atl_eqn_nvrstk_hlp_module Module


Used by

  • module~~atl_eqn_nvrstk_hlp_module~~UsedByGraph module~atl_eqn_nvrstk_hlp_module atl_eqn_nvrstk_hlp_module module~atl_equation_init_module atl_equation_init_module module~atl_equation_init_module->module~atl_eqn_nvrstk_hlp_module module~atl_initialize_module atl_initialize_module module~atl_initialize_module->module~atl_equation_init_module module~atl_program_module atl_program_module module~atl_program_module->module~atl_initialize_module program~atl_harvesting atl_harvesting program~atl_harvesting->module~atl_initialize_module program~atl_harvesting->module~atl_program_module program~ateles ateles program~ateles->module~atl_program_module



private pure function inviscous_indicator_3d(nvrstk, mean, deviation, grad) result(isinviscous)

Estimate the impact of viscous terms in 3D.

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class(atl_navierStokes_type), intent(in) :: nvrstk

Description of the equation

real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: mean(:)

The mean of each state variable.

real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: deviation(:)

Estimation of maximal deviation of each state.

real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: grad(:)

Estimation of maximal gradient of each state.

Return Value logical

Resulting indication whether viscous terms can be neglected.

private pure function inviscous_indicator_2d(nvrstk, mean, deviation, grad) result(isinviscous)

Estimate the impact of viscous terms in 2D.

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class(atl_navierStokes_type), intent(in) :: nvrstk

Description of the equation

real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: mean(:)

The mean of each state variable.

real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: deviation(:)

Estimation of maximal deviation of each state.

real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: grad(:)

Estimation of maximal gradient of each state.

Return Value logical

Resulting indication whether viscous terms can be neglected.

private pure function inviscous_deactivated(nvrstk, mean, deviation, grad) result(isinviscous)

Deactivate adaptive inviscous computations.


class(atl_navierStokes_type), intent(in) :: nvrstk

Description of the equation

real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: mean(:)

The mean of each state variable.

real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: deviation(:)

Estimation of maximal deviation of each state.

real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: grad(:)

Estimation of maximal gradient of each state.

Return Value logical

Resulting indication whether viscous terms can be neglected.


public subroutine atl_eqn_nvrstk_init(conf, thandle, equation, nDimensions, initSource, initMaterial, varSys_data)

Initialization of the Navier-Stokes equations.

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type(flu_State), intent(in) :: conf

Handle to the Lua configuration

integer, intent(in) :: thandle

Handle to the equation table in the Lua script given in conf.

type(atl_Equations_type), intent(inout) :: equation

Equation system to set with this routine.

integer, intent(in) :: nDimensions

Number of spatial dimensions, the Euler equations should live on.

Has to be 1, 2 or 3.

type(atl_init_source_type), intent(inout) :: initSource

Type to be filled with the possible source variables for the equation system. These source variables are later on used to extract the corresponding information from the configuration file.

type(atl_init_material_type), intent(inout) :: initMaterial

Type to be filled with the possible material variables for the equation system. These material variables are later on used to extract the corresponding information from the configuration file.

type(atl_varSys_solverData_type), intent(inout) :: varSys_data

the pointer to the data required for the varsys

public subroutine atl_eqn_nvrstk_load_bc(equation, bc_state, bc_state_gradient, bc_varDict, bc_varDict_gradient, bc_normal_vec, bc_normal_vec_gradient, bc_trafo, bc_trafo_gradient, bc_label, bc_kind, thandle, conf)

VK! density for viscous terms VKbc_state_gradient(1,1) = bc_state(1) VKkvp%key = trim(bc_state_gradient(1,1)%state_name) VKcall append( me = bc_varDict_gradient, val = kvp )

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class(atl_Equations_type), intent(inout) :: equation
type(tem_bc_state_type), intent(out), allocatable:: bc_state(:)
type(tem_bc_state_type), intent(out), allocatable:: bc_state_gradient(:)
type(grw_stringkeyvaluepairarray_type), intent(out) :: bc_varDict

Dictionary of boundary variables in bc_state

type(grw_stringkeyvaluepairarray_type), intent(out) :: bc_varDict_gradient

Dictionary of boundary variables in bc_state_gradient

logical, intent(out) :: bc_normal_vec
logical, intent(out) :: bc_normal_vec_gradient
type(atl_eqn_var_trafo_type), intent(out) :: bc_trafo
type(atl_eqn_var_trafo_type), intent(out) :: bc_trafo_gradient
character(len=*), intent(in) :: bc_label
character(len=*), intent(in) :: bc_kind
integer, intent(in) :: thandle
type(flu_State) :: conf