Define quantities like the prefix, the mesh and the timestamp
Type | Visibility | Attributes | Name | Initial | |||
character(len=LabelLen), | private | :: | solverTag | = | 'unknown' | a unique tag for the solver including version |
character(len=LabelLen), | private | :: | solverKind | solver creating the input data (Ateles, Musubi) |
character(len=LabelLen), | private | :: | simName | = | '' | the simulation name |
character(len=pathLen), | private | :: | solverConfigFile | = | '' | the solver config file name |
character(len=PathLen), | private | :: | binName | name of the binary files (this variable is set for every timestamp differently, used for read and write) |
character(len=PathLen), | private | :: | binPrefix | prefix for the binary files (includes directory and file prefix) |
character(len=PathLen), | private | :: | headerPrefix | prefix for the header files (includes directory and file prefix) |
character(len=16), | private | :: | timestamp | the current time generated from tem_time_module |
integer, | private | :: | nElems | mesh directory Number of elements as read from the restart header |
type(tem_varSys_type), | private | :: | varSys | variable system dumped in restart header |