mus_abortCriteria_type Derived Type

type, public, extends(tem_solverAborts_type) :: mus_abortCriteria_type

Musubi specific abort criteria.


type~~mus_abortcriteria_type~~InheritsGraph type~mus_abortcriteria_type mus_abortCriteria_type tem_solverAborts_type tem_solverAborts_type type~mus_abortcriteria_type->tem_solverAborts_type

Inherited by

type~~mus_abortcriteria_type~~InheritedByGraph type~mus_abortcriteria_type mus_abortCriteria_type type~mus_param_type mus_param_type type~mus_param_type->type~mus_abortcriteria_type mus_Aborts


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
real(kind=rk), public :: velLat_max = 0.15_rk

Maximal lattice velocity that will be tolerated in the simulation. The lattice velocity should usually be smaller than 0.1.

Type-Bound Procedures

procedure, public :: load => mus_abortCriteria_load

  • private subroutine mus_abortCriteria_load(me, conf, abort_table)

    Loading Musubi specific abort criteria from the abort_criteria table.

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    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    class(mus_abortCriteria_type), intent(inout) :: me

    Object to hold the solver specific configuration parameters.

    type(flu_State), intent(in) :: conf

    Handle to the Lua script with the configuration.

    integer, intent(in) :: abort_table

    Handle to the opened abort_criteria table that holds the abort parameters to load.