3D Navier-Stokes Equations

The 3D Navier-Stokes equations represent instationary, viscous, compressible flows in three spatial dimensions. They are configured by setting the name in the equation table to navier_stokes.

The equation table for this system may look as follows:

equation = {
  name      = 'navier_stokes',
  isen_coef = 1.4,
  r         = 287,
  -- Viscous parameters
  therm_cond = 0.5,
  mu         = 1.e-5,
  ip_param   = 8*(degree+2)/(2*(degree+3)),
  material = {
    characteristic = 0.0,
    relax_velocity = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0},
    relax_temperature = 0.0

Note: you need to use the modg scheme to solve this equation system (scheme.spatial.name = 'modg').

The following example setups are available: * shear hat: a simple setup with an initial linear y-velocity profile left and right of the x-axis (no variation in z) with periodic boundary conditions all around. * shear tube: this prescribes a cylindrical jet along the x-axis in a medium at rest and checks thereby the momentum transfer across the resulting shear layer. Again, boundary conditions are all periodic.