This subroutine makes the temporary of pointCoordinates unique, updates the triangle connectivity and sets the actual pointCoordinates to be the barycenters of the elements on the highest refinement level possible.
: IBM: Think about making the triangles unique as well!!! Currently only points are unique!
Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
type(tem_surfData_type), | intent(inout) | :: | me |
datatype to store the surface information |
real(kind=rk), | intent(in) | :: | all_pointCoords(:,:) |
tmp point coordinates to be unified and stored in me |
subroutine tem_unify_surfaceData( me, all_pointCoords )
! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
!> datatype to store the surface information
type( tem_surfData_type ), intent(inout) :: me
!> tmp point coordinates to be unified and stored in me
real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: all_pointCoords(:,:)
! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
! temporary map from the all_pointCoords to the unique ones
integer :: map2unique(size(all_pointCoords,2))
! array of unique point coordinates in physical coordinates
! size: 3, nUniquePoints_total
type( grw_real2darray_type ) :: pointCoords
! temporary dynamic array of unique treeIDs (for unifying the points)
type( dyn_longArray_type ) :: uniqueTreeIDs
! growing array of integers counting the number of identical points
type( grw_intArray_type ) :: grw_counter
! temporary coordinates of an element (iX,iY,iZ, level)
integer :: tmp_coord(4)
! temporary treeID
integer(kind=long_k) :: treeID
! position of the element in the dynamic array of unique treeIDs, in the
! growing array of PointCoords and in the growing array of counters
integer :: pos
! was this treeID appended to the unique list
logical :: wasAdded
! local tree with no treeIDs needed for unification of the points
type( treelmesh_type ) :: loc_tree
! minimum x, y, z coordinate
real(kind=rk) :: minX, minY, minZ
! maximum x, y, z coordinate
real(kind=rk) :: maxX, maxY, maxZ
! counters
integer :: iCoord
integer :: iTria
! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
write(logUnit(10),*) " Unifying the coordinates ..."
! initialize the growing and dynamic arrays
call init( me = pointCoords, width = 3 )
! get the min and max of the coordinates
minX = minval(all_pointCoords(1,:))
minY = minval(all_pointCoords(2,:))
minZ = minval(all_pointCoords(3,:))
maxX = maxval(all_pointCoords(1,:))
maxY = maxval(all_pointCoords(2,:))
maxZ = maxval(all_pointCoords(3,:))
! initialize the local tree with an origin and a bc_length
loc_tree%global%Origin = (/minX,minY,minZ/)
loc_tree%global%BoundingCubeLength = max( maxX - minX, &
& maxY - minY, &
& maxZ - minZ )
! get the treeIDs on the highest level to unify the coordinates and map
! the coordinates on these unique treeIDs
do iCoord = 1, size( all_pointCoords, 2)
! get the coordinates
tmp_coord = tem_CoordOfReal( loc_tree, all_pointCoords(:,iCoord ) )
treeID = tem_IdOfCoord( tmp_coord )
call append( me = uniqueTreeIDs, &
& val = treeID, &
& pos = pos, &
& wasAdded = wasAdded )
map2unique(iCoord) = pos
! if the value was added the first time ...
if( wasAdded )then
! ... append the coordinate
call append( me = pointCoords, &
& val = all_pointCoords(:,iCoord ), &
& pos = pos )
! ... set the counter to 1 for this element
call placeAt( me = grw_counter, &
& val = 1, &
& pos = pos )
else ! if the value was existing before ...
! the coordinate and multiply it with the counter (number of
! times this element was added before) add the new coordinate average
! it by counter + 1 and write it back
pointCoords%val( :, pos ) = ( pointCoords%val( :, pos ) &
& * grw_counter%val( pos ) + all_pointCoords( :, iCoord )) &
& / ( grw_counter%val( pos ) + 1 )
! ... and increase the counter by one
grw_counter%val( pos ) = grw_counter%val( pos ) + 1
end if
end do
! initialize the number of unique points and allocate the pointCoords
! array
me%nUniquePoints_total = pointCoords%nVals
allocate( me%pointCoords( 3*me%nUniquePoints_total ))
do iCoord = 1, me%nUniquePoints_total
me%PointCoords((iCoord-1)*3+1:(iCoord-1)*3+3) = pointCoords%val(:,iCoord)
end do
! loop over the triangles and triangle vertices and store the right
! coordinate (barycenter of the parent element on the highest level)
! and update the position in the trias connectivity array
do iTria = 1, me%nTrias
do iCoord = 1, 3
! update the position in the triangle connectivity array
me%trias( iCoord, iTria ) = map2unique( me%trias( iCoord, iTria ))
end do
end do
call destroy( uniqueTreeIDs )
call destroy( grw_counter )
call destroy( pointCoords )
write(logUnit(1),*) " nTriangles: ", me%nTrias
write(logUnit(1),*) " nPoints: ", me%nUniquePoints_total
end subroutine tem_unify_surfaceData