calc_barycoord Subroutine

private subroutine calc_barycoord(treeids, nElems, bary_coord, tree)

Calculate barycentric coordinates of the tree ids given in treeids.


integer(kind=long_k), intent(in) :: treeids(:)

Tree ids you want to build the barycentric coordinates for.

integer, intent(in) :: nElems

the number of tree ids in in treeids.

real(kind=rk), intent(out) :: bary_coord(:,:)

Array of barycenteric coordinates for the cells given in treeidsubset. This array has to be allocated before you can use it as an input argument. The dimensions are: First dimension is subsetsize and the second dimension is the space dimension, i.e. 3.

type(treelmesh_type), intent(in) :: tree

Tree representation of your mesh.


proc~~calc_barycoord~~CallsGraph proc~calc_barycoord calc_barycoord proc~tem_baryofid tem_BaryOfId proc~calc_barycoord->proc~tem_baryofid

Called by

proc~~calc_barycoord~~CalledByGraph proc~calc_barycoord calc_barycoord proc~atl_init_cube_elem atl_init_cube_elem proc~atl_init_cube_elem->proc~calc_barycoord proc~atl_init_cube_container atl_init_cube_container proc~atl_init_cube_container->proc~atl_init_cube_elem proc~atl_init_elem_container atl_init_elem_container proc~atl_init_elem_container->proc~atl_init_cube_container proc~atl_initialize atl_initialize proc~atl_initialize->proc~atl_init_elem_container



integer, private :: ielem