Geometric description of the space to mesh.
Type | Visibility | Attributes | Name | Initial | |||
type(tem_cube_type), | public | :: | universe | The universe given as a bounding cube. |
type(grw_pointarray_type), | public | :: | point | growing array of all points |
type(grw_linearray_type), | public | :: | line | growing array of all lines |
type(grw_trianglearray_type), | public | :: | triangle | growing array of all triangles |
type(grw_boxarray_type), | public | :: | box | growing array of all boxes |
type(grw_periplanearray_type), | public | :: | periPlane | growing array of periodic plane objects |
type(grw_spherearray_type), | public | :: | sphere | growing array of spheres |
type(grw_ellipsoidarray_type), | public | :: | ellipsoid | growing array of spheres |
type(grw_cylinderarray_type), | public | :: | cylinder | growing array of cylinders |
type(grw_spacerinterwovenarray_type), | public | :: | spacerInterwoven | growing array of spacer |
type(grw_spatialobjarray_type), | public | :: | spatialObj | Growing array of geometrical objects. |
type(sdr_attrList_type), | public | :: | attribute | Dynamic Unique array of attributes connected to the objects (seed, boundary or refinement) |
logical, | public | :: | smoothbounds | = | .true. | Smooth refinement towards boundaries. |
logical, | public | :: | smoothLevels | = | .true. | Smooth level jumps, avoid level jump > 1 in domain |
integer, | public | :: | nUserObjs | Number of user defined spatial objects i.e excluding spatial objects created for distance refine |