my_status_int_vec Function

public function my_status_int_vec(key, info, def) result(val)

Reads out the first integer in the line matched by the specified key in the text provided by print_self_status. The key should include all text in front of the integer. For example the peak memory consumption up to now could be extracted with: peakval = my_status_int('VmPeak:') If the key is not found 0 or the optionally defined value in def will be returned.

info can be used to change the input that should be read, it defaults to '/proc/self/status'.


character(len=*), intent(in) :: key(:)
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: info
integer, intent(in), optional :: def(:)

Return Value integer(size(key))


proc~~my_status_int_vec~~CallsGraph proc~my_status_int_vec my_status_int_vec proc~my_status_string_vec my_status_string_vec proc~my_status_int_vec->proc~my_status_string_vec proc~print_self_status print_self_status proc~my_status_string_vec->proc~print_self_status proc~newunit newunit proc~my_status_string_vec->proc~newunit proc~print_self_status->proc~newunit

Called by

proc~~my_status_int_vec~~CalledByGraph proc~my_status_int_vec my_status_int_vec proc~tem_trackmem tem_trackmem proc~tem_trackmem->proc~my_status_int_vec



character(len=labelLen), private :: vstring(size(key))
integer, private :: i
integer, private :: n