atl_container_module Module

This module provides central Ateles data type, containing the various data of the simulation.

The idea is to support different element types in the mesh, and collect them in the atl_container_module.atl_element_container_type.


Used by

  • module~~atl_container_module~~UsedByGraph module~atl_container_module atl_container_module module~atl_program_module atl_program_module module~atl_program_module->module~atl_container_module module~atl_initialize_module atl_initialize_module module~atl_program_module->module~atl_initialize_module program~ateles ateles program~ateles->module~atl_container_module program~ateles->module~atl_program_module program~atl_harvesting atl_harvesting program~atl_harvesting->module~atl_container_module program~atl_harvesting->module~atl_program_module program~atl_harvesting->module~atl_initialize_module module~atl_initialize_module->module~atl_container_module


Derived Types

container to collect all elements within our simulations domain


type(atl_cube_container_type), private :: cubes

The cubes inside the domain

type(atl_global_timestep_type), private :: time

Global timediscretization type

type(atl_physCheck_type), private :: physCheck

Physical checks information


public subroutine atl_init_elem_container(me, equation, conf, tree, time, readRestart, proc, commPattern, boundary)

Initialize the container module.

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type(atl_element_container_type), intent(inout) :: me

complete domain

type(atl_Equations_type), intent(inout) :: equation

Description of the equation system

type(flu_State) :: conf

Handle for the Lua config file

type(treelmesh_type), intent(inout) :: tree

The mesh in treelm format.

type(tem_time_type) :: time

Representation of the current time

logical, intent(in) :: readRestart

Should a restart be read?

type(tem_comm_env_type) :: proc

mpi communication environment with mpi communicator

type(tem_commPattern_type) :: commPattern

mpi communication pattern type

type(tem_BC_prop_type), intent(inout) :: boundary

private subroutine init_kernel(time, cube_container, equation, tree, commPattern)

Initialize the kernel states for all parts of the mesh.

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type(tem_time_type), intent(in) :: time

current time

type(atl_cube_container_type), intent(inout) :: cube_container

container of cubic elements.

type(atl_Equations_type), intent(in) :: equation

The equation we try to solve.

type(treelmesh_type) :: tree

The tree representation of the mesh.

type(tem_commPattern_type) :: commPattern

mpi communication pattern type