! Copyright (c) 2019 Kannan Masilamani <kannan.masilamani@uni-siegen.de> ! Copyright (c) 2019 Harald Klimach <harald.klimach@uni-siegen.de> ! ! Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ! modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: ! ! 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this ! list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ! ! 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, ! this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation ! and/or other materials provided with the distribution. ! ! THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" ! AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE ! IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE ! DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE ! FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL ! DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR ! SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER ! CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, ! OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE ! OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ! Copyright (c) 2012-2013 Simon Zimny <s.zimny@grs-sim.de> ! Copyright (c) 2012 Manuel Hasert <m.hasert@grs-sim.de> ! Copyright (c) 2012-2016 Harald Klimach <harald.klimach@uni-siegen.de> ! Copyright (c) 2012, 2015-2016 Kannan Masilamani <kannan.masilamani@uni-siegen.de> ! Copyright (c) 2013 Daniel Harlacher <d.harlacher@grs-sim.de> ! Copyright (c) 2014 Kartik Jain <kartik.jain@uni-siegen.de> ! Copyright (c) 2014 Verena Krupp <verena.krupp@uni-siegen.de> ! Copyright (c) 2015-2017 Jiaxing Qi <jiaxing.qi@uni-siegen.de> ! Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Peter Vitt <peter.vitt2@uni-siegen.de> ! Copyright (c) 2016 Daniel Fleischer <daniel.fleischer@student.uni-siegen.de> ! Copyright (c) 2016 Tobias Schneider <tobias1.schneider@student.uni-siegen.de> ! Copyright (c) 2017 Daniel Petró <daniel.petro@student.uni-siegen.de> ! ! Parts of this file were written by Harald Klimach, Simon Zimny and Manuel ! Hasert for German Research School for Simulation Sciences GmbH. ! ! Parts of this file were written by Harald Klimach, Kannan Masilamani, ! Daniel Harlacher, Kartik Jain, Verena Krupp, Jiaxing Qi, Peter Vitt, ! Daniel Fleischer, Tobias Girresser and Daniel Petró for University Siegen. ! ! Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ! modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: ! ! 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this ! list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ! ! 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, ! this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation ! and/or other materials provided with the distribution. ! ! THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" ! AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE ! IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE ! DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE ! FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL ! DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR ! SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER ! CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, ! OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE ! OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ! This file contains the source code for growing and dynamic arrays. ! This is used for arrays of primitives (int, long_int, real, ...) as well as ! for arrays of derived datatypes (tem_variable_type,...). ! ! To use these macros include the following to your source file. ! ! Smart growing array (GA) for ?tstring? ! Growing Arrays: ! ! declaration ! ! ! implementation ! ! ----------------------------------------------------------------- ! 2d Array, which can grow in second dimension only (GA2d) ! tname ... indicates type of dynamic array (long, int, real, ...) ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! ! dynamic Arrays: ! ! declaration ! ! ! implementation ! !> \brief Module to describe triangles. Contains triangle type !! with vertices of the triangle module tem_triangle_module use env_module, only: rk, minLength, zeroLength, eps use tem_aux_module, only: tem_abort use tem_logging_module, only: logunit use tem_math_module, only: cross_product3D use tem_cube_module, only: tem_cube_type use tem_transformation_module, only: tem_transformation_type ! include aotus modules use aotus_module, only: aot_get_val, aoterr_Fatal, aoterr_WrongType, & & flu_State use aot_table_module, only: aot_table_open, aot_table_close, aot_table_length use aot_out_module, only: aot_out_type, aot_out_val, & & aot_out_open_table, aot_out_close_table implicit none private public :: grw_triangleArray_type public :: tem_triangle_type public :: init, append, truncate, destroy, empty, placeAt public :: tem_triangleCubeOverlap public :: tem_load_triangle public :: tem_triangle_out !> This type contains three vertices of the triangle type tem_triangle_type !> 1st index contains x,y,z coordinates !! and 2nd index the vertex number. real(kind=rk) :: nodes(3,3) end type tem_triangle_type !> growing array type for type(tem_triangle_type) type grw_trianglearray_type integer :: nvals = 0 integer :: containersize = 0 type(tem_triangle_type), allocatable :: val(:) end type !> initialize the dynamic array interface init module procedure init_ga_triangle end interface !> truncate the array, meaning !! cut off the trailing empty entries interface truncate module procedure truncate_ga_triangle end interface !> empty the entries without changing arrays interface empty module procedure empty_ga_triangle end interface !> destroy the dynamic array interface destroy module procedure destroy_ga_triangle end interface !> insert an element at a given position interface placeat module procedure placeat_ga_triangle module procedure placeat_ga_triangle_vec end interface !> append a value to the dynamic array !! and return its position. interface append module procedure append_ga_triangle module procedure append_ga_triangle_vec end interface !> increase the size of the container !! for the array. interface expand module procedure expand_ga_triangle end interface !> interface to write out triangles in lua format to a file interface tem_triangle_out module procedure tem_triangle_out_scal module procedure tem_triangle_out_vec end interface tem_triangle_out !> interface to load triangles interface tem_load_triangle module procedure tem_load_triangle module procedure tem_load_triangle_single end interface tem_load_triangle contains ! **************************************************************************** !> Load triangle information from config file. subroutine tem_load_triangle(me, transform, conf, thandle ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------! !inferface variables !> array of triangles type(tem_triangle_type), allocatable, intent(out) :: me(:) !> transformation for spatial object type(tem_transformation_type), intent(in) :: transform !> lua state type(flu_state) :: conf integer, intent(in) :: thandle !< handle for canonical objects !--------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! local varaibles integer :: tri_handle, tri_subHandle integer :: iObj, nObjects !--------------------------------------------------------------------------! write(logunit(1),*) 'Loading triangle: ' call aot_table_open(L = conf, parent = thandle, thandle = tri_handle, & & key = 'object') call aot_table_open(L=conf, parent = tri_handle, thandle = tri_subHandle, & & pos = 1 ) if ( tri_subHandle .eq. 0) then !object is a single table allocate(me(1)) call aot_table_close(L=conf, thandle=tri_subHandle) call tem_load_triangle_single(me(1), transform, conf, tri_handle) else !object is a multiple table call aot_table_close(L=conf, thandle=tri_subHandle) nObjects = aot_table_length(L=conf, thandle=tri_handle) allocate(me(nObjects)) do iObj=1,nObjects write(logunit(2),*) ' triangle ', iObj call aot_table_open(L=conf, parent=tri_handle, thandle=tri_suBHandle,& & pos=iObj) call tem_load_triangle_single(me(iObj), transform, conf, tri_Subhandle) call aot_table_close(L=conf, thandle=tri_subHandle) write(logunit(2),*) '' end do end if call aot_table_close(L=conf, thandle=tri_Handle) end subroutine tem_load_triangle ! **************************************************************************** ! **************************************************************************** !> Load single triangle from config file subroutine tem_load_triangle_single(me, transform, conf, thandle ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------! !inferface variables !> single triangle type(tem_triangle_type), intent(out) :: me !> transformation for spatial object type(tem_transformation_type), intent(in) :: transform !> lua state type(flu_state) :: conf integer, intent(in) :: thandle !< handle for canonical objects !--------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! local varaibles integer :: vError(3), errFatal(3) integer :: iNode integer :: sub_handle !--------------------------------------------------------------------------! errFatal = aoterr_fatal call aot_table_open(L=conf, parent=thandle, thandle=sub_handle, & & key='nodes') do iNode=1,3 call aot_get_val(L=conf, thandle=sub_handle, & & val=me%nodes(:,iNode), & & pos=iNode, ErrCode=vError) if (any(btest(vError, errFatal))) then write(logunit(0),*) ' Error in configuration: triangle node nr ', iNode write(logunit(0),*) ' is not defined' call tem_abort() end if end do call aot_table_close(L=conf, thandle=sub_handle) write(logunit(2),*) ' node 1: ', me%nodes(:,1) write(logunit(2),*) ' node 2: ', me%nodes(:,2) write(logunit(2),*) ' node 3: ', me%nodes(:,3) !apply transformation if(transform%active) then if(transform%deform%active) then do iNode=1,3 me%nodes(:,iNode) = matmul( transform%deform%matrix, & & me%nodes(:,iNode) ) enddo endif if(transform%translate%active) then do iNode=1,3 me%nodes(:,iNode) = transform%translate%vec & & + me%nodes(:,iNode) enddo endif endif end subroutine tem_load_triangle_single ! **************************************************************************** ! **************************************************************************** !> Compute, if the triangle intersects the cube. function tem_triangleCubeOverlap(triangle, cube) result(overlaps) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------! type(tem_triangle_type), intent(in) :: triangle type(tem_cube_type), intent(in) :: cube logical :: overlaps !--------------------------------------------------------------------------! real(kind=rk) :: halfwidth !--------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! halfwidth is increased by eps to avoid precision problem in ! triangöe box intersection. halfwidth = cube%halfwidth + eps overlaps = triBoxOverlap_loc( cube%center, & & [halfwidth, halfwidth, halfwidth], & & triangle%nodes ) end function tem_triangleCubeOverlap ! **************************************************************************** ! *************************************************************************** !> This routine checks for triangle box overlap !! !! this routine is conversion of c-code tribox3.c triBoxOverlap function. !! use separating axis theorem to test overlap between triangle and box !! need to test for overlap in these directions: !! 1) the {x,y,z}-directions (actually, since we use the AABB of the triangle !! we do not even need to test these) !! 2) normal of the triangle !! 3) separating axis test. crossproduct(edge from tri, {x,y,z}-directin) !! this gives 3x3=9 more 7tests !! This code is available at: !! http://fileadmin.cs.lth.se/cs/Personal/Tomas_Akenine-Moller/code/tribox3.txt function triBoxOverlap_loc( boxCenter, boxHalfwidth, triNodes ) & & result(overlaps) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------! !> box center real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: boxCenter(3) !> halfwidth of the box real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: boxHalfwidth(3) !> nodes of the triangle !! 1st index denote x,y,z coordinates and !! 2nd index denote nodes real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: triNodes(3,3) logical :: overlaps !--------------------------------------------------------------------------! real(kind=rk) :: nodes(3,3) real(kind=rk) :: dirVec1(3), dirVec2(3), dirVec3(3) real(kind=rk) :: mmin, mmax real(kind=rk) :: normal(3), edge1(3), edge2(3), edge3(3) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------! overlaps = .false. dirVec1 = (/ 1.0_rk, 0.0_rk, 0.0_rk /) dirVec2 = (/ 0.0_rk, 1.0_rk, 0.0_rk /) dirVec3 = (/ 0.0_rk, 0.0_rk, 1.0_rk /) ! move everything so that the box center is in (0,0,0) nodes(:,1) = triNodes(:,1) - boxCenter nodes(:,2) = triNodes(:,2) - boxCenter nodes(:,3) = triNodes(:,3) - boxCenter ! compute triangle edges edge1 = nodes(:,2) - nodes(:,1) edge2 = nodes(:,3) - nodes(:,2) edge3 = nodes(:,1) - nodes(:,3) ! separating axis test if(axistest(dirVec1, edge1, nodes, boxhalfwidth)) return if(axistest(dirVec1, edge2, nodes, boxhalfwidth)) return if(axistest(dirVec1, edge3, nodes, boxhalfwidth)) return if(axistest(dirVec2, edge1, nodes, boxhalfwidth)) return if(axistest(dirVec2, edge2, nodes, boxhalfwidth)) return if(axistest(dirVec2, edge3, nodes, boxhalfwidth)) return if(axistest(dirVec3, edge1, nodes, boxhalfwidth)) return if(axistest(dirVec3, edge2, nodes, boxhalfwidth)) return if(axistest(dirVec3, edge3, nodes, boxhalfwidth)) return ! Bullet 1: ! first test overlap in the {x,y,z}-directions ! find min, max of the triangle each direction, and test for overlap in ! that direction -- this is equivalent to testing a minimal AABB around ! the triangle against the AABB ! test in X-direction mmin = min( nodes(1,1), nodes(1,2), nodes(1,3) ) mmax = max( nodes(1,1), nodes(1,2), nodes(1,3) ) if ( mmin > boxhalfwidth(1) .or. mmax < -boxhalfwidth(1) ) return ! test in Y-direction mmin = min( nodes(2,1), nodes(2,2), nodes(2,3) ) mmax = max( nodes(2,1), nodes(2,2), nodes(2,3) ) if ( mmin > boxhalfwidth(2) .or. mmax < -boxhalfwidth(2) ) return ! test in Z-direction mmin = min( nodes(3,1), nodes(3,2), nodes(3,3) ) mmax = max( nodes(3,1), nodes(3,2), nodes(3,3) ) if ( mmin > boxhalfwidth(3) .or. mmax < -boxhalfwidth(3) ) return ! Bullet 2: ! test if the box intersects the plane of the triangle ! compute plane equation of triangle: normal*x+d=0 normal = cross_product3D(edge1,edge2) if( .not. planeBoxOverlap(normal, nodes(:,1), boxhalfwidth)) return overlaps = .true. end function triBoxOverlap_loc ! *************************************************************************** !> This function check whether there is separating axis between triangle !! and box. !! This function can be optimized by explicitly providing cross_product result !! see example: !! http://fileadmin.cs.lth.se/cs/Personal/Tomas_Akenine-Moller/code/tribox3.txt function Axistest( dirVec, edge, nodes, boxhalfwidth ) result (success) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------! real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: dirVec(3) real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: edge(3) real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: nodes(3,3) real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: boxhalfwidth(3) logical :: success !--------------------------------------------------------------------------! real(kind=rk) :: vecA(3), p1, p2, p3, pmin, pmax, rad !--------------------------------------------------------------------------! success = .true. ! a_(i,j) = e_i x f_j vecA = cross_product3D( dirVec, edge ) p1 = dot_product( vecA, nodes(:,1) ) p2 = dot_product( vecA, nodes(:,2) ) p3 = dot_product( vecA, nodes(:,3) ) pmin = min(p1, p2, p3) pmax = max(p1, p2, p3) rad = abs(vecA(1)) * boxhalfwidth(1) & & + abs(vecA(2)) * boxhalfwidth(2) & & + abs(vecA(3)) * boxhalfwidth(3) if (pmin > rad .or. pmax < -rad) return success = .false. end function Axistest ! *************************************************************************** ! *************************************************************************** !> This routine checks for plane box overlap !> this routine is conversion of c-code tribox3.c planeBoxOverlap function function planeBoxOverlap( normal, origin, boxhalfwidth ) result(overlaps) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------! !> normal direction of the plane real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: normal(3) !> origin of the plane real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: origin(3) !> halfwidth of the box real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: boxhalfwidth(3) logical :: overlaps !--------------------------------------------------------------------------! integer :: iDir real(kind=rk) :: vmin(3), vmax(3), tmp !--------------------------------------------------------------------------! overlaps = .false. ! find min and max of x,y,z of distance between boxhalfwidth and origin ! depends on the direction of the plane normal do iDir=1,3 tmp = origin(iDir) if(normal(iDir) > 0.0_rk) then vmin(iDir) = - boxhalfwidth(iDir) - tmp vmax(iDir) = boxhalfwidth(iDir) - tmp else vmin(iDir) = boxhalfwidth(iDir) - tmp vmax(iDir) = - boxhalfwidth(iDir) - tmp endif end do if(dot_product(normal, vmin) > 0.0_rk) return if(dot_product(normal, vmax) >= 0.0_rk) overlaps = .true. end function planeBoxOverlap ! *************************************************************************** ! ************************************************************************** ! !> Write out an array of triangles in lua format !! Only if nTriangles <= 10 !! subroutine tem_triangle_out_vec( me, conf ) ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- !> triangle types to write out type( tem_triangle_type ), intent(in) :: me(:) !> Aotus type handling the output to the file in lua format type(aot_out_type), intent(inout) :: conf ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! counter integer :: i ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! create a table with name triangle call aot_out_open_table( put_conf = conf, tname = 'triangle' ) if (size(me)<=10) then do i = 1, size(me) call tem_triangle_out_scal( me(i), conf ) end do else call aot_out_val( put_conf = conf, vname = 'nTriangles', val = size(me) ) call aot_out_val( put_conf = conf, & & val = 'Write triangle is limited to 10 triangles' ) end if call aot_out_close_table( put_conf = conf ) end subroutine tem_triangle_out_vec ! ************************************************************************** ! ! ************************************************************************** ! !> Write out a triangle shape in lua format !! subroutine tem_triangle_out_scal( me, conf ) ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- !> triangle types to write out type( tem_triangle_type ), intent(in) :: me !> Aotus type handling the output to the file in lua format type(aot_out_type), intent(inout) :: conf ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- integer :: iNode ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! create a table with name triangle if not exist if( conf%level == 0 ) then call aot_out_open_table( put_conf = conf, tname = 'triangle' ) else call aot_out_open_table( put_conf = conf ) end if !write nodes call aot_out_open_table( put_conf = conf, tname = 'nodes' ) do iNode=1,3 call aot_out_val( put_conf = conf, val = me%nodes(:,iNode) ) enddo call aot_out_close_table( put_conf = conf ) call aot_out_close_table( put_conf = conf ) end subroutine tem_triangle_out_scal ! ************************************************************************** ! subroutine init_ga_triangle(me, length) type(grw_trianglearray_type), intent(out) :: me !< dynamic array to init integer, intent(in), optional :: length !< initial length of the container if (present(length)) then me%containersize = length else me%containersize = zerolength end if ! deallocate ... if( allocated( me%val )) & deallocate(me%val) ! ... and reallocate allocate(me%val(me%containersize)) me%nvals = 0 end subroutine init_ga_triangle subroutine destroy_ga_triangle(me) type(grw_trianglearray_type), intent(inout) :: me !< dynamic array to destroy me%containersize = 0 me%nvals = 0 if( allocated( me%val ) ) deallocate(me%val) end subroutine destroy_ga_triangle subroutine truncate_ga_triangle(me) !------------------------------------------------------------------------ type(grw_trianglearray_type) :: me !< array to truncate !------------------------------------------------------------------------ type(tem_triangle_type), allocatable :: tarray(:) !------------------------------------------------------------------------ integer :: ii !------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! nothing to do if container size is not larger than the number of values ! in the array. if (me%containersize > me%nvals) then allocate(tarray(me%nvals)) do ii = 1, me%nvals tarray(ii) = me%val(ii) end do call move_alloc(tarray, me%val) me%containersize = me%nvals end if end subroutine truncate_ga_triangle subroutine empty_ga_triangle(me) !------------------------------------------------------------------------ type(grw_trianglearray_type) :: me !< array to sorttruncate !------------------------------------------------------------------------ me%nvals = 0 end subroutine empty_ga_triangle !> adds the value to a given position inside the growing array. !! !! if the requested position is outside the current array bounds, the array !! will be resized accordingly. if it is inside the current array bounds, the !! element at the requested position will be replaced. subroutine placeat_ga_triangle(me, val, pos, length) type(grw_trianglearray_type) :: me !< array to place the value into type(tem_triangle_type), intent(in) :: val !< value to place at the given position integer, intent(in) :: pos !< predefined position !> optional length to expand the array integer, intent(in), optional :: length ! value to append is larger than all existing ones, ! just put it to the end of the list, this captures ! also the case of empty lists. ! in this case foundpos = me%nvals + 1 holds. if (pos > me%containersize) then ! expand the array, if its boundary is reached call expand(me = me, pos = pos, length = length) end if me%nvals = max( pos, me%nvals ) me%val(pos) = val end subroutine placeat_ga_triangle !> adds the values starting from a given position inside the growing array. !! !! if the requested position is outside the current array bounds, the array !! will be resized accordingly. if it is inside the current array bounds, the !! elements starting from the requested position will be replaced up to !! the element at position `pos + size(val) - 1`. subroutine placeat_ga_triangle_vec(me, val, pos, length) type(grw_trianglearray_type) :: me !< array to append the value to type(tem_triangle_type), intent(in) :: val(:) !< values to append integer, intent(in) :: pos !< predefined position !> optional length to expand the array integer, intent(in), optional :: length integer :: ub, ii if (me%nvals == huge(me%nvals)) then write(*,*) "reached end of integer range for growing array!" write(*,*) "aborting!!" stop end if ub = pos + size(val) - 1 if (ub > me%containersize) then ! expand the array, if its boundary is reached call expand(me = me, pos = ub, length = length) end if me%nvals = max( ub, me%nvals ) do ii = pos, ub me%val(ii) = val(1+ii-pos) end do end subroutine placeat_ga_triangle_vec subroutine append_ga_triangle(me, val, length) type(grw_trianglearray_type) :: me !< array to append the value to type(tem_triangle_type), intent(in) :: val !< value to append !> optional length to expand the array integer, intent(in), optional :: length ! value to append is larger than all existing ones, ! just put it to the end of the list, this captures ! also the case of empty lists. ! in this case foundpos = me%nvals + 1 holds. if (me%nvals+1 > me%containersize) then ! expand the array, if its boundary is reached call expand(me = me, length = length) end if me%nvals = me%nvals+1 me%val(me%nvals) = val end subroutine append_ga_triangle subroutine append_ga_triangle_vec(me, val, length) type(grw_trianglearray_type) :: me !< array to append the value to type(tem_triangle_type), intent(in) :: val(:) !< values to append !> optional length to expand the array integer, intent(in), optional :: length integer :: lb, ub, ii if (me%nvals == huge(me%nvals)) then write(*,*) "reached end of integer range for growing array!" write(*,*) "aborting!!" stop end if lb = me%nvals + 1 ub = lb + size(val) - 1 if (ub > me%containersize) then ! expand the array, if its boundary is reached call expand(me = me, pos = ub, length = length) end if me%nvals = max( ub, me%nvals ) do ii = lb, ub me%val(ii) = val(1+ii-lb) end do end subroutine append_ga_triangle_vec subroutine expand_ga_triangle(me, pos, length) type(grw_trianglearray_type) :: me !< array to resize integer, intent(in), optional :: pos !< optional predefined position !> optional length to expand the array integer, intent(in), optional :: length type(tem_triangle_type), allocatable :: swpval(:) integer :: explen, ii explen = 0 ! increase the container by the requested length of double it if( present(length) ) then explen = max( length, minlength ) else ! set the global minimum length, if doubling would be smaller than that explen = max(me%containersize, minlength) end if ! if a position is given, increase the container to at least the size to ! fit the position. if( present(pos) ) explen = max(explen, pos-me%containersize) ! if the current size plus explen exceeds the max container size, ! reduce the size to the max container size. if( (huge(me%containersize) - explen) <= me%containersize) then ! set max container size me%containersize = huge(me%containersize) else ! set the new container size me%containersize = me%containersize + explen end if if ( me%nvals > 0 ) then allocate(swpval(me%containersize)) do ii = 1, me%nvals swpval(ii) = me%val(ii) end do call move_alloc( swpval, me%val ) else ! me%nvals == 0 if ( allocated(me%val) ) deallocate( me%val ) allocate( me%val(me%containersize) ) end if end subroutine expand_ga_triangle end module tem_triangle_module !> \page triangle Triangle !! Triangles are defined by three nodes. It is possible to define triangles !! as a geometry kind. Also, the planes and hollow boxes are converted to !! triangles internally. !! !! Valid definition: !! \li Single triangle !! \verbatim !! geometry={ !! kind='triangle', !! object={ !! nodes = { -- triangle 1 !! {0.0, 0.0, 0.5}, -- node 1 !! {-0.5, -0.5, -0.5}, -- node 2 !! {0.5, -0.5, -0.5} -- node 3 !! } !! } !! } !! \endverbatim !! !! \li Multiple triangles !! \verbatim !! geometry={ !! kind='triangle', !! object={ !! { !! nodes = { -- triangle 1 !! {0.0, 0.0, 0.5}, -- node 1 !! {-0.5, -0.5, -0.5}, -- node 2 !! {0.5, -0.5, -0.5} -- node 3 !! } !! }, !! { !! nodes = { -- triangle 2 !! {0.0, 0.0, 0.5}, -- node 1 !! {-0.5, -0.5, -0.5}, -- node 2 !! {-0.5, 0.5, -0.5} -- node 3 !! } !! } !! } !! } !! \endverbatim !! \n\n !! A pyramid has created with four triangles and a plane. The corresponding !! seeder code is given below: !! \include testsuite/triangle/seeder.lua !! \n\n !! Mesh with pyramid generated by the seeder file: !! \image html triangle.png !! \image html triangle_withedges.png