atl_eqn_nvrstk_load_bc Subroutine

public subroutine atl_eqn_nvrstk_load_bc(equation, bc_state, bc_state_gradient, bc_varDict, bc_varDict_gradient, bc_normal_vec, bc_normal_vec_gradient, bc_trafo, bc_trafo_gradient, bc_label, bc_kind, thandle, conf)

VK! density for viscous terms VKbc_state_gradient(1,1) = bc_state(1) VKkvp%key = trim(bc_state_gradient(1,1)%state_name) VKcall append( me = bc_varDict_gradient, val = kvp )

VK ! v_normal for viscous terms VK bc_state_gradient(2,1)%state_name = 'v_norm' VK bc_state_gradient(2,1)%style = 'dirichlet_mirror' VK bc_state_gradient(2,1)%isDefined = .true. VK kvp%key = trim(bc_state_gradient(2,1)%state_name) VK call append( me = bc_varDict_gradient, val = kvp )

VK ! v_tan for viscous terms VK call atl_load_bc_state( bc = bc_state_gradient(3,1), & VK & state_name = 'v_tan', & VK & style = 'dirichlet_mirror', & VK & conf = conf, & VK & bc_handle = thandle, & VK & varDict = bc_varDict_gradient, & VK & varSys = equation%varSys )

VK ! v_tan for viscous terms VK call atl_load_bc_state( bc = bc_state_gradient(4,1), & VK & state_name = 'v_tan2', & VK & style = 'dirichlet_mirror', & VK & conf = conf, & VK & bc_handle = thandle, & VK & varDict = bc_varDict_gradient, & VK & varSys = equation%varSys )

VK ! Temperature for viscous terms VK call atl_load_bc_state( bc = bc_state_gradient(pIndex,1), & VK & state_name = 'temperature', & VK & style = 'dirichlet_mirror', & VK & conf = conf, & VK & bc_handle = thandle, & VK & varDict = bc_varDict_gradient, & VK & varSys = equation%varSys )

VK ! ... the face values VK bc_trafo_gradient(1)%identity = .false. VK bc_normal_vec_gradient(1) = .true.

VK ! density for viscous terms VK bc_state_gradient(1,1) = bc_state(1) VK kvp%key = trim(bc_state_gradient(1,1)%state_name) VK call append( me = bc_varDict_gradient, val = kvp )

VK ! v_normal for viscous terms VK bc_state_gradient(2,1)%state_name = 'v_norm' VK bc_state_gradient(2,1)%style = 'dirichlet_mirror' VK bc_state_gradient(2,1)%isDefined = .true. VK kvp%key = trim(bc_state_gradient(2,1)%state_name) VK call append( me = bc_varDict_gradient, val = kvp )

VK ! v_tan for viscous terms VK bc_state_gradient(3,1)%state_name = 'v_tan' VK bc_state_gradient(3,1)%style = 'dirichlet_mirror' VK bc_state_gradient(3,1)%isDefined = .true. VK kvp%key = trim(bc_state_gradient(3,1)%state_name) VK call append( me = bc_varDict_gradient, val = kvp )

VK ! v_tan for viscous terms VK bc_state_gradient(4,1)%state_name = 'v_tan2' VK bc_state_gradient(4,1)%style = 'dirichlet_mirror' VK bc_state_gradient(4,1)%isDefined = .true. VK kvp%key = trim(bc_state_gradient(4,1)%state_name) VK call append( me = bc_varDict_gradient, val = kvp )

VK ! Energy for viscous terms VK bc_state_gradient(pIndex,1) = bc_state(pIndex) VK kvp%key = trim(bc_state_gradient(pIndex,1)%state_name) VK call append( me = bc_varDict_gradient, val = kvp )

VK ! For the viscous terms ... VK ! ... the face values VK bc_trafo_gradient(1)%identity = .false. VK bc_normal_vec_gradient(1) = .true.

VK ! density for viscous terms VK bc_state_gradient(1,1) = bc_state(1) VK kvp%key = trim(bc_state_gradient(1,1)%state_name) VK call append( me = bc_varDict_gradient, val = kvp )

VK ! v_normal for viscous terms VK bc_state_gradient(2,1)%state_name = 'v_norm' VK bc_state_gradient(2,1)%style = 'dirichlet_mirror' VK bc_state_gradient(2,1)%isDefined = .true. VK kvp%key = trim(bc_state_gradient(2,1)%state_name) VK call append( me = bc_varDict_gradient, val = kvp )

VK ! v_tan for viscous terms VK bc_state_gradient(3,1)%state_name = 'v_tan' VK bc_state_gradient(3,1)%style = 'neumann' VK bc_state_gradient(3,1)%isDefined = .true. VK kvp%key = trim(bc_state_gradient(3,1)%state_name) VK call append( me = bc_varDict_gradient, val = kvp )

VK ! v_tan for viscous terms VK bc_state_gradient(4,1)%state_name = 'v_tan2' VK bc_state_gradient(4,1)%style = 'neumann' VK bc_state_gradient(4,1)%isDefined = .true. VK kvp%key = trim(bc_state_gradient(4,1)%state_name) VK call append( me = bc_varDict_gradient, val = kvp )

VK ! Energy for viscous terms VK bc_state_gradient(pIndex,1) = bc_state(pIndex) VK kvp%key = trim(bc_state_gradient(pIndex,1)%state_name) VK call append( me = bc_varDict_gradient, val = kvp )

VK ! add the conservative ones to varDict VK do iVar=1,pIndex VK kvp%key = trim(bc_state_gradient(iVar)%state_name) VK call append( me = bc_varDict_gradient, val = kvp ) VK end do

VK VK ! For the viscous parts of the equation VK ! ... the face values VK bc_trafo_gradient(1)%identity = .false. VK bc_normal_vec_gradient(1) = .true.

VK bc_state_gradient(iVar, 1) = bc_state_gradient(iVar,2) VK kvp%key = trim(bc_state_gradient(iVar,1)%state_name) VK call append( me = bc_varDict_gradient, val = kvp ) VK bc_trafo_gradient(1)%identity = .false. VK bc_normal_vec_gradient(1) = .true.

VK bc_state_gradient(iVar, 1) = bc_state_gradient(iVar,2) VK kvp%key = trim(bc_state_gradient(iVar,1)%state_name) VK call append( me = bc_varDict_gradient, val = kvp ) VK bc_trafo_gradient(1)%identity = .false. VK bc_normal_vec_gradient(1) = .true.

VK bc_state_gradient(iVar,1) = bc_state_gradient(iVar,2) VK kvp%key = trim(bc_state_gradient(iVar,1)%state_name) VK call append( me = bc_varDict_gradient, val = kvp ) VK bc_trafo_gradient(1)%identity = .false. VK bc_normal_vec_gradient(1) = .true.

VK bc_state_gradient(iVar,1) = bc_state_gradient(iVar,2) VK kvp%key = trim(bc_state_gradient(iVar,1)%state_name) VK call append( me = bc_varDict_gradient, val = kvp )


class(atl_Equations_type), intent(inout) :: equation
type(tem_bc_state_type), intent(out), allocatable:: bc_state(:)
type(tem_bc_state_type), intent(out), allocatable:: bc_state_gradient(:)
type(grw_stringkeyvaluepairarray_type), intent(out) :: bc_varDict

Dictionary of boundary variables in bc_state

type(grw_stringkeyvaluepairarray_type), intent(out) :: bc_varDict_gradient

Dictionary of boundary variables in bc_state_gradient

logical, intent(out) :: bc_normal_vec
logical, intent(out) :: bc_normal_vec_gradient
type(atl_eqn_var_trafo_type), intent(out) :: bc_trafo
type(atl_eqn_var_trafo_type), intent(out) :: bc_trafo_gradient
character(len=*), intent(in) :: bc_label
character(len=*), intent(in) :: bc_kind
integer, intent(in) :: thandle
type(flu_State) :: conf


proc~~atl_eqn_nvrstk_load_bc~~CallsGraph proc~atl_eqn_nvrstk_load_bc atl_eqn_nvrstk_load_bc interface~append~5 append proc~atl_eqn_nvrstk_load_bc->interface~append~5 proc~tem_abort tem_abort proc~atl_eqn_nvrstk_load_bc->proc~tem_abort interface~truncate~3 truncate proc~atl_eqn_nvrstk_load_bc->interface~truncate~3 proc~atl_load_bc_state atl_load_bc_state proc~atl_eqn_nvrstk_load_bc->proc~atl_load_bc_state interface~init~2 init proc~atl_eqn_nvrstk_load_bc->interface~init~2 proc~tem_load_bc_state tem_load_bc_state proc~atl_load_bc_state->proc~tem_load_bc_state



integer, private :: iVar
integer, private :: nDims
integer, private :: pIndex
type(tem_stringKeyValuePair_type), private :: kvp