append_da_label Subroutine

public subroutine append_da_label(me, val, length, pos, wasadded)

appending a value to the dynamic array

with this subroutine, a given value can be added to the dynamic array. the actual position of this value in the dynamic array will be returned, so it can be found again easily later. with the wasadded flag, it is indicated,\n wasadded = true, if this entry had to be added,\n wasadded = false, if this was already found in the array.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(dyn_labelarray_type) :: me
character(len=*), intent(in) :: val
integer, intent(in), optional :: length

optional length to expand the array

integer, intent(out), optional :: pos

position in the array, if the value is found

logical, intent(out), optional :: wasadded

flag to indicate, if val was newly added


proc~~append_da_label~~CallsGraph proc~append_da_label append_da_label interface~expand~22 expand proc~append_da_label->interface~expand~22 interface~sortedposofval~5 sortedposofval proc~append_da_label->interface~sortedposofval~5 proc~expand_da_label expand_da_label interface~expand~22->proc~expand_da_label proc~sortposofval_label sortposofval_label interface~sortedposofval~5->proc~sortposofval_label

Called by

proc~~append_da_label~~CalledByGraph proc~append_da_label append_da_label interface~append~25 append interface~append~25->proc~append_da_label proc~append_pointdata append_pointData proc~append_pointdata->interface~append~25 proc~append_singlepnt2grwpoints append_singlePnt2grwPoints proc~append_singlepnt2grwpoints->interface~append~25 proc~append_vectorpnt2grwpoints append_vectorPnt2grwPoints proc~append_vectorpnt2grwpoints->interface~append~25 proc~setup_indices_spacetime setup_indices_spacetime proc~setup_indices_spacetime->interface~append~25 proc~sorttruncate_da_int sorttruncate_da_int proc~sorttruncate_da_int->interface~append~25 proc~sorttruncate_da_label sorttruncate_da_label proc~sorttruncate_da_label->interface~append~25 proc~sorttruncate_da_long sorttruncate_da_long proc~sorttruncate_da_long->interface~append~25 proc~sorttruncate_da_real sorttruncate_da_real proc~sorttruncate_da_real->interface~append~25 proc~tem_addtimer tem_addTimer proc~tem_addtimer->interface~append~25 proc~tem_appendtimers tem_appendTimers proc~tem_appendtimers->interface~append~25 proc~tem_cano_checkneigh tem_cano_checkNeigh proc~tem_cano_checkneigh->interface~append~25 proc~tem_cano_initsubtree tem_cano_initSubTree proc~tem_cano_initsubtree->interface~append~25 proc~tem_cano_storepntsinsubtree tem_cano_storePntsInSubTree proc~tem_cano_storepntsinsubtree->interface~append~25 proc~tem_comm_createbuffer tem_comm_createBuffer proc~tem_comm_createbuffer->interface~append~25 proc~tem_commbuf_int_gatherindexed tem_commbuf_int_gatherindexed proc~tem_commbuf_int_gatherindexed->interface~append~25 proc~tem_commbuf_long_gatherindexed tem_commbuf_long_gatherindexed proc~tem_commbuf_long_gatherindexed->interface~append~25 proc~tem_commbuf_real_gatherindexed tem_commbuf_real_gatherindexed proc~tem_commbuf_real_gatherindexed->interface~append~25 proc~tem_shape_findelembybclabels tem_shape_findElemByBCLabels proc~tem_shape_findelembybclabels->interface~append~25 proc~tem_shape_initbylevels tem_shape_initByLevels proc~tem_shape_initbylevels->interface~append~25 proc~tem_shape_initpropelements tem_shape_initPropElements proc~tem_shape_initpropelements->interface~append~25 proc~tem_shape_subtreefromgeominters tem_shape_subTreeFromGeomInters proc~tem_shape_subtreefromgeominters->interface~append~25 proc~tem_timer_loadconfig tem_timer_loadconfig proc~tem_timer_loadconfig->interface~append~25 proc~tem_varsys_append_auxfieldvar tem_varSys_append_auxFieldVar proc~tem_varsys_append_auxfieldvar->interface~append~25 proc~tem_varsys_append_dervar tem_varSys_append_derVar proc~tem_varsys_append_dervar->interface~append~25 proc~tem_varsys_append_statevar tem_varSys_append_stateVar proc~tem_varsys_append_statevar->interface~append~25 proc~tem_varsys_append_stfun_raw tem_varSys_append_stFun_raw proc~tem_varsys_append_stfun_raw->interface~append~25 proc~tem_varsys_append_stfunvar tem_varSys_append_stFunVar proc~tem_varsys_append_stfunvar->interface~append~25 proc~tem_varsys_load_single tem_varSys_load_single proc~tem_varsys_load_single->interface~append~25

Source Code

  subroutine append_da_label(me, val, length, pos, wasadded )
    type(dyn_labelarray_type) :: me   !< array to append the value to
    character(len=*), intent(in)     :: val  !< value to append
    !> optional length to expand the array
    integer, intent(in), optional :: length
    !> position in the array, if the value is found
    integer, intent(out), optional :: pos
    !> flag to indicate, if val was newly added
    logical, intent(out), optional :: wasadded
    integer :: foundpos
    integer :: i

    ! do a binary search on existing entries (returns closest entry next to
    ! it if not found).
    foundpos = sortedposofval(me, val, .true.)
    if( present( wasadded ) ) wasadded = .false.

    ! if it found the value, the position is smaller than nvals
    if (foundpos <= me%nvals) then

      ! the returned position might actually be the right entry already or
      ! not, check for this here.
      if ( me%val(me%sorted(foundpos)) == val ) then

        ! found the value in a list of unique values,
        ! nothing to do, just return its position.
        if( present( pos ) ) pos = me%sorted(foundpos)


        ! need to append a new value!

        if (me%nvals == huge(me%nvals)) then
           write(*,*) "reached end of integer range for dynamic array!"
           write(*,*) "aborting!!"
        end if

        if( present( wasadded ) ) wasadded = .true.
        if (me%nvals == me%containersize) then

          ! container is full, need to expand it
          call expand(me = me, length = length)
        end if
        me%nvals = me%nvals + 1

        ! put the new value into the last position in the
        ! array.
        me%val(me%nvals) = val
        do while( foundpos < me%nvals )
          if(me%val(me%sorted(foundpos)) /= val) then
          end if
          ! in case of multiple entries with the same value
          ! move on to the first differing entry.
          foundpos = foundpos + 1
        end do
        ! shift the sorted list of indices, to create a
        ! whole for the value to be inserted, at position
        ! foundpos.
        do i=me%nvals-1,foundpos,-1
          me%sorted(i+1) = me%sorted(i)
        end do
        ! put the index of the new value into the
        ! sorted list at the now freed position.
        me%sorted(foundpos) = me%nvals
        if( present( pos ) ) pos = me%nvals

      end if


      ! value to append is larger than all existing ones,
      ! just put it to the end of the list, this captures
      ! also the case of empty lists.
      ! in this case foundpos = me%nvals + 1 holds.
      if( present( wasadded ) ) wasadded = .true.
      if (foundpos > me%containersize) then
        ! expand the array, if its boundary is reached
        call expand(me = me, length = length)
      end if
      me%nvals = foundpos
      me%val(foundpos) = val
      me%sorted(foundpos) = foundpos
      if( present( pos ) ) pos = foundpos

    end if

  end subroutine append_da_label