sdr_node_neighbors Function

public function sdr_node_neighbors(me, level_offset, iNode, coord) result(neighbors)

This routine identifies the 6 direct neighbors of a node in the prototree


type(sdr_protoTree_type), intent(in) :: me

neighbors are identified for this tree and neighbor of each node are stored at link_pos of each node in node_data type

integer(kind=long_k), intent(in), optional :: level_offset

First treeID on level

integer, intent(in) :: iNode

Node position in protoTree

integer, intent(in), optional :: coord(4)

if coord is present, no need to compute using tem_coordOfID

Return Value integer(6)


proc~~sdr_node_neighbors~~CallsGraph proc~sdr_node_neighbors sdr_node_neighbors proc~tem_idofcoord tem_IdOfCoord proc~sdr_node_neighbors->proc~tem_idofcoord proc~tem_coordofid tem_CoordOfId proc~sdr_node_neighbors->proc~tem_coordofid interface~tem_parentof tem_ParentOf proc~sdr_node_neighbors->interface~tem_parentof interface~positionofval~3 positionofval proc~sdr_node_neighbors->interface~positionofval~3

Called by

proc~~sdr_node_neighbors~~CalledByGraph proc~sdr_node_neighbors sdr_node_neighbors proc~sdr_build_prototree sdr_build_protoTree proc~sdr_build_prototree->proc~sdr_node_neighbors program~seeder seeder program~seeder->proc~sdr_build_prototree



integer, private :: iLevel
integer, private :: iDir
integer, private :: iSide
integer, private :: iNeighbor
integer, private :: offset(4)
integer(kind=long_k), private :: neighbor_tID
integer, private :: neighbor_pos
integer, private :: neighbor_level
integer, private :: coord_loc(4)