atl_eqn_nvrstk_module Module

Compressible Navier-Stokes equations for viscous flows.

The flow field is represented in terms of the conservative variables density, momentum and energy. The Navier-Stokes equations require the definitions of the inviscous Euler equations, as described in atl_eqn_euler_module and in addition the following parameters:

  • Dynamic viscosity mu
  • Thermal conductivity therm_cond
  • Internal penalization (for the diffusive term implementation in DG)

Optionally you can also provide a visc_limit to adaptively switch off the computation of the viscous terms if their estimated magnitude falls below this limit for an element. If visc_limit is 0 (the default) no adaptivity will be considered.

The following equation names are implementing the Navier-Stokes equations and require the settings described above.

  • navier_stokes (3D)
  • navier_stokes_2d (2D)
  • filtered_navier_stokes (3D) with turbulence modelling
  • filtered_navier_stokes_2d (2D) with turbulence modelling

A complete example for the configuration of the Navier-Stokes equations is given below:

  equation = {
    name      = 'navier_stokes',
    isen_coef = 1.4,
    r         = 287,
    material = {
      characteristic = 0.0,
      relax_velocity = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0},
      relax_temperature = 0.0
    -- Viscous parameters
    therm_cond = 0.5,
    mu         = 2.0,
    ip_param   = 4,
    visc_limit = 0
  equation["cv"] = equation["r"] / (equation["isen_coef"] - 1.0)

The settings for isen_coef, r, material and cv are inherited from the Euler equations, see atl_eqn_euler_module. Please note, that there are more parameters that may be set as described in atl_eqn_euler_module


  • module~~atl_eqn_nvrstk_module~~UsesGraph module~atl_eqn_nvrstk_module atl_eqn_nvrstk_module module~aotus_module aotus_module module~atl_eqn_nvrstk_module->module~aotus_module module~aot_out_module aot_out_module module~atl_eqn_nvrstk_module->module~aot_out_module module~tem_logging_module tem_logging_module module~atl_eqn_nvrstk_module->module~tem_logging_module module~atl_eqn_euler_module atl_eqn_euler_module module~atl_eqn_nvrstk_module->module~atl_eqn_euler_module module~tem_aux_module tem_aux_module module~atl_eqn_nvrstk_module->module~tem_aux_module module~env_module env_module module~atl_eqn_nvrstk_module->module~env_module module~atl_eqn_euler_module->module~aotus_module module~atl_eqn_euler_module->module~aot_out_module module~atl_eqn_euler_module->module~tem_logging_module module~atl_eqn_euler_module->module~tem_aux_module module~atl_eqn_euler_module->module~env_module

Used by

  • module~~atl_eqn_nvrstk_module~~UsedByGraph module~atl_eqn_nvrstk_module atl_eqn_nvrstk_module proc~atl_eqn_write atl_eqn_write proc~atl_eqn_write->module~atl_eqn_nvrstk_module module~atl_equation_module atl_equation_module module~atl_equation_module->module~atl_eqn_nvrstk_module module~atl_eqn_nvrstk_hlp_module atl_eqn_nvrstk_hlp_module module~atl_eqn_nvrstk_hlp_module->module~atl_eqn_nvrstk_module module~atl_numflux_filnvrstk_module atl_numFlux_filNvrStk_module module~atl_numflux_filnvrstk_module->module~atl_eqn_nvrstk_module module~atl_eqn_nvrstk_var_module atl_eqn_nvrstk_var_module module~atl_eqn_nvrstk_var_module->module~atl_eqn_nvrstk_module module~atl_eqn_filnvrstk_hlp_module atl_eqn_filnvrStk_hlp_module module~atl_eqn_filnvrstk_hlp_module->module~atl_eqn_nvrstk_module module~atl_physfluxfilnvrstk_module atl_physFluxFilNvrStk_module module~atl_physfluxfilnvrstk_module->module~atl_eqn_nvrstk_module


Abstract Interfaces

abstract interface

  • private pure function invisc_indicator(nvrstk, mean, deviation, grad) result(isinviscous)


    class(atl_navierStokes_type), intent(in) :: nvrstk

    Description of the equation

    real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: mean(:)

    The mean of each state variable.

    real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: deviation(:)

    Estimation of maximal deviation of each state.

    real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: grad(:)

    Estimation of maximal gradient of each state.

    Return Value logical

    Resulting indication whether viscous terms can be neglected.

Derived Types

type, public :: atl_navierStokes_type

The Navier-Stokes equation properties are stored here


real(kind=rk), private :: mu

shear viscosity

real(kind=rk), private :: lambda

bulk viscosity

real(kind=rk), private :: therm_cond

thermal conductivity

real(kind=rk), private :: ip_param

The penalty parameter of the Interior Penalty paramter

real(kind=rk), private :: visc_limit =0.0_rk

Limiter to decide computation of viscous fluxes within elements.

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procedure(invisc_indicator), private, pointer, pass(nvrstk):: inviscous=> NULL()

This data-type stores the properties required


real(kind=rk), private :: turb_prandtl_num

Turbulent Prandtl Number

real(kind=rk), private :: sig_k


real(kind=rk), private :: beta_k


real(kind=rk), private :: sig_omg


real(kind=rk), private :: alpha_omg


real(kind=rk), private :: beta_omg


real(kind=rk), private :: c_mu


real(kind=rk), private :: alpha

\alpha used in limited turbulent eddy viscosity


type(atl_navierStokes_type), private, pointer:: nvrStk_type=> null()
type(atl_navier_stokes_rans_type), private, pointer:: filNvrStkRans_type=> null()

type, public :: atl_FiltNavierStokes_type

The Smagorinsky model for LES

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character(len=32), private :: model_type =''

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type(atl_navier_stokes_rans_type), private :: rans


public subroutine atl_load_navierStokes(navierStokes, euler, conf, eq_table)

Subroutine to initialize an equation of type navier stokes equation as defined in the configuration file


type(atl_navierStokes_type), intent(out) :: navierStokes

Output of this subroutine, the data inside this argument will be set to the values of the configuration file

type(atl_euler_type), intent(out) :: euler
type(flu_State), intent(in) :: conf

Variable of type flu_State which is a flu binding to the configuration file (input)

integer, intent(in) :: eq_table

A handle to the equation table inside the configuration file

public subroutine atl_save_navierStokes(me_euler, me_nvrstk, eqn_name, conf)


type(atl_euler_type), intent(in) :: me_euler
type(atl_navierStokes_type), intent(in) :: me_nvrstk
character(len=*), intent(in) :: eqn_name
type(aot_out_type), intent(inout) :: conf

public subroutine atl_load_filtNS(filtNavierStokes, navierStokes, euler, conf, eq_table)

subroutine to initialize an equation of type filtered-navier-stokes equation (turbulence modelling) as defined in the configuration file


type(atl_FiltNavierStokes_type), intent(out) :: filtNavierStokes

Output of this subroutine, the data inside this argument will be set to the values of the configuration file

type(atl_navierStokes_type), intent(out) :: navierStokes
type(atl_euler_type), intent(out) :: euler
type(flu_State), intent(in) :: conf

Variable of type flu_State which is a flu binding to the configuration file

integer, intent(in) :: eq_table

A handle to the equation table inside the configuration file