sdr_protoTree_module Module

This module provides the description of the evolving tree, as it is built up to match the given geometry.

The concept used here, is a proposal for an algorithm, following a level-wise iterative approach instead of an recursive one. This is better suited for parallel processing. Also it tries to follow more closely the principals from tem_construction and the solver layout. That is, treating seeder more like a solver in itself.

For flooding a concept of wet sides on coarser levels is used, all elements need to track just a single neighbor in each direction in this case. And the coarse ghost elements take care of flooding their children accordingly themselves.


Used by

  • module~~sdr_prototree_module~~UsedByGraph module~sdr_prototree_module sdr_protoTree_module module~sdr_proto2treelm_module sdr_proto2treelm_module module~sdr_proto2treelm_module->module~sdr_prototree_module module~sdr_boundary_module sdr_boundary_module module~sdr_proto2treelm_module->module~sdr_boundary_module module~sdr_refinept_module sdr_refinePT_module module~sdr_refinept_module->module~sdr_prototree_module module~sdr_boundary_module->module~sdr_prototree_module program~seeder seeder program~seeder->module~sdr_prototree_module program~seeder->module~sdr_proto2treelm_module program~seeder->module~sdr_refinept_module module~sdr_flooding_module sdr_flooding_module program~seeder->module~sdr_flooding_module module~sdr_flooding_module->module~sdr_prototree_module module~sdr_flooding_module->module~sdr_boundary_module


Derived Types

type, public :: sdr_protoTree_type

The protoTree is used to describe the preliminary tree, before it is actually extended to the full information of the mesh.

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integer, private :: nLevels

Keep track of the deepest level in the tree.

integer, private :: nLeafNodes

Number of leaf nodes.

integer, private :: nFloodedLeaves

Number of flooded leaves.

type(sdr_node_type), private :: node

List of all nodes in the tree, each node contains a list of the objects it is intersecting and a property bit mask. It is identified by its treeID.

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integer, private :: levelNode_first(0:globalMaxLevels)

The index of the first node on a given level in node%treeID%sorted.

integer, private :: levelNode_last(0:globalMaxLevels)

The index of the last node on a given level in node%treeID%sorted.

type(grw_intarray_type), private :: child_intersected_object

Temporary array intersected objects of 8 children which will later be copied to intersected_object in node_type.

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type, public :: levelValues_type

Auxilary data type to provide data on the current level iteration.


integer(kind=long_k), private :: ID_offset

First treeID on current level

real(kind=rk), private :: dx

Node cube length on current level

integer, private :: level

Number of the level itself.


public function sdr_node_neighbors(me, level_offset, iNode, coord) result(neighbors)

This routine identifies the 6 direct neighbors of a node in the prototree

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type(sdr_protoTree_type), intent(in) :: me

neighbors are identified for this tree and neighbor of each node are stored at link_pos of each node in node_data type

integer(kind=long_k), intent(in), optional :: level_offset

First treeID on level

integer, intent(in) :: iNode

Node position in protoTree

integer, intent(in), optional :: coord(4)

if coord is present, no need to compute using tem_coordOfID

Return Value integer(6)

public function sdr_neighbor_in_proto(proto, coord, iDir, neighbor_level) result(pos)

Find the neighbor position in protoTree for iDir on the same level or on any one above.


type(sdr_protoTree_type), intent(in) :: proto

preliminary tree

integer, intent(in) :: coord(4)
integer, intent(in) :: iDir
integer, intent(out) :: neighbor_level

Return Value integer

private function protoData_ofNode(node_pos, proto, geometry, level) result(protodata)

Small helping routine to get the variable data from a leaf.


integer, intent(in) :: node_pos
type(sdr_protoTree_type), intent(in) :: proto
type(sdr_geometry_type), intent(in) :: geometry
integer, intent(in) :: level

Return Value real(kind=rk)(11+proto%node%nColors)


public subroutine sdr_build_protoTree(me, geometry, header)

This routine builds the preliminary tree with geometry intersection and neighbor identification


type(sdr_protoTree_type), intent(out) :: me

preliminary tree created by this routine

type(sdr_geometry_type), intent(inout) :: geometry

type which contains all geometry object infos

type(sdr_confHead_type), intent(inout) :: header

some global information on solver name and version

public subroutine sdr_write_proto_as_restart(proto, geometry, itime, header, prefix)

Write current leaves of the prototree as treelm restart.

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type(sdr_protoTree_type), intent(in) :: proto

The prototree to output.

type(sdr_geometry_type), intent(in) :: geometry

Bounding cube, the prototree lives in.

integer, intent(in) :: itime

wave number in character format to prepend to filenames and timestamp

type(sdr_confHead_type), intent(in) :: header

some global information on solver name and version

character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: prefix

prefix for filenames

private subroutine create_children(me, parent, geometry, leVal, testAll, minlevel)

This routine creates children for each parent if children intersect with boundary object.

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type(sdr_protoTree_type), intent(inout) :: me

preliminary tree on which childern are created

integer, intent(in) :: parent

Position of parent node on the growing array of node_treeID and node_data in preliminary tree

type(sdr_geometry_type), intent(in) :: geometry

type which contains all geometry object infos

type(levelValues_type), intent(in) :: leVal

contains information on current level on which children are created

logical, intent(in) :: testAll

testAll objects only for root node

integer, intent(in) :: minlevel

private subroutine mark_leafNode(me, node_pos)

Small helping routine to keep track of leaf nodes.

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type(sdr_protoTree_type), intent(inout) :: me

Property bit mask to set the leaf bit in

integer, intent(in) :: node_pos

private subroutine sdr_mark_neighborHasBnd(proto, coord)

This routine marks 26 direct neighbors as has boundary bit


type(sdr_protoTree_type), intent(inout) :: proto

neighbors are identified for this tree and neighbors as marked with hasBoundary_bit

integer, intent(in) :: coord(4)

Coordinate of current node

private recursive subroutine write_childLeaves(meshunit, restunit, iLeaf, node_pos, proto, geometry, level)

Small helping routine to write leaves in order into a treelmesh formatted file.


integer, intent(in) :: meshunit
integer, intent(in) :: restunit
integer, intent(inout) :: iLeaf
integer, intent(in) :: node_pos
type(sdr_protoTree_type), intent(in) :: proto
type(sdr_geometry_type), intent(in) :: geometry
integer, intent(in) :: level