tem_init_surfData Subroutine

public subroutine tem_init_surfData(me, levelDesc, globTree, iLevel)

This subroutine identifies the parent treelm elements of the surface data points.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(tem_surfData_type), intent(inout) :: me

datatype to store the surface information

type(tem_levelDesc_type), intent(inout) :: levelDesc

the level descriptor incl. ghost and halo elements as well as the communicator information on the level iLevel

type(treelmesh_type), intent(in) :: globTree

global Tree information

integer, intent(in) :: iLevel

the current level


proc~~tem_init_surfdata~~CallsGraph proc~tem_init_surfdata tem_init_surfData proc~tem_pathof tem_PathOf proc~tem_init_surfdata->proc~tem_pathof proc~tem_treeidintotal tem_treeIDinTotal proc~tem_init_surfdata->proc~tem_treeidintotal proc~tem_idofcoord tem_IdOfCoord proc~tem_init_surfdata->proc~tem_idofcoord proc~tem_pathcomparison tem_PathComparison proc~tem_init_surfdata->proc~tem_pathcomparison interface~append~23 append proc~tem_init_surfdata->interface~append~23 proc~tem_coordofreal tem_CoordOfReal proc~tem_init_surfdata->proc~tem_coordofreal proc~tem_etypeofid tem_eTypeOfId proc~tem_treeidintotal->proc~tem_etypeofid tem_positioninsorted tem_positioninsorted proc~tem_treeidintotal->tem_positioninsorted proc~append_singlega2d_real append_singlega2d_real interface~append~23->proc~append_singlega2d_real proc~append_arrayga2d_real append_arrayga2d_real interface~append~23->proc~append_arrayga2d_real interface~positionofval~5 positionofval proc~tem_etypeofid->interface~positionofval~5 interface~expand~22 expand proc~append_singlega2d_real->interface~expand~22 proc~append_arrayga2d_real->interface~expand~22 proc~posofval_label posofval_label interface~positionofval~5->proc~posofval_label proc~expand_ga2d_real expand_ga2d_real interface~expand~22->proc~expand_ga2d_real

Called by

proc~~tem_init_surfdata~~CalledByGraph proc~tem_init_surfdata tem_init_surfData proc~tem_update_surfpos tem_update_surfPos proc~tem_update_surfpos->proc~tem_init_surfdata


Source Code

Source Code

  subroutine tem_init_surfData( me, levelDesc, globTree, iLevel )
    ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    !> datatype to store the surface information
    type( tem_surfData_type ), intent(inout) :: me
    !> the level descriptor incl. ghost and halo elements as well as the
    !! communicator information on the level iLevel
    type( tem_levelDesc_type ), intent(inout) :: levelDesc
    !> global Tree information
    type( treelmesh_type ), intent(in) :: globTree
    !> the current level
    integer, intent(in) :: iLevel
    ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ! counters
    integer :: iCoord, iVal
    integer :: pos
    integer( kind=long_k ) :: tmpTreeID
    type( dyn_longArray_type ) :: tmpTreeIDs
    integer, allocatable :: posInTotal(:)
    integer, allocatable :: tmpPos(:)
    real( kind=rk ) :: huge_real
    type(tem_path_type) :: tmpPath
    type(tem_path_type) :: minHaloPath
    type(tem_path_type) :: maxHaloPath
    integer :: nFluids
    integer :: firstHalo
    integer :: lastHalo
    logical :: wasAdded
    ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

    huge_real = huge(huge_real)
    if( .not. allocated(me%parentIDs(iLevel)%ptrs))then
      ! allocate the array of parent positions in the local tree id list
      allocate( me%parentIDs(iLevel)%ptrs( me%nUniquePoints_total ))
    end if

    nFluids = globTree%nElems
    ! correct the halo position (in case of serial runs no halos available)
    if( globTree%global%nParts > 1 )then
      firstHalo =   levelDesc%elem%nElems( eT_fluid ) &
        &         + levelDesc%elem%nElems( eT_ghostFromCoarser )   &
        &         + levelDesc%elem%nElems( eT_ghostFromFiner ) &
        &         + 1
      lastHalo  =   levelDesc%elem%nElems( eT_fluid ) &
        &         + levelDesc%elem%nElems( eT_ghostFromCoarser )   &
        &         + levelDesc%elem%nElems( eT_ghostFromFiner ) &
        &         + levelDesc%elem%nElems( eT_halo )

      ! get the path of the min and max halo
      minHaloPath = tem_PathOf( levelDesc%total( firstHalo ))
      maxHaloPath = tem_PathOf( levelDesc%total( lastHalo  ))
    end if

    allocate( tmpPos( me%nUniquePoints_total ))

    ! for all coordinates
    do iCoord = 1, me%nUniquePoints_total
      pos = 0
!      if( any( me%pointCoords( (iCoord-1)*3+1:(iCoord-1)*3+3) <                &
!        &                                                  huge_real ))then
        ! ... get the parent treeID (first integer from real coordinates then
        !                            treeID)
        tmpTreeID = tem_IdOfCoord(                                             &
          &     tem_CoordOfReal( globTree,                                     &
          &               me%pointCoords((iCoord-1)*3+1:(iCoord-1)*3+3 ),      &
          &                              iLevel ))

        call append( me  = tmpTreeIDs,                                         &
          &          val = tmpTreeID,                                          &
          &          pos = tmpPos( iCoord ),                                   &
          &          wasAdded = wasAdded )
    end do

    allocate( posInTotal( tmpTreeIDs%nVals ))

!$omp parallel

!$omp do private( tmpPath, pos )

    do iVal=1, tmpTreeIDs%nVals
      pos = 0
      tmpPath = tem_PathOf( tmpTreeIDs%val(iVal) )
      ! compare the paths to check wether the surface point is located
      ! on this proc
      if( tem_PathComparison( tmpPath, globTree%pathList( 1 )) > -1 .and.      &
        & tem_PathComparison( tmpPath, globTree%pathList( nFluids )) < 1) then
        ! search in the fluid elements
        pos = tem_treeIDinTotal( tmpTreeIDs%val(iVal), levelDesc, eT_fluid )
      else if( tem_PathComparison( tmpPath, minHaloPath ) > -1 .and.           &
        &      tem_PathComparison( tmpPath, maxHaloPath ) <  1 )then
        ! surf point is not located on this proc but might be a halo
        pos = tem_treeIDinTotal( tmpTreeIDs%val(iVal), levelDesc, eT_halo)
      end if
      posInTotal( iVal ) = pos
    end do

!$omp end do

!      end if

!$omp do
    do iCoord = 1, me%nUniquePoints_total
      ! ... store the new coordinate
      me%parentIDs(iLevel)%ptrs(iCoord) = posInTotal( tmpPos(iCoord) )
      if( me%parentIDs(iLevel)%ptrs(iCoord) > 0 )then
        ! ... and set the corresponding property bits
        levelDesc%property( me%ParentIDs(iLevel)%ptrs( iCoord )) =             &
          &   ibset( levelDesc%property( me%ParentIDs(iLevel)%ptrs( iCoord )), &
          &          prp_hasIBM )
      end if
    end do
!$omp end do

!$omp end parallel

  end subroutine tem_init_surfData