hvs_output_config_type Derived Type

type, public :: hvs_output_config_type

This data type contains data loaded from disk.


type~~hvs_output_config_type~~InheritsGraph type~hvs_output_config_type hvs_output_config_type type~hvs_vtk_config_type hvs_vtk_config_type type~hvs_output_config_type->type~hvs_vtk_config_type vtk

Inherited by

type~~hvs_output_config_type~~InheritedByGraph type~hvs_output_config_type hvs_output_config_type type~tem_tracking_config_type tem_tracking_config_type type~tem_tracking_config_type->type~hvs_output_config_type output_config type~tem_tracking_type tem_tracking_type type~tem_tracking_type->type~tem_tracking_config_type config



Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
integer, public :: vis_kind

Kind of visualization file to use for the output.

type(hvs_vtk_config_type), public :: vtk

Description of the vtk configuration (used when vis_kind='vtk')

logical, public :: useGetPoint

Logic to decide to use get_point or get_element to dump data

integer, public :: nDofs

Stores the number of output dofs to be dumped.

Source Code

  type hvs_output_config_type
    !> Kind of visualization file to use for the output.
    integer :: vis_kind

    !> Description of the vtk configuration (used when vis_kind='vtk')
    type(hvs_vtk_config_type) :: vtk

    !> Logic to decide to use get_point or get_element to dump data
    logical :: useGetPoint

    !> Stores the number of output dofs to be dumped.
    !! @todo KM: 20160425 nDofs is reasonable to configure in output
    !! only for vtk so move to vtk_type.
    integer :: nDofs

  end type hvs_output_config_type