In this example a cylindric velocity jet along the x-axis is simulated in a
periodic domain with a fluid at rest.
It illustrates the use of a positivity preserving filtering to ensure the
stability of the scheme.
To ensure the positivity throughout the domain and over the simulation time,
a strong stability preserving time integration and Lobatto integration points
have to be used.
The configuration is found in ateles.lua
-- Shear-Tube example for Navier-Stokes 3D --
-- This example illustrates the use of a positiviy preserving filter.
-- It utilizes a cubical fully periodic domain with a cylindrical jet
-- tube along the x-axis surrounded by a fluid at rest.
simulation_name = 'shear_tube'
-- Variables to be set for the simulation --
-- Polynomial degree used for approximation
degree = 3
-- Pressure
press = 1
-- Density
dens = 1.4
--Mach number
mach = 0.8
-- Control the Simulation times --
-- Set the simulation time and when information should be written out.
-- The max defines the max. simulation time, the min. where to
-- start the simulation and the interval, after how many iteraitions
-- information should be written to the screen.
sim_control = {
time_control = {
min = 0,
max = {iter = 15},
interval = {iter = 1},
check_iter = 1
-- Mesh configuration --
-- This setup uses a fully periodic cubical mesh.
mesh = {
predefined = 'cube',
refinementLevel = 2,
length = 0.125,
origin = {0.0, -0.0625, -0.0625}
-- Equation definitions --
-- For the 3D Navier-Stokes equations we need to define the
-- properties of the fluid and an internal penalization material
-- that is used in the implementation of the viscous fluxes.
equation = {
name = 'navier_stokes',
isen_coef = 1.4,
r = 296,
therm_cond = 5.92e-3,
mu = 4e-6,
ip_param = 4,
material = {
characteristic = 0.0,
relax_velocity = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0},
relax_temperature = 1.0
equation["cv"] = equation["r"] / (equation["isen_coef"] - 1.0)
-- Scheme definitions --
-- In the spatial discretization we have to use the modg scheme for 3D.
-- In time we use a 2 stage strong stability preserving explicit
-- Runge-Kutta scheme with fixed timesteps given by 'dt'.
-- The simulation is stabilized by a positivity filter that ensures that
-- pressure and density remain positive everywhere.
-- To guarantee this, the strong stability preserving scheme and Lobatto
-- integration points are required.
scheme = {
spatial = {
name = 'modg',
m = degree
temporal = {
name = 'explicitSSPRungeKutta',
steps = 2,
control = {
name = 'fixed',
dt = 1.25e-4
stabilization = {
name = 'cons_positivity_preserv',
eps = 1.0e-8
-- For the projection to nodal values in the evaluation of nonlinear terms
-- we use the FPT method.
-- Instead of the internal only Chebyshev integration nodes we use
-- Lobatto points for the nodal representation.
-- This is required for the positivity preserving filter.
projection = {
kind = 'fpt',
factor = 2.0,
lobattoPoints = true
-- Description of the Jet-Tube
jet_radius = mesh.length * 2^(-mesh.refinementLevel)
velAmpl = mach*math.sqrt(equation.isen_coef*press/dens)
velX = function(x,y,z)
if (math.abs(y) < jet_radius and math.abs(z) < jet_radius) then
return velAmpl
return 0.0
-- Define the inital conditions --
-- We need to set density, pressure and
-- the velocity in x, y and z direction
initial_condition = {
density = dens,
pressure = press,
velocityX = velX,
velocityY = 0.0,
velocityZ = 0.0
-- Tracking --
-- We track here a point (just origin is given)
-- and the quantities momentum, density and
-- energy. The interval defines after how
-- many iterations the quantity information
-- should be writen out.
tracking = {
label = 'track_momentum',
folder = './',
variable = { 'momentum' },
shape = {
kind = 'canoND',
object= {
origin ={ jet_radius/2, jet_radius*3/2, jet_radius*3/2 }
time_control = {
min = 0,
max = sim_control.time_control.max,
interval = {iter = 1}
output = {
format = 'ascii',
Projection: fpt, Oversampling 3.0, lobattoPoints
Polynomial representation: Q
Filtering: cons_positivity_preserv
Timestepping: explicitSSPRungeKutta, 2 steps
Boundary conditions: -