tem_reduction_spatial_type Derived Type

type, public :: tem_reduction_spatial_type

This data type is providing the input for the reduction routines It must be filled by the solver, before the reduction is called It exists on each process

Inherited by

type~~tem_reduction_spatial_type~~InheritedByGraph type~tem_reduction_spatial_type tem_reduction_spatial_type type~tem_convergence_type tem_convergence_type type~tem_convergence_type->type~tem_reduction_spatial_type redSpatial type~hvs_ascii_type hvs_ascii_type type~hvs_ascii_type->type~tem_reduction_spatial_type redSpatial type~tem_abortcriteria_type tem_abortCriteria_type type~tem_abortcriteria_type->type~tem_convergence_type convergence type~hvs_output_file_type hvs_output_file_type type~hvs_output_file_type->type~hvs_ascii_type ascii type~tem_simcontrol_type tem_simControl_type type~tem_simcontrol_type->type~tem_abortcriteria_type abortCriteria type~tem_tracking_instance_type tem_tracking_instance_type type~tem_tracking_instance_type->type~hvs_output_file_type output_file type~tem_general_type tem_general_type type~tem_general_type->type~tem_simcontrol_type simControl type~tem_tracking_type tem_tracking_type type~tem_tracking_type->type~tem_tracking_instance_type instance



Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
integer, public :: nComponents

amount of components of the quantity to reduce

real(kind=rk), public, allocatable :: val(:)

the result from the reduction operation size: nComponents

integer, public :: nElems

how many elements have been included into the reduction (so far)

real(kind=rk), public :: Vloc

local part of total volume of intersected elements

character(len=labelLen), public :: reduceType = ''

Which operation to perform on the list of elements

Source Code

  type tem_reduction_spatial_type

    !> amount of components of the quantity to reduce
    integer :: nComponents

    !> the result from the reduction operation
    !! size: nComponents
    real(kind=rk), allocatable :: val(:)

    !> how many elements have been included into the reduction (so far)
    integer :: nElems

    !> local part of total volume of intersected elements
    real(kind=rk) :: Vloc

    !> Which operation to perform on the list of elements
    character(len=labelLen) :: reduceType = ''

  end type tem_reduction_spatial_type