atl_init_face_bnd Subroutine

private subroutine atl_init_face_bnd(minLevel, maxLevel, bc_header, face_list, boundary_list, scheme_list)

Creates boundary informations for the faces.

For each boundary face we create a virtual boundary element outside the fluid domain. Those virtual elements are indexed with an offset of the number of elements in the level. And these indices are than used for the faces to refer to this virtual element as a neighbor on the corresponding side.


integer, intent(in) :: minLevel
integer, intent(in) :: maxLevel
type(tem_bc_header_type), intent(in) :: bc_header

The boundary condition header data as given in the mesh.

type(tem_face_type), intent(inout) :: face_list(minLevel:maxLevel)

Description of the faces

type(atl_level_boundary_type), intent(inout) :: boundary_list(minLevel:maxLevel)

The created boundary information.

type(atl_scheme_type), intent(in) :: scheme_list(minLevel:maxLevel)

Scheme information


proc~~atl_init_face_bnd~~CallsGraph proc~atl_init_face_bnd atl_init_face_bnd interface~init~6 init proc~atl_init_face_bnd->interface~init~6 proc~tem_abort tem_abort proc~atl_init_face_bnd->proc~tem_abort interface~append~2 append proc~atl_init_face_bnd->interface~append~2

Called by

proc~~atl_init_face_bnd~~CalledByGraph proc~atl_init_face_bnd atl_init_face_bnd proc~atl_init_bndlist atl_init_bndList proc~atl_init_bndlist->proc~atl_init_face_bnd proc~atl_init_cube_container atl_init_cube_container proc~atl_init_cube_container->proc~atl_init_bndlist proc~atl_init_elem_container atl_init_elem_container proc~atl_init_elem_container->proc~atl_init_cube_container proc~atl_initialize atl_initialize proc~atl_initialize->proc~atl_init_elem_container



integer, private, allocatable:: nBndElems(:,:)
integer, private :: iLevel
integer, private :: iDir
integer, private :: iFace
integer, private :: iBc
integer, private :: nElems
integer, private :: leftPos
integer, private :: rightPos
integer, private :: bc_id
integer, private :: dimen
integer, private :: bndElemPos