(in), optional :: length

    optional length to expand the array

    integer, intent(out), optional :: pos(:)

    position in the array, the values are found at.

    logical, intent(out), optional :: wasadded(:)

    flag to indicate, if val was newly added

public interface truncate

truncate the array, meaning cut off the trailing empty entries

  • public subroutine truncate_da_int(me)

    truncate the array after the last valid entry and hence cut off the empty trailing empty entries


    type(dyn_intarray_type) :: me

public interface empty

empty the array, reset nvals to be 0

  • public subroutine empty_da_int(me)

    empty all contents of the array without changing the size or status of any array


    type(dyn_intarray_type) :: me

public interface sorttruncate

fix the dynamic array, meaning: store the array in the sorted order and cut off the trailing empty entries

public interface expand

increase the size of the container for the array.

  • public subroutine expand_da_int(me, increment, length)

    expanding the dynamic array

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    type(dyn_intarray_type) :: me
    integer, optional :: increment
    integer, intent(in), optional :: length

    optional length to expand the array

public interface positionofval

return the position of a given value in the array val, which is what you usually want to know. it is the index of a given value

  • public function posofval_int(me, val, nextifnotfound, lower, upper) result(pos)

    the actual position of a given value in the dynamic array

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    type(dyn_intarray_type), intent(in) :: me
    integer, intent(in) :: val
    logical, intent(in), optional :: nextifnotfound

    flag to indicate, if the position of the next entry in the sorted list should be returned instead, if val is not found.

    integer, intent(in), optional :: lower
    integer, intent(in), optional :: upper

    Return Value integer

public interface sortedposofval

return the position of a given value in the list 'sorted'. this is mainly for internal usage. the sorted list is only a pointer list to the actual values thus, in order to get the index of a given value, you need to look up the entry in the sorted list. this is done by the positionofval routine

  • public function sortposofval_int(me, val, nextifnotfound, lower, upper) result(pos)

    return the sorted position of a value in the given dynamic array

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    type(dyn_intarray_type), intent(in) :: me
    integer, intent(in) :: val
    logical, intent(in), optional :: nextifnotfound

    flag to indicate, if the next entry in the list should be returned, if the searched one is not found.

    integer, intent(in), optional :: lower
    integer, intent(in), optional :: upper

    Return Value integer

public interface init

initialize the dynamic array

  • public subroutine init_da_real(me, length)

    initialization of a dynamic array

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    type(dyn_realarray_type), intent(out) :: me
    integer, intent(in), optional :: length

public interface destroy

destroy the dynamic array

public interface append

append a value to the dynamic array and return its position.

  • public subroutine append_da_real(me, val, length, pos, wasadded)

    appending a value to the dynamic array

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    type(dyn_realarray_type) :: me
    real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: val
    integer, intent(in), optional :: length

    optional length to expand the array

    integer, intent(out), optional :: pos

    position in the array, if the value is found

    logical, intent(out), optional :: wasadded

    flag to indicate, if val was newly added

  • public subroutine append_da_vecreal(me, val, length, pos, wasadded)

    appending a sorted list of values to the dynamic array

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    type(dyn_realarray_type) :: me
    real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: val(:)
    integer, intent(in), optional :: length

    optional length to expand the array

    integer, intent(out), optional :: pos(:)

    position in the array, the values are found at.

    logical, intent(out), optional :: wasadded(:)

    flag to indicate, if val was newly added

public interface truncate

truncate the array, meaning cut off the trailing empty entries

  • public subroutine truncate_da_real(me)

    truncate the array after the last valid entry and hence cut off the empty trailing empty entries


    type(dyn_realarray_type) :: me

public interface empty

empty the array, reset nvals to be 0

  • public subroutine empty_da_real(me)

    empty all contents of the array without changing the size or status of any array


    type(dyn_realarray_type) :: me

public interface sorttruncate

fix the dynamic array, meaning: store the array in the sorted order and cut off the trailing empty entries

public interface expand

increase the size of the container for the array.

  • public subroutine expand_da_real(me, increment, length)

    expanding the dynamic array

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    type(dyn_realarray_type) :: me
    integer, optional :: increment
    integer, intent(in), optional :: length

    optional length to expand the array

public interface positionofval

return the position of a given value in the array val, which is what you usually want to know. it is the index of a given value

  • public function posofval_real(me, val, nextifnotfound, lower, upper) result(pos)

    the actual position of a given value in the dynamic array

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    type(dyn_realarray_type), intent(in) :: me
    real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: val
    logical, intent(in), optional :: nextifnotfound

    flag to indicate, if the position of the next entry in the sorted list should be returned instead, if val is not found.

    integer, intent(in), optional :: lower
    integer, intent(in), optional :: upper

    Return Value integer

public interface sortedposofval

return the position of a given value in the list 'sorted'. this is mainly for internal usage. the sorted list is only a pointer list to the actual values thus, in order to get the index of a given value, you need to look up the entry in the sorted list. this is done by the positionofval routine

  • public function sortposofval_real(me, val, nextifnotfound, lower, upper) result(pos)

    return the sorted position of a value in the given dynamic array

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    type(dyn_realarray_type), intent(in) :: me
    real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: val
    logical, intent(in), optional :: nextifnotfound

    flag to indicate, if the next entry in the list should be returned, if the searched one is not found.

    integer, intent(in), optional :: lower
    integer, intent(in), optional :: upper

    Return Value integer

public interface init

initialize the dynamic array

public interface destroy

destroy the dynamic array

public interface append

append a value to the dynamic array and return its position.

  • public subroutine append_da_label(me, val, length, pos, wasadded)

    appending a value to the dynamic array

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    type(dyn_labelarray_type) :: me
    character(len=*), intent(in) :: val
    integer, intent(in), optional :: length

    optional length to expand the array

    integer, intent(out), optional :: pos

    position in the array, if the value is found

    logical, intent(out), optional :: wasadded

    flag to indicate, if val was newly added

  • public subroutine append_da_veclabel(me, val, length, pos, wasadded)

    appending a sorted list of values to the dynamic array

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    type(dyn_labelarray_type) :: me
    character(len=*), intent(in) :: val(:)
    integer, intent(in), optional :: length

    optional length to expand the array

    integer, intent(out), optional :: pos(:)

    position in the array, the values are found at.

    logical, intent(out), optional :: wasadded(:)

    flag to indicate, if val was newly added

public interface truncate

truncate the array, meaning cut off the trailing empty entries

  • public subroutine truncate_da_label(me)

    truncate the array after the last valid entry and hence cut off the empty trailing empty entries


    type(dyn_labelarray_type) :: me

public interface empty

empty the array, reset nvals to be 0

  • public subroutine empty_da_label(me)

    empty all contents of the array without changing the size or status of any array


    type(dyn_labelarray_type) :: me

public interface sorttruncate

fix the dynamic array, meaning: store the array in the sorted order and cut off the trailing empty entries

public interface expand

increase the size of the container for the array.

  • public subroutine expand_da_label(me, increment, length)

    expanding the dynamic array

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    type(dyn_labelarray_type) :: me
    integer, optional :: increment
    integer, intent(in), optional :: length

    optional length to expand the array

public interface positionofval

return the position of a given value in the array val, which is what you usually want to know. it is the index of a given value

  • public function posofval_label(me, val, nextifnotfound, lower, upper) result(pos)

    the actual position of a given value in the dynamic array

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    type(dyn_labelarray_type), intent(in) :: me
    character(len=*), intent(in) :: val
    logical, intent(in), optional :: nextifnotfound

    flag to indicate, if the position of the next entry in the sorted list should be returned instead, if val is not found.

    integer, intent(in), optional :: lower
    integer, intent(in), optional :: upper

    Return Value integer

public interface sortedposofval

return the position of a given value in the list 'sorted'. this is mainly for internal usage. the sorted list is only a pointer list to the actual values thus, in order to get the index of a given value, you need to look up the entry in the sorted list. this is done by the positionofval routine

  • public function sortposofval_label(me, val, nextifnotfound, lower, upper) result(pos)

    return the sorted position of a value in the given dynamic array

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    type(dyn_labelarray_type), intent(in) :: me
    character(len=*), intent(in) :: val
    logical, intent(in), optional :: nextifnotfound

    flag to indicate, if the next entry in the list should be returned, if the searched one is not found.

    integer, intent(in), optional :: lower
    integer, intent(in), optional :: upper

    Return Value integer

Derived Types

type, public :: dyn_longarray_type

dynamic array (da) type for integer(kind=long_k)


integer, public :: nvals =0
integer, public :: containersize =0
integer(kind=long_k), public, allocatable:: val(:)
integer, public, allocatable:: sorted(:)

type, public :: dyn_intarray_type

dynamic array (da) type for integer


integer, public :: nvals =0
integer, public :: containersize =0
integer, public, allocatable:: val(:)
integer, public, allocatable:: sorted(:)

type, public :: dyn_realarray_type

dynamic array (da) type for real(kind=rk)


integer, public :: nvals =0
integer, public :: containersize =0
real(kind=rk), public, allocatable:: val(:)
integer, public, allocatable:: sorted(:)

type, public :: dyn_labelarray_type

dynamic array (da) type for character(len=labellen)


integer, public :: nvals =0
integer, public :: containersize =0
character(len=labellen), public, allocatable:: val(:)
integer, public, allocatable:: sorted(:)


public function sortposofval_long(me, val, nextifnotfound, lower, upper) result(pos)

return the sorted position of a value in the given dynamic array

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type(dyn_longarray_type), intent(in) :: me
integer(kind=long_k), intent(in) :: val
logical, intent(in), optional :: nextifnotfound

flag to indicate, if the next entry in the list should be returned, if the searched one is not found.

integer, intent(in), optional :: lower
integer, intent(in), optional :: upper

Return Value integer

public function posofval_long(me, val, nextifnotfound, lower, upper) result(pos)

the actual position of a given value in the dynamic array

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type(dyn_longarray_type), intent(in) :: me
integer(kind=long_k), intent(in) :: val
logical, intent(in), optional :: nextifnotfound

flag to indicate, if the position of the next entry in the sorted list should be returned instead, if val is not found.

integer, intent(in), optional :: lower
integer, intent(in), optional :: upper

Return Value integer

public function sortposofval_int(me, val, nextifnotfound, lower, upper) result(pos)

return the sorted position of a value in the given dynamic array

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type(dyn_intarray_type), intent(in) :: me
integer, intent(in) :: val
logical, intent(in), optional :: nextifnotfound

flag to indicate, if the next entry in the list should be returned, if the searched one is not found.

integer, intent(in), optional :: lower
integer, intent(in), optional :: upper

Return Value integer

public function posofval_int(me, val, nextifnotfound, lower, upper) result(pos)

the actual position of a given value in the dynamic array

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type(dyn_intarray_type), intent(in) :: me
integer, intent(in) :: val
logical, intent(in), optional :: nextifnotfound

flag to indicate, if the position of the next entry in the sorted list should be returned instead, if val is not found.

integer, intent(in), optional :: lower
integer, intent(in), optional :: upper

Return Value integer

public function sortposofval_real(me, val, nextifnotfound, lower, upper) result(pos)

return the sorted position of a value in the given dynamic array

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type(dyn_realarray_type), intent(in) :: me
real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: val
logical, intent(in), optional :: nextifnotfound

flag to indicate, if the next entry in the list should be returned, if the searched one is not found.

integer, intent(in), optional :: lower
integer, intent(in), optional :: upper

Return Value integer

public function posofval_real(me, val, nextifnotfound, lower, upper) result(pos)

the actual position of a given value in the dynamic array

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type(dyn_realarray_type), intent(in) :: me
real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: val
logical, intent(in), optional :: nextifnotfound

flag to indicate, if the position of the next entry in the sorted list should be returned instead, if val is not found.

integer, intent(in), optional :: lower
integer, intent(in), optional :: upper

Return Value integer

public function sortposofval_label(me, val, nextifnotfound, lower, upper) result(pos)

return the sorted position of a value in the given dynamic array

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type(dyn_labelarray_type), intent(in) :: me
character(len=*), intent(in) :: val
logical, intent(in), optional :: nextifnotfound

flag to indicate, if the next entry in the list should be returned, if the searched one is not found.

integer, intent(in), optional :: lower
integer, intent(in), optional :: upper

Return Value integer

public function posofval_label(me, val, nextifnotfound, lower, upper) result(pos)

the actual position of a given value in the dynamic array

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type(dyn_labelarray_type), intent(in) :: me
character(len=*), intent(in) :: val
logical, intent(in), optional :: nextifnotfound

flag to indicate, if the position of the next entry in the sorted list should be returned instead, if val is not found.

integer, intent(in), optional :: lower
integer, intent(in), optional :: upper

Return Value integer


public subroutine init_da_long(me, length)

initialization of a dynamic array

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type(dyn_longarray_type), intent(out) :: me
integer, intent(in), optional :: length

public subroutine destroy_da_long(me)

destruction of a dynamic array

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type(dyn_longarray_type), intent(inout) :: me

public subroutine append_da_long(me, val, length, pos, wasadded)

appending a value to the dynamic array

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type(dyn_longarray_type) :: me
integer(kind=long_k), intent(in) :: val
integer, intent(in), optional :: length

optional length to expand the array

integer, intent(out), optional :: pos

position in the array, if the value is found

logical, intent(out), optional :: wasadded

flag to indicate, if val was newly added

public subroutine append_da_veclong(me, val, length, pos, wasadded)

appending a sorted list of values to the dynamic array

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type(dyn_longarray_type) :: me
integer(kind=long_k), intent(in) :: val(:)
integer, intent(in), optional :: length

optional length to expand the array

integer, intent(out), optional :: pos(:)

position in the array, the values are found at.

logical, intent(out), optional :: wasadded(:)

flag to indicate, if val was newly added

public subroutine truncate_da_long(me)

truncate the array after the last valid entry and hence cut off the empty trailing empty entries


type(dyn_longarray_type) :: me

public subroutine empty_da_long(me)

empty all contents of the array without changing the size or status of any array


type(dyn_longarray_type) :: me

public subroutine sorttruncate_da_long(me)

fixing the dynamic array

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type(dyn_longarray_type) :: me

public subroutine expand_da_long(me, increment, length)

expanding the dynamic array

Read more…


type(dyn_longarray_type) :: me
integer, optional :: increment
integer, intent(in), optional :: length

optional length to expand the array

public subroutine init_da_int(me, length)

initialization of a dynamic array

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type(dyn_intarray_type), intent(out) :: me
integer, intent(in), optional :: length

public subroutine destroy_da_int(me)

destruction of a dynamic array

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type(dyn_intarray_type), intent(inout) :: me

public subroutine append_da_int(me, val, length, pos, wasadded)

appending a value to the dynamic array

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type(dyn_intarray_type) :: me
integer, intent(in) :: val
integer, intent(in), optional :: length

optional length to expand the array

integer, intent(out), optional :: pos

position in the array, if the value is found

logical, intent(out), optional :: wasadded

flag to indicate, if val was newly added

public subroutine append_da_vecint(me, val, length, pos, wasadded)

appending a sorted list of values to the dynamic array

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type(dyn_intarray_type) :: me
integer, intent(in) :: val(:)
integer, intent(in), optional :: length

optional length to expand the array

integer, intent(out), optional :: pos(:)

position in the array, the values are found at.

logical, intent(out), optional :: wasadded(:)

flag to indicate, if val was newly added

public subroutine truncate_da_int(me)

truncate the array after the last valid entry and hence cut off the empty trailing empty entries


type(dyn_intarray_type) :: me

public subroutine empty_da_int(me)

empty all contents of the array without changing the size or status of any array


type(dyn_intarray_type) :: me

public subroutine sorttruncate_da_int(me)

fixing the dynamic array

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type(dyn_intarray_type) :: me

public subroutine expand_da_int(me, increment, length)

expanding the dynamic array

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type(dyn_intarray_type) :: me
integer, optional :: increment
integer, intent(in), optional :: length

optional length to expand the array

public subroutine init_da_real(me, length)

initialization of a dynamic array

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type(dyn_realarray_type), intent(out) :: me
integer, intent(in), optional :: length

public subroutine destroy_da_real(me)

destruction of a dynamic array

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type(dyn_realarray_type), intent(inout) :: me

public subroutine append_da_real(me, val, length, pos, wasadded)

appending a value to the dynamic array

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type(dyn_realarray_type) :: me
real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: val
integer, intent(in), optional :: length

optional length to expand the array

integer, intent(out), optional :: pos

position in the array, if the value is found

logical, intent(out), optional :: wasadded

flag to indicate, if val was newly added

public subroutine append_da_vecreal(me, val, length, pos, wasadded)

appending a sorted list of values to the dynamic array

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type(dyn_realarray_type) :: me
real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: val(:)
integer, intent(in), optional :: length

optional length to expand the array

integer, intent(out), optional :: pos(:)

position in the array, the values are found at.

logical, intent(out), optional :: wasadded(:)

flag to indicate, if val was newly added

public subroutine truncate_da_real(me)

truncate the array after the last valid entry and hence cut off the empty trailing empty entries


type(dyn_realarray_type) :: me

public subroutine empty_da_real(me)

empty all contents of the array without changing the size or status of any array


type(dyn_realarray_type) :: me

public subroutine sorttruncate_da_real(me)

fixing the dynamic array

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type(dyn_realarray_type) :: me

public subroutine expand_da_real(me, increment, length)

expanding the dynamic array

Read more…


type(dyn_realarray_type) :: me
integer, optional :: increment
integer, intent(in), optional :: length

optional length to expand the array

public subroutine init_da_label(me, length)

initialization of a dynamic array

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type(dyn_labelarray_type), intent(out) :: me
integer, intent(in), optional :: length

public subroutine destroy_da_label(me)

destruction of a dynamic array

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type(dyn_labelarray_type), intent(inout) :: me

public subroutine append_da_label(me, val, length, pos, wasadded)

appending a value to the dynamic array

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type(dyn_labelarray_type) :: me
character(len=*), intent(in) :: val
integer, intent(in), optional :: length

optional length to expand the array

integer, intent(out), optional :: pos

position in the array, if the value is found

logical, intent(out), optional :: wasadded

flag to indicate, if val was newly added

public subroutine append_da_veclabel(me, val, length, pos, wasadded)

appending a sorted list of values to the dynamic array

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type(dyn_labelarray_type) :: me
character(len=*), intent(in) :: val(:)
integer, intent(in), optional :: length

optional length to expand the array

integer, intent(out), optional :: pos(:)

position in the array, the values are found at.

logical, intent(out), optional :: wasadded(:)

flag to indicate, if val was newly added

public subroutine truncate_da_label(me)

truncate the array after the last valid entry and hence cut off the empty trailing empty entries


type(dyn_labelarray_type) :: me

public subroutine empty_da_label(me)

empty all contents of the array without changing the size or status of any array


type(dyn_labelarray_type) :: me

public subroutine sorttruncate_da_label(me)

fixing the dynamic array

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type(dyn_labelarray_type) :: me

public subroutine expand_da_label(me, increment, length)

expanding the dynamic array

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type(dyn_labelarray_type) :: me
integer, optional :: increment
integer, intent(in), optional :: length

optional length to expand the array