A routine to dump global informations into the mesh header in lua format
Provide a version string, for the file format
Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
type(tem_global_type), | intent(in) | :: | me |
global type to be dumped |
logical, | intent(in), | optional | :: | root_only |
root dump global mesh when true and all process dump its own mesh when false |
subroutine dump_tem_global( me, root_only)
! -------------------------------------------------------------------- !
!> global type to be dumped
type(tem_global_type), intent(in) :: me
!> root dump global mesh when true and
!! all process dump its own mesh when false
logical, intent(in), optional :: root_only
! -------------------------------------------------------------------- !
character(len=300) :: headname
integer :: version
integer :: i
type(aot_out_type) :: conf ! aotus lua state to write output
integer :: locroot
logical :: root_out
! -------------------------------------------------------------------- !
if(present(root_only)) then
root_out = root_only
root_out = .true.
if (root_out) then
locroot = 0
locroot = me%myPart
end if
version = 1 !! Provide a version string, for the file format
headname = trim(me%dirname)//'header.lua'
if (me%mypart == locroot) then
! Write the header only on the root process
! open up the mesh header lua file to dump the stuff using aotus library
call aot_out_open( conf, headname )
!write header version
call aot_out_val( put_conf = conf, &
& vname = 'version', &
& val = version )
!write mesh label/name
call aot_out_val( put_conf = conf, &
& vname = 'label', &
& val = trim(me%label) )
!comments about the mesh
call aot_out_val( put_conf = conf, &
& vname = 'comment', &
& val = trim(me%comment) )
!write bounding box information in tha table
call aot_out_open_table( conf, 'boundingbox' )
!create another table for origin
call aot_out_open_table( conf, 'origin' )
!write three values of origin
do i = 1,3
call aot_out_val( conf, me%Origin(i) )
end do
call aot_out_close_table(conf)
!write bounding box length
call aot_out_val( put_conf = conf, &
& vname = 'length', &
& val = me%BoundingCubeLength )
call aot_out_close_table(conf)
call aot_out_val( put_conf = conf, &
& vname = 'nElems', &
& val = me%nElems )
call aot_out_val( put_conf = conf, &
& vname = 'minLevel', &
& val = me%minLevel )
call aot_out_val( put_conf = conf, &
& vname = 'maxLevel', &
& val = me%maxLevel )
call aot_out_val( put_conf = conf, &
& vname = 'nProperties', &
& val = me%nProperties )
! write effective boundary
call aot_out_open_table( conf, 'effBoundingbox' )
!create another table for origin
call aot_out_open_table( conf, 'origin' )
!write three values of origin
do i = 1,3
call aot_out_val( conf, me%effOrigin(i) )
end do
call aot_out_close_table(conf) ! close origin table
!create another table for origin
call aot_out_open_table( conf, 'effLength' )
!write three values of origin
do i = 1,3
call aot_out_val( conf, me%effLength(i) )
end do
call aot_out_close_table(conf) ! close length table
call aot_out_close_table(conf) ! close effBoundingBox table
! dump property head
call dump_tem_prophead( me = me%Property, &
& conf = conf )
! close the mesh header file
call aot_out_close(conf)
end if
end subroutine dump_tem_global