tem_create_subTree_of Subroutine

public subroutine tem_create_subTree_of(inTree, subTree, inShape, levelDesc, bc_prop, storePnts, stencil, prefix)

Create a subTree from a given inTree and an array of shapes.

All elements to the inTree%treeID are collected into the subTree%map2global array and a sub-communicator with participating processes is created. Additionally how many and which elements exist on my local process and are requested from the shapes is identified.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(treelmesh_type), intent(in) :: inTree

Global mesh from which the elements are identified and then stored to

type(tem_subTree_type), intent(out) :: subTree

new mesh

type(tem_shape_type), intent(in) :: inShape(:)

shape objects on which to work

type(tem_levelDesc_type), intent(in), optional :: levelDesc(:)

optional level descriptor needed for local shape

type(tem_BC_prop_type), intent(in), optional :: bc_prop

bc property which is used to identify elements belong to certain BCs

logical, intent(in), optional :: storePnts

To store space points in subTree

type(tem_stencilHeader_type), intent(in), optional :: stencil

stencil used to find bcID on certain links

character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: prefix

prefix for the subTree


proc~~tem_create_subtree_of~~CallsGraph proc~tem_create_subtree_of tem_create_subTree_of proc~tem_shape_initlocal tem_shape_initLocal proc~tem_create_subtree_of->proc~tem_shape_initlocal mpi_comm_split mpi_comm_split proc~tem_create_subtree_of->mpi_comm_split mpi_comm_size mpi_comm_size proc~tem_create_subtree_of->mpi_comm_size mpi_comm_rank mpi_comm_rank proc~tem_create_subtree_of->mpi_comm_rank proc~tem_subtree_from tem_subTree_from proc~tem_create_subtree_of->proc~tem_subtree_from interface~tem_copypropertybits tem_copyPropertyBits proc~tem_create_subtree_of->interface~tem_copypropertybits proc~tem_horizontalspacer tem_horizontalSpacer proc~tem_create_subtree_of->proc~tem_horizontalspacer proc~tem_abort tem_abort proc~tem_create_subtree_of->proc~tem_abort mpi_allreduce mpi_allreduce proc~tem_create_subtree_of->mpi_allreduce proc~tem_shape2subtree tem_shape2subTree proc~tem_create_subtree_of->proc~tem_shape2subtree interface~init~22 init proc~tem_create_subtree_of->interface~init~22 interface~destroy~22 destroy proc~tem_create_subtree_of->interface~destroy~22 interface~tem_seteffboundingbox tem_setEffBoundingBox proc~tem_create_subtree_of->interface~tem_seteffboundingbox proc~tem_subtree_from->mpi_comm_size proc~tem_subtree_from->mpi_comm_rank proc~tem_subtree_from->proc~tem_abort mpi_bcast mpi_bcast proc~tem_subtree_from->mpi_bcast mpi_reduce mpi_reduce proc~tem_subtree_from->mpi_reduce mpi_exscan mpi_exscan proc~tem_subtree_from->mpi_exscan proc~tem_copypropertybitsfromleveldesc tem_copyPropertyBitsFromLevelDesc interface~tem_copypropertybits->proc~tem_copypropertybitsfromleveldesc proc~tem_copypropertybitsfromtree tem_copyPropertyBitsFromTree interface~tem_copypropertybits->proc~tem_copypropertybitsfromtree mpi_abort mpi_abort proc~tem_abort->mpi_abort proc~tem_shape2subtree->proc~tem_abort proc~tem_shape_initpropelements tem_shape_initPropElements proc~tem_shape2subtree->proc~tem_shape_initpropelements proc~tem_shape_findelembybclabels tem_shape_findElemByBCLabels proc~tem_shape2subtree->proc~tem_shape_findelembybclabels proc~tem_shape_subtreefromgeominters tem_shape_subTreeFromGeomInters proc~tem_shape2subtree->proc~tem_shape_subtreefromgeominters proc~tem_shape_initbylevels tem_shape_initByLevels proc~tem_shape2subtree->proc~tem_shape_initbylevels proc~init_ga2d_real init_ga2d_real interface~init~22->proc~init_ga2d_real proc~destroy_ga2d_real destroy_ga2d_real interface~destroy~22->proc~destroy_ga2d_real proc~tem_seteffboundingbox_fromtree tem_setEffBoundingBox_fromTree interface~tem_seteffboundingbox->proc~tem_seteffboundingbox_fromtree proc~tem_seteffboundingbox_fromsubtree tem_setEffBoundingBox_fromSubTree interface~tem_seteffboundingbox->proc~tem_seteffboundingbox_fromsubtree

Called by

proc~~tem_create_subtree_of~~CalledByGraph proc~tem_create_subtree_of tem_create_subTree_of proc~tem_init_convergence tem_init_convergence proc~tem_init_convergence->proc~tem_create_subtree_of proc~tem_init_tracker_subtree tem_init_tracker_subTree proc~tem_init_tracker_subtree->proc~tem_create_subtree_of proc~tem_write_debugmesh tem_write_debugMesh proc~tem_write_debugmesh->proc~tem_create_subtree_of proc~tem_create_subtree_of_st_funlist tem_create_subTree_of_st_funList proc~tem_create_subtree_of_st_funlist->proc~tem_create_subtree_of


Source Code

Source Code

  subroutine tem_create_subTree_of( inTree, subTree, inShape, levelDesc,       &
    &                               bc_prop, storePnts, stencil, prefix )
    ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    !> Global mesh from which the elements are identified and then stored to
    type(treelmesh_type), intent(in)                     :: inTree
    !> new mesh
    type(tem_subTree_type), intent(out)                  :: subTree
    !> shape objects on which to work
    type(tem_shape_type),intent(in)                      :: inShape(:)
    !> optional level descriptor needed for local shape
    type(tem_levelDesc_type ), optional, intent(in)      :: levelDesc(:)
    !> bc property which is used to identify elements belong to certain BCs
    type( tem_bc_prop_type ), optional, intent(in)       :: bc_prop
    !> To store space points in subTree
    logical, optional, intent(in)                        :: storePnts
    !> stencil used to find bcID on certain links
    type( tem_stencilHeader_type ), optional, intent(in) :: stencil
    !> prefix for the subTree
    character(len=*), optional, intent(in)               :: prefix
    ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ! local growing array for the map to the global tree
    type(dyn_intArray_type) :: local_map2global
    type(tem_grwPoints_type) :: local_grwPnts
    integer, allocatable :: map2globalTemp(:)
    integer(kind=long_k), allocatable :: tmp_treeID(:)
    integer :: iShape, iElem
    ! mpi variables for parallel writing of the log-wise trees
    integer :: color, iError
    ! if the local rank has part of the tracking object
    logical :: participateInMesh, globalParticipateInMesh
    ! if any element be found for this iShape
    integer :: local_countElems( globalMaxLevels )
    integer :: local_countPnts
    logical :: local_storePnts
    ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------

    if (present(storePnts)) then
      local_storePnts = storePnts
      local_storePnts = .false.
    end if

    subTree%useGlobalMesh = any(inShape(:)%shapeID == tem_global_shape)
    subTree%useLocalMesh = any(inShape(:)%shapeID == tem_local_shape)
    subTree%created_new_comm = .false.

    if (subTree%useGlobalMesh) then
      write(logUnit(5),*) 'Subtree encompasses all fluid elements'
      if (subTree%useLocalMesh) then
        if (present(levelDesc)) then
          write(logUnit(5),*) 'Subtree encompasses all elements of local domain'
          write(logUnit(1),*) 'ERROR:levelDesc is not passed to ' &
            &                 // 'tem_create_subTree_of'
          write(logUnit(1),*) '      levelDesc is required to create ' &
            &                 // 'subTree for tem_local_shape!'
          call tem_abort()
        end if
      end if
    end if

    ! Prepare output structure
    ! init here the sub-tree mesh
    subTree%global = inTree%global
    ! initialize the number of elements on this partition with 0
    subTree%nElems = 0
    subTree%global%nElems = 0
    if ( present(prefix) ) subTree%global%dirname = trim(prefix)

    check_shapes: if (.not. (subTree%useGlobalMesh .or. subTree%useLocalMesh) ) then
      local_countElems = 0
      local_countPnts  = 0
      call init( local_map2global, length = 128)

      do iShape = 1, size( inShape )

        call tem_shape2subTree(me         = inShape(iShape),  &
          &                    iShape     = iShape,           &
          &                    inTree     = inTree,           &
          &                    storePnts  = local_storePnts,  &
          &                    map2global = local_map2global, &
          &                    grwPnts    = local_grwPnts,    &
          &                    countElems = local_countElems, &
          &                    countPnts  = local_countPnts,  &
          &                    bcIDs      = subTree%bc_ID,    &
          &                    bc_prop    = bc_prop,          &
          &                    stencil    = stencil           )

      end do ! iShape

      participateInMesh = ( sum(local_countElems) > 0 .or. local_countPnts > 0 )

      ! abort if no elements are found for the given shape
      call MPI_ALLREDUCE( participateInMesh, globalParticipateInMesh, 1,   &
        &                 MPI_LOGICAL, MPI_LOR, inTree%global%comm, iError )
      if (.not. globalParticipateInMesh) then
        write(logUnit(1),*) 'Error: No elements found for ' &
          &                 // trim(subTree%global%dirname) // ' in the mesh'
        call tem_abort()
      end if

    else check_shapes
      ! For local or global shapes we always participate
      participateInMesh = .true.
    end if check_shapes

    if ( .not. subTree%useGlobalMesh ) then
      subTree%global%predefined = ''
    end if

    ! Exchange information about the mesh
    ! Now create a new communicator with ranks that own parts of the sub-mesh
    ! This is done with the color
    if (participateInMesh) then
      color = 1
      ! Not participating, set color to undefined
      color = MPI_UNDEFINED
    end if

    ! Input rank as a key to keep sorting as in global communicator
    ! reorder process ranks into tracking communicator
    if (subTree%useLocalMesh) then
      subTree%global%comm = MPI_COMM_SELF
      call tem_shape_initLocal(levelDesc, tmp_treeID)
      call mpi_comm_split( inTree%global%comm, color, inTree%global%myPart, &
        &                  subTree%global%comm, iError                      )
      if (iError .ne. mpi_success) then
        write(logUnit(1),*)' There was an error splitting the communicator'
        write(logUnit(1),*)' for the tracking subset. Aborting...'
        call tem_abort()
      end if
      subTree%created_new_comm = .true.
    end if

    if (participateInMesh) then
      call mpi_comm_size( subTree%global%comm, subTree%global%nParts, iError )
      call mpi_comm_rank( subTree%global%comm, subTree%global%myPart, iError )

      if (.not. subTree%useGlobalmesh) then

        if (subTree%useLocalMesh) then
          call tem_subTree_from( me     = subTree,   &
            &                    treeID = tmp_treeID )
          ! update the property list of the newly defined tree according to the
          ! the local shape (simply copy the bits)
          call tem_copyPropertyBits( levelDesc = levelDesc, subTree = subTree )
        else ! NOT useLocalMesh
          ! Copy the created dynamic local_tIDlist to a long integer array
          allocate( map2globalTemp(local_map2global%nVals) )
          ! Assign list of links to the temporary list, first sorting
          do iElem = 1, local_map2global%nVals
            map2globalTemp(iElem) = local_map2global                       &
              &                       %val( local_map2global%sorted(iElem) )
          end do

          call tem_subTree_from( me         = subTree,        &
            &                    map2global = map2globalTemp, &
            &                    grwPnts    = local_grwPnts   )
          call destroy( me = local_grwPnts )

          ! copy property bits from the global tree
          call tem_copyPropertyBits( inTree = inTree, subTree = subTree )
         deallocate( map2globalTemp )
        end if ! useLocalMesh with level desc

        ! Calculate the effective extents of the tracking sub-tree bounding box
        call tem_setEffBoundingBox( subTree, inTree )

      else ! useGlobalMesh

        ! assign the global properties to the subTree
        subTree%nElems = inTree%nElems
        subTree%global%nElems = inTree%global%nElems

      end if ! not global mesh?

    else ! NOT participating in subtree
      subTree%nElems = 0
      subTree%global%nElems = 0
      allocate( subTree%map2global(0) )
      subTree%nPoints = 0
      subTree%glob_nPoints = 0_long_k
      allocate( subTree%points(0,0) )
    end if ! Participate in subtree?

    write(logUnit(5),"(A,I0)") 'Found corresponding nElems: ', &
      &                        subTree%global%nElems

    call destroy( me = local_map2global )
    call tem_horizontalSpacer( fUnit= logUnit(5) )

  end subroutine tem_create_subTree_of