2D Euler Equations

The 2D Euler equations model inviscid, compressible flows in two spatial dimensions. It is configured by setting the name in the equation table to euler_2d.

Here is an example for the equation table of this equation system:

  equation = {
    name      = 'euler_2d',
    isen_coef = 1.4,
    r         = 287,
    numflux   = 'hll',
    material = {
      characteristic = 0.0,
      relax_velocity = 0.0,
      relax_temperature = 0.0
  equation.cv = equation.r / (equation.isen_coef - 1.0)

The fluid is described by the ideal gas constant (equation.r), the isentropic expansion coefficient (equation.isen_coef) and the isochoric specific heat (equation.cv). See atl_eqn_euler_module for all options.

Note: you have to use the modg_2d scheme to compute this equation system (scheme.spatial.name = 'modg_2d').

The following example setups are available: