General Procedure for Running the Testcases

For running one of the testcases:

  1. Go to the corresponding testcase folder:
    • ateles/tutorial/testcase/euler for the Euler testcase, or
    • ateles/tutorial/testcase/maxwell for the Maxwell testcase.
  2. In this folder there is already a lua input file ateles.lua in which the configuration for the simulation is defined.
  3. Create a folder called restart (the input file contains a section for configuring the restart options including the loaction for storing the restart files which is set to write = './restart/' by default). If you do not create said folder, the simulation will fail and give the following error: File Open MPI WARNING: MPI_ERR_NO_SUCH_FILE: no such file or directory.
  4. Run the simulation with ../../../build/ateles ateles.lua, where ../../../build/ateles is the path to the executable and ateles.lua is the name of the input file.

Now, you can see the simluation output in the terminal and finally the data files will be stored in the restart folder.