tem_trackmem Subroutine

public subroutine tem_trackmem(memfile, iteration)

Write the current memory status into the memfile.

The file will be opened and closed, so this might be slow. Only the root process writes to this file, but the data is gathered from all processes. The output will be prepended by the current date. We will track the VmHWM: from /proc/self/status, MemFree:, Buffers: and Cached: from /proc/meminfo and pgmajfault from /proc/vmstat The min, max and average across all processes will be recorded.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
character(len=*), intent(in) :: memfile
integer, intent(in) :: iteration


proc~~tem_trackmem~~CallsGraph proc~tem_trackmem tem_trackmem mpi_comm_size mpi_comm_size proc~tem_trackmem->mpi_comm_size proc~my_status_int_vec my_status_int_vec proc~tem_trackmem->proc~my_status_int_vec proc~my_status_int my_status_int proc~tem_trackmem->proc~my_status_int mpi_comm_rank mpi_comm_rank proc~tem_trackmem->mpi_comm_rank mpi_reduce mpi_reduce proc~tem_trackmem->mpi_reduce proc~tem_open tem_open proc~tem_trackmem->proc~tem_open proc~my_status_string_vec my_status_string_vec proc~my_status_int_vec->proc~my_status_string_vec proc~my_status_string my_status_string proc~my_status_int->proc~my_status_string proc~upper_to_lower upper_to_lower proc~tem_open->proc~upper_to_lower proc~tem_abort tem_abort proc~tem_open->proc~tem_abort proc~newunit newunit proc~tem_open->proc~newunit proc~my_status_string_vec->proc~newunit proc~print_self_status print_self_status proc~my_status_string_vec->proc~print_self_status proc~my_status_string->proc~newunit proc~my_status_string->proc~print_self_status mpi_abort mpi_abort proc~tem_abort->mpi_abort proc~print_self_status->proc~newunit


Source Code

Source Code

  subroutine tem_trackmem(memfile, iteration)
    character(len=*), intent(in) :: memfile
    integer, intent(in)          :: iteration

    integer :: myMem(5), minMem(5), maxMem(5)
    integer :: nProcs
    integer :: iError
    integer :: funit
    integer :: myRank
    logical :: fexists
    character(len=8) :: fstat
    character(len=8) :: today
    character(len=10) :: now
    real :: myScale(5)
    real :: sumMem(5)
    real :: avgMem(5)

    if (trim(memfile) /= '') then
      call MPI_Comm_Size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, nProcs, iError)

      myMem(1) = my_status_int('VmHWM:')
      myMem(2:4) = my_status_int_vec( key = ['MemFree:', 'Buffers:', &
        &                                    'Cached: '],            &
        &                             info = '/proc/meminfo'         )
      myMem(5) = my_status_int(key = 'pgmajfault', info = '/proc/vmstat')
      call MPI_Reduce(myMem, minMem, 5, MPI_INTEGER, MPI_MIN, 0, &
        &             MPI_COMM_WORLD, iError)
      call MPI_Reduce( myMem, maxMem, 5, MPI_INTEGER, MPI_MAX, 0, &
        &              MPI_COMM_WORLD, iError )

      myScale(1:4) = real(myMem(1:4))/1024.0
      myScale(5) = real(myMem(5))
      call MPI_Reduce( myScale, sumMem, 5, MPI_REAL, MPI_SUM, 0, &
        &              MPI_COMM_WORLD, iError                    )

      avgMem = sumMem / real(nProcs)

      inquire(file = trim(memfile), exist = fexists)
      if (fexists) then
        fstat = 'old'
        fstat = 'new'
      end if

      call MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, myRank, iError)
      if (myRank == 0) then
        call tem_open( file     = trim(memfile), &
          &            newunit  = funit,         &
          &            status   = trim(fstat),   &
          &            action   = 'write',       &
          &            position = 'append',      &
          &            form     = 'formatted'    )
        call date_and_time(date = today, time = now)
        write(funit,'(a)') today // ': ' // now
        write(funit, '(a,I5)') '  iteration ', iteration
        write(funit,'(a,3(1x,f11.3))') '   VmHWM   (min/max/avg):', &
          &                                  minMem(1)/1024.0, &
          &                                  maxMem(1)/1024.0, avgMem(1)
        write(funit,'(a,3(1x,f11.3))') '   MemFree (min/max/avg):', &
          &                                  minMem(2)/1024.0, &
          &                                  maxMem(2)/1024.0, avgMem(2)
        write(funit,'(a,3(1x,f11.3))') '   Buffers (min/max/avg):', &
          &                                  minMem(3)/1024.0, &
          &                                  maxMem(3)/1024.0, avgMem(3)
        write(funit,'(a,3(1x,f11.3))') '   Cached  (min/max/avg):', &
          &                                  minMem(4)/1024.0, &
          &                                  maxMem(4)/1024.0, avgMem(4)
        write(funit,'(a,i0,1x,i0,1x,f11.3)') '   pgmajflt(min/max/avg):', &
          &                                  minMem(5), maxMem(5), avgMem(5)
        write(funit,'(a)') ''
      end if

    end if

  end subroutine tem_trackmem