Generate points using segments on canoND and add those points to a growing array of points if a point is found in subTree
Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
type(tem_canonicalND_type), | intent(in) | :: | me(:) |
canonicalND objects on which to work |
type(treelmesh_type), | intent(in) | :: | inTree |
Global tree |
type(dyn_intarray_type), | intent(in) | :: | map2global |
growing array for the map2global |
integer, | intent(inout) | :: | countPoints |
How many points there will be |
type(tem_grwPoints_type), | intent(inout) | :: | grwPnts |
growing array to store tracking points |
subroutine tem_cano_storePntsInSubTree( me, inTree, map2global, countPoints, &
& grwPnts )
! --------------------------------------------------------------------------
!> canonicalND objects on which to work
type(tem_canonicalND_type ),intent(in) :: me(:)
!> Global tree
type(treelmesh_type), intent(in) :: inTree
!> How many points there will be
integer, intent(inout) :: countPoints
!> growing array for the map2global
type(dyn_intArray_type), intent(in) :: map2global
!> growing array to store tracking points
type(tem_grwPoints_type), intent(inout) :: grwPnts
! --------------------------------------------------------------------------
integer :: nElems, nPoints, maxLevel, elemPos, neighPos, coordOfId(4)
integer :: iCano, iPnt, iQQN
real(kind=rk) :: coord(3), offset_a, offset_b, offset_c
real(kind=rk) :: unit_vec_a(3),unit_vec_b(3), unit_vec_c(3)
integer(kind=long_k) :: treeID, tOffset, neighID
integer(kind=long_k), allocatable :: subTreeID(:)
! --------------------------------------------------------------------------
maxLevel = inTree%global%maxLevel
! Append the physical points to the growing array of points
nElems = map2global%nVals
subTreeID = inTree%treeID(map2global%val(map2global%sorted(1:nElems)))
do iCano = 1, size(me)
! total number of elements
nPoints = me(iCano)%segments(1) &
& * me(iCano)%segments(2) &
& * me(iCano)%segments(3)
unit_vec_a = me(iCano)%vec(:,1) &
& / real( max(me(iCano)%segments(1)-1,1), rk )
unit_vec_b = me(iCano)%vec(:,2) &
& / real( max(me(iCano)%segments(2)-1,1), rk )
unit_vec_c = me(iCano)%vec(:,3) &
& / real( max(me(iCano)%segments(3)-1,1), rk )
! Generate points and append only the points available in tree
do iPnt = 1, nPoints
offset_a = real(mod((iPnt-1),me(iCano)%segments(1)), kind=rk)
offset_b = real(mod((iPnt-1)/me(iCano)%segments(1), &
& me(iCano)%segments(2)), kind=rk)
offset_c = real(mod((iPnt-1)/(me(iCano)%segments(1) &
& *me(iCano)%segments(2)), &
& me(iCano)%segments(3)), kind=rk)
coord = me(iCano)%origin + offset_a * unit_vec_a &
& + offset_b * unit_vec_b &
& + offset_c * unit_vec_c
! Get the treeID on the highest level
treeID = tem_IdOfCoord( tem_CoordOfReal(inTree, coord(1:3), maxLevel) )
! get position of the treeID in subTree
elemPos = tem_PosOfId( treeID, subTreeID )
neighPos = 0
if (elemPos <= 0) then
! Point must be outside fluid domain, its neighbor must be in subTreeID
! since it was added in tem_cano_initSubTree
coordOfId = tem_CoordOfId( treeID )
tOffset = tem_FirstIdAtLevel( coordOfId(4) )
directionLoop: do iQQN = 1, qQQQ
neighID = tem_IdOfCoord( &
& [ coordOfId(1) + qOffset( iQQN, 1 ), &
& coordOfId(2) + qOffset( iQQN, 2 ), &
& coordOfId(3) + qOffset( iQQN, 3 ), &
& coordOfId(4) ], tOffset)
neighPos = tem_PosOfId( neighID, subTreeID)
if (neighPos > 0) exit directionLoop
end do directionLoop
end if
if( elempos > 0 .or. neighPos > 0 ) then
! append the physical points to the growing array of points
call append( me = grwpnts, &
& val = coord )
countPoints = countPoints + 1
end if
end do !iPoint
end do !iCano
end subroutine tem_cano_storePntsInSubTree