tem_pointData_type Derived Type

type, public :: tem_pointData_type

Data type contains growing array of points, evaluated variable value on those points per level For solver variables, additional information like elemPos and local coord are stored for every point.


type~~tem_pointdata_type~~InheritsGraph type~tem_pointdata_type tem_pointData_type type~grw_intarray_type grw_intarray_type type~tem_pointdata_type->type~grw_intarray_type elemPos, pntlevel type~grw_chararray_type grw_chararray_type type~tem_pointdata_type->type~grw_chararray_type offset_bit type~dyn_longarray_type dyn_longarray_type type~tem_pointdata_type->type~dyn_longarray_type treeID type~tem_grwpoints_type tem_grwPoints_type type~tem_pointdata_type->type~tem_grwpoints_type grwPnt type~tem_sourceelems_type tem_sourceElems_type type~tem_pointdata_type->type~tem_sourceelems_type srcElem type~grw_realarray_type grw_realarray_type type~tem_grwpoints_type->type~grw_realarray_type coordX, coordY, coordZ type~tem_sourceelems_type->type~grw_intarray_type first, last, elemPos type~tem_sourceelems_type->type~grw_realarray_type weight

Inherited by

type~~tem_pointdata_type~~InheritedByGraph type~tem_pointdata_type tem_pointData_type type~tem_pointdata_list_type tem_pointData_list_type type~tem_pointdata_list_type->type~tem_pointdata_type pntLvl, mapToTree type~tem_st_fun_listelem_type tem_st_fun_listElem_type type~tem_st_fun_listelem_type->type~tem_pointdata_list_type pntData type~tem_st_fun_listelem_type->type~tem_st_fun_listelem_type next type~tem_st_fun_linkedlist_type tem_st_fun_linkedList_type type~tem_st_fun_linkedlist_type->type~tem_st_fun_listelem_type head


Source Code


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
integer, public :: nPnts = 0

Number of points in the growing array

type(tem_grwPoints_type), public :: grwPnt

growing array of points either global space coorinate in treelmmesh or local coordinate with on a reference element

type(dyn_longarray_type), public :: treeID

Unique treeID in finest level to create unique list of grwPnt

type(grw_chararray_type), public :: offset_bit

Offset bit encodes direction of boundary for surface coupling. used to translate space coordinate in the offset direction to determine the treeID in remote domain

type(grw_intarray_type), public :: elemPos

elemPos refer to position in linearized tree. size: number of points

type(grw_intarray_type), public :: pntlevel

For solver variables, pntlevel refer to the local level of the point In case of coupling, the requested level could differ from local level, hence we stored the local level explicitly size: number of points

type(tem_sourceElems_type), public :: srcElem

Contains source elements required for interpolation to derive solver variables for every point

Source Code

  type tem_pointData_type
    !> Number of points in the growing array
    integer :: nPnts = 0

    !> growing array of points either global space coorinate in treelmmesh or
    !! local coordinate with on a reference element
    type(tem_grwPoints_type) :: grwPnt

    !> Unique treeID in finest level to create unique list of grwPnt
    type(dyn_longArray_type) :: treeID

    !> Offset bit encodes direction of boundary for surface coupling.
    !! used to translate space coordinate in the offset direction
    !! to determine the treeID in remote domain
    type(grw_charArray_type) :: offset_bit

    !> elemPos refer to position in linearized tree.
    !! size: number of points
    type(grw_intArray_type) :: elemPos

    !> For solver variables, pntlevel refer to the local level of the point
    !! In case of coupling, the requested level could differ from local
    !! level, hence we stored the local level explicitly
    !! size: number of points
    type(grw_intArray_type) :: pntlevel

    !> Contains source elements required for interpolation to derive
    !! solver variables for every point
    type(tem_sourceElems_type) :: srcElem
  end type tem_pointData_type