subroutine to add the variables from the input lua script to the varsys
If not satisfied then it is not possible to append current variable to varSys
Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
type(tem_variable_type), | intent(in) | :: | operVar |
variables defined in the lua file |
type(tem_varSys_type), | intent(inout) | :: | varSys |
global variable system to which operVar to be appended |
integer, | intent(out), | optional | :: | pos |
Position of the variable in the system. |
type(tem_varSys_solverData_evalElem_type), | intent(in), | optional | :: | solverData_evalElem |
A setter routine that allows the caller to define routine for the construction of an element representation. |
subroutine tem_varSys_append_operVar( operVar, varSys, pos, &
& solverData_evalElem )
!> variables defined in the lua file
type(tem_variable_type), intent(in) :: operVar
!> global variable system to which operVar to be appended
type(tem_varSys_type), intent(inout) :: varSys
!> Position of the variable in the system.
integer, optional, intent(out) :: pos
!> A setter routine that allows the caller to define routine for the
!! construction of an element representation.
type(tem_varSys_solverData_evalElem_type), &
& optional, intent(in) :: solverData_evalElem
integer :: addedPos
integer :: nComps, nInputs
integer, allocatable :: inPos(:)
logical :: wasAdded
character(len=labelLen), allocatable :: input_varname(:)
integer, allocatable :: input_varIndex(:)
logical :: isSatisfied
procedure(tem_varSys_proc_point), pointer :: get_point => NULL()
procedure(tem_varSys_proc_element), pointer :: get_element => NULL()
procedure(tem_varSys_proc_setParams), pointer :: set_params => NULL()
procedure(tem_varSys_proc_getParams), pointer :: get_params => NULL()
procedure(tem_varSys_proc_setupIndices), pointer :: &
& setup_indices => NULL()
procedure(tem_varSys_proc_getValOfIndex), pointer :: &
& get_valOfIndex => NULL()
type(c_ptr) :: method_data
type(tem_varSys_op_data_type), pointer :: opData
nullify(get_point, get_element, set_params, get_params, setup_indices, &
& get_valOfIndex)
nComps = operVar%nComponents
nInputs = size(operVar%input_varname)
input_varname = operVar%input_varname
! check if input_varnames satisfy requirements for operType
! and correct user defined nComps if it does not match operType
call check_opVar_prerequisites( operType = operVar%operType, &
& nInputs = nInputs, &
& input_varname = input_varname, &
& varSys = varSys, &
& nComps = nComps, &
& isSatisfied = isSatisfied )
!> If not satisfied then it is not possible to append current variable
!! to varSys
if (.not. isSatisfied) then
write(logUnit(1),*) 'WARNING: input varnames does not satisfy'
write(logUnit(1),*) ' requirements for operType '&
& //trim(operVar%operType)
write(logUnit(1),*) 'Variable: "'//trim(operVar%label) &
& //'" is not appended.'
end if
! for operation variables, set_params, get_params and setup_indices are same
! since they send information to depend variables
set_params => tem_opVar_setParams
get_params => tem_opVar_getParams
setup_indices => tem_opVar_setupIndices
! Get method data container to store indices for getValOfIndex
! Overwrite this method data with solver method data if operation
! is solver-specific
method_data = tem_get_new_varSys_data_ptr()
call C_F_POINTER(method_data, opData)
select case(trim(operVar%operType))
! magnitude, division, multiplication are solver specific
! so set using getEvalFuncionsCallback
case( 'difference' )
get_element => evalDiff_forElement
get_point => evalDiff_forPoint
get_valOfIndex => evalDiff_fromIndex
case( 'rel_difference' )
get_element => evalRelDiff_forElement
get_point => evalRelDiff_forPoint
get_valOfIndex => evalRelDiff_fromIndex
case( 'addition' )
get_element => tem_evalAdd_forElement
get_point => tem_evalAdd_forPoint
get_valOfIndex => tem_evalAdd_fromIndex
case ('multiplication')
get_point => evalMultiply_forPoint
get_element => evalMultiply_forElement
get_valOfindex => evalMultiply_fromIndex
case( 'multiply_scalar_times_vector' )
get_point => tem_multiplyScalTimesVec_forPoint
get_element => multiplyScalTimesVec_forElement
get_valOfindex => tem_multiplyScalTimesVec_fromIndex
case( 'division', 'div' )
get_point => division_forPoint
get_element => division_forElement
get_valOfindex => division_fromIndex
case( 'divide_vector_by_scalar' )
get_point => tem_divideVecByScal_forPoint
get_element => divideVecByScal_forElement
get_valOfindex => tem_divideVecByScal_fromIndex
case( 'gradient', 'grad', 'gradientX', 'gradX','gradientY','gradY', &
& 'gradientZ', 'gradZ' )
! Pointers set by the solvers using opVar_setter callback, see below
case( 'magnitude' )
get_point => tem_evalMag_forPoint
get_element => tem_evalMag_forElement
get_valOfindex => tem_evalMag_fromIndex
case( 'extract' )
allocate( input_varIndex(size(operVar%input_varIndex)) )
input_varIndex = operVar%input_varIndex
get_element => extract_forElement
get_point => extract_forPoint
get_valOfIndex => extract_fromIndex
case( 'combine' )
get_element => combine_forElement
get_point => combine_forPoint
get_valOfIndex => combine_fromIndex
case( 'greater_than', 'gt', '>' )
get_point => evalLogicalGreater_forPoint
get_element => evalLogicalGreater_forElement
get_valOfIndex => evalLogicalGreater_fromIndex
case( 'greater_than_or_equal', 'ge', '>=' )
get_point => evalLogicalGreaterOrEqual_forPoint
get_element => evalLogicalGreaterOrEqual_forElement
get_valOfIndex => evalLogicalGreaterOrEqual_fromIndex
case( 'less_than', 'lt', '<' )
get_point => evalLogicalLess_forPoint
get_element => evalLogicalLess_forElement
get_valOfIndex => evalLogicalLess_fromIndex
case( 'less_than_or_equal', 'le', '<=' )
get_point => evalLogicalLessOrEqual_forPoint
get_Element => evalLogicalLessOrEqual_forElement
get_valOfIndex => evalLogicalLessOrEqual_fromIndex
case( 'equal', 'eq', '=' )
get_point => evalLogicalEqual_forPoint
get_Element => evalLogicalEqual_forElement
get_valOfIndex => evalLogicalEqual_fromIndex
case( 'not_equal', 'ne', '/=' )
get_point => evalLogicalNotEqual_forPoint
get_Element => evalLogicalNotEqual_forElement
get_valOfIndex => evalLogicalNotEqual_fromIndex
case( 'and' )
get_point => evalLogicalAnd_forPoint
get_Element => evalLogicalAnd_forElement
get_valOfIndex => evalLogicalAnd_fromIndex
case( 'or' )
get_point => evalLogicalOr_forPoint
get_Element => evalLogicalOr_forElement
get_valOfIndex => evalLogicalOr_fromIndex
opData%redTrans%config = operVar%redTransConfig
get_point => reductionTransient_forPoint
get_Element => reductionTransient_forElement
get_valOfIndex => reductionTransient_fromIndex
case default
if (.not. (associated(get_point) &
& .or. associated(get_element) &
& .or. associated(set_params) &
& .or. associated(get_params) &
& .or. associated(setup_indices) &
& .or. associated(get_valOfIndex))) then
write(logUnit(3),*) 'operType: ' &
& // trim(operVar%operType) &
& // ' not supported. Variable is not appended.'
return ! go to next variable
end if
end select
! Workaround for Intel 15 compiler
if ( .not. allocated(input_varname) ) then
allocate( input_varname(0) )
end if
if ( .not. allocated(input_varIndex) ) then
allocate( input_varIndex(0) )
end if
! append variable to varSys
call tem_varSys_append_derVar( &
& me = varSys, &
& varName = operVar%label, &
& operType = operVar%operType, &
& nComponents = nComps, &
& input_varname = input_varname, &
& input_varIndex = input_varIndex, &
& method_data = method_data, &
& get_point = get_point, &
& get_element = get_element, &
& set_params = set_params, &
& get_params = get_params, &
& setup_indices = setup_indices, &
& get_valOfIndex = get_valOfIndex, &
& pos = addedPos, &
& wasAdded = wasAdded )
if (wasAdded) then
if (present(solverData_evalElem)) then
! If an solverData_evalElem operation is provided, override the
! get_element pointer and use the provided setter solverData_evalElem
! instead to define the get_element routine.
call solverData_evalElem%opVar_setter(varSys%method%val(addedPos))
end if
write(logUnit(9),*) 'Successfully appended variable "' &
& // trim(operVar%label)// '" to the variable system'
else if (addedpos < 1) then
write(logUnit(7),*) 'WARNING: variable '//trim(operVar%label)// &
& ' is not added to variable system'
end if
if (present(pos)) pos = addedPos
! deallocate here to be allocated for next variable
if (allocated(input_varIndex)) deallocate(input_varIndex)
if (allocated(inPos)) deallocate(inPos)
end subroutine tem_varSys_append_operVar