tem_IdOfCoord Function

public pure function tem_IdOfCoord(coord, offset) result(nTreeID)

This function calculates the tree ID for a given x,y and z on the given refinement level. This ID in the complete tree does not have to be in the list of leafs (treeIDlist) An example of this procedure is following: 1. Convert coordinates into binary representation: (x,y,z) = (5,9,1) = (0101,1001,0001) 2. Interleaving the bits by 3 digits for each direction: x(0101): 0 1 0 1 y(1001): 1 0 0 1 z(0001): 0 0 0 1 Combining these bits results in a binary number: 010 001 000 111, which is 1095 when seen as a 10-base number. 3. This number is the cell position in a single level sorted element list. Its treeID can be obtained by adding the correspoding level offset.

Periodic displacement for requested elements outside the cube


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer, intent(in) :: coord(4)

3D Coordinates to translate

integer(kind=long_k), intent(in), optional :: offset

Return Value integer(kind=long_k)

resulting treeID

Called by

proc~~tem_idofcoord~~CalledByGraph proc~tem_idofcoord tem_IdOfCoord proc~evaluate_add_spacetime_vectorbycoordinate evaluate_add_spacetime_vectorByCoordinate proc~evaluate_add_spacetime_vectorbycoordinate->proc~tem_idofcoord proc~tem_calc_vrtx_coord_noqval tem_calc_vrtx_coord_noqval proc~tem_calc_vrtx_coord_noqval->proc~tem_idofcoord proc~tem_cano_initsubtree tem_cano_initSubTree proc~tem_cano_initsubtree->proc~tem_idofcoord proc~load_bc_intern_1d load_BC_intern_1D proc~load_bc_intern_1d->proc~tem_idofcoord proc~generate_treelm_slice generate_treelm_slice proc~generate_treelm_slice->proc~tem_idofcoord proc~evaluate_first_spacetime_vectorbycoordinate evaluate_first_spacetime_vectorByCoordinate proc~evaluate_first_spacetime_vectorbycoordinate->proc~tem_idofcoord proc~load_bc_intern_2d load_BC_intern_2D proc~load_bc_intern_2d->proc~tem_idofcoord proc~tem_cano_checkneigh tem_cano_checkNeigh proc~tem_cano_checkneigh->proc~tem_idofcoord proc~append_pointdata append_pointData proc~append_pointdata->proc~tem_idofcoord proc~generate_treelm_line generate_treelm_line proc~generate_treelm_line->proc~tem_idofcoord proc~tem_get_faceneigh tem_get_faceNeigh proc~tem_get_faceneigh->proc~tem_idofcoord proc~evaluate_first_spacetime_scalarbycoordinate evaluate_first_spacetime_scalarByCoordinate proc~evaluate_first_spacetime_scalarbycoordinate->proc~tem_idofcoord proc~setup_indices_spacetime setup_indices_spacetime proc~setup_indices_spacetime->proc~tem_idofcoord proc~tem_init_surfdata tem_init_surfData proc~tem_init_surfdata->proc~tem_idofcoord proc~tem_calc_neighbors tem_calc_neighbors proc~tem_calc_neighbors->proc~tem_idofcoord proc~generate_treelm_elements generate_treelm_elements proc~generate_treelm_elements->proc~tem_idofcoord proc~tem_calc_vrtx_coord tem_calc_vrtx_coord proc~tem_calc_vrtx_coord->proc~tem_idofcoord proc~tem_adddep_down tem_addDep_down proc~tem_adddep_down->proc~tem_idofcoord proc~evaluate_add_spacetime_scalarbycoordinate evaluate_add_spacetime_scalarByCoordinate proc~evaluate_add_spacetime_scalarbycoordinate->proc~tem_idofcoord proc~tem_cano_storepntsinsubtree tem_cano_storePntsInSubTree proc~tem_cano_storepntsinsubtree->proc~tem_idofcoord proc~tem_unify_surfacedata tem_unify_surfaceData proc~tem_unify_surfacedata->proc~tem_idofcoord proc~add_all_virtual_children add_all_virtual_children proc~add_all_virtual_children->proc~tem_idofcoord proc~update_childneighborid update_childNeighborID proc~update_childneighborid->proc~tem_idofcoord


Source Code

Source Code

  pure function tem_IdOfCoord(coord, offset) result(nTreeID)
    ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    !> 3D Coordinates to translate
    integer, intent(in) :: coord(4)
    integer(kind=long_k), intent(in), optional :: offset
    !> resulting treeID
    integer(kind=long_k) :: nTreeID
    ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    integer :: iLevel    ! level iterator
    ! this variable defines the upper threshold for x, y and z coordinates
    ! for a given refinement level e.g. for level = 1 only x, y and z
    ! from 0 to 1 are allowed, otherwise this neighbor is outside of the
    ! geometry
    integer :: upperBoundary
    integer :: myCoord(3)
    integer :: fak2
    integer(kind=long_k) :: fak8
    ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

    ! the offset has to be added to the level summation
    ! @todo: level offset is hard coded in array firstIdAtLevel,
    !        thus no need to pass offset as an argument.
    if (present(offset)) then
      nTreeID = offset
      nTreeID = firstIdAtLevel(coord(4))
    end if

    !! Periodic displacement for requested elements outside the cube
    upperBoundary = 2**coord(4)
    myCoord = mod(coord(1:3) + upperBoundary, upperBoundary)

    ! To compute the tree ID of a neighbor on the same refinement level the
    ! following formula is used:
    ! newTreeID = sum(i=0, level) {8**i * (mod( (x / (2**level) ) , 2)
    !                                      + 2 * mod( ( y / (2**level) ) , 2)
    !                                      + 4 * mod( (z / (2**level) ) , 2) ) }
    fak8 = 1
    fak2 = 1
    do iLevel = 0, coord(4) - 1
      nTreeID = nTreeID + fak8 * (      mod( (myCoord(1) / fak2), 2) &
        &                         + 2 * mod( (myCoord(2) / fak2), 2) &
        &                         + 4 * mod( (myCoord(3) / fak2), 2) )
      fak2 = fak2 * 2
      fak8 = fak8 * 8
    end do

  end function tem_IdOfCoord