sdr_subres_fills_module Module


Used by

  • module~~sdr_subres_fills_module~~UsedByGraph module~sdr_subres_fills_module sdr_subres_fills_module module~sdr_subresolution_module sdr_subresolution_module module~sdr_subresolution_module->module~sdr_subres_fills_module module~sdr_config_module sdr_config_module module~sdr_config_module->module~sdr_subresolution_module module~sdr_proto2treelm_module sdr_proto2treelm_module module~sdr_proto2treelm_module->module~sdr_config_module module~sdr_prototree_module sdr_protoTree_module module~sdr_proto2treelm_module->module~sdr_prototree_module module~sdr_refinept_module sdr_refinePT_module module~sdr_refinept_module->module~sdr_config_module module~sdr_refinept_module->module~sdr_prototree_module module~sdr_prototree_module->module~sdr_config_module program~seeder seeder program~seeder->module~sdr_config_module program~seeder->module~sdr_proto2treelm_module program~seeder->module~sdr_refinept_module program~seeder->module~sdr_prototree_module module~sdr_flooding_module sdr_flooding_module program~seeder->module~sdr_flooding_module module~sdr_flooding_module->module~sdr_config_module module~sdr_flooding_module->module~sdr_prototree_module module~sdr_boundary_module sdr_boundary_module module~sdr_boundary_module->module~sdr_prototree_module


Derived Types

type, public :: sdr_subres_fills_type

Definition of values to use for colors in polynomial representations.


type(dyn_labelarray_type), public :: label

Name of the color, to which the color values apply.

type(grw_realarray_type), public :: fill

Actual value to use, where the color is present, defaults to 1.

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type(grw_realarray_type), public :: void

Actual value to use, where the color is not present, defaults to 0.


public subroutine sdr_subres_fills_add(fills, colorname, fill_value, void_value, pos, wasAdded)

Add a value definition for a color to the list of fillings.


type(sdr_subres_fills_type), intent(inout) :: fills

Table of color values to add a color definition to.

character(len=*), intent(in) :: colorname

Name of the color to define values for.

real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: fill_value

Value to use, where the domain is flooded by color.

real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: void_value

Value to use, where the domain is NOT flooded by color.

integer, intent(out) :: pos

Position of this color in the list of color values.

logical, intent(out) :: wasAdded

Indicator, if this value definition was added to the list.

public subroutine sdr_subres_fills_load(fills, conf, parent)

Load the filling definition for subresolved colors.

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type(sdr_subres_fills_type), intent(out) :: fills

Value definitions for individual colors.

type(flu_State) :: conf

Handle for the Lua script.

integer, intent(in) :: parent

Parent table, within which to open the fills table.

public subroutine load_single_fill(fills, conf, parent, pos)

Load the value fill definition for a single color.

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type(sdr_subres_fills_type), intent(inout) :: fills

Value definitions for individual colors.

type(flu_State) :: conf

Handle for the Lua script.

integer, intent(in) :: parent

Parent table, within which to open the fills table.

integer, intent(in) :: pos

Position in the table of fills to load.