ply_prj_body_type Derived Type

type, public :: ply_prj_body_type

Additional data, required for the projection.


type~~ply_prj_body_type~~InheritsGraph type~ply_prj_body_type ply_prj_body_type type~ply_l2p_type ply_l2p_type type~ply_prj_body_type->type~ply_l2p_type l2p type~ply_fxt_type ply_fxt_type type~ply_prj_body_type->type~ply_fxt_type fxt type~ply_legfpt_type ply_legFpt_type type~ply_prj_body_type->type~ply_legfpt_type fpt type~ply_facenodes_type ply_faceNodes_type type~ply_prj_body_type->type~ply_facenodes_type faces fxtf_flptld_type fxtf_flptld_type type~ply_fxt_type->fxtf_flptld_type flpt C_PTR C_PTR type~ply_legfpt_type->C_PTR planChebToPnt, planPntToCheb type~ply_trafo_params_type ply_trafo_params_type type~ply_legfpt_type->type~ply_trafo_params_type legToChebParams, chebToLegParams type~ply_submatrix_type ply_submatrix_type type~ply_trafo_params_type->type~ply_submatrix_type sub type~ply_sub_vec ply_sub_vec type~ply_trafo_params_type->type~ply_sub_vec u type~ply_subvector_type ply_subvector_type type~ply_trafo_params_type->type~ply_subvector_type b type~ply_rowdata_type ply_rowdata_type type~ply_submatrix_type->type~ply_rowdata_type subRow type~ply_matrixexpcoeffoddeven_type ply_matrixExpCoeffOddEven_type type~ply_subvector_type->type~ply_matrixexpcoeffoddeven_type col

Inherited by

type~~ply_prj_body_type~~InheritedByGraph type~ply_prj_body_type ply_prj_body_type type~ply_poly_project_type ply_poly_project_type type~ply_poly_project_type->type~ply_prj_body_type body_1d, body_2d, body_3d type~sdr_temdata_type sdr_temData_type type~sdr_temdata_type->type~ply_poly_project_type projection



type(ply_legFpt_type), private :: fpt

The fast polynomial transformation which will be used in case of nonlinear equations. It is used if fpt is choses as projection method in the lua file

type(ply_fxt_type), private :: fxt

The Legendre Polynomial type for the Fast Orthogonal Function Transform via fxtpack. It is used if 'fxt' is chosen as projection method in the lua file

type(ply_l2p_type), private :: l2p

Projection method which cam be used for transfoamtion from modal to nodal space and vice versa. It is used if 'l2p' is chosen as projection method in the lua file

real(kind=rk), private, allocatable:: nodes(:,:)

Volume quadrature points in the reference element

type(ply_faceNodes_type), private, allocatable:: faces(:,:)

Facial quadrature nodes (reference element) for all three spatial direction and left and right face. These points are necessary to transfer boundary conditions given in physical space to modal space by projection (l2p or fpt)

integer, private :: nQuadPoints

quadrature points including oversampling factor

integer, private :: ndofs

degree of freedom of the scheme depending on maxPolyDegree

integer, private :: oversamp_dofs
integer, private :: min_dofs