tem_sourceElems_type Derived Type

type, public :: tem_sourceElems_type

Contains source elements required for interpolation to derive solver variables


type~~tem_sourceelems_type~~InheritsGraph type~tem_sourceelems_type tem_sourceElems_type type~grw_intarray_type grw_intarray_type type~tem_sourceelems_type->type~grw_intarray_type first, last, elemPos type~grw_realarray_type grw_realarray_type type~tem_sourceelems_type->type~grw_realarray_type weight

Inherited by

type~~tem_sourceelems_type~~InheritedByGraph type~tem_sourceelems_type tem_sourceElems_type type~tem_pointdata_type tem_pointData_type type~tem_pointdata_type->type~tem_sourceelems_type srcElem type~tem_pointdata_list_type tem_pointData_list_type type~tem_pointdata_list_type->type~tem_pointdata_type pntLvl, mapToTree type~tem_st_fun_listelem_type tem_st_fun_listElem_type type~tem_st_fun_listelem_type->type~tem_pointdata_list_type pntData type~tem_st_fun_listelem_type->type~tem_st_fun_listelem_type next type~tem_st_fun_linkedlist_type tem_st_fun_linkedList_type type~tem_st_fun_linkedlist_type->type~tem_st_fun_listelem_type head


Source Code


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
type(grw_intarray_type), public :: first

First position of source elements in srcElemPos per point size: nPnts

type(grw_intarray_type), public :: last

last position of source elements in srcElemPos per point size: nPnts

type(grw_intarray_type), public :: elemPos

Position of source elements in levelwise list for solver variable. position in leveldesc is used so interpolation can be done level wise using ghost elements. In Musubi, the genertic get_valOfIndex routine and get_valOfIndex routine of state variables does not include halo elements for interpolation

type(grw_realarray_type), public :: weight

Interpolation weight for each source elements

Source Code

  type tem_sourceElems_type
    !> First position of source elements in srcElemPos per point
    !! size: nPnts
    type(grw_intArray_type) :: first

    !> last position of source elements in srcElemPos per point
    !! size: nPnts
    type(grw_intArray_type) :: last

    !> Position of source elements in levelwise list for solver variable.
    !! position in leveldesc is used so interpolation can be done level wise
    !! using ghost elements.
    !! In Musubi, the genertic get_valOfIndex routine and get_valOfIndex routine
    !! of state variables does not include halo elements for interpolation
    type(grw_intArray_type) :: elemPos

    !> Interpolation weight for each source elements
    type(grw_realArray_type) :: weight
  end type tem_sourceElems_type